
 2022-11-14 15:59:17

Research on the Performance of Foreign Capital Merger amp; Acquisition of Chinese Listed Companies Based on EVA


The paper uses economic value added (EVA) as a tool to analyze whether foreign-capital merger and acquisition (Mamp;A) can effectively improve the performance of listed companies in China and the impact degree of the type of foreign-capital Mamp;A on its performance, which will provide investment decision support for a listed company before its acquisition in order to achieve the rational use of foreign capital to integrate the resources. Using the modified EVA system, the paper compares vertically and analyzes the performance of Mamp;A listed companies by foreign capital during 2003-2006 according to one year before, the year, one year after, and two years after the foreign-capital Mamp;A, and examines the performance before and after Mamp;A of the listed companies of horizontal, vertical and mixed Mamp;A to verify whether foreign-capital Mamp;A can bring value creation for listed companies in China. The results show that all the sample companies average EVA is increased year by year after Mamp;A from one year before to two years after the Mamp;A. Foreign-capital Mamp;A activities helps to improve the performance of the listed companies, and it creates value for the company; Different types of Mamp;A results in different Mamp;A performance, seeing from the average EVA, horizontal Mamp;A companies performance is increased year by year in the three years from the year before to the year after Mamp;A, which demonstrates horizontal Mamp;A can promote the companys development by scale economy effect in a short of time and create Mamp;A value. The performance of vertical Mamp;A and mixed Mamp;A companies are all first decreased then increased, which shows that performance producing needs a process for both the vertical Mamp;A focusing on the transaction costs reduce and the mixed Mamp;A designed to achieve diversification operations of the company, in this process, the companys performance may even fall down temporarily. Both vertical Mamp;A and mixed Mamp;A have certain of risk, the successfully integration after Mamp;A is the key to the expected effects. Through internal market transactions, vertical Mamp;A can expedite supply and marketing channels, reduce the uncertainty of risk and cost, obtain the purpose of enhancing the stability of company development; while through diversification operations, mixed Mamp;A can realize industry transformation of the company to foster new earnings point, thus disperse risk, and improve corporate performance.



With the promulgation of a series of important regulations and measures related to the opening-up of China capital market, such as “Issues Relevant to the Transfer of State-owned Shares and Legal Person Shares in Listed Companies to Foreign Investors Circular” “Provisional Measures on Administration of Domestic Securities Investments of Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors” “Using Foreign Investment to Reorganize State-owned Enterprises Tentative Provisions” “Regulations for Mergers and Acquisitions of Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors” and so on, Chinas capital market formed a new pattern that opened the foreign-capital Mamp;A business under the framework of WTO agreement, and the institutional barriers of foreign-capital merger and acquisition (Mamp;A) of Chinese listed companies has been removed, the theory research of Chinese listed companies Mamp;A by foreign capital is now becoming an important research project. However, foreign capital Mamp;A of Chinas listed companies began in the 1990s, the history is so short, and the study begins late, looking at the current research situation, there are many studies on the theory of performance evaluation while not so many specific research about the foreign capital Mamp;A performance even few research of empirical analysis on the foreign capital Mamp;A performance. This paper will use EVA which is an advanced performance evaluation method in abroad as the tool to analyze whether foreign-capital Mamp;A can effectively improve the performance of listed companies in China and the degree of the impact that the type of foreign-capital Mamp;A on its performance, which will provide investment decision support for a listed company before its acquisition in order to achieve the rational use of foreign capital to integrate the resources.

The case study of Singh (1984) and Montgomery of 203 Mamp;A companies during 1970–1978 shows that for the Mamp;A company, the value created in related acquisitions is higher than no-related acquisitions, but the influence on the target enterprise is not clear. By the empirical test of 204 strategic merger sample Megginson et al. found that the size of concentration changes before and after the Mamp;A enterprise is significantly positive with the long-term Mamp;A performance. Using the 6 typical foreign capital Mamp;A companies in 2003 and by event study examining the response of the share price to the Mamp;A news disclosure, Ye Nan and Liu Yonghuan(2006) found that only three companies stock made the obvious abnormal returns in events affect period, which shows that the investors are relatively rational facing foreign-capital Mamp;A. Using standard event study and accounting index method, Chen Lu (2006) calculates the companys performance indicators including cumulative abnormal return rate, average earnings per share and average rate of return on net assets and analyzes the performance of the target company separately from short and long term. In the short run, to accept foreign-capital Mamp;A is a good news for the shareholders of the target company, at least near the announcement date, those listed companies perform significantly better than before in the secondary market Mergers. Their








1970年至1978年期间Singh(1984)和蒙哥马利共203家M&A公司的案例研究表明,对于并购公司而言,相关收购中创造的价值高于无相关收购,但对目标企业的影响尚不清楚。通过204战略合并样本Megginson等人的实证检验。发现并购企业前后的集中度变化幅度与长期并购绩效显着正相关。 2003年,利用6家典型的外资并购公司,通过事件研究,检验股价对并购新闻披露的反应,叶楠和刘永焕(2006)发现只有三家公司的股票在事件影响中出现明显的异常收益期间,这表明投资者面临外资并购相对理性。陈璐(2006)采用标准事件研究和会计指标法计算公司绩效指标,包括累计异常收益率,平均每股收益和净资产平均收益率,并分析目标公司的业绩与短期和长期分开术语。从短期来看,接受外资并购对目标公司的股东来说是一个好消息,至少在公告日期之前,那些上市公司的表现明显优于之前的二级市场并购。合并后的第一年和第一年,他们的财务业绩大大改善,但这些改善并未持续到合并后的第二年,这表明外资并购不是一揽子计划,当目标公司在整合过程中与外资企业不断调整时,绩效可以不断提高。张春林(2006)对中国旅游业外资并购事件进行了实证检验,结果显示,外资并购公告发布后60天前至30天,外资并购寿绿股和中青路事件给予相关投资者累计异常收益率分别为51.45%和21.13%,外资并购对目标公司财富增长的影 响显著。




A. 研究假设和数据来源随着外资并购的进行,外资并购可以为中国企业带来新的血液,提供先进的管理模式,提高产品的市场份额,提高资源利用效率等,因此本文认为外资并购行为将有助于提高中国上市公司的业绩:



我们还排除了以下内容:为避免重大资产重组后上市公司会计数据发生重大变化影响上市公司并购绩效评估,我们排除上市公司2004 - 2006年通过买壳上市的事件,即多数 股东改变事件;在发布并购公告后,由于各种原因而被取消或未完成并购的人将被排除在外;

根据上述标准,共选择31项并购交易作为样本,样本分布表见表1,然后获取样本公司一年,一年,一年和两年的年度报告。 并购后,找出所有资产负债表,损益表和现金流量表,然后将相关数据分类到Excel数据库中。





样本公司的平均EVA一年前,当年,一年后和两年后的并购是50,202,453.59; 80,783,026.73;1,336,740,566和3,536,466,265.36。虽然并购当年的平均EVA不是很大,但比并购前一年增加了60.91%,其中23家上市公司的EVA有所改善,占整个样本的近36%;并购后一年的平均EVA比并购年度大幅增加,规模增长达到1555%,其中16家上市公司的EVA增长基于并购当年,占近52% ;并购两年后的平均EVA比并购年度增加4278%,其中23家上市公司的平均EVA增长率高于并购年度,几乎占整个样本的74%。


















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