
 2022-11-13 17:23:38


题 目 The study of executive equity incentive in listed company

The study of executive equity incentive in listed company

Wayne Guay


Equity incentive system in the 50 s last century, which mainly focuses on the background of solution for the benefits of principal-agent conflict, it is the fundamental starting point will be unified management and shareholder interests, incentive management pay more attention to the long-term development of the enterprise, reduce its short-term behavior. Company executiversquo;s equity incentive core goal is to solve the objective function between executives and shareholders of listed companies, the contradiction of principal-agent promote benefit community formed between company executives and shareholders, motivate executives to create more value for shareholders and society. Its biggest advantage is that in stock appreciation of spreads as the remuneration of senior management personnel will serve as a representative of the interests of the senior managers of a companys value increasing function, promote the consistency of the operators and shareholders realize channel. In recent years, the equity incentive managements opportunistic behavior such as negative effect, gradually attention by regulators, theory and practice.

Keywords: the listed company, incentive mechanism, equity incentive, senior executives


Can know from the most basic economic man hypothesis of economics, management is not natural to carry out their duties diligently and there is no greed, they satisfy the pursuit of personal interests, the main purpose of their work is to obtain the economic remuneration; At the same time they hold positions of power holds the important power, resources and information, so its possible self-interest behavior to harm the interests of investors. Especially as the separation of the ownership of a modern corporate control and the management members became the 'actual controller' of the company, and ownership of the owner of the large shareholders to members of the companys management for effective supervision, this gives the management using the master control of the implementation of opportunism behavior of the space.

Equity incentive is to point to in the business operators, the core staff by contract, on the basis of management and implement the responsibility system for assets, by giving the business operators, the core employee shares and options such as corporate equity share, make it to the identity of the shareholders in the corporate decision-making, share the profits and risks. Equity incentive mechanism to make enterprises senior talents of individual interests and overall interests closely relates in together, is a kind of effective incentives to reduce agency costs. In mature markets such as Europe and the United States, equity incentive is regarded as the important ways to solve the modern enterprise to entrust an agency relationship, and promote the company executives and shareholders is the effective means to form a community of interests.

Literature Review

Holmstrom (1979) 2 think, if the companys shareholders to observe, identify the operators operation and management activities, and the corresponding business performance, then pay a fixed salary and to punish the operators default behavior way, can ensure that the operator work hard, for the correct operation and management decision-making, create the biggest value for shareholders. However, due to the separation of ownership and control of modern company system has characteristics of agency problem between shareholders and managers, in general, shareholders cannot supervise operators action, also dont know whether the operators effort level is optimal.

Jensen and Meckling (1976), the study found that enterprises performance as a company manager increase with the increase of the stake.Mehran (1995) for the manufacturing enterprises of 1979 and 1980 in the United States after data for empirical research Gui that managers shareholding is significant positive correlation with corporate performance.

Morck Shleifer and Vishny (1988) argues that management group interest convergence and defense of these two effects.Interest convergence, refers to the companys market value and is closely relative to the number of managers shareholding; Defense effect, refers to when managers shareholding reaches a certain range, the companys market value is negative correlation with the number of managers shareholding. Therefore, when the proportion of enterprise management changes, the interests of the convergence and defense of these two kinds of effect, thus determines the volatility of the enterprise value changes.

McConnell and Serves (1990) in the extension Morck Shleifer and Vishny (1988), on the basis of research Gui, examine the managers shareholding and institutional investors holding its influence on the value of the company. They found that the value of the company and managers shareholding inverted U type nonlinear relationship, critical stake is about 40 to 50%.Hemalin and Weishach (1991), the study found that when the managers shareholding ratio from 0% to 1%, 1% and 5%, 5% to 20% and 5% more than four interval, the companys performance is negatively related to the ownership respectively were positively correlated, and the change trend of positive correlation, negative correlation. In addition, Mr



题 目 上市公司高管股权激励研究

学生姓名 袁媛

学 号 20151339093

学 院 商学院

专 业 财务管理

指导教师 戴悦

二O一 九年 三 月二十日














Jensen和Meckling(1976)经研究发现企业的绩效随着公司经理持股比例的增加而增加。Mehran(1995 )对美国的制造企业1979与1980年的数据进行实证研宄后认为经理人持股比例与企业绩效是显著的正相关。
Morck Shleifer和Vishny (1988)认为:管理人员持股会产生利益趋同和防御这两种效应。所谓利益趋同效应是指公司的市场价值与经理人持股的数量成正相关;所谓防御效应是指当经理人持股比例达到一定范围时公司的市场价值与经理人持股的数量成负相关。因此,当企业管理层的持股比例发生变化时利益趋同和防御这两种效应此消彼长进而决定了企业价值的波动变化。

McConnell和Servaes (1990)在扩展Morck Shleifer和Vishny (1988)研宄的基础上检验了管理者持股和机构投资者持股对公司价值的影响。他们发现,公司价值与管理者持股存在倒U型非线性关系临界持股比例大约为40—50%。 Hemalin和Weishach (1991 )经研究发现当经理人持股的比例在0%-1%、1%-5%、 5%-20%和20%以上四个区间时公司业绩与持股比例分别呈正相关、负相关、正相关、负相关的变化趋势。此外,Singh和Davidson (2003)的研究也表明,在美国上市公司中管理者持股能够较好的把管理者利益与股东利益结合在一起降低了管理者的代理成本。




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