
 2023-04-15 11:12:09

How do firms finance their investments?The relative importance of equity issuance and debt contracting

1. Introduction

Corporate financial managers must decide how to finance their companys investments and profit shortfalls. Finance theory predicts that information frictions play an important role in this decision. Myers (1984) and Myers and Majluf (1984), for example, argue that asymmetric information about asset values imposes adverse selection costs on equity issuance. This leads to the prediction that firms whose asset values are opaque to outsiders will use debt to cover financing needs and issue equity only as a last resort. De Meza and Webb (1987) extend Stiglitz and Weiss (1981) to show that asymmetric information about asset risk leads to increased debt issuance costs. Their argument predicts that firms whose asset riskiness is not transparent to outsiders will issue equity to cover financing needs.

We test these predictions empirically by examining how firms finance their investments and profit shortfalls. Specifically, we estimate a multi-equation system whose dependent variables are financing sources, whose independent variables are factors affecting the need for finance, and whose coefficients are constrained to conform to accounting identities. Our model provides a richer menu of financing choices and a more detailed description of the financing deficit than has been studied in earlier papers. We disaggregate debt into short-term debt and long-term debt and allow firms to issue equity, repurchase shares, and draw down (or build up) their cash balances endogenously. As in Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999) and Frank and Goyal (2003) we take the financing deficit as exogenous, and we disaggregate the financing deficit into its components: investments in net working assets, investments in net fixed assets, profits, and dividends. We require that the aggregate adjustments of all the left-hand side variables to a change in a right-hand side variable exactly offset the change so that the sources and uses of funds identity is satisfied.

Our principal empirical findings are as follows. First, we find that investment-induced deficits are financed with both short- and long-term debt and equity but that cash balances are not a significant source of financing. The simultaneous use of debt and equity is predicted by Boot and Thakor (1993). Deficits caused by profit shortfalls, on the other hand, are financed primarily with equity. Existing literature (e.g., Shyam-Sunder and Myers,1999) assumes that investments and shortfalls in internally generated funds are financed in the same way, but our results show that this is not true. This finding also implies that market timing cannot completely explain equity issuance since profit shortfalls are more likely to be associated with low rather than high share prices.5 Second, we find that firms issue equity to fund investments in intangible assets such as Ramp;D and advertising campaigns and in funding internally developed investment opportunities (as compared to external acquisitions). We also find, consistent with Fama and French (2005), that small firms, high-growth firms, and less-profitable firms use more equity to cover their financing needs than large firms, low-growth firms, and more profitable firms. Third, we find that firms respond asymmetrically to positive and negative profit shocks. While firms use equity to cover profit shortfalls, they respond to positive profits by increasing their financial flexibility, that is, by replenishing cash balances and reducing debt issuance. And fourth, we use idiosyncratic risk to proxy for asymmetric information about the firm and Ramp;D plus advertising expenses divided by tangible assets to proxy for potential agency costs of debt. We find that, compared to low asymmetric information firms, high asymmetric information firms use less long-term debt and more short-term debt to finance investments in fixed assets. We further find that, compared to firms with low potential debt agency costs, firms with high potential debt agency costs use significantly less long-term debt and more equity to finance investments in net fixed assets.

Taken altogether, our results how that information and agency costs play important roles in firms financing decisions. However, we find no evidence that asymmetric information about the value of a firms assets causes equity to be used only as a last resort. In fact, equity is the predominant source of finance in situations, such as profit shortfalls, investment in intangible assets, and internally generated growth opportunities, where informational asymmetries and debt agency costs are likely to be high.6 Consistent with Myers (1977), firms with high potential agency costs seek to preserve financial flexibility when financing fixed assets.

Two recent studies by Frank and Goyal (2003) and Fama and French (2005), who test the pecking order theory of financing, are related to our paper. Unlike these papers, however, our interest is not in narrowly testing a particular theory of financing, but rather in achieving a deeper understanding how investment and cash flow shocks affect a firms financing decision. Frank and Goyal (2003) examine debt financing while we examine a broader set of financing decisions (cash, short-term debt issues, long-term debt issues, equity issues and repurchases). We also relax the Frank and Goyal (2003) assumption that financing decisions respond symmetrically to in



1. 简介

公司的财务经理必须决定如何为公司的投资和利润的短缺提供资金。金融理论预测,信息摩擦在这一决策中起着重要作用。例如,Myers(1984)和Myers和Majluf(1984)认为,关于资产价值的不对称信息会对股票发行造成不利的选择成本。这导致了这样的预测:那些资产价值对外界不透明的企业会用债务来满足融资需求,而发行股票只是作为最后的手段。De Meza和Webb(1987)扩展了Stiglitz和Weiss(1981)的观点,指出资产风险的不对称信息会导致债务发行成本的增加。他们的论点预测,那些资产风险对外界不透明的企业会发行股票来满足融资需求。






2. 数据和变量



Table 1列出了1972-2005年整个时期和几个子时期的变量汇总统计。我们发现,我们样本中的公司平均每年在净营运资产上投资360万美元,在净固定资产上投资2745万美元。公司的平均收入为3644万美元,而股息和回购分别为1825美元和803万美元。样本的内部融资(现金余额的平均变化)为794万美元。在外部融资方面,我们发现平均每两年发行的长期债务为1441万美元,而短期借款为337万美元。股票发行总额(净额)相对较大,每季度为2570万美元(1767美元)。债务和股票的平均发行量很大,而债务发行的中位数为零,股票发行的中位数接近零,这表明企业定期进入债务和股票市场,但当它们进入时,会发行大量股票。股权融资的平均数额很大,这也是《中国经济周刊》的结论。Fama and French (2005)这表明企业相对频繁地发行股票。



3 企业的融资决策

3.1 企业如何为投资融资

Table 2显示了企业如何为流动资产和固定资产的投资进行融资,以及融资变量如何对收入和红利的变化做出反应。A组显示的是无限制估算的系数估计值。B组显示的是在资金来源等于资金使用的限制下的估计值(公式(2))。我们将讨论的重点放在有限制的估计上,并提出无限制的估计,以研究限制系数对估计的影响。虽然 '来源等于使用 '的约束条件在0.01的水平上具有约束力,但本文的定性结果对该约束条件并不敏感。受约束和无约束的估计之间最明显的数量差异是在股权问题方程中。施加约束后,股权在为固定资产投资融资方面的重要性有所下降,而在为净营运资产投资融资方面的重要性有所上升。

B组显示,企业在为净营运资产和净固定资产投资融资时,对长期债务和股权的使用是不同的。当为一美元的净营运资产投资融资时,企业平均借入0.17美元的短期债务,借入0.12美元的长期债务,并发行0.72美元的股票。另一方面,当为固定资产净值的一美元投资融资时,公司平均依靠0.19美元的短期债务,0.51美元的长期借款和0.39美元的股权。现金持有量在为营运资产和固定资产融资方面发挥的作用很小。最后,股票回购并没有受到两种类型的影响。投资,支持文献中的常见假设,即投资和支付(以回购的形式)是独立,至少在边缘(例如。 Modigliani and Miller, 1961)。

3.2 股息对融资决策的影响


3.3 过去融资决定的重要性

融资选择可能是持久的。 如果忽略了,融资选择的持久性可能会导致对融资对投资和收入的敏感性的估计出现偏差。此外,债务和股票的发行可能与投资不同步。例如,企业可能在计划投资前一年发行债务或股票。这一决定又会影响到当年的债务或股权的发行量。我们通过在解释变量中加入滞后的因变量来解决这些问题。虽然过去的融资选择可能会影响到个人当前的融资选择,但公式(1)和(2)要求过去融资决定的总效应等于零。因此,我们限制滞后因变量的系数加起来为零。

Table 3我们没有发现因变量的持久性的证据。8 现金持有量的变化以及短期和长期债务的发行随着时间的推移而恢复,这与企业有固定的发债成本的想法是一致的,因此当进入债务市场时,他们发行的债务证券多于他们目前投资的需要。从第t-1年到第t年,短期债务的0.09美元/1.00美元的回归主要是通过增加长期债务0.07美元和股权0.04美元来实现的,多余的0.02美元导致现金余额增加。长期债务的0.09美元/1.00美元的回归是通过短期债务增加相同数额来实现的,而现金余额的增加和股票发行的增加则相互抵消。股票发行显示出一定程度的持久性,因此,在第t-1年发行1美元的股票,在第t年就会发行0.05美元的股票。如果在第t年,企业没有扭转第t-1年的高额股票发行,那么企业应该使用为其他目的而发行的股票。事实上,我们发现,第t-1年的股票发行增加了企业的现金持有量,减少了债务。

3.4 追踪融资成本

在该模型中,由 Frank and Goyal (2003) 长期债务是因变量,净融资亏损是自变量。他们认为,如果 '啄木鸟 '假设成立的话,估计的系数需要等于1.0(即 '跟踪 '融资脱媒)。此外,他们还认为,当外部融资减值被分解时,每个部分都应该跟踪减值。



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