
 2023-01-11 09:19:03









海外代购的服务链包括四个部分。第一部分是产品,现如今有四种商品是比重最大的的:日用品(衣服、运动用品、玩具、化妆品等等),电子产品(平板电脑、高端手机等等)奢侈品(手表、打火机等等),收藏品(老式照相机,硬币等等)。Bergol 2009年第一季度的数据显示这些订单里衣服占据了78.4%,运动器材5.2%,玩具5.1%,包类3.5%,书籍2.8%,钟表2.5%还有其他物品2.5%。在这些订单里,65.8%的订单是低于1000元的,28.9%的是在1000元~5000元之间,4.7%是在5000元~10000元之间,0.6%是超过10000元的。





















外文文献出处:Junxin Sun .The Analysis on the Online Overseas Purchasing Service in China,2013 3rd International Conference on Social Sciences and Society(ICSSS 2013),2013.12


The analysis on the online overseas purchasing service in



(Beijing International Studies University,100024,Beijing,China)

Abstract:Online overseas purchasing has experienced a high speed growth in China because of the price,category, and quality advantages. However, It also faces some problems and risks related to the price,quality, after-sales service,logistics,regulation and exchange rate fluctuation. To solve these kinds of risks,several political suggestions have been raised.With the additional attention,this paper believes that the future is

going to be bright.

Keywords:overseas purchasing;China;online

Overseas purchasing is a service provided by certain agencies to purchase oversea goods and services on behalf of their customers.It could be online or offline.This paper focuses on the online overseas purchasing and summarizes the opportunity and challenge in this field.Online overseas purchasing emerged with the development of internet and has developed very fast in recently years.According to the data from China E—business Research Center the overseas purchasing market in China has reached 24.1 billion in 2011 and 48 billion in 2012.

1.Development of the service

1.1 Boom of the service

Currently,the overseas purchasing websites could be classified into four categories.The first category is BBS,facing different consumer segments.The second is some comprehensive

platforms,such as purchasing belongs to their scope of business.The third is some professional overseas purchasing websites,targeting the high—end market.Their business is to purchase abroad according to customerrsquo;s order.The last category is some websites built up by both commercial banks and

logistic companies,such as lsquo;lsquo;one nowrsquo;rsquo; which found by VISA and DHL.

The map of the websites is still unobvious.Letrsquo;s think about the other online fields:Ebay is the leader of C2C,Amazon is the leader of B2B,web portal is represented by Yahoo and Google dominates search engine.However,there is no such big giant in the overseas purchasing field around the world.

Online overseas purchasing has shown three special advantages compared with the direct purchasing abroad and other shopping online.First,it is more efficient.Online overseas purchasing can avoid foreign exchange controls,settlement by international credit card,low speed of custom clearance,language difficulties,capital safety and other problems companied with the international personal shopping.Secondly,most of the

consumers participating into the overseas purchasing are upper or middle class and thus have a higher purchasing power.This power means overseas purchasing website could survive though a narrow market segmentation.The third one is the personalized value—added service.Some professional purchasing websites seek differentiate development to meet the specific needs of consumers by providing value—added services,such as online auction and information consultation.

1.2 Reasons for the boom

Brands from outside the Chinese mainland has contributed the largest proportion to the online overseas purchasing because of big price differences between goods found in the mainland and other markets,including Hong Kong and Taiwan.The average price gap is around 40% .According to the investigation imposed by the Commercial Department,20 kinds of luxury products in five categories(watch,luggage and bag,cloth,wine and electronics)have the highest price differences~5 1% higher than the US and 72% higher than France.And this difference has become even higher after China joined WTO.High tariff, especially high tariff on brands,has contributed a lot to this price gap.Also,international brands often set high prices for goods sold

on the Chinese mainland because people are willing to pay them. The show—off desire has pushed the overseas purchasing even more flourishing.With overseas purchasing services,shoppers can get the same quality goods at lower prices.

Besides the price,more categories could be found abroad and overseas purchasing could meet the need of small amount of transaction.For instance.if one wants a pair of latest NIKE shoes that is not sold in China,purchasing overseas is a good alternative way.Also,through overseas purchasing,fake products risk could

be decreased too due to the stricter fake check abroad.

2.Challenges faced by the service

This section is going to first summarize the elements of online overseas purchasing and then analysis the problems and risks faced by the overseas purchasing websites.

2.1 elements of the service chain

The service chain of online overseas purchasing involves at least four parts.The first is the product.At present,four types of goods have been on the top of order:daily necessities(clothing, sporting good,toy, cosmetic, etc.),electronic products(portable computers,high—end mobile phone, etc.),luxury good

lighter, etc.)collection(old camera, coin, etc.).Data from Bergol shows that clothing accounted for 78.4% of the orders, sporting goods accounted for 5.2%,toys accounted for 5.1%,bags 3.5%,books 2.8%,clocks and watches 2,5% and other items 2.5% in the first quarter of 2009.Among these orders,65.8% are under RMB 1,000,28.9% are between RBM1,000 ~ 5,000, 4.7% are between RMB5,000 ~ 10,000, 0.6% are more than RMB10,000

With regards to the target countries and regions, shoppers usually place an order in US considering the abundant commodity categories and low price in US. Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan are also popular countries and regions due to their developed electronics, chemicals and other high industry. Britain as the origin od many luxury brands is also popular.

Shoppers ar



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