
 2022-11-18 21:36:13

Impairment of assets of listed company accounting

ABSTRACT: thesis of asset impairment accounting both in theory and in practice, its development is far from perfect, and thus accounting for impairment of assets of listed companies has become easier to manipulate accounting profits magic. At present, accounting for impairment of assets are still many problems that lead to information asymmetry will reduce investor confidence in the company, will give economic development has brought many negative effects, therefore, become an unavoidable asset impairment title.

Paper Keywords: new accounting standards, impairment of assets, impairment losses

First, an overview of the principles of asset impairment and related assets are probable future economic benefits, it is to control the resources or specific individuals from transactions or events that have occurred in achieved. The nature of impairment is assessed value of future economic benefits expected to benefit when the economy is lower than the original recording of assets, the recoverable amount of the assets reflected below its historical cost accounting purposes, this difference stems from the socio-economic environment uncertainty. According to the requirements of relevance and reliability of accounting information, when impairment occurs, financial accounting should accurately reflect the impairment of assets, and its essence is to the impairment of assets at current value after impairment were remeasured, when the companys future economic benefits can be expected when the cost is higher than the carrying amount, an impairment loss is recorded as assets. Accounting principles and accounting impairment of assets related mainly two: First, asset impairment accounting is an amendment to the historical cost principle, and now there is an increased risk of impairment of inflation and uncertainty facing the loss of business assets, assets impairment accounting is proposed for the existing environment and conditions, is a major breakthrough on historical cost model; the second is the asset impairment accounting is applied to the sound principles, in a complex economic environment, breed uncertainty factors increased business risk is increasing, we need a more extensive use of sound principles deeply, robustness principle requires companies to properly reflect the risk to users of the financial statements in favor of making the right decisions. Asset impairment accounting is such a shape.

Second, the impairment of assets of listed companies Problems and Causes of the problem (a) Impairment of assets accounting practices frequently encountered 1. Listed companys financial ability to predict the majority of listed companies in Chinas relatively low cash flow projections for the lack of experience, reliability prediction low, the Commission has had a mandatory requirement for listed companies to provide three-year profit forecast to 10 year period, the results are not satisfactory, the result can only be included in the earnings forecast information voluntarily disclosed, the reason is mainly reflected in the listed companys financial forecast low capacity.

2. fraud after another significant development in Chinas securities market more than a decade, the false financial reports often appear paper format template. In 2001, the outbreak of Yinguangxia, McCourt and a number of listed companies in fraud cases. Behind every false financial reporting, come with a copy of the CPA audit report issued false.

3. The overall low quality of accounting personnel present, the low level of our business accounting staff, operational capacity has been limited, the ability to discern a lack of market information, asset impairment for complex problems, some accountants powerless, which affected our Asset impairment loss efficiency of asset impairment accounting standards, so we have to accelerate the advancement of professional standards and the overall quality of accounting personnel in order to meet the requirements.

The corporate governance structure is not perfect now for the majority of listed companies are state-owned enterprise restructuring, which makes the absence of owners, small binding on the operators, enterprises can not form a sound regulatory mechanism constraint operators will increase operators to obtain their own interests and the use of the asset impairment accounting policies of the probability of earnings manipulation.

5. Provision for impairment of assets of listed companies listed companies subject to unreasonable interest-driven, usually will do everything possible to find new means to manipulate profits to evade regulation of the market, so as to reach the market, insurance card, Zhaimao turnaround and additional allotment of multiple purposes, and in the related information disclosure would choose the most beneficial in their own way and the content to be disclosed, the use of bad debts, inventory impairment, and other short-term investments depreciation reserve for impairment the provision for manipulating profits.

The reason for impairment (b) of the listed companys assets 1. Market analysis of the problem of economic development is not perfect the market economic system is not perfect, the level of economic development is not enough information to form a unified trading system, they can not obtain information about future earnings are expected to have practical significance . This makes the accounting officer in the consideration of impairment of assets, can not get significant estimates. And in todays changing environment, the companys operations, operating conditions of instability, sporadic many factors, which in the market to obtain accurate information still time.

2. External audit and supervision inadequate accounting CPA is a major force in the external audit oversight, it is for the quality of accounting information is very important to ensure

















































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