
 2022-12-26 18:16:06

Liability for Environmental Harm and Emerging Global Environmental Law

Robert V. Percival[1]


With the growth of global concern for the environment,nations are transplanting environmental law and policy innovations even from countries with very different legal and cultural traditions.These developments are blurring lines that traditionally separated conceptions of domestic and international law and public and private law.This is leading to the emergence of “global environmental law.” This paper reviews the historical development of liability standards for environmental harm and their haphazard incorporation into public international law.It discusses evolving national standards of liability and the obstacles that have made it difficult for victims of environmental harm to hold polluters liable under domestic law.It then examines initiatives to overcome these obstacles in certain countries by relaxing traditional causation requirements and shifting burdens of proof.The paper also explores how climate change is spawning new litigation strategies that seek to hold polluters liable for global harm as well as the growth of private litigation to recover against multinational enterprises for the harm their actions cause in foreign countries.It concludes that as globalization continues to blur traditional distinctions between international and domestic law and between private and public law,liability standards for global harm are emerging more from “bottom up,” private initiatives than from the negotiation of multilateral treaties.As a result,as countries strengthen their own domestic liability standards to redress environmental harm,statesrsquo; receptiveness to entertain lawsuits by foreign plaintiffs and the development of reciprocity standards for the recognition of foreign judgments will become increasingly important.Transnational private litigation will help provide further impetus for the development of global liability norms that ultimately will become an important part of the new architecture of global environmental law.

Key wordsenvironmental harm liability,global environmental law, environmental litigation, public international law

Globalization is affecting law and legal systems throughout the world in profound new ways. With the growth of global concern for the environment, nations are transplanting environmental law and policy innovations even from countries with very different legal and cultural traditions. Private actors and nongovernmental organizations are driving the development of new legal and nonlegal strategies to protect the environment. These developments are blurring lines that traditionally separated conceptions of domestic and international law and public and private law. This is leading to the emergence of what I have called “global environmental law”.[2]

One of the areas in which the concept of global environmental law can enhance understanding of contemporary legal evolution is the long struggle to develop standards of liability for global environmental harm. The scant progress that has been made in developing tort remedies in international law demonstrates the limitations of relying on public international law that primarily governs relations between states when seeking to regulate private activities that cause environmental harm. For centuries, legal systems around the world have acknowledged the principle that those who cause significant, foreseeable harm to others should be held liable for the damage they cause victims of this harm. The sic utere principle of ancient Roman law and the “polluter pays” principle are now enshrined as universal elements of international environmental law, as recognized in the 1972 Stockholm Declaration[3] and the 1992 Rio Declaration.[4]While the nations of the world have pledged to develop liability standards to implement these principles,[5]effective global liability rules “are the Yeti of international environmental law— pursued for years, sometimes spotted in rough outlines, but remarkably elusive in practice.”[6]More than a dozen civil liability treaties governing transnational environmental harm have been negotiated but most remain “unadopted orphans in international environmental law.”[7]

This Article begins by reviewing the historical development of liability standards for environmental harm and their haphazard incorporation into public international law. It then discusses the obstacles that have made it difficult for victims of environmental harm to hold polluters liable even under domestic law. The Article then explores efforts to overcome these obstacles and the growth of private transnational litigation to recover for environmental harm. It concludes by arguing that the rise of global environmental law that includes“bottom up”and private initiatives has become an important complement to traditional“top down”efforts to develop international liability norms. As countries strengthen their own domestic liability standards to redress environmental harm, two issues will become increasingly important: statesrsquo; receptiveness to entertain lawsuits by foreign plaintiffs and the development of reciproci



Robert V. Percival[1]




全球环境法的理念有助于提升人们对当代法律演变的理解,历经长期争论而不断发展的全球环境损害责任规则便是这方面的例证。国际法领域的侵权救济进展迟缓,这表明调整国家间关系的国际公法在规制私人环境损害行为方面具有局限性。数百年来,世界各国的法律制度确立了这样一项基本原则,即造成他人显著的、可预见的损害的人,应就受害者因而遭受的损失承担赔偿责任。古罗马法的“不得以损害他人财产的方式使用自己财产”(sic utere)原则和“污染者负担”原则已被奉为国际环境法的两项公认原则,对此,1972年的《斯德哥尔摩宣言》[3]和1992年的《里约宣言》[4]均予以确认。尽管许多国家宣称将出台执行这些原则的责任细则[5],然而,有效的全球责任规则“有如国际环境法中的喜马拉雅雪人(yeti)一样——尽管已被搜寻多年,且偶有闪现,但实际上根本无法捉摸”[6]:迄今为止,已达成12部跨国环境损害民事责任条约,但大部分条约还只是“国际环境法中无人收养的孤儿” [7]



数百年来,普通法法院一直信奉一项古罗马法原则,即任何人不得对他人造成显著的、可预见的伤害,用古拉丁谚语表示即为“sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas”。1704年,霍尔特勋爵(Lord Holt)在佃户诉哥德温(Tenant v. Goldwin)一案中将其解释为“每一个人都应当以不损害他人的方式使用自己的财产”[8]。150年后,英国法院遇到这样一个问题,即违反现行监管标准是否是承担侵权责任的前提条件。英国法院在豪尔诉巴洛(Hole v. Barlow)[9]一案[6]中简单地判定遵守现行监管标准可免于承担侵权责任,随后在班福德诉特纳利(Bamford v. Turnley)[10]一案中又推翻了豪尔(Hole)案的判决,认为侵权责任并不以事先证明违反监管标准为前提。

sic utere原则是在一个重要的国际仲裁案中确认的,该案后来荣登为国际环境法中为数不多的先例之一。在特雷尔冶炼厂[11](Trail Smelter case)案[8]中,自1926年始,美国华盛顿州的众多农民要求美加边界上的一家冶炼厂企业主承担法律责任,赔偿其冶炼厂污染对他们的庄稼造成的损失。由于华盛顿州法院对加拿大冶炼厂无管辖权,农民们请求美国政府部门根据美加《边界水域条约》[12]的纠纷仲裁规定为他们提供救济。经过十多年的诉讼,仲裁委员会作出了支付农民赔偿金的裁决,其主要依据是美国联邦最高法院此前在国内一个跨州污染纠纷中确认的sic utere原则[13]。仲裁庭宣称,“在已产生严重污染损害后果且有清晰确凿证据证实的情况下,任何国家都无权以这样一种方式利用或允许利用其领土,以致其烟雾在他国领土或对他国领土或该国领土上的财产和人身造成损害。”[14]

1972年,来自113个国家的代表在斯德哥尔摩召开了第一届全球环境峰会——联合国人类环境会议(“斯德哥尔摩会议”)。在斯德哥尔摩会议上,代表们在首次宣布全球环境法的基本原则时,就确认了sic utere原则。《斯德哥尔摩宣言》的原则21规定:




然而,在其后的几十年里,各国在履行这些承诺方面鲜有进展。正如拉克斯曼·古鲁斯瓦米(Lakshman Guruswamy)所说:“到目前为止,种种迹象表明,各国似乎不太愿意投入精力,推动对国际环境损害责任的条件和范围进行界定的具体进程。”[17]美国《对外关系法第三次重述》列入了环境损害国家责任的概念,并描述其“植根于国际习惯法”[18],但是这一概念并未在实践中取得实质进展。



尽管国际法委员会[20]一直在努力推动,但其后的几十年间,环境损害国家责任原则的制度化并未取得进一步进展。尽管若干条约中设有包含了sic utere原则的条款,然而对于如何适用这些规定,各国还未达成共识。目前,已通过了十多个致力于解决全球环境问题的多边条约[21]。但其中只有5个多边条约已生效[22],并且这5个多边条约均与溢油或核事故责任相关。现有国际法对跨界环境损害国家责任规定不足的一项典型例证是,对于历史上最严重的核事故——1986年4月发生的切尔诺贝利核事故,至今尚无任何国家提出索赔诉求[23]


大多数发达国家已认识到侵权责任作为环境风险控制手段的局限性,并开始更多依赖综合性的规制体系。对于冶炼厂等大型、单一的污染源造成可见环境损害的,普通法的妨害侵扰制度(tort of nuisance)可为原告提供一些救济措施。但是在现代社会,污染物通常来自于多个污染源,并且难以证明损害的因果关系,仅依靠普通法责任很难为那些接触环境危害的人们提供赔偿。当然,在一种特定的有毒物质(例如石棉)对特定的接触者造成“显著伤害”的情况下,“因果关系难题”是可以攻克的。但即使在石棉案中,由于从接触这种致命物质到引发致命疾病之间存在一个很长的潜伏期,只有在接触含有石棉的产品几十年后方能追究责任[24]



在个别吸烟者起诉烟草产品制造商连连败诉之后,州检察长采取协同战略要求烟草公司赔偿各州因使用烟草产品而增加的医疗费用,烟草行业的好运终究走到了尽头。1998年,州检察长与被告达成一个总和解协议(master settlement agreement),由烟草公司在25年内支付2060亿美元以赔偿各州因烟草有关疾病而增加的医疗费用。这一协议引起了诸多外国政府的注意,他们希望能在出口烟草制品引起的类似费用上获得相应赔偿。




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