
 2022-12-29 11:00:10

题目:From Marketing Communications to Brand Management: Factors Influencing Relationship Quality and Customer Retention


PARAMAPORN THAICHON (School of Marketing, S P Jain School of Global Management, Sydney, Australia)

THU NGUYEN QUACH (Department of Marketing, Tourism and Social Impact, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia)

摘要原文:The research aims to investigate how to improve relationship quality and retain customers through marketing communications. The article presents an extensive review of the marketing literature relating to branding, relationship marketing, and marketing communications with a view to identifying effective ways to enhance brand personality, brand image, and brand awareness as well as relationship quality and, ultimately, customer retention. The exogenous constructs of the conceptual model include influential factors such as marketing communications, brand personality, brand image, and brand awareness. The endogenous constructs include cognitive and affective customer evaluations such as customersrsquo; trust, satisfaction, value, and the resultant brand loyalty (retention). It is found that brand equity is important in determining customer expectations, which is an antecedent of customer satisfaction. Consumers will be satisfied with the brand if the initial expectations of the brand are nearly or entirely met. In return, high consumer satisfaction will augment the level of brand trust and brand value, eventually affecting repurchase intention. The study proposes that by enhancing marketing communications, firms can influence customersrsquo; satisfaction, trust, and value and ultimately customer retention, which are critical for a companyrsquo;s success and long-term sustainability.

KEYWORDS: brand awareness, brand image, brand personality, customer retention, marketing communications, satisfaction, trust, value







Customer retention is very important and becomes the main concern of many businesses (Flint, Blocker, amp; Boutin, 2011), especially when a large number of companies are facing costly customer acquisition (Abdolvand, Charkari, amp; Mohammadi, 2006) and high customer turnover (Spiller, Vlasic, amp; Yetton, 2007). Increasing market competition has resulted in a need to focus on how to maintain the current customer base (Hong amp; John, 2010). In addition, business performance improves as the number of loyal consumer increases (Jahanzeb, Fatima, amp; Khan, 2011). Oliver (1999) also noted that loyalty will increase consumersrsquo; commitment to the brand, resistance to inducements to transfer to other brands, and tolerance of error in performance.

Furthermore, recruiting new customers cannot guarantee long-term success for a company, especially when that company cannot retain its customers (Wang amp; Wu, 2012). Wang and Wu (2012) suggested that it is necessary to focus equally on customer acquisition and customer retention in order to boost company performance. Moreover, a 2% increase in the customer retention rate is equal to a 10% decrease in the cost of customer acquisition in the mobile phone service industry in China (Han, Lu, amp; Leung, 2012). In addition, customer loyalty raises consumersrsquo; commitment to the brand, and, as a result, they are more resistant to inducements to move to other brands (Oliver, 1999). Hence, keeping a loyal customer is more profitable in the long run in comparison with acquiring new customers (Wang amp; Wu, 2012).

Research has found that marketing communications have both direct and indirect effects on various aspects of brand and brand loyalty. This has been widely studied and has been one of the most popular research topics among scholars and practitioners for almost three decades (J. Aaker, 1997; Biel, 1993; Dick amp; Basu, 1994; Dwyer, Schurr, amp; Oh, 1987; Jacoby amp; Kyner, 1973; Morgan amp; Hunt, 1994; Oliver, 1999; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, amp; Berry, 1985; Plummer, 1985). However, there have been various changes in the conceptualization of brand loyalty over the past few years, primarily with new concepts in branding and transformation of marketing communications in the information age of the 21st century. For example, by using database technology businesses have managed to create more targeted consumer loyalty–related marketing programs (Y. Chen, 2010; Grossmanova, Vojtkova, amp; Kita, 2009; Healy, 2007; Sung amp; Kim, 2010). Hence, there is a need to reexamine the effects of marketing communications on loyalty.

This study is designed to examine the issue of customer retention in the telecommunications industry (i.e., among Internet service providers [ISPs]).The telecommunications industry is under pressure to maintain and increase its existing customer base. For instance, Thaichon, Lobo, Prentice, and Quach (2014) reported that an average of 10% of home Internet customers in Thailand switched service providers each year over the period from 2003 to 2009. Similarly, the Australian ISP market witnessed up to 35% of its customers discontinuing in 2007 (Spiller et al., 2007). However, there is scant information relating to the creation of customer loyalty in high-tech services. Given the high Internet usage and high churn rates within the ISP sector, this market is grossly underresearched. Hence, it is justifiable to investigate the antecedents of customer loyalty and customer retention within this market.

In terms of practical benefits, brand loyal


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