
 2022-11-13 17:39:01

Analysing the impact of listed companiesrsquo; internal controlon corporate performance

Jeff Everett

Abstract: Internal control is an important internal governance mechanism of the modern enterprise,ensuring the normal and orderly operation of the organization. In recent years, many enterprises have suffered from great losses or even bankruptcy. Visibly, good internal control has an important significance to improving corporate performance. In order to demonstrate the correlation between internal control and corporate performance, we use theoretical and empirical analysis. By econometric analysis of the data of listed companies about 2011 which located in Shanghai and Shenzhen, we found that effective internal control has positive effect on corporate performance. So, it is recommended that managers should improve attention to internal control and set up perfect internal control system.

Keywords: Internal control; Corporate performance; Correlation.


In recent years, many major financial fraud cases have occurred frequently. From the wellknown internationally Enron, WorldCom to Barings Bank, and the well-known domestic listed companies homologation, Zhejiang Allen Group, as well as famous overseas lsquo;Yin Guang Xiarsquo; lsquo;Zheng Bai Wenrsquo; case etc, all these accounting scandals indicate that behind the gorgeous financial statements hides false profit whitewash, but precisely because the internal control deficiencies result in companies into huge financial crisis. With the development and expansion of Chinas stock market, more companies have joined the ranks of listed companies, thus easier to expose financial fraud. Once a company has such negative news, it is likely to go bankrupt. To effectively avoid risks, our government has increased efforts to rectify, May 22, 2008, the 'internal control' is born in our country known as the 'Sarbanes-Oxley Act of Chinese version ' , which implemented within the scope of listed companies since July 1, 2009 , encouraging unlisted medium and large enterprises to encourage implement. However, this still does not prevent a series of economic cases. Since January 2010, Sinopec has been revealed four cases of suspected 'oil problem' event in Hong Kong, Henan and Hainan, after that, the media exposed the truth there are loopholes in the quality control links, leading to oil and gum solvent wash manganese content exceeds the national standard and bringing a series of troubles to the owners. Itrsquo;s thoughtprovoking that the produce of lsquo;oil problemrsquo; were actually because of worse Sinopecs internal control. In 2010, and the time of the handover in 2011,Qilu bank was cheated due to the certificates of deposit pledge loan business with losing as much as billions of dollars, and soon, this stunning news occupies each of the domestic major mediarsquo;s most layout .Instantly, this major cases become a hot topic. Such a huge loss, on the one hand, due to the policy and market factors, but more important is the management factor, corruption and crime, this had to boil down to the defects of Chinese banking internal control mechanism. In addition, similar thing has happened repeatedly. Thus, the lack of internal control may directly cause a downturn of the companys performance, or even bankruptcy. Visible, internal control affects the profitability of company invisibly. So, it is necessary to perfect their internal control system, strengthen internal management, and effectively guard against risk if an enterprise wants to in an impregnable positionin such a competitive market. Only in this way can the company achieve long-term development and improve the corporate performance. At the same time, itrsquo;s also an alarm bell for the enterprise managers and investors that strengthening internal control has become a popular trend.

Ⅱ.Theoretical analysis about correlation between internal control and corporate performance

A.Analysis of the internal control based on the principal-agent theory

The principal-agent theory consider the modern enterprise is composed of a series of principal-agent relationship, that is, the principal-agent relationship between the owner and operator of capital and the principal-agent relationship between the operators and employees. Agency problem is the center of the view of contract enterprise theory, derived from the separation of ownership and control. Investors invest capital to enterprise due to reasons such as personal knowledge and interest, then the enterprise let managers to govern, and what the managers invest to enterprise is human capital. In a general sense, investors may sign entrusted agency agreement with managers in order to protect their own interests in which the powers and duties of administrators are ruled. However, due to the complexity of the business operation, many matters are unpredictable in advance, there are many contingencies, so as to make the complete contract become technically impossible and high-cost. In this case, there is a surplus control, which is power not explicitly stipulated in the contract. Managers of enterprise may have opportunism behavior after they get surplus control, and they often use the residual control for their own interests. From the Angle of game theory, when enterprise property owners let people with more knowledge and information manage the enterprise, agency cost occurs. (such as select agents, design and implementation of supervision system and the profit loss caused by agentrsquo; jobbery, etc.) As the property ownerrsquo;s degree of control to reduce, agency costs will increase. But due to the existence of the specialization and the demand of refining division of labor, the enterprise owners have to hire people with more knowledge and professional ability to manage the enterprise, therefore, the existence of agent behavior in enterprise also has certain inevitabil



Jeff Everett

摘要:内部控制是一个重要的现代企业的治理机制,确保企业正常有序运作组织。 近年来,很多企业都有遭受巨大损失甚至破产的风险。显而易见,良好的内部控制具有改善企业绩效的作用。 为了证明内部控制和企业绩效之间的相关性,我们使用理论和实证分析。 通过计量经济学分析2011年上市公司数据,我们找到了位于上海和深圳的上市公司,发现有效的内部控制对公司业绩产生积极影响。 所以,建议管理者应该提高对内部控制的关注和建立完善的内部控制系统。

关键词:内部控制; 公司绩效;相关性。


近年来,许多重大财务欺诈案例经常发生。众所周知的国际安然,世通公司巴林银行,和国内知名上市公司认证,浙江艾伦集团,以及海外着名的尹光所有这些都是夏郑白文等案例会计丑闻表明背后华丽的财务报表隐藏了虚假利润粉饰,正是因为内在控制缺陷导致公司陷入困境巨大的金融危机。随着经济发展和中国股市的扩张更多公司已加入上市行列公司,因此更容易暴露财务欺诈。一旦公司有这样的负面消息,它就是可能会破产。为了有效规避风险,我国政府加大了整顿力度,2008年5月22日,“内部控制”诞生于此我们的国家被称为“萨班斯 - 奥克斯利法案”中文版“,实施自7月以来在上市公司范围内,2009年,鼓励未上市的媒体和大企业实施。但是,这仍然不能阻止一系列经济案例。自2010年1月以来,中石化一直在透露四起疑似“石油问题”案事件发生在香港,河南和海南之后,媒体揭露了漏洞在质量控制环节,导致油和胶溶剂洗涤锰含量超过国家标准,并带来了一系列麻烦给业主。这是有道理的,那种石油问题的产生实际上是因为中石化更糟糕内部控制。在2010年和2011年里发生的,齐鲁银行因受骗被骗存款质押贷款业务损失高达数十亿美元,并且很快,这个惊人的消息占据每一个国内各大媒体的布局最多。显然,这个重大案件成为热门话题。这样的一方面,除了由于政策的巨大确实和市场因素,更重要的是管理因素,腐败和犯罪,这不得不归结为中国人的缺失银行内部控制机制。此外,类似的事情一再发生。从而,缺乏内部控制可能会直接导致公司业绩下滑,或甚至破产。可见,内部控制无形地影响公司的盈利能力。所以,有必要完善自己的内部控制系统,加强内部管理,并有效防范风险企业希望在这样一个竞争激烈的市场中处于坚不可摧的地位。只有这样公司能否实现长期发展发展和完善企业性能。与此同时,它也是一个企业管理者的警钟和投资者认为加强内部控制成为一种流行趋势。


A.基于委托 - 代理理论的内部控制分析

委托 - 代理理论认为,现代企业由一系列委托 - 代理关系组成,即资本所有者和经营者之间的委托 - 代理关系以及经营者与雇员之间的委托 - 代理关系。代理问题是契约企业理论观点的中心,源于所有权与控制权的分离。由于个人知识和兴趣等原因,投资者向企业投资,然后企业让管理者进行治理,管理者对企业投资的是人力资本。从一般意义上讲,投资者可以与经理签署委托代理协议,以保护他们自己的利益,管理者的权力和职责被统治。然而,由于业务操作的复杂性,许多事项提前无法预测,存在许多意外情况,从而使整个合同变得技术上不可能和高成本。在这种情况下,存在剩余控制,即合同中未明确规定的权力。企业经理可能有获得盈余控制后的机会主义行为,为了自己的利益,他们经常使用剩余控制。从博弈论的角度来看,当企业所有者出租时拥有更多知识和信息的人管理企业,代理成本发生。(如选择代理商,设计和实施监督制度和代理人工作等造成的利润损失等)作为业主的控制程度减少,代理成本会增加。但由于专业化的存在和炼油分工的需求,企业主必须雇用更多的人。因此,管理企业的知识和专业能力,代理人的存在企业的行为也具有一定的必然性,并且存在代理成本企业也是不可避免的。随着运营商的自主权越来越大,代理成本也呈现出急剧上升的趋势。另一方面,股东的目标是追求价值最大化,而经营者的目标是追求最大化补偿,他们的目标功能并不完全一致。虽然激励合同可以在一定程度上解决代理问题,诱导代理行为代理人和主要目标一致,但不能完全解决,但是,作为一个企业内部的控制机制,内部控制贯穿整个过程企业管理,在各职能部门发挥重叠作用,并有效监督个人,发挥监督和预防的作用,它可以有效防止经理人的各种猜测,避免“道德风险”和“不利因素”选择“由于代理问题而产生,此外,它可以弥补不完整性企业合同在一定程度上保证了正常的经营和发展企业。因此,我们认为有效的内部控制可以改善企业管理的效率和有效性,实现“企业价值的最大化”。


从上述委托 - 代理理论分析可以看出,内部控制的首要任务是解决公司内部不同层级管理者之间的委托 - 代理问题,使高层管理者能够有效地发挥其控制作用。随着企业的扩张,企业对专业化的要求越来越高,企业所有者的优势就是拥有资产,但管理庞大的资产需要能源和能力,相对于股东而言,职业经理人更适合从专业性或经验的角度来看企业管理,让股东给予他们一些权力,让行政人员为他们行事。从一定程度上说,授权带来的好处是显而易见的,如专业化收入,工作效率提高等。但研究表明(杨克志,王艳丽,2010)随着授权范围的扩大,监管成本将相应增加,以防止员工炒作。在授权和监督的博弈中出现了内部控制,研究表明,完善内部控制条件下的授权强度大于内部控制不完善,产生的收益也更大。 COSO委员会于1992年提出并于1992年修改的内部控制一体化框架如下:内部控制由企业董事会,经理和其他员工实施,是为实现内部控制提供合理保证的过程。经营效率和效果,财务报告的可靠性以及相关法律的遵守等目标。可见,内部控制直接或间接地影响企业的业绩,也就是说,良好的内部控制可以提高企业的盈利能力,反过来,良好的业绩也反映出有效实施内部控制。因此,如果企业想要获得长期发展和提高竞争力,就必须建立完善的内部控制体系。只有最大限度地降低代理成本和尽可能优化的内部控制才能使公司业绩蓬勃发展。为此,我们运用经济学原理来分析内部控制优化与企业绩效之间的相关性。





1)。 样本选择首先选择2011年关于上海和深圳上市公司的实证数据,然后按照以下标准消除样本:(1)考虑数据的完整性,淘汰所需数据有缺陷的样本公司; (2)由于金融业内部控制的特殊性,本文取消了财务数据; (3)为了消除异常数据对测试结果的影响,我清除了ST上市公司的相关数据。 最后,我得到了1517个上市公司的示例观察结果。

2)。 数据源


C. 变量选择



Variable types

Variable symbol

Variable name


Dependent Variable


Return on total assets

Net income/average total assets

Independent Variable


Di Po.Internal control index of listed companies

According to the index system of five elements

Control variable


asset-liability ratio

final total liabilities/final total assets


growth rate of gross operating income

(this years main business income-last yearrsquo;s main business income)/last yearrsquo;s main business income


Ownership Concentration

The sum of shareholding ratio shareholding ratio of the top ten major shareholder in listed companies


company size

natural logarithm of the total assets at year end


executive compensation

natural logarithm of the top three executive compensation amount




1)。 描述性统计分析为了对每个变量进行初步的理解和认知,现在进行描述性统计分析(表2)。 如表2所示,总资产回报率用于衡量公司业绩,平均值为4.9297%,最高为48.96%,最低为33.12%。 样本公司内部控制水平的平均值为1.0007,表明整体内部控制质量更好。 资产负债率平均值为49.4351%,最高值为120.08%,最小值为0.71%,表明公司资产负债率存在较大差距,因此有必要将其作为控制变量。 此外,可以看出公司之间的所有权集中度差异也更大。 规模和高管薪酬的范围分别为9.5799,6.3366,表明两个变量的差距对于上市公司来说并不大。

2)。回归结果分析如表3-1和表3-2所示,从图中的值可以看出,方程的F值为104.357,概率为0.000,表明整体系数方程不显着为0并且反映变量之间存在高线性相关性,回归方程具有很高的显着性,说明所选择的自变量和控制变量都可以使Explained变量整体解释。 D-W是1.979,接近2,这表明残余序列没有自相关。此外,R平方为0.293gt; 0.2,表明该模型可以很好地解释内部控制对公司业绩的影响,这意味着更完善的内部控制更有利于公司业绩的增长。但由于影响公司业绩的因素很多,如各种环境因素,因此本文无法控制所有变量。一般来说,所有指数都反映了回归方程模拟的更好拟合,因此回归方程是显着的。如表4所示,内部控制指数的系数为5.171,表明内部控制的高质量对公司业绩有积极影响,也就是说,内部控制水平越高,企业绩效越好,通过1%的显着性检验,这表明内部控制水平在很大程度上影响了公司绩效的高度,即高层内部控制有与公司业绩呈正相关,结果显着支持该假设。选择作为控制变量的资本结构系数为0.129,表明它对公司业绩有负面影响,因为公司资产负债率越高,财务风险越高,企业绩效越低。特别是,选择作为控制变量的增长能力系数为0.000,表明增长对公司绩效的影响并不大于该模型。选择作为控制变量的所有权集中度和企业规模系数分别为0.040,0.128,表明它们都对企业绩效产生了积极影响,一方面,适当的所有制结构集中有利于鼓励股东参与公司的经营管理,从而降低代理成本提高企业盈利能力;另一方面,公司规模越大,规模经济效应越显着,因此公司应该提高



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