The Organisational Gap Model for Hotel Management
Maja Uran
This paper describes the development of the organisational gap model for hotel management. It descries a management measurement instrument that helps to assess the 3 organizational service gaps that are preconditions for delivering service quality (the positioning gap, specifi- cation gap and evaluation gap). The described theoretical model was constructed based upon the four organisational gaps of the Parasuraman et al. service quality model, then redefined and reassessed. Data were gathered on the sample of 500 questionnaires from the Slovenian hotel industry and analysed with exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modelling. The results can be useful guidelines for hotel management on how to improve the service delivery process. Key Words: service quality model, organisational gaps, multivariate analysis, hotel industry jel Classification: m1, l83
The business environment in the hotel industry is highly competitive, each hotel directly or indirectly competing with another hotel. The highly competitive environment prompts hotel managers to meet their customersrsquo; expectations as for as possible to enable the survival and success of the business (Ivankovicˇ 2005, 137). In order to create a sustainable advantage, firms seek to develop core competencies: unique combination of processes, skills and/or assets (Kandampully 2007; Knowles 1999, 64). As competitors move more closely together in terms of product quality, it is the service quality, developed by these core competencies, which will be used more often to create a competitive distinctiveness (Zeithaml, Parasurman, and Berry 1990, 149; Olsen, Ching-Yick Tse, and West 1992, 163; Harrington and Lenehan 1998; Groenroos 1990; Johns 1999; Kandampully, Mok and Sparks, 2001; Uran, 2004; Uran et al., 2006; Kandampully 2007). Service quality can be utilized in determining how a business produces and delivers its products and services; in how it manages its employees; and in how it builds a strong brand identity and reputation. It is a process that includes both the responsiveness of the service and the consistency of the service delivery. Firms that learn how to match service quality as an operational approach with their competitive methods can create a formidable and sustainable competitive advantage.
The construct service quality has been the focus of many scholarly studies (Lehtinen and Lehtinen 1982; Lewis and Booms 1983; Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry 1985; Cronin and Taylor 1992; Teas 1993; Kandampully, Mok and Sparks, 2001; Uran, 2004; Uran et al., 2006; Kandampully 2007). There is a list, which covers the findings of international researchers regarding service quality and what characterises successful service companies:
bull; The managing director should be the leading practitioner of a professional and operative leadership. That means, among other things, creating and spreading a quality policy, developing challenging goals, plans and rituals, and dividing the responsibility in the organisation.
bull; Service quality has become a strategic area of development and an important part of the business plan and the vision of the companyrsquo;s development. It is also a central task for management at all levels.
bull; Successful service companies are characterised by a multiple focus. They manage to satisfy the needs and expectations of customers, co-workers and owners at the same time. They emphasise quality in results, processes and prerequisites for the service and how these interact. The customer orientation is especially important.
bull; Quality is considered as everyonersquo;s responsibility. Every co-worker has the knowledge, resources and authority to achieve high quality. The co-workers also control the quality of their own work.
bull; Service development and service construction, to build-in prerequisites for the right quality when developing new services is a keyissue.
bull; Emphasis on the development of quality in all processes in the organisation. The point is to prevent faults, not just to detect the ones already made.
bull; To develop service quality is regarded as maybe the most important measure to take in order to improve productivity and profitability
bull; Emphasis on complaint management. Detecting customer dissatisfaction, learning to repair mistakes, compensate and explain the cause of the quality failure.
bull; Emphasis on the co-workers commitment to customer-perceived total quality.
bull; Increased emphasis on systematic measuring of the service quality. Measuring quality from the point of view of customers, co-workers and other interested parties.
In the hotel industry, products are produced and consumed simultaneously, while in other industries production and consumption are separated in time and space. For this reason, a high quality standard is hard to achieve. Another issue is direct contact between employees and consumers, which inevitably leads to errors that can easily contribute to the possible collapse of the system. If it is accepted that these errors are inevitable, then the goal is to minimize them. The battle for quality determines the path that everyone in the tourist industry needs to follow. Using a quality system, hotel managers try to eliminate errors and improve the guestrsquo;s perception of quality issues. The usual perception is that a good quality hotel is one with five stars, but nowadays it is defined differently. Quality is not defined by category, but by the capability to deliver products and services that have district characteristics, and are designed in a way to please the guests and fulfil their needs (Groenroos 1990).
Since 1985, most of the debate has centred around the conceptualization and measurement of service quality based on the gap theory stream of research (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry 1985; Zeithaml, Berry and Parasuraman 1988; Zeithaml
酒店业的商业环境极具竞争力,每家酒店都具有直接或间接的竞争伙伴。竞争激烈的环境促使酒店管理者尽可能地满足客户的期望,以实现业务的生存和成功(Ivankovic 2005,137)。为了创造可持续的优势,企业寻求发展核心竞争力:流程,技能和资产的独特组合(Kandampully 2007; Knowles 1999,64)等。随着竞争对手在产品质量方面的更紧密地结合在一起,就是通过这些核心竞争力开发的服务质量,将更多地用于创造竞争优势(Zeithaml,Parasurman和Berry 1990,149; Olsen,Ching- Yick Tse和West 1992,163; Harrington and Lenehan 1998; Groenroos 1990; Johns 1999; Kandampully,Mok and Sparks,2001; Uran,2004; Uran et al。,2006; Kandampully 2007)。服务质量可用于确定企业如何生产和交付其产品和服务;在如何管理员工;以及如何建立强大的品牌形象和声誉。这是一个包含服务响应性和服务交付一致性的过程。了解如何将服务质量作为运营方式与竞争方式相匹配的企业,可以创造出强大而可持续的竞争优势。
建筑服务质量一直是许多学术研究的重点(Lehtinen和Lehtinen 1982; Lewis and Booms 1983; Parasuraman,Zeithaml and Berry 1985; Cronin and Taylor 1992; Teas 1993; Kandampully,Mok and Sparks,2001; Uran,2004; Uran et al。,2006; Kandampully 2007)。有一个清单,其中涵盖了国际研究人员关于服务质量和成功服务公司的特点:
在酒店行业,产品同时生产和消费,而在其他行业,生产和消费在时间和空间上分开。因此,高质量的标准很难实现。另一个问题是员工和消费者之间的直接联系,这不可避免地导致错误,这可能会轻易导致系统崩溃。如果接受这些错误是不可避免的,那么目标是最小化它们。质量的争夺决定了旅游业中每个人都需要遵循的路径。使用质量体系,酒店经理尝试消除错误,提高客人对质量问题的看法。通常情况下,一个优质的酒店是五星级的,但现在它的定义不同。质量不是按类别定义的,而是通过提供具有区域特征的产品和服务的能力,并以设计方式来满足客户并满足他们的需求(Groenroos 1990)。
自1985年以来,大多数辩论集中在基于差距理论研究的服务质量的概念化和衡量(Parasuraman,Zeithaml和Berry 1985; Zeithaml,Berry and Parasuraman 1988; Zeithaml,Parasuraman and Berry 1990; Zeithaml,Berry和Parasuraman 1993; Kandampully,Mok and Sparks,2001; Uran,2004; Uran et al。,2006; Kandampully 2007)。从文献中可以看出,大多数实证工作都集中在Parasuraman,Berry和Zeithaml(1985)实施的差距5感知减数预期框架。
然而,服务质量的管理涉及更广泛的组织结构,哲学和文化问题,也可以影响服务提供,最终确定客户对服务质量的看法(Bowen和Schneider 1988; Groenroos 1990; Heskett 1987; Kandampully,Mok and Sparks, 2001; Uran,2004; Uran et al。,2006; Kandampully 2007)。据报道,期望与感知之间的差异是由一系列组织行为因素引起的。
已经开发了一种称为“差距模型”或“服务质量模型”的模型,用于识别服务提供中的问题(Zeithaml,Parasura,Berry 1990),其通过客户满意度来定义优质服务。这个想法是通过识别模型中的差距并试图避免这些错误来识别问题和错误。酒店管理可以通过缩小组织差距,提高服务质量和客户满意度来影响服务提供。服务质量模型假设客户期望的服务与实际获得的服务之间的差异是由于组织差距(Zeithaml,Parasuraman和Berry 1990; Candido and Morris 2000; McCarthy and Keefe 1999)。这些差距可以分为(Uran 2003):
扩展服务质量模型(Zeithaml,Berry和Parasuraman 1988; 1990)是用于开发酒店管理组织差距模型的框架。 Parasuraman,Parasuraman和Berry(1988; 1990)模型的原始和扩展模型有4个组织差距,16个维度由50个元素组成。根据Zeithaml,Berry和Parasuraman(1990)的扩展服务质量模型,并且基于对服务质量管理和现有服务质量模型的300多个文献单位(Uran 2003)的深入审查,我们可以开发模型。理论模型包含26个维度,超过100个因素源于5个组织差距。本文的重点是针对酒店管理而不是人员的三个差距,即定位差距,规格差距和评估差距。更具体地说,本文的目的是测试用于评估斯洛文尼亚酒店业的这些服务差距的工具的有效性。
酒店管理层对客人期望酒店服务质量的看法可能与实际客户期望不一致。 Zeithaml et al。 (1988)认为,任何一家服务公司的定位差距大小都是营销研究方向,向上沟通和管理层的功能。 Candido和Morris(2000)指出,差距被定义为管理层对客户的期望和对服务的看法缺乏了解。它是由于缺乏听取客户的主动行动,以及在采取这些举措时缺乏正确的了解。作者认为,差距可能进一步扩大,包括对其他外部信息的了解不足,即服务定位差距或服务质量战略。服务质量战略通过选择和定位其希望竞争的基本质量维度来确定组织的竞争范围和质量概念。服务质量战略是为组织中的每个人提供方向的一套指导方针。 McCarty和Keefe(1999)注意到这一差距的相似维度,他们承认差距可能是由于缺乏消费者导向,对服务质量的管理承诺,服务质量领导力和使命/愿景的清晰度。
差距2,所谓的管理感知服务质量规格差距,当酒店管理层正确地感受到客人的期望,但是无法将这些信息转化为明确的规范时,就会发生。 Garvin(1988)和Zeithaml,Parasuraman和Berry(1988; 1990)提出四个因素可能会导致这种差异,包括
尺寸 |
分子 |
1.营销研究导向 |
1.营销研究金额 2.营销研究的使用 3.收集客人满意的信息 4.收集有关客人期望的信息 5.经理与客户之间直接互动的程度 |
2.客户导向 |
6.服务质量趋势 7.愿意改变 |
3.管理层对服务质量的承诺 |
8.服务质量责任 9.促进服务质量 10.创新和改进的责任 11.优先事项 12.对质量的资源承诺13.存在内部质量计划 |
4.服务质量提升领导 |
14.根据客户期望设计操作 15.预期和感知服务之间的差异 16.了解工作条件 17.开放改变 18.沟通 帮助员工 20.决策风格 21.传播使命/愿景22.了解使命/愿景 23.资源对任务/愿景的承诺 |
5.质量概念 |
24.服务质量为企业目标 25.员工代表团 26.服务质量意识 27.服务质量概念的充分性 28.服务质量维度的含义 29.目标设定 30.防止服务缺陷的系统 31.服务质量概念的有效性 |
管理承诺服务质量,存在目标设定,任务标准化和可行性观念。规格,沿着服务质量维度,有助于定义什么质量。通常,组织没有任何形式的规范,导致服务变异性和质量下降(Zemke和Schaaf 1989)。需要规格来指导人员进行活动。还需要规格作为有效质量评估的比较手段。 Candido和Morris(2000)认为,由于缺乏服务质量规范的分析,设计和定义,或者由于这些规范与战略内容之间的矛盾或者客户的管理持有者的观点,期望。包括:短期利润导向(Zeithaml,Parasuraman和Berry 1988; 1990),内部沟通管理水平(Zeithaml,Parasuraman和Berry 1988; 1990; Groenroos 1990; Candido and Morris 2000),服务设计差,缺乏客户驱动的标准。
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