Determinants of Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure: an Application of Stakeholder Theory
Robin W. Roberts
Ullmann(1985)critically evaluated prior research in the area of corporate social responsibility and concluded that several deficiencies exist in the current body of corporate social responsibility research. Foremost in his critique was the lack of a comprehensive social responsibility theory sufficient to explain why corporations engage in social responsibility endeavors. He argues that this lack of a comprehensive theory is responsible for the conflicting results of many studies. A conceptual frame work was developed by Ullmann(1985)as sufficient to explain the relationships among social disclosure, and social and economic performance. This frame work is based upon the stake holder approach to strategic management that was forwarded by Freeman(1983)and others, in which conflicting external demands on the firm may be addressed. Some recent studies in the social responsibility are a have recognized the role of stake holders in influencing corporate decisions (e.g. Mc Guireetal., 1988 ) , but have not attempted to explicitly test stakeholder influences as determinants of the level of corporate social responsibility activity .The purpose of this study is to operationalize the stake holder framework presented by Ullmann and empirically test the effect of over all firm strategy on one type of social responsibility activity social responsibility disclosure. The present study improves on prior research by predicting the level of corporate social disclosure within a comprehensive theoretical frame work and by adopting independent, third-party evaluations as measures of the level of corporate social disclosure.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next two sections discuss prior research in the area of corporate social responsibility and stake holder theory. Thereafter, consideration is given to Ullmanns frame work for analyzing social responsibility disclosures. The social responsibility disclosure model designed to test Ullmarms frame work is then explained and the sample is described. The results of the empirical tests and the conclusion sand limitations of the study are presented in the final sections of the paper.
Prior Research on Corporate Social Responsibility
Prior research has defined corporate social responsibility activities as policies or actions which identify a company as being concerned with society-related issues. Studies have examined corporate social responsibility activities in many areas including the following categories: (1) the environment, (2) affirmative action programs, (3) equal employment opportunity policies, (4) community involvement, (5) product safety, (6) policies toward South Africa, (7) energy policies, and (8) social responsibility disclosure (CEP,1986;Cowenetal.,1987). Studies of relationships among social disclosure, social performance, and economic performance of corporations include philosophical treatises on businesses inherent responsibilities to society, research regarding the economic consequences or information content of social responsibility activities and studies of the determinants of social responsibility disclosures. Each stream of research is reviewed below.
The social responsibilities of business
During the 1960s and 1970s the relationship between business and society was re-examined and with that re-examination emerged new theories regarding corporate responsibilities to society (Dierkes amp; Antal, 1986). Steiner (1972), Davis (1973) and others proposed that diffusion of corporate ownership made the traditional manager-owner model of the business entity misspecified. They argued that although business is, fundamentally, an economic institution, larger firms exert significant influence in society and have responsibilities to use some economic resources in an altruistic manner to aid in meeting social goals.
Keim (1978b) argued that social responsibility activities may be consistent with wealth maximization motives of the firm. He stated that as society changes societal constraints on business activity also change. In a social environment that expects all corporations to exhibit concern for social goals, corporations that do not may be punished. Similar conclusions were reached by Belkaoui ( 1976 ) and Wattsamp;Zimmerman (1978) . Stakeholder theory provides an avenue in which to integrate the hypotheses regarding corporate social responsibility activities forwarded by Keim, Belkaoui, and Watts and Zimmer man into a model of corporate social responsibility disclosure.
Economic consequences and information content studies
Studies on the effects of corporate social responsibility activities on firm value have produced mixed results. Some studies have reported beneficial effects while others have concluded that the effects are negative or inconsequential. Belkaoui (1976) investigated the information content of pollution control disclosures by developing portfolios of disclosing and non-disclosing firms. His results supported an ethical investor hypothesis that rewarded companies for acting in a socially responsible manner . The findings of some additional studies produced results consistent with the notion that corporate social responsibility activities impact on the financial markets (Spicer, 1978a, b; Anderson amp; Frankle, 1980; Shane amp; Spicer, 1983).
Some studies replicated earlier research and found conflicting results. Frankle amp; Anderson ( 1978 ) rejected Belkaouis interpretation and argued that non disclosing firms had consistently performed better than the market. In a similar manner, Chen amp; Metcalf ( 1980 ) disagreed with Spicers conclusions arguing that the results were driven by spurious correlations. In response, Spicer (1980) stated that Chen and Met
Robin W. Roberts
Ullmann(1985)批判性地评估了企业社会责任领域的先前研究,并得出结论,目前的企业社会责任研究机构存在若干缺陷。他的批判中最缺乏足够的社会责任理论,来解释许多研究的矛盾结果。Ullmann(1985)发展了一个概念框架,足以解释社会公开、社会和经济绩效之间的关系,这一框架工作基于Freeman(1983)等人提出的解决外部冲突的战略管理方法的利益相关者理论。近来通过对社会责任的研究,认识到角色影响着企业决策的利益相关者(例如,Mc Guireetal,1988),但没有明确地测试利益相关者是否是企业社会责任活动水平的决定因素。这项研究的目的是对Ullmann提出的持有者框架进行实践,并经验性地测试了所有企业战略对社会责任活动、社会责任披露的影响。本研究在综合理论框架工作中预测企业社会披露水平,以独立的第三方评价作为企业社会披露水平的衡量标准。
Keim(1978b)认为社会责任活动可能与企业的财富最大化动机一致。他说,随着社会的变化,社会对商业活动的限制也在改变。在所有公司都关注社会目标的环境中,公司就不会受到惩罚。 Belkaoui(1976)和Watts和Zimmerman(1978)得出了类似的结论。利益相关者理论提供了一个途径,将Keim,Belkaoui,Watts和Zimmer等人发表的关于企业社会责任活动的假设整合到企业社会责任披露模型中。
关于企业社会责任活动对企业价值影响的研究产生了不同的结果。一些研究认为这些效果是有益的,而另一些研究已经得出结论,这些效果是负面或无关紧要的。 Belkaoui(1976)通过研究披露公司和非披露公司的投资组合来调查控制披露的信息内容。他的结果支持道德投资者假设,奖励对社会负责的方式行事的公司。一些其他研究的结果与企业社会责任活动影响金融市场(Spicer,1978a,b;Anderson和Frankle,1980;Shane和Spicer,1983)的概念一致。
一些研究重新研究了早期的研究,却发现了矛盾的结果。 Frankle和Anderson(1978)拒绝Belkaoui的解释,认为不公开披露的公司的表现一直优于市场。以类似的方式,Chen和Metcalf(1980)不同意Spicer的结论,认为结果是由假相关驱动的。作为回应,Spicer(1980)指出,Chen和Metcalf误解了他的研究的目的,他的研究强调的是关联,而不是因果关系。
Ingrain(1978)的结论是,社会责任披露的信息内容取决于确定的公司的市场细分,而Alexander和Buchholz(1978)和Abbott和Monsen(1979)发现公司的社会责任活动披露水平与股票市场表现类似。 Chugh等人(1978),Trotman和Bradley(1981)和Mahapatra(1984)得出结论,企业社会责任活动可能导致系统性风险的增加。
Cochran和Wood(1984)利用Moskowitz(1972)开发的企业社会责任排名来测试企业社会责任活动与企业绩效之间的关系。在控制行业分类和企业年龄后,发现社会责任活动与财务绩效之间存在薄弱的积极联系。 Mills&Gardner(1984)在对社会披露与财务绩效关系的分析中得出结论:当公司的财务报表显示出有利的财务业绩时,他们更有可能披露社会责任支出额。
Cowen(1987)等人研究了公司特征和社会责任披露的具体类别之间的关系。公司规模、行业分类、盈利能力和企业社会责任委员会的存在被假设为对企业社会披露的潜在影响。多元回归分析的结果总体上表明,公司规模和行业分类与企业社会披露相关。 McGuire (1988)等人利用“财富”杂志对企业声誉的评级来分析企业社会责任绩效与财务绩效之间的关系。根据股票市场收益和会计衡量标准来衡量,企业之前的财务业绩与企业社会责任相比,更接近于之后的财务业绩。 McGuire(1988)等人认为财务绩效可能是影响社会责任活动的一个变量。
这一实证研究的结论总体上与Ullmann(1985)开发的理论模型一致,但没有一个研究提供了一个预测企业社会绩效或披露的综合理论。 McGuire(1988)等人参考了利益相关者理论,但没有将利益相关者权力或战略措施纳入其经验测试。
Freeman(1984)将利益相关者定义为“能够影响或受到实现公司目标影响的任何群体或个人”。公司的利益相关者包括股东、债权人、员工、客户、供应商、公共利益集团和政府机构。 Ansoff(1965)是第一个使用术语“利益相关者理论”来定义企业目标的人。该公司的主要目标是获得平衡企业各利益相关者的冲突需求的能力。