
 2023-03-01 11:10:18

The Role of Recruitment and Training in SMEs Performance Growth in the Republic of Macedonia



Human resources in every enterprise whether small or medium play an important role in achieving their goals. The careful management of labor force creates good opportunities in ensuring its efficiency in the process of production of goods and services that guarantees the welfare of the society. The survival of every enterprise is dependent on the effective management of human resources. Human resources planning estimate the real demand of its workers while seeing the difference between SMEs current number of employees and future personnel need.

In the process of recruiting and selection SME's need to make sure that right people are on the right place at the right time. The area where enterprises operate is very dynamic and complex. Training and development of employees is necessary. With the increase of employees the number of enterprises that have specific sector of human resources increases as well. The evaluation and performance management of employees has impact on the increase of the effectiveness of the enterprise.

The effective management of an enterprise needs to focus on reforms of educational system and professional development of its workers. Things like that need to make designs of programs and effective policies on the labor market creating of an efficient system of information in the labor market and overtaking steps of growing and development of an enterprise.

Apart from the theoretical analysis of the issues mentioned above, the doctoral thesis is further supported by the empirical analysis, in which 150 small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia are surveyed.

Keywords: Human resource management, effectiveness, small and medium-size enterprises, recruitment, selection, training, performance

1. Introduction

The term human resources management (HRM) that is in massive use that refers to philosophy, politics, procedures and practices linked to management of employees in an organization. In the process of HRM a lot of attention is paid to the needs of employees of SMEs. The intention of the program of human resources management is to increase the success of the organization and to develop personnel potential in a good way. HRM also says that that kind of planning has to be linked closely and has to serve to the strategic objectives in the best way of the SMEs and their plans. There is a number of activities of HRM that will finally influence in the success and thrift of labor in the sector of SMEs.

The importance of recruiting, selection, training, development, personnel service in well known to managers of every institution nowadays. HRM and other functions have to work together to achieve success of SMEs and to compete in the home market and abroad. The organizational success is described below in terms and criteria such as: legal consent, performance, employee satisfaction, fluctuation, promotion, number of complaints and number of accidents in the labor process. An SME has to achieve reasonable objectives in all of these components in order to be successful.

2. Planning and career development

In the discussion of the ability to develop careers of employees we have to address three issues:

Why do it? To know individual potential and aspirations of employees,

When to do it? Throughout the whole year and have an official discussion, at least once a year. How to do it? ; Through discussion between the individual and the manager in order to reach agreement for the employees potential and objectives. For most people, the process of discussion is unofficial, while their development plan corresponds with general development plan. An informal process that reviews the potential and career objective of individuals, all the time if needed is filed by the review council of the development of the individual.

What needs to be done? ; The change of needs of those that want to build a career and those that want promotion, within the position they have. The discussion creates an opportunity to rise to the assignment or parallel shift to another post more appropriate for the employee.

The performance matrix is used to evaluate its management. It presents the development of the employee according to his/her performance and his/her colleagues. The matrix is not a simple 'Evaluated category'. Its role is to help individuals to concentrate on the fields that they do best and increase their consciousness on the fields that they need to get better.

There are two axis on the matrix: The vertical axis is named 'management style' that can be high management style and low management style. The horizontal axis is named 'business performance' that can be high performance and weak performance.

It creates a possibility to have an indirect discussion of every individual that the place of work requires, so, not just a superficial discussion about achieved results.

Figure 1-Performance matrix

Source: Armstrong, 2009, p.163

This gets done through a visual way-the individual is placed in an appropriate position in the matrix referring to the name of the axis. For example, a manager that has the ability to create a good relationship with people but is not very successful in selling will be placed in the upper left square number (1). However, the objective of the performance management is to be relocated in the upper right square (2) that shows a style of high management and at the same time high performance business in sales.

Low performance management. Performance can be improved. The upper mentioned steps can be applied for employees that can achieve high performance or low. In any case, measures have to be taken to face those employees th



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