
 2023-03-28 11:36:10


原文作者:Benjamin Graham, David Dodd. 单位:Mc Graw-Hill, Inc



关键词:均线; RSRS标准分指标; 价值投资; 量化交易












在批判性地考虑这一说法时,我们必须从一个强调但相当明显的断言开始,即当投资者的股票以合理的价格出售时,如果能够成功地识别这种 '增长型公司',那么他的资本肯定会得到极大的回报。但也不能否认,有一些投资者能够高度准确地做出这样的选择,而且他们已经从他们的远见和良好判断中获得了巨大的利益。但真正的问题是,是否所有谨慎和聪明的投资者都能遵循这一政策并取得公平的成功。


1.什么是成长型公司?国家投资者公司的讨论将增长型公司定义为那些“其收益从一个周期到另一个周期的移动”。需要多少个周期才能满足这个定义?事实上似乎在1930年之前,所有公开拥有的美国企业中,有很大一部分是在一个又一个周期中成长的。按照现在的理解,成长型公司的显著特征只在1929年和1936至1937年之间发展起来。在这一个周期中,我们发现大多数公司都未能挽回其全部的萧条损失。而少数公司则从其他公司中脱颖而出,正是这些公司现在被冠以 '成长型公司 '的赞誉。但是,由于这种区别实际上是基于一个周期内的表现,投资者如何确定这种区别会在未来更长时间内保持下去呢?






















  1. 价格是否会折损潜在的增长?第三个困难的来源可能是最大的。假设投资者对公司未来的发展有相当程度的信心,那么他有理由为这个有吸引力的因素付出什么代价呢?显然,如果他可以不花钱就得到一个好的未来,也就是说,如果价格只反映了过去的记录,他就是在做一项合理的投资。但是,如果市场本身就指望着未来的增长,情况当然就不是这样了。典型的情况是,被认为具有良好前景的股票以相对高的价格出售。投资者要如何判断价格是否过高呢?我们认为,这个问题没有很好的答案——事实上,我们倾向于认为,即使人们确切地知道一家公司在很长一段时间内注定要赚多少钱,也不可能知道今天为它支付多少才是合理的价格。因此,一旦投资者为增长因素支付了大量的费用,他就不可避免地要承担某些风险;即,增长将低于他的预期,从长远来看,他将为他得到的东西支付过多的费用,在相当长的一段时间内,市场对股票的估价将不会像他一样乐观。


外文文献出处:Benjamin Graham, David Dodd. Security Analysis[M]. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.1934, First Edition

Our extended discussion of the theory of common-stock investment has thus far led only to negative conclusions. The older approach, centering upon the conception of a stable average earning power, appears to have been vitiated by the increasing instability of the typical business. As for the new-era view, which turned upon the earnings trend as the sole criterion of value, whatever truth may lurk in this generalization, its blind adoption as a basis for common-stock purchases, without calculation or restraint, was certain to end in an appalling debacle. Is there anything at all left, then, of the idea of sound investment in common stocks?

A careful review of the preceding criticism will show that it need not be so destructive to the notion of investment in common stocks as a first impression would suggest. The instability of individual companies may conceivably be offset by means of thoroughgoing diversification. Moreover, the trend of earnings, although most dangerous as a sole basis for selection, may prove a useful indication of investment merit. If this approach


外文文献出处:Benjamin Graham, David Dodd. Security Analysis[M]. Mc Graw-Hill, Inc.1934, First Edition

Our extended discussion of the theory of common-stock investment has thus far led only to negative conclusions. The older approach, centering upon the conception of a stable average earning power, appears to have been vitiated by the increasing instability of the typical business. As for the new-era view, which turned upon the earnings trend as the sole criterion of value, whatever truth may lurk in this generalization, its blind adoption as a basis for common-stock purchases, without calculation or restraint, was certain to end in an appalling debacle. Is there anything at all left, then, of the idea of sound investment in common stocks?

A careful review of the preceding criticism will show that it need not be so destructive to the notion of investment in common stocks as a first impression would suggest. The instability of individual companies may conceivably be offset by means of thoroughgoing diversification. Moreover, the trend of earnings, although most dangerous as a sole basis for selection, may prove a useful indication of investment merit. If this approach is a sound one, there may be formulated an acceptable canon of common-stock investment, containing the following elements:

  1. Investment is conceived as a group operation, in which diversification of risk is depended upon to yield a favorable average result.
  2. The individual issues are selected by means of qualitative and quantitative tests corresponding to those employed in the choice of fixed-value investments.
  3. A greater effort is made, than in the case of bond selection, to determine the future outlook of the issues considered.

Whether or not a policy of common-stock acquisition based upon the foregoing principles deserves the title of investment is undoubtedly open to debate. The importance of the question, and the lack of well-defined and authoritative views thereon, compel us to weigh here the leading arguments for and against this proposition.

Secular Expansion as Basis. May the ownership of a carefully selected, diversified group of common stocks, purchased at reasonable prices, be characterized as a sound investment policy? An affirmative answer may be developed from any one of three different kinds of assumptions relating to the future of American business and the policy of selection that is followed. The first will posit that certain basic and long-established elements in this countryrsquo;s economic experience may still be counted upon. These are (1) that our national wealth and earning power will increase, (2) that such increase will reflect itself in the increased resources and profits of our important corporations, and (3) that such increases will in the main take place through the normal process of investment of new capital and reinvestment of undistributed earnings. The third part of this assumption signifies that a broad causal connection exists between accumulating surplus and future earning power, so that common-stock selection is not a matter purely of chance or guesswork but should be governed by an analysis of past records in relation to cur- rent market prices.

If these fundamental conditions still obtain, then common stocks with suitable exhibits should on the whole present the same favorable opportunities in the future as they have for generations past. The cardinal defect of instability may not be regarded, therefore, as menacing the long-range development of common stocks as a whole. It does indeed exert a powerful temporary effect upon all business through the variations of the economic cycle, and it has permanently adverse effects upon individual enterprises and single industries. But of these two dangers, the latter may be offset in part by careful selection and chiefly by wide diversification; the former may be guarded against by unvarying insistence upon the reasonableness of the price paid for each purchase.

They would be rash authors who would express themselves unequivocally for or against this basic assumption that American business will develop in the future pretty much as in the past. In our Introduction we point out that the experience of the last fifteen years weighs against this proposition. Without seeking to prophesy the future, may it not suffice to declare that the investor cannot safely rely upon a general growth of earnings to provide both safety and profit over the long pull? In this respect it would seem that we are back to the investorrsquo;s attitude in 1913— with the difference that his caution then seemed needlessly blind to the powerful evidences of secular growth inherent in our economy. Our caution today would appear, at least, to be based on bitter experience and on the recognition of some newer and less promising factors in the whole business picture.

Individual Growth as Basis of Selection. Those who would reject the suggestion that common-stock investment may be founded securely on a general secular expansion may be attracted to a second approach. This stresses the element of selectivity and is based on the premise that certain favored companies may be relied on to grow steadily. Hence such companies, when located, can be bought with confidence as long-term investments. This philosophy of investment is set forth at some length in the 1938 report of National Investors Corporation, an investment trust, from which we quote as follows:

The studies by this organization, directed specifically toward improved procedure in selection, afford evidence that the common stocks of growth companies—that is, companies whose earnings move forward from cycle to cycle, and are only temporarily interrupted by periodic business depressions—offer the most effective medium of investment in the field of common stocks, either in terms of dividend return or longer term capital appreciation. We believe t



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