
 2023-01-11 09:15:08



关键词:经验值; 忠诚度; 网络游戏服务; 满意度; 服务质量; 交易成本

根据DFC智能(2006年)的报告预计,至2011年,全球网络游戏市场将由2005年的34亿美元增至到超过130亿美元,这预示着游戏玩家的潜在增长。在美国,多人模式游戏在2004年的游戏市场已逐步成为了一个确定性的因素,在计算机和视频游戏市场的总额已超过73亿。今年百分之四十二的普遍的游戏玩家选择在线上游戏(Dick, Wellnitz, amp; Wolf, 2005)。台湾的一项调查数据显示,在互联网42%的渗透率下(FIND,2006),截止到2005年9月底,互联网用户在台湾的人数已达到1376万人,经常上网的用户已达到952万人。随着明显增多线上网游用户向娱乐转移,网络游戏吸引了供应商进入这个产业。巨大的网游客户群体为新兴的只进行网游经营的公司进入网游产业创造了机会,这样可以让已经建立的播放器在市场中更有竞争力。如何在保留原有网游用户的基础上吸引新的用户已成为从业者和学者们共同关注的问题。

文献显示,影响消费者对供应商忠诚度的直接因素就是客户满意度(Cronin,Brady,amp;Hult,2000)。同样,在B2C渠道满意度模型或网上购物的满意度模型,满意度被认为是一个重要的结构,因为它是影响参与者的是否留在渠道的诱因,被视为回购的前提。(Devaraj, Fan, amp; Kohli, 2002; Skogland amp; Siguaw, 2004; Yi amp; La, 2004; Yang amp; Lin, 2006)但是,什么是使他们对产品及服务满意的关键,也就是如何提升客户忠诚度,尤其是网络游戏的服务环境下,依然是目前还在研究的问题。(Dick et al., 2005) 这项研究的目的是经验性去评估在线游戏服务的满意度和忠诚度模型,包括经验值,交易成本和服务质量,这三大影响网络游戏忠诚度与满意度的前因以及他们在模型结构中相互之间的联系。

2 概念背景

2.1 经验值


2.1.1 功利价值

功利性的消费行为已被描述为与任务相关的,合理的(Batra amp; Ahtola, 1991)。功利的消费价值通常理解为个人的所需要消费是否完成,往往,这意味着一件商品是经过深思熟虑的有效率的购买。该顾客只有在交易顺利完成之后才能得到对于产品或网站交互影响后所提供的功利价值(节省时间,控制,更好的产品信息)(Babin, Darden, amp; Griffin, 1994). Koufaris, Kambil, and Labarbera (2001)。

2.1.2 享乐价值

购物研究一直强调功利方面的购物体验,它常常被描述为一个产品是否能被成功收购(Bloch amp; Richins, 1983).相关的,合理的和紧密相关的的因素(Batra amp; Ahtola,

1991)。由于这个原因,在过去的几年购物经历中里人们开始看到在对享乐价值方面的购物兴趣的复兴,研究人员也开始意识到在购物中潜在的娱乐价值和情感价值的重要性(Babin et al., 1994)。




交易成本分析(TCA)的框架建立在假设的两个主要人类行为之间的相互作用上——有限的理性和机会主义,以及资产特性、不确定性、频率性这三个交易的维度(Devaraj et al., 2002)。

2.2.1 资产特性









2.2.3 流通性



威廉姆森(1987)注意到交易发生在产品或服务被转移过一个可分离的技术界面时。交易成本累加到生产成本当中,而且必须包含市场交易成本和管理成本(Masten, James, amp; Edward, 1991)。对于零售市场组织的交易成本,例如运营一个网上商店的的交易成本就有寻货成本、商谈成本、售货服务和管理交易成本。市场交易成本衡量了在一个特定的市场水平下购买商和销售商相互作用效率性的一个等级,同时管理交易成本衡量了市场组织中的程序效率。在市场交易成本的背景下,当一个潜在的消费者试图进行线上消费时,该网站可以以一种简单易读的形式提供产品图片、描述、价格和其他消费者对于该产品的反馈信息(Devaraj et al., 2002)。因此,交易成本也受时间效率的影响。时间效率是交易中时间成本的一个衡量。贝克尔(1965)提出影响消费者效用最大化的原因并不仅仅是收入的限制而其中也包括时间的限制。通过减少不对称信息和错误信息,例如发错货或者错过发货日期,客户会发现线上购物更加容易也节省更多时间。



2.3 服务质量(SERVQUAL)




  1. 有形资产:物质设施,设备,整体员工。
  2. 可靠性:可信任的和精确的完成承诺服务的能力。
  3. 回应性:愿意帮助客户并提供及时服务。
  4. 保证性:保证员工的知识与礼貌,让他们的能力去激发信任和信心。


在电子商务行业中,服务质量这些技巧也适用于评估搜索引擎,这些因素与网站的息息相关。无论如何,公司对于消费者对于网络服务质量这些观念还处于尚未考虑。这些表明电子商务服务问题已经超越了产品价格,或已成为消费者选择偏好的渠道的原因。SERVQUAL在市场调查中作为一个具有广泛效用的工具衡量顾客期望服务与所得服务,在最近才被应用于评估IS 服务质量。这个研究使用了SERVQUAL的四个维度,包括可靠性,回应性,保证性和设身处地的关怀态度,去评估消费者对网络渠道的服务质量认知。


Hao-Erl Yang *, Chi-Chuan Wu, Kuang-Cheng Wang Department of Business Management, Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan


1. Introduction

According to a report from DFC Intelligence (2006) the worldwide online game market is forecasted to grow from $3.4 billion dollars in 2005 to over $13 billion in 2011, indicating that the potential increase of the number of online game users. In the US, with multiplayer games being an established factor in game market in 2004, the computer and video game market exceeded $7.3 billion. This year 42% of most frequent game players are playing online (Dick, Wellnitz, amp; Wolf, 2005). In Taiwan a survey data showed that the number of Internet subscribers in Taiwan had reached 13.76 million and there were 9.52 million regular Internet users at the end of September 2005, with an Internet penetration rate of 42% (FIND, 2006). Having been shifted to entertainment with noticeably increasing number of online game users, online game has attracted providers entering the industry. The huge Internet users made the opportunity for the rise of online-only game companies to enter the online game industry and that are making the marketplace more competitive for established players (DFC Intelligence, 2006). How to retain the existing online game users and entice new ones have attracted both practitioners and academicians to pay more attention to it.

The literatures revealed that the immediate factor affecting consumers to retain loyalty to the providers is customer satisfaction (Cronin, Brady, amp; Hult, 2000).

Similarly, in a B2C channel satisfaction model or online shopping satisfaction model, satisfaction is considered as an important construct because it affects participantsrsquo; motivation to stay with the channel and regarded as an antecedent of repurchase

(Devaraj, Fan, amp; Kohli, 2002; Skogland amp; Siguaw,2004; Yi amp; La, 2004; Yang amp; Lin, 2006). But what are the key factors that can make them satisfied with the products and services, which, in turn, enhance their loyalty, especially, in online game service environment, are still under study (Dick et al., 2005). The purpose of this study is to empirically assess an online game service satisfaction and loyalty model, including experiential value, transaction cost, and service quality, the three antecedents of online game service satisfaction and loyalty and test the associations among the constructs in the model.

2. Conceptual background

2.1. Experience value

Experience value can be divided into two parts: utilitarian value and hedonic value.

2.1.1. Utilitarian value

Utilitarian consumer behavior has been described as task-related, and rational (Batra amp; Ahtola, 1991). Perceived utilitarian shopping value might depend on whether the personal need shopping was accomplished, often, this means a product is purchased in considered and efficient manners. This shopper may find value only if the shopping

is completed successfully to get everything done (Babin, Darden, amp; Griffin, 1994). Koufaris, Kambil, and Labarbera (2001) proposed that utilitarian value (time saving,

control, better product information) endued by interactivity affecting approach responses toward a product or website.

2.1.2. Hedonic value

Shopping research has long emphasize the shopping experience on the utilitarian aspects, which has often been described as task-related and rational (Batra amp; Ahtola,

1991) and related closely to whether a product acquisition mission was successfully accomplished or not (Babin et al., 1994). However, traditional product acquisition explanations may not fully portray the totality of the shopping experience (Bloch amp; Richins, 1983). Because of this, the last several years have seen resurgent interest in the shopping experience on the hedonic aspects and researchers have recognized the importance of its potential entertainment and emotional worth (Babin et al., 1994).

Hirschman and Holbrook (1982) described consumers as either lsquo;lsquo;problem solvers” or in terms of consumers seekinglsquo;lsquo;fun, fantasy, arousal, sensory stimulation, and enjoyment”.This mainly depended on people view shopping as a work or view shooing as fun. Utilitarian value involves shopping efficiency and making the right product choice

based on logical assessment of product information, on contrary, consumers view shopping as an adventure. Hirschman and Holbrook (1982) thought these forms of pleasure as the experiential (hedonic) value of the consumption experience, so hedonic value differs from utilitarian value.

2.2. Transaction cost

The concept of transaction cost was represented by Coase (1937), broken that in traditional economic background people consider transaction will run perfectly in

market mechanism and there were no transaction costs. Transaction was affected from uncertainty and bounded rationality of environment and will generate many transaction

costs. Williamson (1987) extend and develop a more completely theory of transaction cost.

The framework of transaction cost analysis (TCA) builds on the interplay between two main assumptions of human behavior—bounded rationality and opportunism, and three dimensions of transactions—asset specificity, uncertainty, and frequency (Devaraj et al., 2002).

2.2.1. Asset specificity

A specialized investment that cannot be redeployed to alternative uses or by alternative users excepted at a loss of productive value. Asset specificity can take several forms, of which human, physical, site, and dedicated assets are the most common. There are four main types of asset specificity determined by Williamson (1987):

_ Site specificity: It is observed when firms and plants are located in close proximity in order to minimize transportationand invent



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