
 2023-03-27 15:18:12



单位 复旦大学中国经济研究中心 、 云南财经大学


一、 引言


一般来说,脆弱性可以根据国家、公司或个人等不同实体,以及自然灾害或金融危机等不同风险来定义。例如,Glew we和Hall(1998)认为脆弱性是一个动态的概念,涉及到宏观经济冲击后的一系列事件。它们区分了两种脆弱性:政策诱导的脆弱性和市场诱导的脆弱性。后者可以通过家庭中对商品和服务的消费量的变化来衡量。

就家庭贫困脆弱性而言,还有其他定义。Kuhl (2003)将贫困脆弱性定义为一个家庭遭受重大冲击的倾向,这种冲击使其福利低于社会所接受的水平。同样,Pritchett等人(2000)和Mansuri 和 Healy(2001)将贫困的脆弱性定义为一个家庭在不久的将来或在特定时间内至少经历一次贫困的可能性。Chaudhuri等人(2002)给出了另一个定义,他们将t时刻遭受贫困脆弱性定义为一个家庭在t 1时刻变得或保持贫困的概率。值得注意的是贫困和贫困脆弱性之间的关键区别。后者涉及未来的风险,是一个前瞻性的概念且不能被观察。然而,人们可以估计一个家庭或个人在未来由于各种风险而继续贫困或变得贫困的可能性。

对脆弱性的不同定义,存在着不同的估计方法。这包括使用预期消费和贫困线之间的差异(Kochar,1995;Dercon 和Krishnan,2000)和使用陷入贫困的概率(见Zhangamp;Wan,2006)。根据福斯特等人(Foster,1984)的贫困指数,Kamanou和Morduch(2002)将未来贫困的预期值与其目前的Foster等人(1984)的贫困估计值之间的差异。通过蒙特卡罗模拟得到了未来贫困的期望值。由于福斯特等人(1984)的贫困测量没有纳入风险因素,Ligon和Schechter(2003)建议用贫困线评估的效用函数值与预期消费水平评估的效用函数值之间的差异来衡量脆弱性。迄今为止,还没有对贫困脆弱性的首选定义或估计技术达成一致。然而,正如Zhang和Wan(2006)所讨论的,大多数研究人员将贫困脆弱性定义为一个家庭或个人陷入贫困的概率。这就是本文所采用的定义。




二、 概念框架



其中,i和t表示家庭和时间周期,Y表示福利(消费或收入),z表示贫困线,f(Yi,t 1)表示未来福利的概率密度函数。显然,Vit表示在t 1时间内获得收入或其他福利指标的概率,它低于预定的贫困线z。


在方程(1)中,未来福利的不确定性Yi,t 1(通常由收入或消费代理)由概率密度函数ft(Yi,t 1)捕获,这必须在计算Vit之前得到。有两种方法可以得到ft(Yi,t 1)。第一个是所谓的引导方法。其想法是通过根据观察到的特征和类似家庭过去的收入或消费波动,产生未来可能的福利分配,来弥补未知的分布。这种方法可以在Kamanou和Morduch (2002) 和Kuhl (2003)中找到。第二种方法是为未来的收入或消费假设一个参数的统计函数,然后根据可用的数据估计该函数的参数。例如,Rajadel(2002)假设人均食物消费的对数呈正态分布。然后,根据Christiaensen和Boisvert(2000)提出的方法,估计食物消费的事前均值和方差。Chaudhuri等人(2002)、Christiaensen 和 Subbarao(2005)和Zhang和Wan(2006)的研究也基于对数正态假设。相比之下,McCulloch 和Calandrino (2003)假定家庭消费的跨时变化呈正态分布,且该分布的均值和方差因家庭分布而异。然后,他们使用面板数据的纵向分量来估计分布的平均值和标准差。Pritchett等人(2000)假定差异。然后,他们使用面板数据的纵向分量来估计分布的平均值和标准差。Pritchett等人(2000)假定差异在现在和未来之间的消费是正态分布的,并相应地衡量了脆弱性。Mansuri和Healy(2001)的工作假设是,所有对支出的历史冲击和任何测量误差都是正态分布的。


在假设未来收入的对数正态分布后,我们所需要做的就是估计这个分布的平均值和标准差。根据Friedman(1957,1963)的永久收入假设,Mansuri 和 Healy(2001)表明,对未来支出平均值的良好估计是永久支出。同样地,利用面板数据,Chaudhuri等人(2002年)McCulloch 和 Calandrino(2003年)提供的数据表明,观察收入或消费的平均值和标准差是对其未来相同部分的无偏估计。

利用面板数据并遵循永久收入假设,人们可以通过回归将观察到的收入分解为永久成分和瞬态成分(见Mansuri 和 Healy,2001;Kuhl,2003;Zhang和Wan,2006)。或者,也可以直接计算观测收入的平均值和标准差(见Chaudhuri等人,2002年;McCulloch和 Calandrino,2003年)。在本文中,我们将遵循Bhalla(1980)构建两种永久收入的度量:一种基于回归模型,另一种使用过去收入的加权平均值。结合标准偏差的估计,永久收入将作为方程(1)中密度函数的平均值进行脆弱性估计。





(2)继Mansuri 和 Healy(2001)、Kuhl(2003)和Zhang和Wan(2006)之后,本文未来收入的预期值将被永久收入取代,永久收入可以通过不同的技术获得(详见下一节)。







三、 数据,脆弱性线和贫困线

本文中使用的调查数据来自中国健康与营养调查,这是一个由北卡罗莱纳大学卡罗莱纳人口中心、国家营养与食品安全研究所和中国疾病预防控制中心联合运行的项目。虽然不是收入调查,但实物收入和补贴是估算的。1989年、1991年、1993年、1997年、2000年、2004年和2006年分别进行了7轮CHNS,分别覆盖了中国9个省约4000户家庭的15 000口人。




四、 结果和讨论









当使用离散数据时,该方法产生以下trsquo; = 0的加权模式:





How Precisely Can We Estimate Vulnerability to Poverty?


ABSTRACT There are alternative definitions of vulnerability to poverty. Most researchers prefer to define vulnerability to poverty as the probability of a household or individual falling into poverty in the future. Based on this definition and using household survey panel data from rural China, this paper attempts to assess the extent to which we can measure vulnerability to poverty. The assessment is based on comparisons between estimated vulnerability and actually observed poverty. The authors find that the precision of estimation, first, varies depending on the vulnerability line; their results suggest setting the line at 50% in order to improve predictive power. Second, precision depends on how permanent income is estimated. Assuming log-normal distribution of future income, it is preferable to use past weighted average income as an estimate of permanent income rather than using regressions to gauge permanent income. Third, estimation precision depends on the chosen poverty line. The percentage of overlap between households estimated to be vulnerable and those actually poor rises when a higher poverty line of US$2 is used instead of US$1.

  1. Introduction

A conventional tool for summarizing the welfare status of the less fortunate is to estimate poverty indices based on income or consumption data. However,the welfare of a household depends not only on its present income or consumption, but also on the risks or potential negative shocks that it faces. It is known that todayrsquo;s poor may not be tomorrowrsquo;s poor, and that non-poor households or individuals could fall into poverty owing to unexpected shocks such as bad harvests, job losses and illness. Poverty measured at a particular point in time usually does not take into account the future prospects of household welfare or associated risks. This has led to the recent emergence of the concept of “vulnerability to poverty” in the economics and development literature.

Generally speaking, vulnerability can be defined with respect to different entities such as states, companies or individuals, and with respect to different risks such as natural disaster or financial crises. For example, Glewwe amp; Hall (1998) perceive vulnerability as a dynamic concept, involving a sequence of events following a macroeconomic shock. They distinguish two kinds of vulnerability: policy-induced and market-induced vulnerability. The latter can be measured by changes in household consumption of goods and services. As far as household vulnerability to poverty is concerned, alternative definitions exist. Kuuml;hl (2003) defines vulnerability to poverty as the propensity of a household to suffer a significant shock that brings its welfare below a socially accepted level. Similarly, Pritchett et al. (2000) and Mansuri amp; Healy (2001) conceptualize vulnerability to poverty as the probability that a household would experience at least one episode of poverty in the near future or over a given number of time periods. Yet another definition is given by Chaudhuri et al. (2002), who define vulnerability to poverty at time t as the probability that a household becomes or remains poor at time t thorn; 1. It is worth noting the key difference between poverty and vulnerability to poverty. The latter involves future risks, is a forwardlooking concept and cannot be observed. One can, however, estimate the probability that a household or an individual may remain or become poor in the future due to various risks.

Corresponding to different definitions of vulnerability, alternative estimation methods exist. These include using the difference between expected consumption and the poverty line (Kochar, 1995; Dercon amp; Krishnan, 2000) and using the probability of falling into poverty (see Zhang amp; Wan, 2006). Based on the poverty indices of Foster et al. (1984), Kamanou amp; Morduch (2002) measure vulnerability to poverty as the difference between the expected value of poverty in the future and its current Foster et al. (1984) poverty estimate. The expected value of future poverty is obtained through a Monte Carlo simulation. As the Foster et al. (1984) poverty measure does not incorporate risk elements, Ligon amp; Schechter (2003) propose measuring vulnerability as the difference between the value of a utility function evaluated at the poverty line and that evaluated at the expected level of consumption. To date, no preferred definition of, or estimation technique for, vulnerability to poverty has been agreed on. However, as discussed in Zhang amp; Wan (2006), most researchers define vulnerability to poverty as the probability of a household or individual falling into poverty in the future. This is the definition adopted in this paper.

Needless to say, measuring vulnerability to poverty is important, especially because it enables identification of those who are not poor but may fall into poverty and those who will remain poor. Once identified, appropriate policies can be designed to prevent the former from falling into poverty and to help the latter to escape poverty. Clearly, policies based purely on the current poverty profile may not be effective for those vulnerable individuals and households. By obtaining a vulnerability profile, both existing and future poverty can be targeted. As is usually accepted, prevention is better than cure, and prevention of poverty requires appropriate measurement of vulnerability to poverty.

It turns out that, according to the above definition, measurement of vulnerability to poverty depends on the chosen vulnerability and poverty lines and on parameters of the statistical distribution of future income. Thus, how the latter are set or obtained will affect the precision of vulnerability estimate. Consequently, the purpose of the paper is to explore the preci



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