
 2022-12-31 12:30:57


原文作者Ralph E.Boyer,Herbert Hovenkamp,Sheldon F.Kurtz

单位West Publishing Co.


关键词:土地私有制; 终生地产权制度; 居住权; 房屋所有权

美国国土面积中私人所有的土地占58% ,主要分布在东部。联邦政府所有的土地占32%,主要分布在西部州及地方政府所有的土地占10%。土地以私有制为主,国有土地只占其中一小部分。法律保护私有土地所有权不受侵犯,各种所有制形式之间的土地可以自由买卖和出租,价格由市场供求关系决定。在土地私有制的制度背景下,法律为土地产权设定终生的所有期限,即终生地产权。


外文文献出处: Ralph E.Boyer,Herbert Hovenkamp,Sheldon F.Kurtz:The Law of Property,Ed.4,West Publishing Co.,P.9l一93.


Privately-owned land accounts for 58% of the US territory, mainly in the east. 32% of the land is owned by the federal government, and 10% is mainly distributed in western states and local governments. Land is dominated by private ownership, and state-owned land accounts for only a small part of it. The law protects the ownership of private land from infringement. Land between various forms of ownership can be freely bought and sold and leased, and the price is determined by market supply and demand. In the context of the system of private land ownership, the law sets all the lifetimes of land property rights, that is, land property rights for life.

A lifetime property right system refers to a property that is created based on the provisions of the law or the agreement of the parties. A specific person has ownership of certain property (real property) during his lifetime, but once the specific person dies or the conditions agreed by the parties appear, the ownership terminates. 'To A for life' is the transfer method of 'lifelong land property right', and the real estate lasts only for the life of A. The lifetime of 'lifetime land property rights' can also be used as the standard of other peoples lives. For example, A can transfer the real estate to B, and B therefore owns the land property rights that use As life instead of Bs ​​life. The lifelong property owner can transfer his real estate, or sell, mortgage or lease his interests, as long as there are no restrictions on the creation of the real estate. But all of these sanctions must not exceed the period of his own enjoyment. Based on this rule, experienced lawyers in the United States sometimes draft a contract for the elderly owner to transfer ownership of the house to their children but retain their ownership of the property for life. This reservation guarantees that the grantor will have a room to live in for the rest of his life, and avoids that the grantors continued residence will be restricted by his children.


原文作者Baur,Sturner 单位Law press


关键词:长期居住权; 人役权; 用益性; 租赁权






使用之具体规则在民法典之居住权中,乃参照用益权法而予以规范,完全由当事人间具有物权效力之约定来规定,且该约定之达成,得通过土地登记局而间接地予以强制。长期居住权也可能由数权利人按份共有(民法典第741条以下) ,此时各权利人之使用,在时间上的先后关系,依据其内部规则而定(民法典第745条、第746条) ,该内部规则是否具有土地登记薄之登记能力,至今仍有争议。









The right to reside in the Civil Code, which restricts the right to service, can neither be inherited nor transferred (Article 1092, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code); even if the lease is used, it is only available with the consent of the owner Maybe (Article 1092, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code). Within the scope of the old property, such time and personal restrictions are of course completely meaningful. However, to a certain extent, the right of residence is reflected in the treatment and payment of investment in construction funds (construction cost subsidies). At this time, the non-transferability and non-use of the right of residence is an unreasonable defect.

For these reasons, the Residential Ownership Act (Articles 31-42) created the so-called long-term residency. This right is called long-term use right in non-residential houses (Article 31, paragraph 2 of the Residential Ownership Act). Like the right of residence in the German Civil Code, the right of long-



原文作者Ralph E.Boyer,Herbert Hovenkamp,Sheldon F.Kurtz

单位West Publishing Co.

外文文献出处: Ralph E.Boyer,Herbert Hovenkamp,Sheldon F.Kurtz:The Law of Property,Ed.4,West Publishing Co.,P.9l一93.


Privately-owned land accounts for 58% of the US territory, mainly in the east. 32% of the land is owned by the federal government, and 10% is mainly distributed in western states and local governments. Land is dominated by private ownership, and state-owned land accounts for only a small part of it. The law protects the ownership of private land from infringement. Land between various forms of ownership can be freely bought and sold and leased, and the price is determined by market supply and demand. In the context of the system of private land ownership, the law sets all the lifetimes of land property rights, that is, land property rights for life.

A lifetime property right system refers to a property that is created based on the provisions of the law or the agreement of the parties. A specific person has ownership of certain property (real property) during his lifetime, but once the specific person dies or the conditions agreed by the parties appear, the ownership terminates. 'To A for life' is the transfer method of 'lifelong land property right', and the real estate lasts only for the life of A. The lifetime of 'lifetime land property rights' can also be used as the standard of other peoples lives. For example, A can transfer the real estate to B, and B therefore owns the land property rights that use As life instead of Bs ​​life. The lifelong property owner can transfer his real estate, or sell, mortgage or lease his interests, as long as there are no restrictions on the creation of the real estate. But all of these sanctions must not exceed the period of his own enjoyment. Based on this rule, experienced lawyers in the United States sometimes draft a contract for the elderly owner to transfer ownership of the house to their children but retain their ownership of the property for life. This reservation guarantees that the grantor will have a room to live in for the rest of his life, and avoids that the grantors continued residence will be restricted by his children.


原文作者Baur,Sturner 单位Law press



The right to reside in the Civil Code, which restricts the right to service, can neither be inherited nor transferred (Article 1092, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Code); even if the lease is used, it is only available with the consent of the owner Maybe (Article 1092, Paragraph 2 of the Civil Code). Within the scope of the old property, such time and personal restrictions are of course completely meaningful. However, to a certain extent, the right of residence is reflected in the treatment and payment of investment in construction funds (construction cost subsidies). At this time, the non-transferability and non-use of the right of residence is an unreasonable defect.

For these reasons, the Residential Ownership Act (Articles 31-42) created the so-called long-term residency. This right is called long-term use right in non-residential houses (Article 31, paragraph 2 of the Residential Ownership Act). Like the right of residence in the German Civil Code, the right of long-term residence is a property right that uses the house as the subject; the difference is that the right of long-term residence can be transferred and inherited, and the person of the right of long-term residence has The right to use any reasonable benefit, especially the right to use the lease and the benefit lease (Article 31, paragraph 1 of the Residential Ownership Law: '.. or otherwise use ...').

(1) Unrestricted transferability

We have already talked about the main difference between the long-term residency system created by Articles 31-42 of the Residential Ownership Law and the German residency, which is that the former can be transferred without the consent of the owner , And can be used to benefit from the use of leases or benefit leases.

(2) Transfer using rules and responses

The specific rules of use are regulated in the residence rights of the Civil Code by referring to the usufruct law, which is completely stipulated by the agreement between the parties that has the effect of real rights, and the agreement can be enforced indirectly through the Land Registry. The right of long-term residence may also be shared by several right holders (less than Article 741 of the Civil Code). At this time, the use of the right holders and the temporal relationship are based on their internal rules (Article 745, Article 746 of the Civil Code) Article), whether the internal rules have the ability to register the land register is still controversial.

In order to guarantee the owners influence on long-term residence, at this time, as in residential ownership, an owner enjoys two rights, that is, the owner retains the right to consent to the transfer of long-term residence (Article 35 of the Residential Ownership Law) ), And reserve the right to request a transfer of the right of long-term residence when the person does not use the housing reasonably (Article 36 of the Residential Ownership Act).

From this we can see an interesting phenomenon, that in all new legal forms (right above ground, home ownership, long-term residency) that arise from the idea of ​​social trade-offs, once the right holder fails to exercise his right properly and reasonably, There is a possibility of losing their rights. It is precisely at this point that one can call it the construction of the idea of ​​'responsibility for ownership' in private law.

(3) Succession of rights

It should be



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