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Rami Zeitun, Gary Gang Tian. Capital Structure and Corporate Performance:Evidence from Jordan[J].Australasian Accounting Business and Finance Journal.2007, 1(4):40-46

Capital Structure and Corporate Performance:Evidence from Jordan


This study is to investigate the effect which capital structure has had on corporate performance using a panel data sample representing of 167 Jordanian companies during 1989-2003. Our results showed that a firmrsquo;s capital structure had a significantly negative impact on the firmrsquo;s performance measures, in both the accounting and marketrsquo;s measures. We also found that the short-term debt to total assets (STDTA) level has a significantly positive effect on the market performance measure (Tobinrsquo;s Q). The Gulf Crisis 1990-1991 was found to have a positive impact on Jordanian corporate performance while the outbreak of Intifadah in the West Bank and Gaza in September 2000 had a negative impact on corporate performance.


The topic of optimal capital structure has been the subject of many studies. It has been

argued that profitable firms were less likely to depend on debt in their capital structure than less profitable ones. It has also been argued that firms with a high growth rate have a high debt to equity ratio. Bankruptcy costs (proxied by firm size) were also found to be an important effect on capital structure (Kraus and Litzenberger, 1973; Harris and Raviv, 1991). If these three factors are considered as determinants of capital structure, then these factors could be used to determine the firmrsquo;s performance.

In practice, firm managers who are able to identify the optimal capital structure are

rewarded by minimising a firmrsquo;s cost of finance thereby maximising the firmrsquo;s revenue. If a firmrsquo;s capital structure influences a firmrsquo;s performance, then it is reasonable to expect that the firmrsquo;s capital structure would affect the firmrsquo;s health and its likelihood of default. From a creditorrsquo;s point view, it is possible that the debt to equity ratio aids in understanding banksrsquo; risk management strategies and how banks determine the likelihood of default associated with financially distressed firms. In short, the issue regarding the capital structure and firm performance are important for both academics and practitioners.

The objective of the current paper is to examine the effect which capital structure has on

corporate performance in Jordan. There is a lack of empirical evidence about the effect of capital structure on the performance of firms in both developed and developing countries. Most of the previous evidence on capital structure comes from the determinants of corporate debt ratio. To the best of the authorsrsquo; knowledge, this research provides the first attempt to investigate the effect of capital structure on corporate performance in Jordan. Our reason for choosing Jordan as a case for this topic is its uniqueness, which we discuss below.

First, the Jordanian economy has been subject to a large number of external shocks in

the Middle East region during the period of our study. The first Gulf War was broken out in1990-1991. Both the return of migrant workers and refugees due to this war increased the poverty level and unemployment level in Jordan. For example, more than 300,000 people returned to Jordan from Gulf countries during that period of time (World Bank, 2003). In addition, the continuing strife in the West Bank and Gaza, and the second Gulf War in 2003 has had a negative impact on tourism and investment in Jordan. Furthermore, Jordan was badly affected by the Palestinian Intifadah1 which began in September 2000. The Palestinian Intifadah affected firm performance negatively as most of Jordanian companies export production goes to these neighbour countries. These macroeconomic factors (shocks), which have had an important effect on firm performance and default, are unique Jordanian case and are hardly found in any other existing study.

Secondly, the banking system in Jordan also makes this study unique. The banking

system2 in Jordan is different from western countries as it contains both conventional commercial banks and Islamic banks3. The credit policy in Islamic banks is different from the commercial banks, which could affect corporate performance and default risk. Since bond markets and Mutual Funds markets are undeveloped and inactive, both commercial and Islamic banking systems play an important role in providing lending to Jordanian firms. These bank lending are the main source of funds for these firms Therefore, this unique dual banking systems offers us a new insight into the study on the effect of capital structure on firm performance.

Thirdly, it is worth noting that both Islamic and non-Islamic banks have a credit policy

which requires banks to provide more short-term loans rather than long-term loans (Creane et al. 2003). Under this credit policy, banks concentrate their lending to the services sector rather than the industrial sectors which normally requires long-term loans. This banking credit policy could also have an impact on the capital structure of the borrowing companies, and could also force these firms to choose a less than optimal capital structure, which could make them vulnerable in the short term to an increase in the interest rate. This is especially true for smaller firms, which are more exposed to insolvency than larger ones.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 discusses the literature

review. Section 3 discusses the methodology and the empirical models used to investigate the effect of capital structure on corporate performance. Section 4 presents the analysis and discussion of results. Section 5 summarises and concludes the paper.


One of the main factors that could influence the firmrsquo;s performance is



南京信息工程大学 商学院 20141374017 财务管理 董玥

选自Rami Zeitun和Gary Gang Tian的《资本结构与公司绩效——基于约旦的数据》,澳大利亚会计与财经杂志,2007, 1(4):40-46

本研究旨在用1989 - 2003年代表167家约旦公司的面板数据样本来调查资本结构对企业绩效的影响。我们的研究结果表明,不管是用账面价值还是市场价值,公司的资本结构对公司的绩效指标有显着的负面影响。我们还发现短期债务与总资产(STDTA)水平对以市场价值表现企业绩效的托宾Q值有显着的正向影响。研究发现1990 - 1991年的海湾危机对约旦公司绩效产生了积极影响,而2000年9月西岸和加沙的起义爆发对公司绩效产生了负面影响。
关于最优资本结构的话题一直是许多研究的主题。根据以往的研究一般认为有利可图的公司相比于那些利润较少的公司在其资本结构中不太可能依赖债务。也有人认为,高增长率的企业债务权益比率高。破产成本(以企业规模代表)也被认为是对资本结构有重要影响的因素(Kraus and Litzenberger,1973; Harris and Raviv,1991)。如果这三个因素被认为是资本结构的决定因素,那么这些因素可以用来确定公司的业绩。在实践中,能够确定最优资本结构的企业经理人
首先,在本文选取的研究期间,约旦经济在中东地区受到了大量的外部冲击。 第一次海湾战争在1990 - 1991年爆发。由于这场战争造成的移徙工人和难民的回归增加了约旦的贫困水平和失业水平。例如,在那段时间内,有超过300,000人从海湾国家返回约旦(世界银行,2003年)。此外,西岸和加沙的持续冲突以及2003年的第二次海湾战争对约旦的旅游和投资也产生了负面影响。再者约旦受到2000年9月开始的巴勒斯坦起义的严重影响。巴勒斯坦起义影响了约旦企业的公司的绩效,因为大多数约旦公司的出口产品主要流向这些邻国。这些影响公司业绩和违约的宏观经济因素是约旦独有的,在任何其他现有研究中都很难找到。

资本结构是影响公司绩效的主要因素之一。由于存在破产成本,在进一步使用债务的情况下会产生恶化的回报,从而获得减税优惠。因此,存在一个适当的资本结构,超过这个结构,破产成本的增加将高于债务筹资相比于股权筹资的边际避税效益。通过维持适当的资本结构或最佳资本结构,企业愿意最大限度地发挥其业绩并最大限度地降低融资成本。哈里斯和拉维夫(Harris and Raviv,1991)认为资本结构与清算成本和清算对股东和管理者的收益之间的权衡有关。因此,公司在资本结构中可能偏向更多的债务融资,因为它对股东和经理人员都有好处。但是,正如以前的文献所述,低估了清算或重组的破产成本,或者管理者和
股东可能会导致公司在其资本结构中拥有比他们应该更多的债务(例如参见Harris和Raviv,1991)。 Krishnan和Moyer(1997)发现总债务与总股本(TD / TE)对净资产收益率(ROE)有负面影响。 Gleason,Mathur和Mathur(2000)的另一项研究发现,企业的资本结构对衡量企业绩效的指标总资产收益率(ROA),销售额增长率(Gsales)和税前收入(Ptax)具有负面和显着的影响。因此,资本结构中高水平的债务会降低公司的业绩。
然而,公司的杠杆水平不仅影响公司的经营绩效,还包括其债务期限结构(巴克莱和史密斯,1995年和奥兹坎,2002年)。Schiantarelli和Sembenelli(1999)调查了意大利和英国公司债务期限结构对盈利能力的影响。他们发现初始债务期限与中期表现之间存在正相关关系。巴克莱和史密斯(Barclay and Smith,1995)的一项研究证明,大公司和低增长率的公司更愿意发行长期债务。 Stohs和Mauer(1996)的另一项研究表明,规模较大,风险较小的公司通常会获得盈利。

绩效的概念在财务上是一个有争议的问题,很大程度上是由于其多维意义。企业绩效研究源于组织理论和战略管理(Murphy et al.,1996)。绩效衡量标准是财务或组织,诸如利润最大化,资产利润最大化和股东利益最大化等财务绩效是公司有效性的核心(Chakravarthy,1986)。业务绩效指标(如销售额增长和市场份额增长)为业绩提供了广泛的定义,因为他们关注最终导致财务业绩的因素(Hoffer and Sandberg,1987)。
衡量绩效的有用性可能会受到公司目标的影响,这可能会影响其绩效衡量的选择以及股票和资本市场的发展。例如,如果股市没有高度发展和活跃,那么与市场价值相关的指标就不会产生好的结果。最常用的业绩衡量指标是总资产回报率(ROA)和净资产收益率(ROE)或投资回报率(ROI)。来自于资产负债表和利润表并表示财务比率的这些会计指标已被许多研究人员所使用(例如,Demsetz和Lehn,1985年,Gorton和Rosen,1995年,Mehran,1995年,Ang,Cole and Line,2000年)。但是,还有其他一些业绩衡量指标,称为市场价值表现指标,如每股收益(P / E)(Abdel Shahid,2003),股权价值(MBVR)以及托宾Q值。托宾Q值既与市场价值相关也与账面价值有关,它在很多研究中被用来衡量企业的价值(例如,Morck,Shleifer和Vishny,1988,McConnel和Serveas ,1990年,周,2001年)。绩效评估ROA被广泛认为是测试公司业绩最有用的衡量标准(Reese and Cool,1978; Long and Ravenscraft,1984; Abdel Shahid,2003)

绩效评估ROA被广泛认为是评价公司绩效的最有用的衡量标准(Reese and Cool,1978; Long and Ravenscraft,1984; Abdel Shahid,2003等)。ROA和ROE被用作衡量公司绩效的两种账面价值指标;P / E,MBVR和Tobins Q被用作衡量公司绩效的三个市场价值指标。股市效率和其他与经济、政治相关的因素也可能影响公司的业绩,可靠性(Abdel Shahid,2003)。
本部分使用的数据来自安曼证券交易所(ASE),包括了1989年至2005年期间的贸易公司。所有公司都需要在1989年至2003年间每年交付其财务报表。该数据包含每家公司的详细信息。与利益相关的项目有:资产负债表,利润表,已付税款,已付利息,折旧和市场估值。根据法律,完整的资产负债表和利润可以从公司获得。数据集是一个中等规模的不平衡小组,由167家个人报价公司组成,其中47家是次年的违约公司。我们的样本包含16个扇区。由于这些分析的特点不同,因此没有包括银行,保险公司和金融公司等财务公司 。连续两年或两年以上没有发表声明公司被视为失败,因为他们应该依法发表声明。我们的样本包括47家违约企业和120家非违约企业。


我们使用不同的公司绩效衡量标准:总资产回报率(ROA),净资产收益率(ROE),利息和税前利润加折旧与总资产之比(PROF),权益市值加债务账面价值与资产账面价值之比(托宾Q),权益的市场价值与账面价值之比(MBVR)以及每股价格与每股收益(P / E),在本研究中,托宾的Q,MBVR,P / E和MBVE用于衡量公司的市场表现,而ROE,ROA和PROF用作衡量账面价值的指标。


自变量将对企业绩效产生怎样的影响。。研究人员使用总资产回报率(ROA)作为会计绩效衡量指标,并将(托宾Q)作为市场表现指标。托宾Q值一直被用作衡量公司业绩的主要指标。就连许多研究人员都同意其是一个极具代表性的指标。但是由于托宾Q的局限性,其他业绩衡量标准,ROE、PROF、P / E,MBVR和MBVE被用作补充指标。使用会计和市场绩效衡量标准可以揭示股票市场的活动情况,以及研究是否还有其他可能影响公司业绩的因素。如果资本结构确实影响公司的业绩和价值,那么公司的业绩和资本结构之间的强关联就可以被找到。因此,我们认为公司的负债比率对其业绩产生负面影响。此外,有人认为,短期债务会对公司的业绩产生负面影响,因为短期债务使公司面临再融资的风险。由于银行信贷政策,预计债务到期比率(短期债务和长期债务)将对公司业绩产生重大影响。从而,









风险以现金流量的标准差(净收入加折旧)来衡量,根据传统的风险 - 回报权衡理论,预计营业收入变动较大的公司将有较高的收益。因此,要测试的假设如下:








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