
 2023-01-11 09:19:14


原文作者 Eunkyoung Lee,Byungtae LEE

单位 KAIST Business School,Seoul,Republic of Korea




1. 引言

点对点(P2P)贷款是金融交易的其中一个品种,该类交易没有传统的金融机构的介入而直接发生于个人之间 (引用自维基百科en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ P2p_lending)。虽然它出现不久,但近年来却迅速增长。历史上第一家在线P2P贷款公司是Zopa(www.zopa. lt; http://www.zopa.- gt; com),于2005年在英国成立。 Prosper(www.prosper.com)是美国的第一个P2P贷款公司,并在2006年2月向公众开放。Prosper现在成为了最大的P2P借贷平台,截止2011年2月,其拥有超过一百万名会员,超过2.19亿美元的个人贷款资助。P2P在线交易越来越明显地在美国和英国起着替代传统的储蓄和投资的平台的作用(斯莱文2007)。《哈佛商业评论》报道到每一家主要银行都将在未来五年之内拥有自己的P2P网络贷款平台,而P2P贷款会在即将到来的十年里成为最重要的金融服务创新(Sviokla 2009)。这个新现象已经引起了研究人员的重大关注。他们中的许多人关注社交网络P2P贷款林(弗里德曼和金2008,2008年雷罗 - 洛佩兹等人。Lin et al2011年)。在P2P借贷市场,交易成本由于昂贵的中介的消除而大大减少,但信息不对称问题比传统市场变得更加严重。这是因为P2P网贷市场中的大多数个人贷方缺乏专业的金融知识,而贷款经验又发生在一个匿名的网络环境中(Klafft 2008)。Prosper借贷平台上的社交网络揭示了一些关于贷方风险的软信息,因此这将有可能作为对硬信息缺乏的一种补偿(弗里德曼和金2008)。此外,社交网络、借款人的特征、包括人口学特征、财务实力和发出请求前的努力均被视为在P2P网贷投资成功的决定因素 (Herzenstein et al . 2008年)。

尽管有这些新的实验机制设计和制度功能,贷款人面临的信息不对称的风险可能不是轻易能抹去的。据研究,投资者在面临因信息不对称带来的未知的风险时会表现出羊群效应。羊群行为描述了许多社会和经济情况,即一个人的决策深受别人的决定的强烈影响(Duan et al。2009)。因此,其已在理论上与许多经济区域关联了起来,如投资建议(Scharfstein和Stein于1990),首次公开发行股票(IPO)的定价行为(韦尔奇于1992年),风尚和习俗(Bikhchandani等,1992)以及委托投资组合管理(Maug奈克和奈克于1996年)。

两件事让这个研究变得有意思。首先,我们质疑P2P借贷市场是否存在羊群效应,因为这个市场的一些特点同其他一些可以观察到羊群效应的网上市场是截然不同的。换句话说,参与者们采取放牧的策略,因为他们相信别人比他们拥有更好的信息。例如, 在股票市场中出现的羊群效应是由专家析师带领的。许多其他的羊群效应的案例表明买家们依赖其他买家所搜集的体验产品的信息。此前的消费者已经体验过了丰富的各种商品和服务,因此潜力买家会相信他们可能有更好的信息。因此,他们会涌向流行的商品或音乐乐队。然而,在线P2P贷款似乎并没有这样明显的来源更优质的信息。大多数同级别的P2P贷款投资者并不专业。同时,这需要更长的时间,直到“真正”的信息揭示了贷款违约或支付。因此,羊群效应是否存在与P2P借贷市场是值得疑虑的,因为没有明显优势的信息源可以被识别。再换句话说,在这个网上市场上是否有因盲目信任所谓的集体智慧而触发的羊群效应?而现在,,基于我们已经能够建设的独特的数据集,我们有一个补救的机会。


2. 文献综述


















总之, 根据表7和表8,所有的假设得到支持,除了借款人的拍卖失败假说(H9)。贷款人在P2P借贷市场倾向于和群,存在一个边际效应递减的羊群效应。软信息和硬信息对贷款人而言均是重要的因素。



尽管这项研究揭示了羊群效应,但是其依旧存在一些局限性。首先, 当贷款人投资于拍卖时,真正的参与率上升。然而,我们是以前一天的参与率的值作为基础来测量的。这在拍卖的初期不会是一个问题,但在最后一天得到的结果可能会不够精确。此外,我们没有考虑到借款人写借款条例内容时的处境。


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecra

Article history:Availabe online 12 February 2012


Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ecra

Article history:Availabe online 12 February 2012

Herding behavior in online P2P lending: An empirical investigation

Eunkyoung Lee, Byungtae Lee uArr;

KAIST Business School, Seoul, Republic of Korea

AbstractWe study lender behavior in the peer-to-peer (P2P) lending market, where individuals bid on unsecured microloans requested by other individual borrowers. Online P2P exchanges are growing, but lenders in this market are not professional investors. In addition, lenders have to take big risks because loans in P2P lending are granted without collateral. While the P2P lending market shares some characteristics of online markets with respect to herding behavior, it also has characteristics that may discourage it. This study empirically investigates herding behavior in the P2P lending market where seemingly conflictin gconditions and features of herding are present. Using a large sample of daily data from one of the largest P2P lending platforms in Korea, we find strong evidence of herding and its diminishing marginal effect as bidding advances. We employ a multinomial logit market-share model in which relevant variables from prior studies on P2P lending are assessed.

Keywords:Economic analysis· Empirical research ·Herding Market share modeling· Microfinance P2P lending ·Reverse auctions ·Social networks

1 Introduction

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a breed of financial transactionsthat occur directly between individuals without the intermediation of a traditional financial institution (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

P2p_lending). It has a short history, but has rapidly grown in recentyears. The first online P2P lending company was Zopa (www.zopa.-com), launched in 2005 in the United Kingdom. In the UnitedStates, Prosper (www.prosper.com) was the first P2P lending firm,and opened to the public in February 2006. It is now the largest P2Plending platform, with over a million members and over US$219million in personal loans funded as of February 2011. P2P online exchanges are growing in the United States and United Kingdomas an alternative platform to traditional saving and investment(Slavin 2007). Harvard Business Review reports that every majorbank will have its own P2P lending network within five years,and that P2P lending will be among the most important financial service innovations in the coming decade (Sviokla 2009).

This new phenomenon has garnered significant attention from researchers. Many of them focus on social networks in P2P lending (Freedman and Jin 2008, Herrero-Lopez 2009, Lin et al. 2011). In the P2P lending market, transaction costs are reduced by eliminating expensive intermediaries, but information asymmetry problems become more severe than in traditional markets. This is because most individual lenders in online P2P lending lack financial expertise, and the lending experience takes place in a pseudonymous online environment (Klafft 2008). In this situation, social networks between individuals mitigate adverse selection and lead to better outcomes in all aspects of the lending process (Lin et al. 2011). Social networks on Prosper reveal some soft information about borrower risk, and therefore have the potential to compensate for the lack of hard information (Freedman and Jin 2008). Besides social networks, borrowersrsquo; characteristics, including demographic characteristics, financial strength, and effort prior to making a request, are regarded as determinants of funding success in P2P lending (Herzenstein et al. 2008).

Despite those new experimental mechanism designs and system features, the risk of information asymmetry lenders face may not be erased easily. It has been studied that players exhibit herding

behaviors in online commerce when they face risk of uncertainty such as information asymmetry. Herding behavior describes many social and economic situations in which an individualrsquo;s decisionmaking is highly influenced by the decisions of others (Duan et al. 2009). Therefore, it has been theoretically linked to many economic areas such as investment recommendations (Scharfstein and Stein 1990), price behavior of initial public offerings (IPOs) (Welch 992), fads and customs (Bikhchandani et al. 1992), and delegated portfolio management (Maug and Naik 1996).

Two things make this study interesting. First, we question whether herding behaviors exist in the P2P lending market because some characteristics of this market are distinctly different from those online markets where herding behaviors are observed. Herd behavior refers to people who do what others are doing instead of using their own information (Banerjee 1992). In other words, players take herding strategy because they believe that others are better informed than they are. For example, herding behavior in the stock market is led by expert analysts. Many other cases of herding behavior show that buyers rely on information gathered by other buyers of experience goods. Prior consumers already have experienced various goods and services, and therefore, potential buyers will believe that they may have better information. Thus, they will flock to popular goods or music bands. However, online P2P lending does not seem to have such obvious sources of the better information. Most peers in P2P lending are not professional investors. Also, it will take a much longer time until lsquo;lsquo;truersquo;rsquo; information is revealed by loan default or payments on time. As a result, the existence of herding in the P2P lending market is questionable, since no clearly superior information source can be identified. In other words, is herding behavior triggered by blind trust of the collective intelligence in the online market? Second, there has been no micro-data from a single



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