
 2022-12-07 16:02:14

The research of labor dispatching problem

Wolfsan O


Labor dispatching is a way of the marker allocation of human resources. is the expansion and extension of the personnel agency business.Its characteristic is that recruitment and phase separation of choose and employ persons. Under the condition of market economy. labor dispatching has the rationality of its emergence and development. According to the needs of unit of choose and employ persons labor dispatching company,provide training for low-skilled workers, to help their employment benefit for the laid-off workers and migrant workers provide wider employment opportunities. can also improve the efficiency of employment of the matching of supply and demand. effectively reduce the cost in the process of job search and recruitment. At the same time,this new approach to human resource service is helpful to reduce the transactional work. unit of choose and employ persons to reduce labor costs. For laborers. labor dispatching can not only provide low employment ability and orderly employment channels. and can meet the demand of high employ ability of some special crowd.

Key words: Labor dispatching: Employment problem: Labor protection

1 Introduction

Labor dispatch comes from the United States, grew up in Europe and the United States, Japan. and at present has been widely in many countries. Specification of the labor dispatching is a win-win system of choose and employ persons. It can meet the needs of enterprise efficiency maximization and cost minimization, and is beneficial to expand employment on the macro scale, alleviate employment pressure. Labor dispatch is to break the traditional labor relations under the market economic .system is a new type of human resource configuration mode. is the embodiment of the new division of labor under the knowledge economy, means that the development of human resources management theory and technology progress. Labor dispatching personnel system reform for the enterprise provides a new way. is to help enterprises

to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. optimize the talent structure, win the competitive advantage, a new type of talents to promote the development of enterprise management mode. Labor dispatch as a new mode of choose and employ persons. has a special advantage and function and thus get the favor of many businesses and organizations. but like any new chino. employee dispatching also inevitably have some problems in practice. But it is. after all. in the market economy of a kind of new way of employment, and has the tendency of further development,we should respect the needs of the real life. with laws to regulate. make its orderly

development. If not to specifications. it may appear expand the use of dispatched laborers. unit of choose and employ persons also can produce a large number of sent to exploit of laborer. unit of choose and employ persons unit of choose and employ persons between mutual shirk responsibility. avoid labor law obligations.

2 Meanings and characteristics of the labor dispatching

So-called dispatching. leasing. also known as labor dispatching. labor force,which is also called employee leasing. it is to point to by the dispatched institutions and send workers to conclude labor contract. the dispatched workers to send enterprise to pay labor. labor contract relationship exists between the dispatching institution and the dispatched labor. but the fact of labor payment in the dispatched workers and between enterprises. Is a kind of workers but do not use workers. but not hiring workers use a recruiting and employing workers phase separation model of choose and employ persons.Labor dispatching work arrangements. is a kind of new form of factors of production organization. is the enterprise of a kind of brand-new behavior of choose and employ persons. but also a new kind of economic and social phenomenon. Generally speaking, the labor dispatching work schedules are. unit of choose and employ persons through external. only engage in for-profit services provide professional organi7arion, to arrange some temporary. fixed or other special job need arrangement form. Labor dispatching company separate parts of the traditional enterprise labor management,function. through savings special positions and mission requirements of different unit of choose and employ persons, has the scale management of special service. make a profit. This kind of work schedule has certain significance. it shows that the factors of unit of choose and employ persons .n the labor management function on the social division of labor and social cooperation

In labor dispatching, for some particular demand for Labor. unit of choose and employ persons only keep the use of labor link according co the task. and other labor management function to the labor dispatching company. The division of labor and cooperation makes the unit or choose and employ persons can according to the produce market volatility. more flexible use of labor force.,on the one hand. Improve the flexibility of enterprise employee, on the other hand co save the labor cost management and use. Labor dispatching organization is the organization of all kinds of labor resources and dispatched labor services to employers, dispatched personnels labor relations after sending organization party to send labor service as the management organization of the project. Dispatching purpose is the bridge between social surplus labor resources and project unit. and is responsible for the dispatched labor administration, effectively solve the problem of labor service personnels life work. safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers. and contribute to social stability.

Services for realizing labor configuration for direct purpose of labor resources and operating activities. Labor dispatching is a type of se



Wolfsan O

摘要: 劳务派遣是一种人力资源的市场配置方式,是人事代理业务的拓展和延伸。其特点在于招聘和用人相分离。在市场经济条件下,劳务派遣有其产生和发展的合理性。劳务派遣公司根据用人单位的需要,为低技能的劳动者提供培训,以帮助其实现就业,有利于为下岗失业人员和农民工提供较为广泛的就业机会,还可以提高就业岗位的供求匹配效率,有效降低求职与招聘过程中的成本费用。同时,这种新的人力资源服务方式有利于用人单位减少事务性工作,降低人工成本。对于劳动者来说,劳务派遣不仅可以为低就业能力人群提供有序的就业渠道,而且可以满足高就业能力人群的一些特殊需求。


























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