
 2022-11-19 17:30:31

Creditor protection in cross-border mergers; unfinished business

Geert T.M.J. Raaijmakers* amp; Thijs.P.H. Olthoff**

  1. Introduction

The purpose of the Directive on cross-border mergers1 is facilitating cooperation and consolida- tion between limited liability companies from different Member States in the European Union by taking away legislative and administrative difficulties they encounter when executing a cross- border merger. In view of the completion and functioning of the single market, the Directive lays down provisions to facilitate such mergers and, considering the famous Sevic judgement,2 such provisions are welcome in Europe. The Directive was preceded by lengthy debates. The first steps go back to 1965 when a committee was installed to draft a treaty on international mergers by public companies.3 In the final deliberations much attention was committed to the protection of minority shareholders and employee rights. The solutions reached on that front may be debatable,4 but in any case some provisions to that effect have been adopted in the final text of the Directive. This is barely the case for creditor protection. That has been left to the Member States to determine, albeit that the Third Directive5 provides a certain minimum framework.

As all assets and liabilities are being transferred, legal mergers may give rise to risks for creditors of the disappearing company when the liabilities of the acquiring company exceed the assets of the disappearing company or for creditors of the acquiring company when the liabilities of the disappearing company exceed the assets of the acquiring company. Therefore, creditor protection needs to be safeguarded in legal mergers. lsquo;Because the corporate form defines the pool of assets that bond all corporate contracts, all parties who contract with corporations benefit from creditor protectionrsquo;, as Hertig and Kanda have rightfully stated.6 Different national systems of creditor protection may be an impediment for a smooth merger process and may create uncertain- ties. The question therefore is whether creditor protection can indeed best be left to the Member States.

Before addressing this question, we will in this article first describe the current position on creditor protection in national mergers in the Netherlands and subsequently go into specific cross- border issues concerning creditor protection in legal mergers.

* Partner at NautaDutilh in Amsterdam and Professor of Company and Securities Law at the VU University in Amsterdam.

** Candidate Civil Law Notary at NautaDutilh in New York.

  1. Directive 2005/56/EC of 26 October 2005 on cross-border mergers of limited liability companies, OJ L 310/1.
  2. ECJ 13 December 2005, Case C-411/03.
  3. G. van Solinge, Grensoverschrijdende juridische fusie (dissertation VU), 1994, p. 24.
  4. See the other contributions in this issue.
  5. Directive 78/855/EEC of 9 October 1978 concerning mergers of public limited liability companies, OJ L 295/35.
  6. G. Hertig amp; H. Kanda, in Kraakman et al., The Anatomy of Corporate Law, Oxford 2004, p. 71.

34 http://www.utrechtlawreview.org/ Volume 4, Issue 1 (March) 2008

The position of creditors under current Dutch law

Under the Third Directive there are two types of legal mergers: a merger by acquisition and a merger by the formation of a new company. The merger by acquisition is the operation whereby one or more companies are wound up without going into liquidation and transfer to another all their assets and liabilities in exchange for the issue to the shareholders of the company or companies being acquired of shares in the acquiring company and a cash payment, if any, not exceeding 10% of the nominal value of the shares so issued or, where they have no nominal value, of their accounting par value.7 In a merger by the formation of a new company, this new company acts as the acquiring company.8 Thus, as implemented in Dutch legislation, a legal merger has three legal consequences: i) all assets and liabilities will automatically transfer to the acquiring company; ii) the disappearing company will cease to exist when the merger becomes effective, without any liquidation procedure being required; and iii) the shareholders of the disappearing company will become shareholders of the acquiring company.9

In a legal merger there is an inherent risk that the liabilities of the acquiring company will exceed the assets, bringing creditors of the disappearing company in a worse financial position than they were before the merger took place. To prevent that the position of creditors will be jeopardized in this respect, the Dutch and other legislators in the European Union have taken measures and implemented safeguards in their legislation on legal mergers. In short a distinction can be made between a system of ex ante and a system of ex post protection. In the first, creditors can object to the merger before it will become effective. In an ex post system they can only do so afterwards.10

Articles 13 and 14 of the Third Directive provide some guidelines on creditor protection. These are broad and vague, however. It is provided that the laws of the Member States must provide for an adequate system of protection of creditor interests of the merging companies whose claims antedate the publication of the draft terms of merger and have not fallen due at the time of such publication. The laws of the Member States shall at least provide that such creditors shall be entitled to obtain adequate safeguards where the financial situation of the merging companies makes such protection necessary and where those creditors do not already have such safeguards. There is no further guidance, howeve




由于所有资产和负债正在转移,当收购公司的债务超过失踪公司的资产或收购公司的债权人时,合法兼并可能给失踪公司的债权人带来风险,超过收购公司的资产。因此,债权人的保护需要在合法合并中得到保障。 “因为公司形式界定了所有公司合同的债券资产池,与公司签订合同的所有各方都从债权人保护中获益”,正如赫蒂格和神田正确指出的那样,不同的国家债权人保护制度可能会阻碍顺利合并,过程中可能产生不确定性。因此,问题是债权人的保护是否确实最好的留给成员国。




- 债权人可以要求安全或类似的保障(316第1部分荷兰民法典);
- 债权人可以在公布合并提案后1个月内反对合并,提及所要求的保障措施(316第2节“荷兰民法典”);
- 法院可以允许合并公司

- 合并各方可根据情况要求修改或解除合同,在提交合并提案后6个月内(荷兰民法典2:322)。



根据该指令,成员国必须在2007年12月15日之前将指令纳入其法律。在本文发表之日,实施该指令的法案尚未生效。 2007年1月15日,荷兰法律实施该指令的立法提案已于2007年1月15日提交给荷兰众议院,众议院通过了该立法提案,并已提交给上议院以供书面审议.



欧洲立法者的这种做法导致了欧盟内跨境法律兼并中的不同,甚至有时矛盾的债权人保护制度。 如前所述,第三号指令仅就合法合并中的债权人保护提供了最低限度的准则,并为成员国在如何安排更详细的保护措施方面提供了充分的灵活性。 因此,欧盟在实践中存在广泛的多样性。 例如,有人认为,失踪公司的债权人通常对收购公司的债权人有更大的保护需求。 荷兰,法国和比利时没有在本国立法中使用这种区分的可能性。 起初德国确实做出了这样的区分,但最终改变了它的法律,以便这样的区分不再存在。




2007年7月10日,委员会就公司法,会计和审计领域的公司简化了业务环境。 在这个沟通中,委员会提出了减少行政负担的建议,并将这些领域的收购适应当今企业的需求,竞争委员会于2007年11月22日通过了这一要求.22竞争力委员会表示,它倾向于在 2008年底,提出了基于影响评估的提案




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