
 2023-07-21 09:38:47

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Problems and Countermeasures of Financial Risk Management based on Big Data Analysis


The development of financial market is closely related to Chinas economic growth. The rapid economic development not only brings advanced computer information technology, but also increases the probability of financial risks. At present, China is gradually entering the era of comprehensive big data. Under the background of big data analysis, the occurrence and management of financial risk also face new challenges. Therefore, it is more necessary to analyze the financial risk management problems under the big data analysis, and explore the solutions to the financial risk management problems in China, so that the financial risk management level of Chinese enterprises can use big data information technology to get effective promotion.

Key words: Big data; Financial risk; Risk management; Financial market


With the development process of economic globalization, the development of financial market has also ushered in more opportunities. In the process of comprehensive promotion of big data, there are many new forms of data acquisition and analysis, which make the financial market glow with new vitality. Data information technology integrates the information data related to the financial market, and establishes a unified relationship between the data, so as to fully grasp the application form of data information. On this basis, the derived big data environment makes the industry data information of the financial market more authentic and reliable, and the accuracy and value of the data are also improving day by day. And financial risks corresponding to the development of the financial market also have a new situation under the background of big data. Financial risk is an important indicator for enterprises to measure their own future development level. In order to better achieve the development goals, many enterprises will focus on measuring the development level of their own financial risk management. Therefore, it is necessary to actively explore effective strategies to effectively improve the level of financial risk management, and strictly control financial risks, so as to better deal with the adverse consequences brought by financial risks. The management and control of financial risks can not only help to build a harmonious and stable development environment for Chinas economic development, but also provide an environmental basis for the sustainable development of the economic level. It can also ensure that Chinas economic entities are free from the interference of external environment in financial risks, ensure the safety level of economic entities in financial risks, and minimize the level of economic benefits of enterprises caused by financial risks.

2.Analysis on the Characteristics of Financial Risk Management

2.1. Instability

In financial activities, positive financial activities can effectively promote the level of Chinas economic development, while negative financial activities will bring adverse effects on economic development. The conventional way of examination cannot completely distinguish the positive and negative financial activities. Many financial risks gradually evolve into risks from the details, which can be seen from the control of financial risks is unstable. Once the financial risk occurs, it will affect the regional economy, or even the international economy. For example, the phenomenon of sharp rise in prices and vicious competition of enterprises on the verge of bankruptcy is caused by the uncertainty of financial risk management itself.

2.2. Challenges

The outbreak of financial risk is an accumulation process, which needs a certain period of time to become a clear risk hidden danger. When the frequency of financial activities is increasing, many financial problems will gradually penetrate and influence each other, and eventually lead to financial risks. In the process of continuous accumulation, the impact of this kind of risk will gradually expand. When it can become a kind of risk, it will certainly bring financial management challenges to relevant personnel and enterprises. Therefore, in the face of financial risks, in order to control them, we must conduct indepth analysis based on the current situation and potential influencing factors of financial risks, and formulate targeted response plans, so as to maintain the level of financial risks in a clear and controllable range to the maximum extent and reduce the losses caused by financial risks to relevant personnel.

2.3. Two sides

Everything has two sides, and financial risk management is no exception. Although the occurrence of financial risk will have a certain impact on enterprises and related personnel, in the process of economic development, the emergence of financial risk has its inevitability. Thus we must examine the occurrence of financial risk with a positive attitude. On the one hand, we should realize that the occurrence of financial risks will have adverse effects on economy and society; on the other hand, we should take positive and effective measures to control financial risks, so that financial risk management can play a role in the prevention of financial risks. Use solid financial risk management means as the basis for financial activities, so that financial activities can get a smooth operation in the process of social development.

3. Problems of Financial Risk under Big Data Analysis

3.1. At present, the financial industry lacks the mastery of core technology lt;


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