
 2023-01-11 09:14:31


原文作者 Paul Markillie

【摘 要】:电子商务是利用电子手段进行各种商务活动。目前发达国家的电子商务已逐步涉及到各个领域,我国电子商务还处于起步阶段,电子商务模式B2C、B2B均在探讨。从趋势看,我国电子商务必须向纵深化、专业化、国际化、区域化发展。

关键词:电子商务; 网络购物; 国际贸易;群体经济









尽管发展迅速和似乎前途光明,但电子商务面临一系列实际问题,例如,涉及安全、技术、费用、法律制度、税收制度、观念、隐私保护、基础设施等问题。然而,电子商务是新世纪企业的主流,并且在今后几年将会迅速发展。一些公司预测,到2003年,发达国家企业之间的电子商务将占营业总额(13, 000亿美元)的9%以上,而在在线消费电子商务方面,到2002年,营业额将达到763亿美元。而正如专家的预测,中国的电子商务将在10年内赶上中等发达国家。他们提出,花3——5年制定发展电子商务所必须的计划、政策和条例,建设庞大和实实在在的电子商务系统,鼓励专门人才,优化某些行业和地区的电子商务体制;然后用5——7年时间与国际电子商务接轨,使我们的电子商务系统成为国际电子商务的重要组成部分;普及电子商务应用,在研究、发展和应用方面将我国的电子商务提升到较高水平,达到发达国家的平均水平。










正如我们已经看到的那样,使用因特网的人数正在以每年100%的速度增长,而且,很快这个数字就会显得保守了。为了满足那些不断开发因特网潜能的消费者的要求,越来越多的因特网的网路提供者、服务提供者、各厂商和公司被卷到了一起。在因特网上,每家公司都在全球范围的市场中寻找自己的机会,每个参与者 (客户,厂商,商业中介等等), 都将成为主角。





原文作者 Paul Markillie


The development and outlook of the electronic commerce

Electronic commerce is regarded as a new kind of rising business model which will bring about profound influence on social economy. And it can be said as the important function in the social development of the world-wide locations. It represents the current of the world trade in late of 21 centuries.

The present condition of the flourishing and national electronic commerce

90s in 20 centuries middle, Internet experiences the development of explode the type, the tiny machine enters ten thousand of persons thousand, the calculator network has already become peoples daily life in the necessary part. People the in hopes of calculator network brings more advantages and convenience. The electronic commerce emerge with the tide of the times. At flourishing nation, actual applied policy of the government well timed establishment push electronic commerce, occupy the predominant position in newly a competition of scope of world.

The electronic commerce of the United States controls the trade of world. Currently, there are 60,000,000 customers of Internet in the United States.98% buys the manager above on-line look for the target. According to the estimate of, to 2002, of the American business enterprise pass the value that the electronic commerce completes the trading post to involve and will have 6.1% of GDP 《 wealth 》 the covariance enunciation of the magazine,500 strong companies in world all open the on-line business of exhibition. The IBM accepts the persons 25% (about USD 20,000,000,000) to have something to do with electronic commerce. Had the electronic commerce luckily, make the IBM save the expenditure of USD 250,000,000 in 1999.

The development of the Chinese electronic commerce

The development of the Chinese government and civil electronic commerce begins from 1993. Today, the electronic commerce has already been apply in foreign trade, maritime customs, finance and business realm. Peking and Shanghai has already built up the native electronic commerce frame. Some electronic commerce Web addresses have already opened to the on-line shopping and on-line close book.

Though do all these effort, China open the company of the exhibition electronic commerce to suffer the loss in one business of C( the B department points the business, C the department points the consumer) of one to of its Bosomed Chinese experts love this shopping habit that attributes to the Chinese- Chinese consumer the amateur that the shopping sees as a kind of interesting; They enjoy to pass to enjoy and compare the merchandise and haggle to the expensive fun; But all these will start disappear from the on-line shopping. Other experts cant practice the business this phenomenon attributes to the society in the widespread and existent doubt attitude 11 banks with each other because of frightened its rival pulls to walk customer; The bank has to pull to the walk customer; The cash card cant make widely available because the bank does not believe the common people; But the common people do not like the on-line shopping etc. Because of the belief of the on-line store. Why? The reason lies in on-line and society in many affairs that are all deceitful, for example the deceitful customer quantity, deceitful interview flowing the covariance, counterfeits the merchandise, forges the diploma, forges the resume, deceitful investment, deceitful rank, appears on market the business enterprise deceitful accept person etc.. Thus a comprehensive environment will not change in very long time recently. In such environment, it cant be engaged in any business activity. So many operators of ITs electronic commerce of our nations lost the confidence.

The electronic commerce outlook

Though the development is quick and seems to have the bright future. The electronic commerce faces a series of actual problems, for example, involving safety, technique, expenses, law system, revenue from tax system, idea, privacy protection, infrastructure etc. problems. However, the electronic commerce has the main current of the new business enterprise of century, and will develop quickly in several years of after time. Some company estimates, until to 2003, the electronic commerce between the developed countries of business enterprises which will have 9% of the business total amount (13, USD 0) above. But in all aspects the online consumes of the electronic commerce, until to 2002, the sales amount will attain USD 76,300,000,000.But positive such as the experts estimate, the electronic commerce of China will catch up within 10 years in the developed countries. They put forward spending 3 to 5 years to draw up developing the electronic commerce. That of plan, policy and regulation, construct huge and solid true at of electronic commerce system, will encourage the specialized talented person, excellent turn the electronic commerce system of some professions and region; Then with 5 to 7 years ,international electronic commercersquo;s, making our electronic commerce system become the importance of the international electronic commerce to constitute the part; Making widely available the electronic commerce application, we promote the electronic commerce of the our country to the higher level in the aspects of the study, develops and apply, attains average level of the flourishing nation.

The 21st century are the information time, the tertiary industry unceasingly rise in the various countries proportion, specially service industry, information service industry becomes for the 21st century the leading industries, this has caused the electronic commerce production and the development in the global informati



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