
 2023-03-27 15:17:20


原文作者 Elena Platonova ,Mehmet Asutay Rob Dixon Sabri Mohammad




近年来,由于巴林、雷曼兄弟等备受瞩目的公司破产及其后果,公司治理的主题开始在公共领域占据越来越重要的地位。考虑到不良的公司治理会对经济和金融体系的稳定产生负面影响,也会产生有形的、严重的社会和环境后果,重点已从传统的“股东专用”公司治理模式转移到更广泛的公司治理模式,该模式确定了利益相关者的问题和优先事项(Dusuki 2011,第6页)。这种转变基于良好公司治理的新模式,将道德考虑和价值观纳入包括银行在内的企业的商业战略,使企业有必要考虑到组织运营的更广泛环境,并优先考虑“企业社会责任”(CSR)。这意味着公司通过其企业社会责任实践理解并满足利益相关者的需求,因为人们认为“企业社会责任与价值观层面的治理相联系,决定了公司与广泛的利益相关者及其社会和环境责任相关的边界和责任”(Strandberg 2005,第4页)


近年来,许多银行和金融机构已开始将企业社会责任纳入其组织和运营战略。银行业是社会上一个独特的行业,如今它的作用远远不止为经济带来金融稳定;现在,它涉及建立新的趋势和战略,为客户提供必要的服务,减少金融排斥。银行业是社会的核心,因此预计它将更具社会责任感(Chambers and Day 2009,第4页)。因此,全世界的专业人士和学者都承认并研究了银行业企业社会责任实践的重要性。在新兴经济环境中,金融中介机构在其业务运营中融入道德、伦理和环境问题至关重要(Evangelinos等人,2009年,第167页)。换言之,由于社会规范和期望的变化,公众要求银行在社会责任方面增加透明度和问责制,这是银行的驱动力。对于银行业来说,社会责任是金融服务业的一个根深蒂固的概念(Scholtens 2009,第159页)。近年来,伊斯兰银行业已成为银行业和金融业的一种潜在替代伦理方法,其形成受到伊斯兰本体论和认识论来源的影响。与其他宗教类似,伊斯兰教的核心是“社会善”、“善政”、“环境问题”和“道德个人和组织行为”(Asutay 2007、2012、2013)。因此,从定义上讲,企业社会责任的实践是伊斯兰伦理的预期结果,因为伊斯兰教作为一种宗教,通过实体道德强制企业履行对社会的道德义务,提出了一种积极的、扩大的利益相关者范式。因此,从伊斯兰的角度来看,作为新范式的一部分,企业社会责任是一个内生性的概念和实践,从定义上来说,它是任何伊斯兰公司,包括伊斯兰银行和金融机构存在的一部分。换句话说,“伊斯兰银行”的“伊斯兰性”要求企业社会责任成为其道德实质的一部分,而不仅仅是符合伊斯兰教法或伊斯兰法律的机械操作。


为了评估伊斯兰银行的企业社会责任披露情况,使用内容分析扫描了样本GCC银行的年度报告。企业社会责任披露文献中经常使用年度报告,因为它们是旨在与外部利益相关者沟通信息的主要文件,在审计师和会计师的控制下编制,可广泛获取,并提供一致的衡量标准(Tilt 1994,第57页)。在进行披露分析时,本研究构建了一个反映企业社会责任相关期望以及伊斯兰伦理的指数。企业社会责任披露指数的维度和子维度的构建基于伊斯兰金融机构会计和审计组织(AAIOFI 2010)制定的企业社会责任相关标准。1此外,之前从伊斯兰金融角度对企业社会责任披露进行的研究作为指南,其中包括哈尼法和胡代布(2007),Aribi和Gao(2012)以及Aribi和Arun(2015)。因此,选择了六个主要维度:“使命和愿景声明”、“产品和服务”、“对员工的承诺”、“对债务人的承诺”、“对社会的承诺”zakah(超过“将社会权利回归社会”意义上的财富门槛水平的人的强制施舍);慈善和慈善资金。还应注意的是,在测量和计算企业社会责任披露指数时,采用了Haniffa和Hudaib(2007)的方法。



30多年来,为了理解企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的可能关系,进行了大量的理论和实证研究(例如,见Marom 2006,第191页;Makni等人2009,第409页;Pava and Krausz 1996,第322页)。其中,乌尔曼(1985年)、普雷斯顿和奥班农(1997年)、罗曼等人(1999年)、马戈利斯和沃尔什(2003年)、格里芬和马洪(1997年)以及奥尔利茨基等人(2003年)被认为是该领域的开创性著作,并被广泛引用为关注企业社会责任与企业部门财务绩效之间的关系。这些研究测试了这种关系的方向、强度和因果关系,得出了证实性和矛盾性的结果。少数研究评估了传统银行业的企业社会责任披露与财务绩效之间的关系(Simpson and Kohers 2002;Soana 2011;Ahmed et al.2012),而针对伊斯兰银行业的实证研究数量有限。例如,在这些研究中,Arshad等人(2012年)分析了企业社会责任披露对马来西亚伊斯兰银行的企业声誉和绩效的影响,其结果表明,抽样伊斯兰银行年度报告中披露的企业社会责任活动与其声誉和绩效之间存在显著的正相关关系。在一项类似的研究中,Mallin等人(2014年)重点考察了2010年至2011年期间不同国家伊斯兰银行的企业社会责任披露与财务绩效之间的联系,其研究表明,所分析的伊斯兰银行的财务绩效与企业社会责任披露指数之间存在显著的正相关关系。


关于企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的负相关,一些实证研究支持企业社会责任与财务绩效之间负相关的概念。据企业社会责任的反对者称,通过参与慈善项目、支持和促进员工福利以及最大限度地减少环境损害来积极参与社会活动可能代价高昂,并会造成行政负担(Barnett and Salomon 2006,第1103页);因此,有人认为,企业社会责任活动会给企业带来财务负担。Preston和OBannon(1997)的“权衡假设”支持了企业社会责任与财务绩效之间的负关联,该假设表明,企业社会责任实践表现越好,其财务绩效越低。因此,与普通企业相比,具有社会责任感的企业将没有那么大的优势。这一假说的支持者认为,通过采取对社会负责的举措,企业破坏了公司的主要目标:利润最大化(Friedman 1970)。正如沃多克和格雷夫斯(1997年)、普雷斯顿和奥班农(1997年)以及辛普森和科尔斯(2002年)所说,这一假设基于新古典主义观点,即社会责任战略会导致额外成本,因此会造成竞争劣势(奥佩尔等人,1985年;弗里德曼,1970年)。最近的倡导者建议,“用于社会计划或行动的资源应该被转移,要么用于企业的效率,要么返还给股东”(Perrini等人,2011年,第69页),因为他们认为解决社会问题不是企业的责任,这些问题应该由政府或第三部门解决。此外,那些认为企业社会责任不应嵌入公司议程和操作中的人强调了过度角色多样化的潜在不利影响,因为他们认为,具有多个目标的管理者是没有目标的管理者(延森2001)。因此,将企业社会责任举措整合到企业中会给企业的生存竞争造成障碍



这些结果得到了实证分析中模型2的结果的支持,该模型检验了社会绩效对未来财务绩效的影响,并显示出正相关关系。因此,研究结果与理论观点一致,即金融机构当前开展的企业社会责任活动可能会对财务绩效产生长期影响(McGuire et al.1988)。企业社会绩效对未来财务绩效的积极影响可以用企业社会责任披露对银行声誉的积极影响来解释。伊斯兰银行确保企业社会责任不仅限于慈善事业,还可以提高客户的忠诚度,获得更广泛的利益相关者的支持,进而改善其财务业绩。这是因为企业社会责任活动可以为银行提供合法性;对于伊斯兰银行来说,开展广泛的企业社会责任活动可以被视为满足伊斯兰伦理和规范的要求,这是其存在理由的一部分。企业社会责任信息披露与未来财务绩效之间的显著正相关也可能表明,投资者考虑了银行的企业社会责任活动。因此,通过更具社会责任感,银行可以利用新客户和更多存款,这将对其长期财务业绩产生积极影响。


外文文献出处:Received: 9 December 2015 / Accepted: 27 May 2016 / Published online: 1 July 2016

附外文文献原文Abstract This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance for Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region over the period 2000–2014 by generating CSR-related data through disclosure analysis of the annual reports of the sampled banks. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the financial performance of Islamic banks in the GCC countries. The results also show a positive relati


附外文文献原文Abstract This paper examines the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and financial performance for Islamic banks in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region over the period 2000–2014 by generating CSR-related data through disclosure analysis of the annual reports of the sampled banks. The findings of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the financial performance of Islamic banks in the GCC countries. The results also show a positive relationship between CSR disclosure and the future financial performance of GCC Islamic banks, potentially indicating that current CSR activities carried out by Islamic banks in the GCC could have a long-term impact on their financial performance. Furthermore, despite demonstrating a significant positive relationship between the composite measure of the CSR disclosure index and financial performance, the findings show no statistically significant relationship between the individual dimensions of the CSR disclosure index and the current financial performance measure except for lsquo;mission and visionrsquo; and lsquo;products and servicesrsquo;. Similarly, the empirical results detect a positive significant association only between lsquo;mission and visionrsquo; dimension and future financial performance of the examined banks.

Keywords CSR disclosure Financial performance Islamic banks in the GCC


In recent years, the subject of corporate governance has begun to take an ever-increasing prominent space in the public sphere as a result of high profile corporate failures, such as Barings, Lehman Brothers and others, and the consequences of such failures. Taking into account the fact that poor corporate governance can negatively affect economies and the stability of financial systems and can also have tangible, serious social and environmental consequences, the focus has shifted from the conventional lsquo;shareholders onlyrsquo; approach to corporate governance to a broader corporate governance model that identifies the issues and priorities of stakeholders (Dusuki 2011, p. 6). Such a shift, based on new model of good corporate governance, incorporates ethical considerations and values in the business strategy of corporations, including banks, making it necessary for corporations to be considerate of the wider environment within which the organisation operates and prioritise lsquo;corporate social responsibilityrsquo; (CSR). This means that corporations understand and address stakeholdersrsquo; demands though their CSR practices as it is believed that lsquo;lsquo;CSR connects to governance at the values level, determining the boundaries and accountabilities of the company in relation to a broad universe of stakeholders and its social and environmental responsibilitiesrsquo;rsquo; (Strandberg 2005, p. 4)

In responding to the changing paradigm, there have been attempts to include different CSR practices on the agendas of an increasing number of corporations in various parts of the world and to adopt value-based governance in meeting the interests of primary and secondary stakeholders (Perrini et al. 2011, p. 59). This new trend for locating corporations within a broader stakeholder group through CSR activities is argued to yield positive results for firms and organisations through increased customer loyalty, willingness to pay premium prices and lower reputational risk during times of crisis. Consequently, it is argued that all these favourable results can have a positive effect on the financial performance of a corporation, such as improved profitability (Peloza and Shang 2011).

A number of banks and financial institutions have in recent years begun to incorporate CSR within their organisational and operational strategies. The banking sector is a unique industry in society and its role nowadays goes far beyond bringing financial stability to the economy; it now involves establishing new trends and strategies, providing necessary services for customers and reducing financial exclusion. The banking sector is at the heart of society and thus it is expected to be more socially responsible (Chambers and Day 2009, p. 4). Consequently, professionals and academics worldwide have acknowledged and researched the importance of CSR practices in the banking sector. In the emerging economic environment, it is vital for financial intermediaries to integrate moral, ethical and environmental concerns in their business operations (Evangelinos et al. 2009, p. 167). In other words, banks are driven by public demand to increase their transparency and accountability with respect to social responsibility as a result of changing norms and expectations in society. For the banking sector, it is accepted that being socially responsible is as a deep-rooted concept in the financial service industry (Scholtens 2009, p. 159). In recent years, Islamic banking has emerged as a potentially alternative ethical method of banking and finance, shaped by the ontological and epistemological sources of Islam. Similar to other religions, Islam has at its heart lsquo;social goodrsquo;, lsquo;good governancersquo;, lsquo;environmental concernrsquo; and lsquo;ethical individual and organisational behaviourrsquo; (Asutay 2007, 2012, 2013). Therefore, the practice of CSR is, by definition an intended consequence of Islamic ethics because Islam as a religion suggests a proactive and expanded stakeholdersrsquo; paradigm through enforcing a moral obligation of corporations towards society by substantive morality. Thus, CSR from an Islamic perspective, as part of the new paradigm, is an endogenised concept and practice, which by definition is expected to be an existential part of any Islamic corporation, including Islamic banks and financial institutions. In other words, the lsquo;Islamicityrsquo; of lsquo;Islamic banksrsquo; necessitates CSR as part of its moral substance beyond mechanical operations being Sharirsquo;ah or Islamic law compliant.

While there is a plethora of re



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