
 2022-12-11 19:03:24

Office Automation System for Enterprise Based-on .NET

①CHEN Yi min (陈一民), ZHAO Jing(赵 静)* , ZOU Yi bo(邹一波), LI Yang(栗 洋), LI Qi ming(李启明)

School of Computer Engineering and Science , Shanghai University , Shanghai 200072 , China


A system—Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) and a Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern algorithm were proposed for design and implementation of an office automation(OA)system.Adopting the .NET framework as development platform, the system modifies the classic MVC pattern, induces AJAX in the ASP.NET 2 .0, and includes several modules, namely log in, messaging, notice board, personal work, research management, document management, personnel information and maintenance.We discussed the overall structure of the system, functional and database design.The main functions of several modules and their final realization are explained in details .The system yields high efficiency, along with features of clear frame,easy maintainability, reliability, etc .

Key words :JavaScript and XML (AJAX);Model- View-Controller (MVC);system design ;system implementation.


Office automation (OA) is a new type of system that handles official business mode by combining modernization official business and computer network as a single unified framework.It is also an active technical application in business management information system development .In 1970s , OA as an integrated technology was defined that merged computer technology, communication technology, system science, and behavioral science together with applying to traditional data processing[1] .However , it is difficult to deal with ambiguous non-numerical data structures , such as structure data, and information related to the office handling the affairs.

OA is typically demand-driven and application-focused system, connecting all parts of an enterprise and simplifying information exchanges.Our system adopts B/S structure , using IE browser as the front-end and .NET technology as the middle ware.The introduction of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX)improves the system performance and all of the designs of the system facilitate the maintenance and usage .

Therefore , the system not only includes traditional functions of OA system , such as the document management ,but also contains notice management and individual work management.

1 Relevant Technology

1 .1  AJAX

1.1.1 AJAX definition

AJAX is not a single concrete technology.Instead,several popular technologies are integrated in AJAX.

including:standards-based presentation using XHTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); dynamic display and interaction based Document Object Model ; data inter change and processing using XML and XSLT ;asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest ;and finally linking a fore mentioned components with JavaScript[2].

1 .1 .2  AJAX working principle

The classic web application model works in such a way :a user sends an HTTP request to the web server.After some processing processes such as retrieving data ,crunching numbers , and communicating with other web systems,the server returns an HTML page to the client .The comparison of the traditional and AJAX mode is shown in Fig.1.

1 .2 AJAX used in the MVC pattern

MVC is a classic design pattern often used in the case of maintaining multiple views to the same data.

The MVC pattern divides each object in the application into three categories .These are models for maintaining data , views for displaying all or a portion of the data ,and controllers for handling events that affect the mode l or view(s)[3] .

2 System Design

2 .1 System framework

According to the requirements , the OA system is divided into eight models :log in,message release ,notice ,personal work ,research management , document ,personnel information,and system maintenance.

2 .2 Function design

3.Functions Implementation

3 .1  AJAX usage

The OA system mainly adopts ASP.NET 2 .0 AJAX technique .AJAX pages work in two ways.The system uses Script Manager plus Update Panel, which is easier to achieve and more quickly to build a page than other similar systems .The disadvantage of this method is that the client can not be updated ,so it does not actually reduce the burden of servers and network.

3 .2  Project declaration

The project declaration owns by various project teams .The system administrators maintain and update the information of project team regularly.Only the one who has the authority is allowed to retrieve and modify the project information with a password.

One declaration includes eight information forms , in which the main sheet contains the information of the project , and additional 7 sheets preserve the budget of capital and personnel .The main sheet must be created before any other sheets.

The final information can generate files with .doc extension or files with .PDF extension since all forms are submitted.

3 .3  Document sequence




题 目 Office Automatic System for Enterprise Based-on .NET


①CHEN Yi min (陈一民), ZHAO Jing(赵 静)* , ZOU Yi bo(邹一波), LI Yang(栗 洋), LI Qi ming(李启明)



一个系统异步JavaScript和XML(AJAX)和一个模型 - 视图 - 控制器(MVC)模式的算法被提出用来设计和实现一个办公自动化(OA)系统。采用.NET框架为开发平台,该系统修改了经典的MVC模式,催生了在ASP.NET的2.0中的AJAX,并且包括几个模块,即登录,短信,留言板,个人工作,研究管理,文档管理,人事信息和维护.我们讨论了系统的整体结构和数据库设计和。对几个模块的主要功能及其最终实现进行了详细的解释。伴随着有明确的框架,易维护性,可靠性等特点,保证了系统产量的高效率。

关键词:JavaScript和XML(AJAX);型号 - 视图 - 控制器(MVC);系统设计;系统实现。



OA通常是需求驱动和以应用为重点的系统,来连接企业的所有部分和简化信息交换.我们的系统采用B / S结构,采用IE浏览器作为前端,以.NET技术为中间件.关于异步JavaScript和XML(AJAX)的介绍提高了系统的性能,增强了系统对于维护和使用的设计。


  1. 相关技术


1.1.1 AJAX定义



1.1.2 AJAX工作原理




MVC模式把在应用中的每个对象分为三类。他们是用于维护数据的模式,用于显示全部或一部分数据的视图,用于处理能影响模式l或多个视图活动的控制器[3] 。

  1. 系统设计

2.1 系统框架



  1. 完成功能


OA系统主要采用ASP.NET2.0 AJAX技术。AJAX页面有两种方式运行。系统中工作使用脚本管理加更新面板,这会使它比其他同类系统更容易实现,更快速地构建页面。.劣势是客户端不能被更新,因此它实际上并不能降低服务器和网络的负担。





3.3 文件编号


  1. 结论

在本文中,我们开发了基于.NET framework.The系统上OA系统。系统涉及到ASP.NET2.0AJAX技术.结合这些的技术,该系统具有安全性,易操作,自动化程度高的,并且方便维护的特点。在我们的OA系统中使用的AJAX 提供了几个优点:减少了服务器的负担;因为在网页可以在不刷新的情况下更新而减少的等待时间;因AJAX是标准化的技术,用户无需下载插件或小程序而促进页面和数据的分离。



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[2] Garret t J J .Ajax :a New Approach to Web Applications

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[3]Chen CX , Han HJ .The Research on Modern Distance

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