利用金融衍生工具管理金融风险: 阿拉伯联合酋长国上市公司研究外文翻译资料

 2022-11-13 17:42:33


A Study of United Arab Emirate Listed Companies

Abstract The present paper attempts to identify the ways that the United Arab Emirate listed companies manage their financial risk with the use of derivatives. By examining the companiesrsquo; annual reports and financial reviews for the year 2015. The studied revealed that low use of the financial derivatives within Investment and the real estate industries. The use of the derivatives was only 25% while is consider to be below due to the high risk associated with the industry. The risk management tools available for hedging real-estate risk within the United Arab Emirate financial market are very much in their infancy and have problems ranging from illiquidity of trading to lack of theoretical development regarding modeling.

Keywords: Financial risk, derivatives, interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, United Arab Emirate Listed Companies.


Many of the companies work on reducing risk associated with a business such as interest rates, currency-exchange rates, commodity prices and equity markets. Therefore, many companies are relying heavily on the use of the finance derivatives. The financial derivatives play an important role to support companies to manage and reduce risk by shelter these firms from the volatility of the financial market.

Many of the academies and practitioners have expressed concerns over the use of derivatives. Some of the academic studies, such as Faulkender (2005) and Vickery (2008), show that companies frequently utilize interest rate risk derivatives to time the market. Another study such by Brown, Crabb, and Haushalter (2002) discovered that the use of corporate risk management instrument in the gold mining industry is often affected by attempts to time market prices.

While other studies by Nance, Smith, and Smithson (1993), Mian (1996), and Hentschel and Kothari (2001) demonstrate that the employ of derivatives does not produce meaningful differences in firms risk.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 review the relevant literature, followed by section 3 that states out the research questions. Section 4 explains the methodology of the present study. Section 5 results, and the last section contains the conclusion.


The volatility, the constant changes in the business arena, and deal with the changes in interest rates and exchange rate movements make a company exposed to losses. During 2008, the financial markets expose to the loss which affected enterprises and the overall economy. Therefore, many companies started to explore and implement risk management within the enterprise. Risk management is a practice that identifies possible risks in advance and examines these events and takes the necessary actions to reduce or eliminate these risks.

Financial derivatives considered to be one of the essential tools that can be used to reduce and cost risk. In the 2002 Berkshire Hathaway, annual report, Warren Buffet advised against the utilizing of derivatives, and consider them to be the financial weapons of mass destruction bringing dangers that are potential can lethal for the business and economy. However, Buffets view on derivatives faces resistance from the standard academics that derivatives are used to reduce risk (Smith and Stulz (1985))

Bartram et.al. (2011) examined the use of financial derivatives to reduce both total risk and systematic risk. While Nguyen and Faff (2010) showed that regardless of the public distress about utilization and implementing financial derivatives would increase firm risk, the evidence demonstrations that in most cases, financial derivatives are used for hedging intentions.

As discussed by Clark and Judge (2008), hedging tools are contingent on the type of exposure and risk. For example, Short-term instruments such as foreign currency forwards and options are used to hedge short-term exposure against of generated from export actions, while foreign currency debt and foreign currency swaps into foreign currency (but not into domestic currency) are employed to hedge long-term exposure result from assets located in foreign positions.

Papaioannou (2006) showed that the larger companies are, the more likely to utilize financial derivative to try to hedge against the risk associated with the exchange rate. The primary goal of using the derivatives instruments to reduce the losses due to the volatility and instability of the market, for example, foreign exchange derivatives have given companies the stability in the cash flow and earning to give due to the reducing the risk associated with exchange rates.

The companiesrsquo; choice of foreign exchange derivatives tools is focused on OTC currency forwards (over 50% of all foreign exchange derivatives used), OTC currency options (around 20%), and OTC currency swaps (around 10%). El-Masry (2006) emphasized that the objective of the use of derivative for hedging intentions is controlling the unpredictability and instability in cash flows, and the second reason was the market value of the firm.

Another study by Stulz (2005), reported that 28 percent of firms employ derivatives instruments to reduce earnings volatility. While Adedeji and Baker (2002) stated that the purpose of using interest rate derivatives to hedge against the risk that associated with financial troubles and economies of scale. Yu et.al. (2001) stated that many of the Hong Kong firms had used derivatives instruments for risk management purpose to manage the associated with foreign exchange and interest rate derivatives.

There is various kind of instruments in the derivative markets. Below we describe the major types that are widely used in the market:

(1)Forward contracts: represent agreements




摘要 通过对2015年公司的年度报告和财务报告进行审查,本文试图确定阿拉伯联合酋长国上市公司利用衍生工具来管理其金融风险的方式。研究表明,在投资和房地产行业中,金融衍生工具的利用率较低。其衍生工具的利用率仅为25%,而由于与该行业相关的高风险,该利用率被认为低于行业风险。在阿拉伯联合酋长国金融市场中,用于对冲房地产风险的风险管理工具还处于起步阶段,并且出现了流动性不足、缺乏关于建模的理论发展等问题。








波动性、业务领域的不断变化、利率变动和汇率变动的处理,容易使公司面临亏损。2008年,金融市场出现了影响企业和整体经济的亏损。因此,许多公司开始在企业内部探索和实施风险管理。风险管理是一种实践,它可以预先识别潜在的风险并检查这些事件, 以及采取必要的行动来减少或消除这些风险。


巴特拉姆等人(2011)审查了利用金融衍生工具来减少总体风险和系统风险的情况。Nguyen和Faff (2010)表示,就利用和实施金融衍生工具会增加公司风险这一情况,无论公众多么担忧,但证据表明,在大多数情况下,金融衍生工具用于对冲意图。






(1)远期合约:代表延期交付买方决定购买的金融工具或商品的协议,卖方决定在指定的未来日期以指定的价格或收益提供指定的工具或商品。远期合约不在有组织的交易所进行交易,而且它们的合同条款也不具有标准性。报告工作还包括,合约到期远期利率和现行即期利率之间的差额在到期时结算的交易,例如无本金交割远期(即,不需要实物交割不可兑换货币的远期合约),以及其他差价合约(迈克尔, 2012)。

(2)掉期合约:是指两个当事人同意在某一期间内以特定名义金额建立的交易支付流的合约。远期外汇掉期协议被报告为掉期交易(迈克尔, 2012)。

(3)期权:期权合约授予权利或责任,这取决于报告机构是买方还是作者,分别购买或出售金融工具或商品,以约定的价格直到预定的日期(迈克尔, 2012)。

(4)远期利率协议是一种远期合约, 两个当事人同意在期货日相互支付利息。一方以预先决定的利率付款。另一方支付的利率将在稍后确定(迈克尔, 2012)。























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