
 2022-12-26 18:24:02

Cultural Promotion as a Component of Urban Development

After the German reunification, most of Leipzigrsquo;s districtslacked cultural leisure services that would have been fit for all age groups and close to their homes. In the early 1990s, the establishment of such urgently needed socio-cultural centers was initiated on the one hand by official authorities (the municipality and the Kulturamt) and on the other by the citizens themselves. Six initially municipal buildings are now independently operated. The city has not only subsidized this transformation but is also responsible for the structural maintenance of the houses. By the mid-90s, several socio-cultural centers were privatized, but only a few of them retained their function as cultural sites. Many newly founded associations and initiatives strove hard to maintain the existing or to develop new (albeit sometimes only temporary) cultural activities. In order to implement the latter, they were not only interested in the already established cultural sites, but particularly in former industrial structures or other buildings with a rich historical background. These urban environments offered vast opportunities for artists, the independent scene, cultural workers and creative industries alike. In that way, several districts—primarily Plagwitz and Neulindenau—have developed a characteristic neighborhood culture which is not at all defined by institutions of the so called high culture (although they consume a large portion of the cityrsquo;s cultural budget). Instead, independent subcultural phenomena are constitutive elements. By now, the largest and best known of these probably is the “Baumwollspinnerei” complex at the western extremity of Karl-Heine-Straszlig;e.

Socio-cultural facilities like the “Muuml;hlstraszlig;e e.V.” in Leipzigrsquo;s east are important focal points and drivers of cultural and social life in the district. They boost active citizenship and play an important role in the process of integration of marginalized population groups into the social fabric. Certain negative effects of demographic change (such as loneliness in old age, to name just one example) can be mitigated through them. The municipal funding of socio-culture has to start, where both deficits in the existing supply structure and potentials for future development can be observed. If urgently needed, new facilities with additional services can of course be created. Cultural promotion, however, is primarily designed to stabilize the networks that are already in place. Hence, Leipzigrsquo;s culture is shaped by the successful coexistence of private creative businesses as well as public institutions and the publicly funded independent scene—the latter certainly suffering less from the pressure of being economically efficient. That freedom gives them the opportunity—but also the obligation—to work on an elevated artistic level and to be highly innovative and experimental at the same time. Nevertheless, socio-culture must—just like the private sector—take into account the financial situation of their respective target group. As a result of declining net incomes in certain districts, as well as an increasing proportion of mini- and midi-jobbers or recipients of welfare benefits, it is necessary to adapt concepts and projects in order to meet the changed demands of the stakeholders and to actively prevent a loss in revenues.

A large number of Leipzigrsquo;s cultural institutions originated from civic engagement and were then, in times of economic recovery, incorporated into municipal ownership. Nowadays, they are threatened to be re-privatized as the cityrsquo;s means of cultural funding are gradually reach their limits. Given the current economic situation, the preservation of cultural networks is far from being granted. It should be remembered, that Leipzigrsquo;s diverse cultural landscape functions as a decisive advantage for the city in a way that cultural funding is also an important investment in the development of the local economy.

Socio-Cultural Promotion and the Rise of the Creative Economy in Leipzigrsquo;s Current Urban Development Concept “SEKo 2020”

The city of Leipzig derives its basic objectives of cultural promotion from the cultural development plan of the years 2008 to 2015. Urban cultural institutions continuously aim to expand their offers for people of all ages and to develop new ideas targeted to specific groups. Through increased networking and cooperation among themselves as well as with third parties, Leipzigrsquo;s cultural institutions seek to use their potentials in a more efficient way in order to reinforce the cityrsquo;s regional, national and international impact. Due to urban demographic changes, socio-spatial differentiations will be necessary in addition to the spatial focuses SEKo 2020 calls for. Educating the social and cultural skills of the population is a possible way of countering the downward spiral in which some districts are stuck. The overall aims are to strengthen socio-culture as a “resonating space” for the formation of public opinion and to contribute to lifelong learning. For this purpose, socially inclusive, inter-generational and multicultural approaches are pursued. Their potentials range from the development of new forms of communication to the implementation of model projects and the establishment of efficient networks. Moreover, socio-culture may very well provide impulses for the artistic cultural scene. Creative industries grow best in cities which, like Leipzig, emanate an omnipresent historical aura and have countless unique features. A generally culture-positive atmosphere, an adequate supply of reasonably priced premises and a sufficient number of cultural institutions and events are vital conditions for a prospering socio-culture and successful creative industries. As these preserve and even help creating new jobs—which represents a major goal of the general SEKo 2020 policy—they support future economic growth and thus ultim







莱比锡城文化产业推进的基本目标的建立来源于2008年至2015年的文化发展计划。城市文化机构不断地扩大对各个年龄层次的文化供给,并且发掘针对特定群体的新方法。通过网络组织的不断增加,它们之间的相互合作以及同第三方的合作不断加深,莱比锡城的文化机构试图用一种更加有效的方式利用它们的潜能,以此来加强城市的区域影响、国家影响和国际影响。由于城市人口的变化,社会空间差异化将是很必要的。培养关于人口的社会和文化技巧是解决目前一些区所面临的衰退困境的一种可行方法。这一做法的总体目标是为了加强社会文化作为公众观点可以产生共鸣的空间,并且发挥对终生学习的作用。由于这一目标,社会普惠性的、代际间的、多元的文化路径被推行。它们的潜能包涵了从新的交流方式的发展,到示范项目的实施和有效的网络组织的建立。而且,社会文化很可能为文艺活动提供了新动力。创意产业在一些具有浓厚的历史氛围和不计其数的特色的城市,比如莱比锡城,发展的最好。一个良好的文化氛围,充足并且定价合理的土地供给,足量的文化机构和活动,这些都是繁荣的社会文化和成功的创意产业的必要条件。随着这些措施保留并甚至创造了新就业—这是SEKo 2020政策的一个主要目标—它们推动了未来经济的增长并由此最终促进城市化发展。


文化由完全独立工作的几个不同来源推动。例如,克莱斯特温泉(Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen)不受莱比锡市补贴。加强干预的领域是通过城市发展综合战略确定的。自1999年以来,莱比锡西部分开考虑,在世博会“2000年世博会”期间推出了几座“灯塔”遗址。随后,欧洲资助计划“城市二”向各种小型项目分发了可用的手段。自2009年以来,莱比锡西部主要由该计划资助。总的来说,这些欧洲补贴正在积极地加速了Plagwitz和Lindenau的地方发展。各种小型协会和倡议都能够使他们的一部分工作专业化。实验“城市二”令人印象深刻地显示出在一大群利益相关者中讨论资金分配的好处。当地企业的官员和员工以及民间代表和非营利组织的成员参加了谈判。目前这种公开对话仍然存在。然而,这种民主和综合的文化资助办法仍处于起步阶段。据报利益相关者仍然倾向于将音乐,戏剧或美术等领域严格分开,而不是把它们视为高度相互依赖的。 Diebler太太乐观,文化生活的这些方面将在未来关于城市发展的辩论中融合。


莱比锡一般会较早地就城市的年度预算做出更多的决定。 只有这样,文化组织和倡议才能保证实现其项目的安全。 由于许多官方当局参与组织文化活动,所以真正有助于在官僚丛林中出现问题时能够联系的专家。 这种立场早已被应用于“创意城市”计划,但还没有落实到位。 Diebler夫人希望,即使在欧洲区域发展基金的补贴到期后,人们仍然保持良好的工作和坚持自己的巨大热情。


当涉及某些地区的发展机会时,迪布勒夫人对Lindenauer Markt和Georg-SchwarzStraszlig;e以及私人资助的项目如Baetwenspinnerei,Tapetenwerk,Westwerk和Alte Handelsschule在Kleinzschocher。在这些地方,参与社会文化和创意产业的利益相关者对其工作表现出非常热烈的承诺。因此,Die bler夫人称之为“慈善”,即使有关项目部分是以利润为导向的经济机构。另一个非常大的机会位于Karl-HeineStraszlig;e,由于Schaubuuml;hneLindenfels与最近开放的LindenfelsWestfluuml;gel之间的合作,一个重要的木偶剧院艺术中心即将出现。如果德意志银行和市政当局之间目前的谈判取得成功,那么城市可以购买Plagwitzer Bahnhof周围的大片地区,并将其变成公园或森林。因此,更多的人,协会或公司将被吸引到周围的社区,因为这样的大型开放空间将吸引人们以多种不同的方式使用它。在第一轮公开听证会上,居民,专业人士,建筑师,设计师和艺术家们已经热情地参加了会议。对于莱比锡西部长期的文化复兴,重要的是积极参与某些项目的人继续这样做。到目前为止,为协会和倡议而工作的大多数主角是正在为其他原因学习或有空余时间的人,例如因为他们是待在家里的父母。当这些人进入或重新进入他们的职业生涯时,他们将花费更少的时间在业余爱好上。 Diebler夫人解释说,各自俱乐部的情况可能会更加恶化。这就是为什么她认为最大的潜力在利益相关者进行的项目中可以连接和协调他们的文化承诺与他们的职业生涯。


完善的文化提升可能会以多种方式对街区的发展产生积极的影响。如果在同一时候,许多莱比锡城的区都陷入了经济衰退的困境,文化产业的提升可能会停滞不前。通过一系列独立的各种各样的文化活动,被边缘化的市民可以在社会生活中融合,并且能参与到民主化进程中;另外,街区的适宜居住性和外在形象可以得以提升。在近期,文化产业拨款在城市化发展中发挥着更加重要的作用。在市政当局和外部作用者加强紧密合作联系的过程中,为了推动城市化发展而推行的已相对雏形的兼并计划是一项长期性的工作。在封闭体系中的旧思维应当被开放性思维所替代。没有公民的志愿工作,多元文化活动就无法延续下去。 希望莱比锡独立文化活动的未来是由市议会最近作出的决定所形成的。 2012年7月18日,未来实施的政策(可追溯到2008年)将城市文化预算的百分之五分配给独立场景终于激活了。 虽然原来的资金水平今天远远没有达到,但明年转让的补贴将超过2012年的补贴600.000欧元(78万美元)。 在接下来的两年里,每年应该每年增加320.000欧元(约合415,000美元)。 如果这个时候,市政当局承诺,这绝对使独立文化事业取得圆满成功。 最初承诺的2013年的百分之五将最终在2015年支付。从长远来看,他们需要实施更多的项目和创造新的工作。



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