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 2022-12-03 11:29:19

QT 4.0 Whitepapper

1. Introduction

Qt is the de facto standard C framework for high performance cross-platform Software development. In addition to an extensive C class library ,Qt includes tools to make writing applications fast and straightforward. Qtrsquo;s cross-platform capabilities and internationalization support ensure that Qt applications reach the widest possible market.

The Qt C frame work has been at the heart of commercial applications since1995. Qt is used by companies and organizations as diverse as Adobe., Boeing., IBM., Motorola., NASA, Skype., and by numerous smaller companies and organizations. Qt 4 is designed to be easier to use than previous versions of Qt, while adding more powerful functionality. Qtrsquo;s classes are fully featured and provide consistent interfaces to assist learning, reduce developer workload, and increase programmer productivity. Qt is, and always has been, fully object-oriented.

This whitepaper gives an overview of Qtrsquo;s tools and functionality. Each section begins with a non-technical introduction before providing a more detailed description of relevant features . Links to online resources are also given for each subject area.

1.1. Executive Summary

Qt includes a rich set of widgets(“controls”in Windows terminology)that provide standard GUI functionality. Qt introduces an innovative alternative for inter-object communication ,called “signals and slots”,that replaces the old and unsafe callback technique used in many legacy frameworks. Qt also provides a conventional event model for handling mouse clicks ,key presses, and other user input .Qtrsquo;s cross-platform GUI applications can support all the user interface functionality required by modern applications, such as menus, context menus ,drag and drop , and dockable toolbars.

Qt also includes Qt Designer (page 20), a tool for graphically designing user interfaces. Qt Designer supports Qtrsquo;s powerful layout features (page 39) in addition to absolute positioning. Qt Designer can be used purely for GUI design, or to create entire applications with its support for integration with popular integrated development environments(IDEs).

Qt has excellent supportfor2D and3Dgraphics. Qt is the de facto standard GUI framework for platform-independent OpenGL.programming.Qt4rsquo;spainting system offers high quality rendering across all supported platforms.

Qt makes it possible to create platform-independent database applications using standard databases. Qt includes native drivers for Oracle ,Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase .Adaptive Server, IBMDB2, PostgreSQL., MySQL., Borland Interbase, SQLite, and ODBC-compliant databases. Qt includes database-specific widgets, and any built-in or custom widget can be made data-aware.

Qt programs have native look and feel on all supported platforms using Qtrsquo;s styles and themes support. From a single source tree, recompilation is all that is required toproduceapplicationsforWindows.98 to XP ,MacOS X. , Linux , Solaris ,HP-UX., and many other versions of Unix with X11..Qt applications can also be compiled to run on Qt opia. Qtrsquo;s qmake build tool produces makefiles or .dsp files appropriate to the target platform.

Since Qtrsquo;s architecture takes advantage of the underlying platform, many customers use Qt for single-platform development on Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix because they prefer Qtrsquo;s approach. Qt includes support for important platform-specific features, such as ActiveX on Windows , and Motif on Unix . See the section on Qtrsquo;s Architecture for more information.

Qt uses Unicode .throughout and has consider able support for internationalization. Qt includes Qt Linguist and other tools to support translators. Applications can easily use and mix text in Arabic, Chinese, English, Hebrew, Japanese, Russian, and other languages supported by Unicode.

Qt includes a variety of domain-specific classes. For example, Qt has an XML module that includes SAX and DOM classes for reading and manipulating data stored in XML-based formats. Objects can be stored in memory using Qtrsquo;s STL-compatible collection classes, and handled using styles of iterators used in Java. And the C Standard Template Library(STL).Local and remote file handling using standard protocols are provided by Qtrsquo;s input/output and networking classes.

Qt applications can have their functionality extended by plugins and dynamic libraries . Plugins provide additional codecs ,data base drivers ,image formats, styles, and widgets. Plugins and libraries can be sold as products in their own right.

Qt is a mature C framework that is widely used around the world. In addition to Qtrsquo;s many commercial uses, the Open Source edition of Qt is the foundation of KDE ,the Linux desktop environment .Qt makes application development a pleasure ,with its cross platform build system, visual form design, and elegant API.

2. Widgets

Qt provides a rich set of standard widgets that can be used to create graphical user interfaces for applications. Qtrsquo;s widgets are flexible and can easily be subclassed to suit specialized requirements.

Widgets are visual elements that are combined to create user interfaces. Buttons, menus, scroll bars, message boxes, and application windows are all examples of widgets. Qtrsquo;s widgets are not arbitrarily divided between “controls”and “containers”; all widgets can be used both as controls and as containers. Custom widgets can easily be created by subclassing existing Qt widgets, or created from scratch if necessary.

Standard widgets are provided by the QWidget class and its subclasses, and custom widgets can be created by subclassing them and reimplementing virtual functions.

A widget may contain any number of child widgets. Child widgets are shown within the parent widgetrsquo;s area. A widget with no parent is a top-level widget (a “window”), and usually has its own entry in the desktop environme


QT4.0 白皮书

1. 简介

Qt是一种标准的C 框架,进行高性能跨平台的软件开发。除了拥有广泛的C 类库,Qt还包括许多能够加快、简化编写应用程序的工具。Qt的跨平台能力以及国际化支持确保了Qt的应用程序影响到最广泛的市场。

Qt的C 框架自1995年以来就一直是商务应用程序的核心。许多公司和组织都在使用Qt,如Adobe reg;,波音reg;,reg; IBM公司,摩托罗拉reg;,美国航天局,Skype公司reg;,同时也有许多规模较小的公司和组织在使用。Qt在增加了更加强大的功能之后,所设计出来的Qt4使用起来比之前的Qt版本更为方便。Qt的类功能齐全,提供一致的接口来辅助学习,减少开发人员的工作量,提高程序员的工作效率。Qt现在是,并且一直都是,完全面向对象的。


1.1 执行摘要



Qt对二维和三维图形都完全支持。Qt是目前标准的图形用户界面框架,支持与平台无关的OpenGL reg;编程。Qt4的绘画体系能够在所有支持的平台上提供高品质的作品。

通过使用标准数据库,Qt创建了与平台无关的数据库应用程序。Qt包括许多本机的驱动程序,用于Oracle reg;,微软reg; SQL 服务器,Sybase数据库reg;自适应服务器,IBM的DB2 reg;,Postgre的SQL的trade;,MySQLreg;,Borland公司reg; Interbase,SQLite和ODBC兼容的数据库。Qt还包括许多数据库专用的部件,任何内置或自定义部件都能够做成与数据相关联的。

在所有使用Qt风格和主题支持的平台上,Qt的应用程序都具有本机的外观和感觉。从单一的源代码来看,重新编译是生产适用于Windows reg; 98应用到XP reg;,Mac OS Xreg;,Linux reg;,Solaristrade;,HP - UXtrade;,和许多其他版本的附有X11reg;的UNIX trade;的程序全部需要的。Qt的应用程序也可以编写成在Qtopia上运行。Qt的qmake生成工具生成的makefile或.dsp文件适用于目标平台。

由于Qt的架构采用了底层平台,许多客户在Windows,Mac OS X和Unix开发时都使用了Qt的单一平台,因为他们更喜欢Qt的做法。Qt支持特定平台的重要功能,如Windows上的ActiveX reg;,和UNIX母题trade;。


Qt包括多种多样的特定域。例如,Qt有一个XML模块,这一模块包括SAX和DOM类,用来阅读和处理以XML格式存储的数据。对象可以存储于使用了Qt的STL兼容的集合类的内存中,并采用在Javareg;中使用的的迭代器风格和C 标准模板库进行处理。使用标准协议的本地和远程文件处理是由Qt的输入/输出和网络类提供的。


Qt是一个成熟的C 框架,它广泛应用于世界各地。Qt除了具有许多商业用途外,Qt的开源版本是KDE的基础——Linux桌面环境。具有跨平台构建系统,视觉造型设计以及优雅API的Qt使开发应用程序成为一种乐趣。

2. 小工具





3. 信号和槽



奇趣科技提出了被称之为“信号和槽”的解决方案。信号和槽机制是一个功能强大的对象间的通信机制,可以用来完全替代使用了传统工具包的最初的回调和消息映射。信号和槽非常灵活,完全面向对象,并在C 中进行操作。



4. GUI应用程序

配置有Qt的Buildingmodern的GUI应用程序使用起来快速简便,可以通过手动编码或使用Qt 设计器,Qt可视化设计工具来实现。Qt提供所有必要的类和函数来创建现代GUI应用程序。Qt可用于创建两个“主窗口”样式的应用程序,附带有菜单栏,工具栏和围绕中心区得状态栏,使用按钮和可能对当前的选项和信息进行描述的标签的“对话框”风格的应用程序。Qt支持SDI(单文档接口)和MDI(多文档界面)。Qt还支持拖放和剪贴板。

5. Qt设计器






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