
 2022-12-26 18:17:44

OR Spectrum (2011) 33:261–264 DOI 10.1007/s00291-011-0241-8


Special issue on accounting and auditing

Michael T. Kirschenheiter · Dirk Simons ·

Jeroen Suijs

Published online: 3 March 2011

copy; Springer-Verlag 2011

1 Introduction

It is perhaps little known that accounting and mathematics have been connected for more than 500 years ago. In 1494, Luca Pacioli published his mathematics compen- dium Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita consisting of 615 pages. “[T]he only significant part of the book that has ever been translated to English” was the 27-page treatise on bookkeeping,1 which defines the hour of birth of accounting. So to speak the study of double entry accounting was developed in concert with linear algebra.2 Beyond the joint development, which becomes appar- ent in Paciolirsquo;s book, there are several reasons why accounting offers a very good application for mathematical techniques and mathematical knowledge. First, account- ing phenomena cannot be understood best by just observing them. For generating predictions and interpretations [analytical] theory is required.3 Second, formalizing economic arguments by means of a mathematical model results in a more rigorous

  1. Cf. Sangster et al. (2008, p. 111).
  2. Cf. Fellingham (2007, p. 161).

3 Cf. Watts (1982, p. 49).

M. T. Kirschenheiter

Department of Accounting, University of Illinois at Chicago, 601 S. Morgan Street,

Chicago, IL 60607-7123, USA

e-mail: mkirsche@uic.edu

D. Simons (B)

Department of Accounting, University of Mannheim, Schloss-Ostfluuml;gel, 68131 Mannheim, Germany

e-mail: simons@bwl.uni-mannheim.de

J. Suijs

Department of Accountancy, Tilburg University, P. O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands e-mail: jeroen.suijs@tilburguniversity.edu

presentation.4 With accounting and auditing becoming international, it is more impor- tant than ever to have a common ground for discussion that is not hampered by any language barriers. This common ground is provided by mathematical and analyti- cal methods, like agency theory or game theory.5 Third, accounting and auditing are highly regulated by national and international standards. If standard setting processes comprise strategic behavior by and strategic interactions (in the sense of game theory) between companies, investors and auditors then our analysis of these interactions may benefit from game theoretical models. More generally, accounting theory cannot only rely on normative standards.6

The objective of this special issue of OR Spectrum is to emphasize the impacts of accounting and auditing regimes on the behavior of rational agents acting in this environment. The set of papers presented here covers auditing, financial accounting, managerial accounting, and tax accounting highlighting the importance of strategic behavior in all these sub-disciplines of accounting.

2 Auditing—audit regulation and auditor reputation

The first paper, authored by Wuchun Chi, contributes to audit regulation theory. It analyzes the impacts of mandatory auditor rotation on the possibility of collusion between manager and auditor. The advantage of changing the audit company after a pre-specified period of time is to avoid familiarity between the client and the audi- tor. The disadvantage is that gains resulting from learning effects are lost. Whether the net-effect is positive or negative is unclear. In this context, analytical modeling is applied for two reasons: First, the standard-oriented, normative debate left unnoticed certain drawbacks of mandatory audit regulation. Second, only very few countries implemented mandatory audit rotation, implying that empirical data is lacking. Thus, modeling is the most adequate way of gaining deeper insights. The model compares the optimal audit committee investigation strategy and the optimal audit fees in a rota- tion and a non-rotation regime. The author concludes that under a rotation-regime the audit committee adopts a more aggressive investigation strategy, i.e. more effort is provided. Further, audit fees will be higher compared with a non-rotation regime.

The paper by Jochen Bigus is the second paper contributing to audit regulation. Here, auditor liabilityrsquo;s interaction with potential reputation losses and overcompen- sation is analyzed. The paper distinguishes between (individual) economic losses and social losses showing that even in the absence of punitive damages, i.e. only the real economic loss is compensated, reputation and overcompensation induce an excessive care level provided by the auditor, i.e., the audit effort exceeds the overall optimum. However, this effect can be alleviated by a properly defined liability cap. Interestingly, standard setters started discussing to abandon liability caps a few years ago, but have only been able to agree that limited liability has beneficial effects.

  1. Cf. Verrecchia (1982, p. 39).
  2. For a review cf. Kanodia (2002, pp. 49).
  3. Cf. Demski (1973, p.



    题 目 会计和审计的特殊问题


    Michael T. Kirschenheiter · Dirk Simons ·Jeroen Suijs

    1. 引用

    可能很少有人知道会计和数学之间相互联系在一起已经有500多年的历史了。1494年,Luca Pacioli发表了他的数学标准Summa de Arithmetica,Geometria,Proportioni et Proportionalita,由615页组成。这本书中唯一有重要影响的部分,是曾经被翻译成英文的,簿记上一篇27页的论文,它定义了会计的诞生时间。所以说对复式记账会计的研究是同线性代数研究一同发展起来的。除了共同发展,Pacioli的书中对数学技术和数学知识能够在会计中很好的应用还提出了几个明显的原因。首先,会计现象仅仅通过观察并不能很好的被理解。为了产生预测和解释[分析]理论是必需的。其次,通过数学模型来形式化经济结论会使结果更加严谨。随着会计和审计变得国际化,不受任何语言阻碍的共同讨论会计和审计变得越发重要。而通过数学的分析方法能够达到这个效果,如代理理论或博弈理论。第三,会计和审计受到国家和国际标准的高度制约。如果标准制定过程包括公司,投资者和审计师之间的战略行为和战略互动(在博弈理论上),那么我们对这些互动的分析可能会受益于游戏理论模型。更一般地说,会计理论不能仅仅依赖于规范性标准。

    OR Spectrum的这个特殊问题的目的是强调会计和审计制度对在这种环境中行事的理性代理人的行为的影响。本文主要简单介绍了审计,财务会计,管理会计和税务会计,突出了所有这些会计学科的战略行为的重要性。

    1. 审计——审计监督和审计员声誉


    Jochen Bigus写的一篇文章是对审计监管作出贡献的第二篇文章。 在这篇文章中,分析了审计师责任与潜在声誉损失和过度补偿的相互作用。本文将(个人)经济损失和社会损失区分开来,表明即使没有惩罚性损害赔偿,即只有实际经济损失得到补偿,声誉和过度补偿也会引起审计师提供更多的关心,即审计师会尽自己最大的努力去完成工作。不过,这一效应可以通过合理的限定有限的责任来缓解。有趣的是,标准制定者几年前开始讨论放弃限定责任,只同意限定责任会产生有益的影响。

    1. 公司治理和财务会计的激励效应

    如果审计被视为公司治理手段,那么ThorstenDouml;scher和Gunther Friedl所写的论文将上述审计报告与财务会计带来的贡献连接在了一起。假设董事会对管理薪酬有重大影响,作者调查了CEO是否有权力直接或间接地影响他们自身薪酬的水平和结构。为此,设计了一个委托代理机制,其中董事会和首席执行官是该模型中的主要人物。后者可以通过花费个人努力来影响企业价值,而前者则通过了解管理者的能力。通过这样做,董事会可以更好地调整补偿参数。通过互相勾结,CEO有机会通过说服董事会不传达消息从而来影响董事会。因此如预想的那样,股东会不断调整合约以防止代理人勾结在一起。与传统智慧相反,这可能导致一个经验丰富的管理者的薪酬下降。

    在分析模型中,会计通常被当作信息设备,为合约的最终目标提供相关信息。但是,会计数据的适用性可能会随着可用信息源的集合而变化。这就是为什么世界的部分均衡视角可能会产生错误的结果。 Mirko Heinle和Christian Hofmann的论文在从合同角度调查公开报导软信息的后果的基础上建立了这一效果。 他们提出了一个模型,在比较的设置中改变了对投资者可以观察到的一套绩效指标。 因此,价格信息的汇总被改变,导致不同的最优激励率和对本金的不同收益。 如果投资者可以获得软信息,那么可能会产生一个不太一致的市场价格,导致代理商的努力分配效率低下,并使经济效益降低。

    Anja De Waegenaere和Jacco Wielhouwer建的一个模型也反映了类似的问题。他们认为委托代理机制就是管理者从一组会计选项中选择一种会计方法。因此,管理者直接影响他的表现措施。本文着眼于自由裁量权,认为对于承包而言,最低裁量度可能是必要的。这是一个有趣的结果,因为谈判理论认为扩大谈判空间应该简化合同内容。然而,这里提出的论点略有不同:报告灵活性足够低,激励问题能得到缓解,允许较低的奖金支付,能使本金很好的收回。具有足够高的会计灵活性,激励问题会增加,但补偿风险降低,这意味着对本金收益的影响最终是好是坏不清楚。认为管理者承担有限责任的付出总会有所回报,但只有会计选择有限的主体才有利。

    1. 管理会计——供应链管理会计核算信息

    与之前的论文相比,HanneBouml;ckem和Ulf Schiller着重于未知的价值。提出的模型设置是一种供应链,在与流动性受限的经销商合作时,制造商可以通过供应链确定根据信用能供应的东西。 本文的目的是确定经销商的有限责任对最佳合同形成有重大影响的条件。在没有流动性的情况下,最优供应信贷契约将无知的经销商和知情交易者与不利的信息联系起来,同时对具有良好信息的知情经销商进行筛选。中间水平的流动性,所有的经销商进行筛选,并将有非常高的流动性的无知经销商与有有利信息的经销商汇集在一起。

    1. 税收会计 - 最优税收折旧策略

    Anja De Waegenaere和Jacco Wielhouwer也为这个特殊问题提供了第二篇文章。 他们的论文“动态税收折旧策略”为最大限度地减少纳税的目标开辟了框架。作者提出了与财政机关就折旧方法变更进行磋商的选择来减少纳税。因此,可以分析损失的转移和折旧方法的变化如何相互作用。有趣的是,亏损结转的存在增加了变更折旧方法的期权价值,尽管亏损结转减免了所有税负。这种影响是因为损失结转允许管理者与没有损失结转的设置相比,更早地执行更改折旧方法的(实际)选项。



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