开发光伏扶贫项目 ——分布式光伏发电的案例研究外文翻译资料

 2022-11-19 10:08:36

Research on Develop Photovoltaic Poverty Alleviation Project

—— Case Study on the Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation

Yingqi Yang

North China Electric Power University, Baoding, Hebei, China


At present, Chinese poor population is large and centralized distribution, more and more social problems caused by poverty situation. To this end, the Government has issued a special document to guide social poverty alleviation, put forward to establish precise mechanism for poverty alleviation. In addition, decided since 2015, promote the PV poverty alleviation work in six provinces for six years to develop the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project. At the same time, in recent years, our government has repeatedly issued favorable policies for developing the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project. Based on the positive response to the call of the photovoltaic poverty alleviation policies, explain the necessity to carry out the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project, and take distributed photovoltaic power generation for example, put forward certain ideas and suggestions to carry out the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project.

Keywords: Poverty situations, Photovoltaic poverty alleviation project, Distributed photovoltaic ,power generation, Necessity, Suggestion

1. Introduction

At present, Chinese poverty situation is still very serious. According to National Bureau of Statistics data, China has more than 70.17 million poor people by 2014, the poor population is concentrated distribution in fourteen shall areas, and this concentrated poverty shall areas mainly distributed in the northwest of our country, which in most of the solar energy resources is abundant, the average annual sunshine hours are 1200 hours, for the development of photovoltaic industry is very appropriate. In addition, the Government has issued a special document to guide social poverty alleviation. At the same time, our government has repeatedly issued favorable policies for developing the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project in recent years. The project is mainly aimed at poverty and illumination relatively rich resources in northwestern regions, use the light of the local unique resource advantage for income generation, on the one hand, to help poor people solve the problem of electricity utilization, on the other hand, help them change poverty, promote the development of poor areas. In short, to carry out the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project is the trend of the times.

2. Chinese poverty situations

At present, China has become the worlds second largest economy, but poverty is still very grim: First, the number of poor people is large, according to current estimates rural poverty standard,

there are more than 70.17 million poor people to the end of 2014. Second, the level of poverty is relatively deep, poverty people is not only low in income levels, but also education, health care and other basic social services. October 17, 2014, China established its first National Poverty Day, hoping to raise awareness of the problem of poverty. According to the State Council Poverty Alleviation Office, to achieve this goal that all 70.17 million poor people out of poverty in 2020, China is building a precise mechanism for poverty alleviation work. After many initiatives, by 2014, the population of rural poor from 120 million people in 2011 to be reduced by about 70.17 million people, but to achieve more than 70.17 million poor people out of poverty in all of 2020[1], there is still a long way to go.

3. Photovoltaic poverty alleviation and its application examples

Concept of photovoltaic poverty alleviation. On October 11, 2014, National Energy Administration and the State Council leading group office for poverty alleviation and development jointly issued the “The program on the implementation of photovoltaic poverty alleviationproject” (hereinafter referred to as the “program”) [2], which is 'photovoltaic poverty alleviation'officially endorsed by central official documents for the first time. The program decided since 2015,develop the photovoltaic poverty alleviation project in six provinces for six years.

First is the implementation of distributed photovoltaic poverty alleviation, support poverty families that have set up file cards in the poverty counties developing distributed photovoltaic power generation system, increase the income of basic living conditions for the poor. Second is to adjust measures to local conditions to carry out the photovoltaic agricultural poverty alleviation in the poverty counties, Make use of barren hill slope in poverty-stricken areas, agricultural greenhouses or agricultural facilities and set up photovoltaic power station, that the poor can directly increase their income.

Policy for photovoltaic poverty alleviation. On March 9, 2015, National Energy Administration forwarded “Compiling outline on photovoltaic poverty alleviation pilot project (revised)” (hereinafter referred to as the 'Outline') [3]. The Outline provides some academic bases and references for continue to promote photovoltaic poverty alleviation work and provides a reference implementation plan for photovoltaic poverty alleviation for all preparation. According to the Outline, in principle complete all the pilot project construction by2015, puts forward the real point of the construction of the project, acceptance and operation scheme, and gives the following photovoltaic poverty alleviation models:

(1) The user distributed photovoltaic model.






















初步根据投资政府补贴和财税政策支持纲要,给出一个典型的参考模型:对于家庭设施和农业系统,最初的政府投资补贴为70%,剩下的30%由当地政府组织的贫困家庭提供银行贷款。向项目公司提供银行贷款,其中政府补贴金额为初始金额,由国家和地方共同投资的比例。家庭设施和农业。光伏扶贫资金偿还期限5年,享受银行全额收益,按3%增值税纳税。光伏扶贫的应用实例:光伏扶贫开始于安徽省合肥市[4],2013年合肥市人民政府和安徽省电力公司联合推出“光伏到农村,贫困”、扶贫、“建设新农村”项目。合肥政府选择了105户贫困农村家庭作为试点充分利用资源,发展光伏试点扶贫工作。农民要建立一种新的方法来帮助贫困家庭摆脱贫困。试点项目通过安装光伏发电设备在农民住宅的坡屋顶,采用“自用自用,电气接入电网”的模式,部分电力满足居民日常使用的需要,其余部分通过剩余部分“电力线”进入电网公司,同时也可享受0.42元的补贴。合肥的人民币和补贴为0.25元。试点项目使很多贫困人口基本生活得到了保障。合肥第一批试点电厂产生90兆瓦,互联网功率73 MWh,平均每季收入632元,增加到1093元。












[5]Y.S. Feng:新监管视角下的电网投资与治理理论——《中国电力体制改革启示》,《现代金融与经济》,2015年第3-10页(中文)

[6]Q.Wu:分布式光伏发电——中国光伏产业可持续发展的有效途径,中国电力教育出版社,1979 -198,2013(中文)





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