
 2022-11-19 16:32:55

The Study on Operating Performance of Listed Companies and Executive Compensation Incentive

Firth M


Executive compensation problems is the result of modern enterprise ownership and control separated, target inconsistency exists between the owners and executives, the problem such as asymmetric information, the complexity and uncertainty of modern enterprise operation is exacerbated by the seriousness of this problem, and through the contract signed with executive compensation performance, design and implement a good compensation plan can effectively solve the above problems. In todays knowledge economy, the competition between enterprises is actually the competition between talents, executives, especially excellent executives has become the core of enterprise resources, in view of the particularity of human capital of executives, executives how to effectively motivate, attract and promote the interests of the enterprise has become the key to enterprise development, and executive pay is playing such a role.

Keywords: Executive compensation, Business performance, Listed Company

1 Introduction

Separate ownership and control is modern enterprise the most significant characteristics (Bale and Means, 1932).The shareholders of the owners in an enterprise have the final property ownership and the residual claims, but often there is no direct management control. Business management on behalf of the owner of control, but dont take the final decision. In the case of two rights separation is as the main body of the ownership as the main operational control shareholders and the enterprise management to form a layer between the principal-agent relationships. According to rational economic man hypothesis, the principal (owner) and the agent (management) have different between the objective function, at the same time there exists a phenomenon of information asymmetry, the companyrsquo;s senior managers there is power and ability to implement on-the-job consumption 'opportunistic behavior', which came at the expense of the interests of the owners at the expense of is also the focus of the agency cost, reflect, it requires enterprises to establish an effective mechanism of incentive and constraint. By the Implementation of these mechanisms can excite the work enthusiasms of agent, and can minimize the agency cost of the enterprise, so as to realize the 'win-win between principal and agent Human society has begun to enter the knowledge economy era, the executives with high and new technical knowledge and skills has become the key to the development of enterprises ,enterprises in the market competition is talented persons competition in todays increasingly internationalized talent flow speed and, utmost respect talented person, is the key to enterprises In the competition occupy the initiative. Therefore the enterprise owners how to through a set of incentive constraint mechanism to arouse the enthusiasm of executives ,minimize agency costs, has become the key problem in the principal-agent relationship.

2 Literature review

In the 90 S and 1980 S executive compensation has become an important field of academic research , the current executive compensation research literature is largely based on agency theory as the theoretical basis; it requires managers pay package design should make the interests of the managers consistent with the interests of shareholders. Multiple theory school of scholars use all kinds of data on compensation performance problems made all kinds of inspection But neither empirical results are consistent with theoretical predictions, there is conflict between each other. Such as Belkaoui and Picur (1993), Koehhar and Levitas (1998) and Gray and Canella (1997) study showed that the correlation coefficient between CEO pay and company size to 0.1 at lower, the level of 0.110 and 0.170 and Boyd (1994), Finkel SteinandB. Yd (1998) and Sander and Carpenter (1998) argues that between the correlation coefficient is 0.62, 0.50 and 0.42 The same conflict results also exist in the research about the relation between pay performance. Like Finkelstein and Boyd (1998) found that return on equity (ROE) with monetary compensation and long-term returns between the correlation coefficient is 0.13 and 2.03 respectively, Johnson (1982) found that the correlation coefficient of 0.003.And Belliveau, Reilly and Wade (1996) found that CEO pay with ROE correlation coefficient of 0.410. Gomez Mejia (1994) the empirical study summarized:” although the empirical study of CEO pay a dime a dozen, but we know very little about executive remuneration or.” Many causes of the difference of the results of the study the different data sources, different statistical techniques, different samples and different control variables, etc.”

Most of the empirical study in the United States listed companies as samples, mainly to pay as the research object, and given priority to with big companies. In the empirical study, Jensen and Murphy (1990) widely cited m the literature since 90 and most of the empirical research in accordance with its research paradigm. In this article has pioneering meaning in the literature, they estimated the 1295 companies between 1974 and 1986 of 10400 senior managers compensation performance sensitivity, results show that the shareholder wealth of $ 1000 per change, CEO of wealth will be $3.25 move together. Lippert and Moore (1994) found that the pay performance sensitivity significantly negative correlation with growth, Industry control, scale, and with the internal and the institutional investors holding and the term is not relevant. Lippert and Moore (1995) found that the pay performance sensitivity to low the company has more independent directors or stronger shareholder control. Meconaughy and Mishra (1996) found that sensitivity associated with



Firth M





经营权和所有权的分离是现代企业最显著的特征(Bale and Means, 1932),企业的所有者——股东拥有最终财产的所有权和剩余所有权,但往往没有直接的管理控制权。在两权分离的情况下,作为所有权主体的运营控制股东与企业管理者之间形成一种委托代理关系,因此企业的高管代表所有者的控制权,但不做最后的决定。根据理性经纪人假设,委托人(所有者)与代理人(管理者)的目标函数不同,与此同时还存在信息不对称的现象,该公司的高级管理人员有权利和能力实施在职消费“机会主义行为”,这是所有者的利益牺牲也是代理成本,需要注意的是,这就要求企业建立激励与约束的有效机制。通过这些机制的实施可以激发管理人员的工作热情,最大限度地降低企业的代理成本,从而实现委托人与管理者之间的“双赢”。人类社会已经开始进入知识经济时代,具备高新技术知识和技能的人员已成为企业发展的关键,在当今日益国际化的人才流动速度中,企业在市场竞争中是人才的竞争。尊重人才,是企业在竞争中占据主动的关键。因此,企业所有者如何通过一套激励约束机制来调动高管的积极性,最大限度地降低代理成本,已成为委托代理关系中的关键问题。


在19世纪90年代和 80年代,高管薪酬已经成为学术研究的一个重要领域,目前的高管薪酬研究文献大都以代理理论为基础:它要求管理者支付包装设计应该使管理者的利益与股东的利益一致。学者多理论学派利用各种数据对补偿性能问题进行了各种检验,但实证结果与理论预测都没有一致,相互矛盾。例如Belkaoui和Picur(1993),Koehhar和Levitas(1998)以及Gray和Canella(1997)的研究表明,CEO薪酬与公司规模之间的相关系数在0.1以下,0.110和0.170以及Boyd(1994),Finkel SteinandB。Yd(1998)、Sander 和Carpenter(1998)认为,相关系数为0.62,0.50和0.42。在薪酬绩效关系研究中也存在同样的冲突结果。像Finkelstein和Boyd(1998)发现,货币报酬率与长期收益率之间的相关系数(ROE)分别为0.13和2.03,Johnson(1982)发现相关系数为0.003。Belliveau,Reilly和Wade(1996)发现,CEO薪酬与ROE的相关系数为0.410。戈麦斯·梅加(1994)的实证研究总结:“虽然CEO的实证研究付出了一毛钱,但是我们对高管薪酬知之甚少”。许多原因造成研究结果的差异,不同的数据来源,不同的统计技术,不同的样本和不同的控制变量等。

以美国大部分上市公司为实证研究样本,主要以报酬为研究对象,并以大公司为主。在实证研究里面,Jensen和Murphy(1990)从90年代以来广泛引用文献,并且大多数的实证研究都是依据其研究范式。在具有开拓性意义的文献中,他们估计了1295家公司在1974年至1986年间对10400名高级管理人员薪酬业绩的敏感性,结果显示,股东财富每变动1000美元,CEO的财富将共同移动3.25美元。 Lippert和Moore(1994)发现薪酬绩效敏感性与增长,工业控制,规模以及与内部和机构投资者持有和期限是不相关的显着负相关。 Lippert和Moore(1995)发现,薪酬绩效敏感度偏低的公司有更多的独立董事或更强大的股东控制。Meconaughy和Mishra(1996)发现与公司未来业绩相关的敏感性。该研究是关于Jensen和Murhpy计算(1990)的补偿性能敏感度计算。




在民营企业初期,企业所有者或经营者这两种职能,只要业主是理性的经济人,他就会积极为自己的企业利润最大化而工作,同时作为企业的风险承担者 ,他会慎重决定,尽量规避风险。因此,在传统的企业,不存在电力短缺和行为扭曲的问题。 但随着社会化大分工深化,现代企业制度的生产,企业的所有权和经营权分离,导致委托代理关系的出现,都是由自身利益驱动的,作为企业的经理人希望作为主要研究人员的代理人,以自己的利益为目标,按照业主的意愿行动。而且管理者也是把自己的期望效用最大化作为目标,使两者的目标不一致。

















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