
 2022-11-13 17:21:22

Management Accounting Practices in Support of Lean Management Strategy in Service Organizations

Tomasz Wnuk-Pel1,2

1University of Lodz Matejki St. 22/26 90-237 Lodz, Poland

2Affiliated at Linnaeus University Box 451, 35106 Vaxjo, Sweden E-mail: tomwnuk@uni.lodz.pl


Lean strategy is becoming more and more popular, not only in manufacturing but also in service organizations. Drawing on previous research (e.g. Kennedy, Widener, 2008; Fullerton et al., 2013) the paper aims to empirically examine whether service organizations use specific management accounting systems (MAS) to support lean strategy.

The theoretical influence of the research is threefold: (a) the research adds to the literature by responding to calls to provide empirical research on the functioning of MAS in a lean environment, especially in service organizations, (b) it suggests that service companies recognize the need to change MAS in response to changes in their strategy, (c) it also investigates associations between different management accounting (MA) practices, examining if they work as a package in support of lean strategy in a service organization. These are important issues that keep MA research up to date with the practical problems of world-class organizations, and they move the knowledge of MA forward.

The case study method was used in the research to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomena analyzed. It was found that there is a positive and significant association between lean practices and employee empowerment, whiteboard use and individual process costing. Thus, it was generally observed that departments with higher use of lean methods also use MA practices more extensively. Limited evidence was found, however, that in the case of company MA practices work together (as a package) to support lean strategy. It was also observed that MA tasks, related to lean practices, are moving from the Accounting Department to operational departments.

Keywords: Management Accounting System; Case Study; Lean Management; Lean Strategy; Service Organization.


One of the most important strategies implemented in organizations today is lean management (Fullerton et al., 2013; Rajnoha et al., 2018) and it seems that the successful use of this strategy requires appropriate management accounting systems (Nicolau, 2003; Haskin, 2010; Strumickas and Valanciene, 2010; Castellano and Burrows, 2011; Fullerton et al., 2013). The general necessity to change management accounting systems (MAS) in reaction to new strategy implementation was already advocated in the 1980rsquo;s by Kaplan and Cooper (1988). Their argumentation is valid, especially in the case of MAS support of lean management (LM) strategy implementation, although the nature of these changes is still a subject of research (Kennedy amp; Widener, 2008; Fullerton et al., 2013; Kinder amp; Burgoyne, 2013).

This issue seems important from microeconomic point of view as it is focused on the behaviour of an organization in making decisions on its strategy and system supporting it (Dagiliene, 2010). Studying of this phenomena also requires applying general economic principles in analysing a specific company and a specific problem inside the company i.e. the implementation of lean strategy and examining MAS role in supporting this implementation. However, there is not enough research on the relationships between management

accounting systems and lean management (Haskin, 2010; Castellano and Burrows, 2011; Fullerton et al., 2013). Moreover, most of this research was performed in the production context (Chenhall amp; Langfield-Smith, 1998; Fullerton amp; McWatters, 2002; Kennedy amp; Widener, 2008; Fullerton et al., 2013) and far less in the context of service organizations (Hines et al., 2004; Piercy amp; Rich, 2009; Kinder amp; Burgoyne, 2013), particularly with regard to the research on how MAS support LM. This gap in the body of research offers the possibility of studying if or how management accounting system supports lean management in a service company. Filling this gap seems especially important because service organizations: (a) constitute large and steadily increasing proportion of economy in each country, (b) they implement and use management methods used earlier mainly by manufacturing organizations and (c) there is a lack of research on whether the use of these methods (e.g. LM) is supported by organizationrsquo;s MAS.

In the context of the research gap identified, scientific problem of the research was formulated in the form of a question: whether management accounting systems used by service organizations support their lean strategy? To address this research problem, the study focused on providing deeper empirical understanding of MAS used by a service organization to support its lean strategy and, furthermore, on examining if different MAS elements are related to each

other, forming a package. To address this purpose, the case study method was chosen.

As the nature of the relationships between management accounting systems and lean management has not been explained enough, the research is mainly exploratory and its main role is to provide a deeper understanding if/how MA practices support LM strategy. It seems especially interesting in the context of service organizations and, more specifically, the Polish branch of a Western financial institution. The studyrsquo;s contribution to the literature is threefold: (a) it responds to the calls to empirically examine whether organizations use specific MAS to support lean strategy (van der Merwe and Thomson, 2007; Li et al., 2012), (b) it inves



Tomasz Wnuk-Pel1,2

1罗兹大学Matejki St. 22/26 90-237波兰罗兹

2隶属于Linnaeus University Box 451,35106 Vaxjo,Sweden电子邮件:tomwnuk@uni.lodz.pl


精益战略越来越受欢迎,不仅在制造业,而且在服务组织。借鉴之前的研究(例如Kennedy,Widener,2008; Fullerton等,2013),本文旨在通过实证检验服务组织是否使用特定的管理会计系统(MAS)来支持精益战略。





当今组织实施的最重要策略之一是精益管理(Fullerton等,2013; Rajnoha等,2018),似乎成功使用该策略需要适当的管理会计系统(Nicolau,2003; Haskin, 2010; Strumickas和Valanciene,2010; Castellano和Burrows,2011; Fullerton等,2013)。20世纪80年代Kaplan和Cooper(1988)提出了改变管理会计系统(MAS)以应对新战略实施的一般必要性。他们的论证是有效的,特别是在MAS支持精益管理(LM)战略实施的情况下,尽管这些变化的性质仍然是研究的主题(Kennedy&Widener,2008; Fullerton等,2013; Kinder&Burgoyne ,2013)。

从微观经济学的角度来看,这个问题似乎很重要,因为它侧重于一个组织在其战略和系统支持决策方面的行为(Dagiliene,2010)。研究这一现象还需要运用一般经济原则来分析公司内部的特定公司和具体问题,即实施精益战略和检查MAS在支持这一实施中的作用。但是,对管理之间的关系还没有足够的研究会计系统和精益管理(Haskin,2010; Castellano和Burrows,2011; Fullerton等,2013)。此外,这项研究的大部分是在生产环境中进行的(Chenhall&Langfield-Smith,1998; Fullerton&McWatters,2002; Kennedy&Widener,2008; Fullerton等,2013),而在服务组织的背景下则更少( Hines等,2004; Piercy&Rich,2009; Kinder&Burgoyne,2013),特别是关于MAS如何支持LM的研究。研究体系中的这种差距提供了研究管理会计系统是否或如何支持服务公司精益管理的可能性。填补这一空白似乎特别重要,因为服务组织:(a)在每个国家构成大量且稳定增长的经济比例;(b)他们实施和使用主要由制造组织提供的管理方法;(c)缺乏研究关于组织的MAS是否支持使用这些方法(例如LM)。


由于管理会计系统与精益管理之间关系的性质尚未得到充分解释,该研究主要是探索性的,其主要作用是提供对MA实践是否/如何支持LM策略的更深入理解。在服务组织,特别是西方金融机构的波兰分支机构中,这似乎特别有趣。该研究对文献的贡献有三个:(a)它响应经验检查组织是否使用特定的MAS来支持精益战略(van der Merwe和Thomson,2007; Li et al。,2012),(b)它调查MAS和LM使用的程度以及两者之间的关系,(c)它提供了不同MA实践(工具)如何协同工作以支持LM策略的证据(在这方面,它响应了Malmi&Brown,2008的呼吁) )。此外,该研究为未来的研究提供了一个起点,使用更传统的调查和假设检验。



为了研究管理会计实践如何支持精益管理策略,使用了权变理论(Gerdin&Greve,2008)。该理论表明,如果组织要表现良好,他们必须适应环境或商业战略等突发事件(Kennedy,Widener,2008; Fullerton等,2013)。由于研究的目的是研究MA实践如何支持LM,因此必须确定MAS的关键要素。利用Fullerton等人已经使用的同余模型。(2013)为了研究MAS与LM的关联,为研究目的确定了管理会计系统的四个要素:

  • 员工授权 - 授权员工可以更有效地工作,这使得实现精益管理战略执行的宏伟目标成为可能(Kennedy&Widener,2008),
  • 白板 - 以简化的视觉形式使用目标和反馈信息对普通员工来说应该更容易和更有用(Glasworth,1997),
  • 个人流程成本 - 大多数采用精益管理策略的组织围绕价值流而非功能性组织,如传统组织,这会影响他们的成本计算实践(Fullerton et al。,2013),
  • 简化管理报告 - 精益MAS应尽量减少使用它的难度和成本



根据Chenhall和Langfield-Smith(1998)的观点,管理会计系统和战略之间存在着一种关系,即某种策略的使用会导致管理会计系统的变化。更重要的是,一组研究(Baines&Langfield-Smith,2003; Callen等,2005; Kennedy&Widener,2008)表明组织战略执行的成功取决于MAS支持给定策略的适用性(组织中的管理会计实践应与组织的战略保持一致。此类MAS应该面向内部和外部,不应局限于财务,还应包括非财务信息,并且通常应提供可用于制定组织战略和监控其成功的信息,从而使管理人员能够更好地执行特定战略(Cadez&Guilding,2008)。

实施精益管理战略需要在组织中进行适应过程,管理者的决策通过这些过程来改变组织(Rao&Bargerstock,2013)。根据Womack和Jones(2003)的观点,精益概念可以根据运营变化进行分析,这些变革的重点是将整个组织重新定位为客户价值创造。Rao和Bargerstock(2013)指出,组织中的精益程度可以通过以下方式来衡量:(a)价值由客户定义,(b)活动在价值流上得到简化,(c)运营使用原则拉动和流动(及时 - JIT),(d)在车间操作上确保视觉控制,(e)通过全权和信息赋予员工权力,(f)团队通过持续改进力求更高水平的完美举措。

有大量研究表明传统MAS不适合实施精益管理的组织(例如Kennedy&Brewer,2006),更可能的是,它可能成为精益管理实施的障碍(Fullerton&McWatters,2002; Johnson,2006; Maskell&Baggaley,2006; Maskell&Kennedy,2007; Fullerton&Kennedy,2009)。Fullerton和McWatters(2002),Baines和Langfield-Smith(2003)或Kennedy和Widener(2008)的研究支持这些观察,并表明传统的管理会计系统无法呈现组织绩效的真实情况,并且他们有显示的基本问题精益项目的成果。

许多作者(Kennedy&Huntzinger,2005; Kennedy&Maskell,2006; Maskell&Baggaley,2006; Hilker,2011; Simpson&Greenfield,2012)建议组织应通过实施与传统MAS完全不同的方法来支持精益计划;这种方法称为精益会计(LA)。精益会计是一套致力于支持精益战略的方法,尤其适用于提供持续改进计划和绩效评估所需的数据


根据Baines和Langfield-Smith(2003),Kennedy和Widener(2008)以及Rao和Bargerstock(2013)以及许多其他人的说法,很明显管理会计系统应该适应精益管理战略。应建立适当的MAS以支持LM的成功实施。基于上面分析的文献研究,制定了本研究中要解决的第一个研究问题 - 它是:



根据以前的文献(例如,Widener,2007),以视觉形式(白板)使用目标和反馈的信息,围绕价值流组织的组织成本计算程序,以及通常简化的管理会计系统,是组织承诺的明显标志。精益战略,他们形成一个系统(包)提供战略执行的信息。与文献一致(例如Kennedy&Widener,2008),制定了本研究中要解决的第二个研究问题 - 它是:



该研究主要是探索性的,并以案例研究的形式组织,并遵循Ryan等人为此类研究所概述的步骤。(2002)和Yin(2003)。案例公司的选择是慎重的 - 所选公司广泛使用LM策略,因此可以分析MAS和LM之间的相互关系。该研究基于半结构化的访谈指南,随后对管理层和员工进行了更深入的访谈,并对公司信息系统的内部文档和数据进行了广泛的分析(案例研究使用了多个数据(Yin,2003) )。通过访谈指南获得的信息随后在访谈过程中更加详细(访谈没有案件公司不允许记录;在访谈期间采取了广泛的说明)。与来自运营和财务部门的员工进行了面谈,特别是大部分时间都是给负责MAS和LM运作的人员。总共对9名受访者进行了14次访谈,每次访谈时间为1至2小时。受访者(财务/运营部门)的工作岗位及其工作经历如下:

  • 受访者1(财务部门) - 8年,
  • 受访者2(财务部门) - 21年,
  • 受访者3(财务部门) - 7年,
  • 受访者4(运营部门) - 7年,
  • 受访者5(运营部门) - 6年,
  • 受访者6(运营部门) - 12年,
  • 受访者7(运营部门) - 9年,
  • 受访者8(运营部门) - 7年,
  • 受访者9(运营部门) - 1年。财务部门的所有受访者都是



  1. 在访谈期间和内部文件中做出的注释的不同数据来源进行了交叉检查,
  2. 研究人员研究了如何使用MAS和LM方法的模式,(d)考虑到以前的文献和研究,得出结论。在对实证结果进行分类之后,对它们进行分析,同时处理和汇编来自几次访谈的数据。




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