
 2022-12-26 18:16:34

The Impact of Information Disclosure Quality on the Cost of Equity Financing

―Based on Time Series Perspective

G Yu,B Wang


Listed company information disclosure quality attracts more and more attention to capital subject. Great changes have occurred in the ways and content of information disclosure, and the mainstream has recognized by point of view that the increase of information disclosure quality will reduce the cost of equity financing. Under the background of the different periods of the accounting system, changes in the quality of information disclosure of listed companies will affect the cost of the companyrsquo;s equity in varying degrees from the perspective of time series of listed company information disclosure quality and the cost of equity financing.

Keywords:Information Disclosure Quality, Equity Financing Cost, Time Series

1. Introduction

Though the capital market of our country started late, with the macro policy system of continuous improvement and micro-level capital main body supporting mechanism reform, the capital market has a great development; especially the establishment of the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchange will continue to inject new vitality to Chinarsquo;s capital market. Equity financing as the most important means of financing of listed companies, the cost of financing has become a cost benefit of the company based on the sustainable development which cannot be ignored. The establishment of Chinarsquo;s GEM listed companies is compressed shell resource in space, the progress of capital market also continues to enhance investorsrsquo; awareness to protect their own rights and interests, stakeholders are increasingly sensitive to listed company information disclosure quality and information disclosure quality request is more and more intense. Listed companies have to consider the effect of information disclosure quality on the cost of equity financing.

2. Literature Review

2.1. Theoretical Research

The asymmetry of information is difficult to measure the quality of information disclosure, so the research on the influence of the quality of information disclosure to the cost of equity financing is theoretical study in the early period. Healy amp; Palepu (2001) pointed out that the information block and the agent hinder influence the effective allocation of resources in the capital market, and the effective information disclosure can solve the information block and the agent. Barry amp; Brown (1985) obtained the negative correlation between the expected return variance and the amount of information by theoretical study. Merton (1987) hold view that different quality of information disclosure will affect the company cost of capital from the perspective of information risk premium, and cost of capital has resulted in that high-quality listed companies use excessive information disclosure to expel the inferior listed companies through the transmission mechanism of information in the capital subject. Botosan and Plumlee (2002) collect the three results of the information disclosure, by improving information in the transmission efficiency and the number of different stakeholders reduces the cost of equity capital. There are a lot of literature study the quality of information disclosure on the cost of equity financing path from different angles, Verrecchia (1983) worry about too much disclosure of information leak the financial information, damage the competitiveness of products. Bushee and Noe (2000) believe that the relationship between information disclosure and the volatility of the stock value will increase the cost of equity capital. Information disclosure can reduce the cost of equity financing get most of the recognition.

2.2. Empirical Research

The addition of empirical research has enriched the content of the information disclosure quality on the cost of equity financing, which has resulted in the difference of the research methods and conclusions. Botosan (2002) used the information disclosure index to empirically study the relationship between information disclosure level and cost of equity capital and obtained negative correlation between information disclosure level and cost of equity capital by the number of analysts tracking. Bhattacharya (2003) proved that the lower of the cost of equity capital, the lower of the cost of equity capital on the basis of the other factors are the same by constructing the income opacity indicators. Our country Zeng amp; Lu (2006) used the residual income model to measure the equity financing cost of listed companies, the high quality of the information disclosure of the company will actively affect the cost of equity financing in the control of beta coefficient, the size of the company, book market value ratio, leverage and other factors. Li amp; Hui (2008) study the relationship between earnings conservatism and the cost of capital, draw the negative correlation between earnings conservatism and the cost of capital. Is the special qualifications of Chinarsquo;s capital market are in line with the above conclusions? Juanjuan Huang (2006) used issuance of shares of listed companies panel data from 1993 to 2001 as the basis, take the earnings opacity measure information disclosure quality, it is concluded that the information disclosure quality improved reduce the cost of equity capital significantly. Also that contrary to the conclusions of the study, Wenfeng Wu (2007) concludes that the improvement of information disclosure quality does not reduce the cost of equity financing theory on the basis of the whole China investment consciousness, without the information disclosure quality as an investment decision-making the important influence factor.

2.3. Object of Study

In the process of continuous in-depth study the object is also constantly changing. Xiao amp;



G Yu,B Wang








信息的不对称性难以衡量信息披露的质量,因此早期学者主要研究信息披露质量对股权融资成本影响的理论分析。 Healy&Palepu(2001)指出,资料的缺少和代理商阻碍影响资本市场资源的有效配置,有效的信息披露可以解决信息和代理问题。 Barry&Brown(1985)通过理论研究得出了预期收益差异与信息量之间的负相关关系的结论。默顿(Merton)(1987)认为,从信息风险溢价的角度来看,不同质量的信息披露将影响公司资本成本,而资本成本通过资本主体信息传递机制将会导致高质量的上市公司通过信息披露来驱逐劣等上市公司。Botosan和Plumlee(2002)收集了相关数据得出了信息披露的三个结果:即通过改进传播效率信息,不同数量的利益相关者会降低股本资本成本。在众多的文献研究中,Verrecchia(1983)从不同角度分析信息披露质量对公司股权融资不同路径的成本进行了研究,结果显示企业担心信息披露会过多泄漏财务信息,损害产品竞争力。 Bushee和Noe(2000)认为,信息披露与股票价格波动之间的关系将增加股权资本成本,而信息披露可以降低股权融资成本得到大部分研究的认可。


众多的实证研究虽然丰富了信息披露质量对股权融资成本的影响的研究,但也会导致了研究方法和结论的差异。 Botosan(2002)利用实证分析通过信息披露指数研究了信息披露水平与权益资本成本之间的关系,并通过分析师追踪数量获得信息披露水平与权益资本成本之间呈现负相关关系。 Bhattacharya(2003)证明,权益资本成本越低的企业,通过在其他方面构建相同的收入不透明度指标的权益资本成本也越低。我们国家的学者曾和路(2006)利用剩余收益模型来衡量上市公司的股权融资成本,高质量的公司信息披露将积极影响股权融资成本比如:控制beta;系数,规模的公司,账面价值比例,杠杆等因素。李惠(2008)研究了盈余保守主义与资本成本之间的关系,得出了盈余保守主义与资本成本之间的负相关关系。那么中国资本市场的特殊性是否符合上述结论?黄娟娟(2006)以1993年至2001年的上市公司面板数据发行为样本,以收益透明度衡量信息披露质量为依据,得出结论:信息披露质量的明显提高将会导致股权资本成本明显下降。同样与上述研究结论相反的是,吴文峰(2007)通过研究得出在全中国投资意识的基础上,信息披露质量的提高不会降低股权融资成本的理论,而信息披露质量也不是影响股权融资成本的重要影响因素。










会计信息披露是基于企业连续经营的假设的基础上而言,信息不对称理论不仅包含信息内容的不对称,而且还包含时间信息不对称。信息披露质量不应该只是股权融资成本之间的简单线性关系,我们应该根据时间序列研究长期互连和互动分析。 Huang&Xiao(2006)几乎没有国内相关研究发现,实证研究发现上市公司的股权融资成本与五年信息披露质量有关,其有利于降低股权融资成本,提高信息披露质量。杨红杨(2012)通过实证研究信息披露的时间特征和使用熵测度的股权融资成本,对以前的研究基于控制经营风险,金融风险,破产成本,流动性,企业规模,年度时间轴上的变量证明,信息披露的质量和两年后的股权融资成本与经济时间轴延伸有不同的相关性。他们的研究确定了样本的一致性,同时减少样本数量。对时间趋势的研究做出了贡献,由于2002年至2004年期间的样本期间的指数选择,目前还没有对中国资本市场信息披露质量改善对股权融资成本的影响的综合描述,以及市场经济发展会计制度不断变化,特别是2006年度的新会计制度颁布给会计信息披露和披露质量带来了巨大的影响,随着环境法的改善和社会团体的环保意识,信息披露的质量也会影响投资者的决策。







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