
 2022-11-18 21:34:31

The Critique of Methodology: Nationalism and Discipline Construction of Global Governance Research

Zhenye Liu

Abstract:The various difficulties which the human knowledge system are facing in being used to interpret the new issues of globalization and global governance, are traced to methodological level to find the crux of the problem, this lies at the heart mythology of methodological nationalism. Methodology nationalism artificially divides human integral knowledge into domestic/international, internal affairs/diplomacy, self/other. It sticks to the stance of the “National Center Theory”, stresses on the absolution of national sovereignty, autonomy and self-sufficiency, stressed on the supremacy of self values and takes it as the universal values. In this paper, based on the critical approaches to the critique of nationalistic methodology, the author explores the methodology of globalism or “nationalism under the globalism perspective” and the possible approaches to the construction of disciplinary knowledge system of global governance. Globalism Methodology stresses the integrity of the human knowledge system, consciously recognizes the relativity of the national sovereignty, emphasizes on significance of the universal values and the same importance of the roles of international mechanisms and non-state actors. This provides an important methodological guidance for global governance research. Under the guidance of globalism methodology, the construction of the knowledge system of global governance research subject should follow a holism, interdisciplinary and multi-paradigm path. The holistic knowledge framework includes the basic theories and methodology of global governance. The interdisciplinary research approach of global governance contains at least the disciplinary knowledge of economics, political science, and moral philosophy, which contains the interdisciplinary interpretation paradigm include: (1) the interpretation paradigm of Global Political Economy, (2) the interpretation paradigm of Global Politics, (3) the interpretation paradigm of Global Ethics.

Keywords:Methodology nationalism The globalism methodology Global Governance Research

1 Introduction

Like any subject knowledge of human knowledge system is produced at a particular time, the emergence of global governance research is also the result of the requirements of globalization and global governance age. On the one hand, the consequences of globalization and global governance dilemma urgently need us to find a solution. On the other hand, our existed knowledge about international issues is not available to answer the problems of globalization and global governance age. So, develop a new research field, propose a new theory paradigm and even create a new subject knowledge system should been put on the agenda of human knowledge development. Exploring the subject knowledge system of global governance precisely reflects the above-mentioned needs of global age.

2 Methodology Nationalism Critique

Existed human knowledge system is facing various dilemmas when it interprets the new issues raised by globalization and global governance. The root of these dilemmas is methodology nationalismrsquo;s myth.1 Methodology nationalism regards nation-state as the basic unit of human political life in international arena, regards the distinction between nation-states, which is constituted according to the natural distribution, as the established starting point of human knowledge construction.2 However, globalization and its consequences have an unprecedented impact on the existed human knowledge system, which regards nation/territory state as the starting point of human knowledge. Therefore, in order to reconstruct human knowledge system of globalization and global governance age, we need to break the methodology nationalismrsquo;s myth, and replace it with a new methodology.

(1) Methodology Nationalism

Methodology nationalism is mainly proposed by well-known German political philosopher Ulrich Beck. This concept emphasizes the nation as the core, emphasizes the priority of the nation-state when achieving its political and economic interests and cultural and ethical values, and rejects the interests and values of other.

Firstly, under the domination of methodology nationalism, traditional social science, which take territory and border as the standard to divide the extension category and boundary of the human social science knowledge research, artificially divides human integral knowledge into domestic/international, internal affairs/diplomacy, self/other. This method makes human artificially eliminated the relevancy of any “extrinsic variable” besides self, and make self value obtained the priority and domination relative to other and “outsider” when construct knowledge system, and puts other and “outsider” in the position of marginalization, oppression and instrumentality.

Secondly, methodology nationalism emphasizes the absoluteness, independency and self-sufficiency of state sovereignty. Methodology nationalism assumes that nation-state has supreme authority and ability, which is not only able to deal with the impact of external factors on domestic affairs in accordance with the supremacy of self-interest, but also able to across-the-board cope various internal demands. Sovereignty is inalienable, not negotiable and inflexible. Sovereign state has the self-sufficiency and the ability to solve all kinds of problems and demands it faced.

Thirdly, methodology nationalism insists upon nation-centralism, emphasizes nation-state have absolute leading authority in internal and external affairs. Methodology nationalism thinks that, in internal affairs, the nation-state monopoly on the use of violence and provides internal security, legal order and social security; in external affairs, it provides integral


The Critique of Methodology: Nationalism and Discipline Construction of Global Governance Research

Zhenye Liu


关键词: 方法论民族主义;全球主义方法论;全球治理研究

1 引言

就像人类知识系统的任何知识是在特定时间产生的一样,全球治理研究的出现也是全球化和全球治理时代要求的结果。 一方面,全球化和全球治理困境的后果迫切需要我们找到解决方案。 另一方面,我们现有的关于国际问题的知识不能解决全球化和全球治理时代的问题。 因此,开发一个新的研究领域,提出一个新的理论范式,甚至创建一个新的学科知识体系应该被提上人类知识发展的议事日程。探索全球治理的学科知识体系恰恰反映了上述全球时代的需求。

2 方法论民族主义批判

在解释全球化和全球治理引发的新问题时,现有的人类知识体系面临着各种困境。这些困境的根源在于方法论民族主义的神话。方法论民族主义将民族国家视为国际舞台上人类政治生活的基本单位,将根据自然分布构成的民族国家之间的区别视为既定的起点。但是全球化及其后果对于以国家/地区国家作为人类知识起点的现有人类知识体系产生了前所未有的影响。 因此,为了重构全球化和全球治理时代的人类知识体系,我们需要打破方法论民族主义的神话,并用一种新的方法取代它。

  1. 方法论民族主义


首先,在民族主义方法论的统治下,以地域和边界为标准的传统社会科学划分人类社会科学知识研究的延伸范畴和边界,人为地将人类整体知识划分为国内/国际,内政/外交 ,自己/其他。这种方法使得人为地人为地消除了除自我以外的任何“外在变量”的相关性,并且在构建知识体系时使自我价值获得了相对于他人和“外部人”的优先权和控制权,并使其他人和“局外人”处于边缘化地位。

其次,方法论民族主义强调国家主权的绝对性,独立性和自足性。方法论民族主义假设民族国家具有最高的权威和能力,它不仅能够根据自身利益至上这一原则处理外部因素对国内事务的影响,而且能够全面应对各种内部需求。 主权是不可剥夺的,不可谈判和僵化的。 主权国家拥有自给自足和解决各种问题和要求的能力。

第三,方法论民族主义坚持国家中心主义,强调民族国家在内外事务上具有绝对的领导权。方法论民族主义认为,在内政方面,民族国家垄断使用暴力并提供内部安全,法律秩序和社会保障; 在外部事务中,它提供了完整的安全性。因此,只有民族国家才是最重要的角色,而市场参与者,国际组织和非政府组织等其他参与者则依赖于民族国家。 “民族国家满足了人类社会组织和秩序的最高要求,重建任何超越民族国家体系的等级权威结构是昂贵和不自然的。”一位国家中心主义者直接表示。

第四,方法论民族主义否认普遍伦理和普世价值的重要性,强调自我价值的至上性和重要性。与此同时,它忽视了自我与他人之间的区别,主要把自我价值观看作是普世价值。 方法论民族主义遵循“胜者通吃”的原则,强调零和道德,并把普遍价值看作是微不足道的或工具性的东西。

  1. 方法论民族主义的局限性


首先,现代科学技术革命打破了旧时空结构,这种结构与民族国家体系同时出现,并将世界各地的人们联系在一起。 因此,现代科学技术革命从根本上改变了人类构建其知识体系的旧时空结构。 随着信息技术,核技术,空间技术和全球时代技术的发展,人类社会在全球范围内成为一个整体,“全球思维,地方行动”已成为现代人类生活的现实。 国家中心主义的思想和方法无疑将面临新的挑战。


第三,全球相互依赖和经济全球化的全面扩张使得民族国家的自治面临前所未有的挑战。 在经济全球化进程中,民族国家在经济发展和经济社会政策方面的自主权显着减少。在政治领域,国际人权准则,环境标准和大规模杀伤性武器控制规范等日益发挥重要作用。 国家的国内政策制定面临着许多政治领域内越来越多国际规范干预的挑战。面对这些挑战,民族国家不可能完全退回到自封的旧路。为了适应全球相互依赖和全球治理的新要求,我们需要全面重新审视国家中心主义范式,并从理论框架和思维方式出发。


总而言之,在民族国家占主导地位的时代,人类知识体系的建构难以突破方法论民族主义的制约。然而,如今人类社会的生活再一次呈现出一个新景象:科技革命日新月异,全球化和相互依存发展更加深入,解决全球性问题和危机迫在眉睫,人类正在尝试 打破现有的知识体系和思维框架,寻求新的治理模式。 虽然民族国家仍然是最显着的治理行为者,但国家之间的合作,国际共同规范以及非国家行为者的参与等也是不容忽视的。因此,反思和超越传统的方法论民族主义,构建一种方法论的全球主义视角和知识体系成为当今的必然要求。

3 打破方法论民族主义神话,构建方法论全球主义或“全球主义视角下的民族主义”











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