股票指数期货引入对现货市场 波动性影响的实证研究外文翻译资料

 2022-12-28 15:14:30





1. 导言

股指期货是根据买卖双方事先达成的协议,在未来特定时间交易的,按照双方事先约定从事股指期货交易股票的标准化协议。2010年4月16日,我国首款金融衍生品——沪深300股指期货正式挂牌交易。然而,上市后不久就出现了恶性暴跌的单边行情,股市随之暴跌,因此一些学术人士纷纷提出,股市崩盘应归咎于股指期货市场。因此,有必要探讨股指期货的推出对现货市场的波动产生什么样的影响,以澄清股指期货是否是 '罪魁祸首'。


从现有的研究来看,目前国内和国外学者主要以国外成熟市场为基础,研究股指期货的推出对现货市场波动性的影响。而我国缺乏研究,特别是在中国 沪深300股指期货推出日期刚刚过去三年多,研究学者大多是模拟交易数据,结论各有不同。因此,本文通过选择真实交易数据建立了股指期货GARCH模型,并引入虚拟变量等一系列实证测试,探索沪深300股指期货对现货市场波动的影响,具有一定的现实意义。

2. 研究方法

2.1. 样本说明


2.2. 数据处理


假设期货合约的交易日收盘价和现货指数收盘价表示为 和 Qt,则期货合约价格序列的自然对数表示为Ft =ln Pt 的,其对数收益率为Ft  ln Pt  ln Pt 1;股票价格序列的自然对数表示为表示为St =ln Qt,其对数收益率表示为

St  ln Qt  ln Qt 1


2.3 模型选择


本文采用GARCH(1,1)模型股指期货对现货市场的波动性, 并在条件异方差中引入虚拟变量来反映CSI300股指期货对股市波动性的影响,在股指期货引入之前,D=0,在股指期货引入之后,D=1。


平均方程:yt = g xt mt

方差方程:s 2 = w bs amt-1 2





3.1 CSI300指数期货推出前三年现货价格波动分析


图1 整个样本期股票指数的回报波动


由表1可知,平稳性检验结果显著,从而拒绝了原假设,序列是平稳的。 接着建立ARMA模型。




因此,我们不能直接确定p和q的值。 然后,我们用AIC和SC原理在5阶内模仿ARMA模型来获得支持。




从表2可以看出,模型估计的结果是好的。 在1%置信水平下,除常数项外,所有系数的P值均小于1%, 通过测试,R^2=50.20%。 DW值在2左右,无自相关。此时,我们去掉常数项。 ARMA(2,3)模型的表达式如下:

R1t = -1.0280R1t -1 - 0.9681R1t -2 0.0701ut -1

- 0.0499ut -2 - 0.9817ut -3 mt

表1 ADF检验结果

表2 ARMA(2,3)的结果


在建立GARCH模型之前,我们需要检验残差序列的ARCH效应。 我们使用ARCH-LM测试的方法。 结果如下:





平均方程:R1t = - 1.005 3 R1t - 1 - 0 .9 745 R1t - 2 0.03 42 u t - 1

- 0 .015 1ut - 2 - 0 .98 24 u t - 3 m t

方差方程:s 2 = 0.00000538 0.0634m 2 0.9279s 2

从图2中我们可以看到:现货指数的当前收益率将受其滞后一期的收益率(强度为-1.0053)的影响,受其滞后两期的收益率(强度为-0.9745)的影响。 当前的波动将受到前一时期波动的影响, 其强度为0.9279



表4 GARCH模型的结果

表5 ARCH-LM测试的结果

P值为0.8938,因此残差的ARCH效应不再存在, 这表明ARMA(2,3)-GARCH(1,1)模型在CSI300股票指数的收益率序列上完全拟合。


此段具体步骤同上,故不赘述。 在指数期货推出三年后,建立现货指数收益GARCH模型如下:

平均方程:R2t = -0.5013R2t -1 mt

方差方程:s 2 = 0.000014 0.0477m 2 0.9036s 2

正如我们所看到的:现货指数的当前收益率将受到其滞后一期的收益率的影响,其强度为-0.5013。 目前的波动将由上一个期间的波动影响, 其强度为0.9036。


首先,我们绘制了整个样本期的现货价格波动图。 从图中,我们可以很容易地看到,股指期货推出三

年后,股价的波动已经减弱。 所以可以初步判断股指期货的引入降低了现货市场的波动性。接下来, 我们将建立一个基于整个样本间隔的GARCH模型,并引入虚拟变量。 对虚拟变量系数做正负检验,看是否通过考核验证股指期货的引入是否降低了现货市场的波动性。 建立修订GARCH模型如下:

平均方程:Rt = -0.5431Rt -1 0.2787Rt -2 - 0.2774ut -1

- 0.7628ut -2 0.0499ut -3 mt

方差方程: s 2 = 0.00000698 0.0345mt-1 2

0.9581s 2 - 0.00000378w

图2 整个样品周期的波动性。

正如我们所看到的:现货指数的当前收益率将受其滞后一期的收益率(强度为-0.5431)的响,受其滞后两期的收益率(强度为0.2787)的影响。 目前的波动将受到前一时期波动的影响,波动幅度为0.9581。最重要的是虚拟变量的系数是负的,并通过了测试,结果表明,股指期货的推出降低了现货市场的波动性,对现货市场产生了积极的影响。


本文通过建立GARCH(1,1)模型,引入虚拟变量,研究了股指期货引入对现货市场波动的影响,发现股指期货对现货市场波动的波动略有下降。 为了促进股指期货市场的发展,将未来期货对现货市场的负面影响降低到最低限度,我们提出以下意见和建议,主要从继续完善现货市场和加强期货市场风险监督管理两个方面进行讨论。


股指期货市场的发展以发达的现货市场为前提。 虽然我国股市在技术设施上已经如此接近国际先进水 平,形成了市场规模、营


iBusiness, 2013, 5, 113-117


http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ib.2013.53B024 Published Online September 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ib)

The Empirical Study about Introduction of Stock Index Futures on the Volatility of Spot Market


April 16, 2010, Chinarsquo;s first four Index Future contracts have been listed for trading in the stock exchange. Stock index futures are the worlds fastest growing financial derivative products currently, and the research of them is of signifi- cance to the development of Chinas financial market. Therefore, it is particularly important to concern the market op- eration status of stock index future after its official listed. As we all know that there are linkage effects of the futures and spot, stock index futures market will have some impact on the spot market. Based on the above point, this study identified the Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures market as the research object, focusing on what volatility affects the stock index futures have made on the spot market over the past 3 years. Through empirical findings, we can evaluate the operation conditions of stock index futures market objectively. This paper applies GARCH model mainly, and introduce dummy variables, collecting daily trading data between 16 April 2007 and 16 April 2013 on the spot market, and studies the impact of volatility on the spot market in-depth by empirical test. The results showed that over the past 3 years, introduction of stock index futures has reduced the volatility of the spot market which has brought a positive impact.

Keywords: Index Future; Spot Market; Volatility; GARCH Model


Stock index futures, which are based on prior agreement between buyers and sellers, trade at a particular time in the future, in accordance with the prior agreement of both parties to engage in stock index trading shares of a standardized protocol agreement. April 16, 2010, our countrys first financial derivatives - officially listed in Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 stock index futures trading. However, soon after its listing launched a vicious slump appears unilateral market conditions, driving the stock market also followed the collapse, and thus some schol- ars have suggested that the stock index futures market crash blame. Therefore, it is necessary to explore the introduction of stock index futures on the volatility of the spot market produce what kind of impact, in order to clarify whether the stock index futures is the 'culprit.'

According to the impaction of stock index futures on the spot market, scholars hold different views, and each view has a lot of theoretical research and empirical re- search support. Chan[1] on 1985-1987 Nikkei Stock Av- erage daily trading data, with its day yield research ob- ject, through the establishment of GARCH model, the results found that the introduction of stock index futures on the spot market is not significantly affected. Anton-

inus[2] based on FTSE 100 index tested a series of econometric model, including unit root test, vector error correction model, the establishment of such GARCH model and found that the introduction of stock index fu- tures, increased the volatility of the spot prices stock, that is on the spot markets had a negative impact. Domestic scholars Tian-cai Xing and Ge Zhang[3] based on FTSE Xinhua A50 index futures, through the establishment of GARCH model, analyzes its launch on the CSI 300 stock index, the results found that the introduction of stock index futures slightly increases the volatility of the spot market, but this impact is very small. In 2010, they se- lected the CSI 300 index futures trading simulation data, through the establishment of GARCH model to test re- sidual ARCH effects, etc., confirmed the launch of stock index futures on the volatility of the spot market is not greater impact. But because of the data from the simula- tion trading system, therefore the reliability of the con- clusions still needs to be fastidious.

From the existing research, the current domestic and

foreign scholars are mainly based on mature markets abroad to study the introduction of stock index futures on the spot market volatility impact on emerging markets such like our lack of research, especially in China the

114 The Empirical Study about Introduction of Stock Index Futures on the Volatility of Spot Market

CSI 300 index futures launch date just over three years, the research scholars are mostly simulation-based trans- action data, and conclusions vary. Therefore, this paper by choosing real transaction data were established before and after the introduction of index futures GARCH model, and the introduction of dummy variables, a series of empirical tests to explore CSI 300 stock index futures on the impact of volatility in the spot market, with certain practical significance.

Research Methods

Sample Description

This data is selected April 16, 2007 to April 16, 2013 in CSI 300 stock index futures contracts and the CSI 300 stock index daily closing price, that is listed on the CSI 300 stock index futures before and after the three years of the corresponding stock the daily closing price of the stock index of 1460 data. Among them, the futures data for the selection of the main contract data, namely the nearest month futures contracts of the daily closing price

data. In the most recent month before the contract set-

assumption that “homoscedasticity”, therefore, in the study when the price volatility of fina



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