基于改进 RSSI 距离模型的室内定位算法外文翻译资料

 2023-08-29 09:33:56

Indoor Positioning Algorithm Based on the Improved RSSI Distance Model


The Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) cannot achieve accurate positioning and navigation in the indoor environment. Therefore, efficient indoor positioning technology has become a very active research topic. Bluetooth beacon positioning is one of the most widely used technologies. Because of the time-varying characteristics of the Bluetooth received signal strength indication (RSSI), traditional positioning algorithms have large ranging errors because they use fixed path loss models. In this paper, we propose an RSSI real-time correction method based on Bluetooth gateway which is used to detect the RSSI fluctuations of surrounding Bluetooth nodes and upload them to the cloud server. The terminal to be located collects the RSSIs of surrounding Bluetooth nodes, and then adjusts them by the RSSI fluctuation information stored on the server in real-time. The adjusted RSSIs can be used for calculation and achieve smaller positioning error. Moreover, it is difficult to accurately fit the RSSI distance model with the logarithmic distance loss model due to the complex electromagnetic environment in the room. Therefore, the back propagation neural network optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO-BPNN) is used to train the RSSI distance model to reduce the positioning error. The experiment shows that the proposed method has better positioning accuracy than the traditional method.

Keywords indoor positioning; Bluetooth; RSSI distance model; Kalman filter

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

With the rapid development of mobile Internet technology, the demand for location-based services(LBS) has also increased. However, in indoor environments, satellite signals are easily occluded and there are serious multipath effects. Therefore, the positioning accuracy of GNSS is drastically reduced so that it can not meet the positioning requirements. With the emergence of a large number of indoor applications, such as the rapid search for parking spaces in underground parking lots and the search for elevators in large shopping malls, the acquisition of indoor location information is particularly important. People have gradually turned their attention to indoor positioning technology, hoping to solve this problem and achieve new breakthroughs.A variety of indoor positioning technologies have been proposed, such as Bluetooth,ultra-wideband (UWB), radio frequency identification (RFID) , micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS), wireless local area networks (WLAN), computer vision, magnetic field, ultrasonic, infrared signal and others.

1.2 Introduce

Low-power Bluetooth is favored in indoor positioning because of its advantages such as easy deployment, low power consumption, and low cost. In 2013, Apple introduced the iBeacon technology based on Bluetooth low-energy (BLE), which made BLE widely used in various indoor environments. The positioning algorithms are mainly divided into two categories: the received signal strength indication (RSSI) distance method and wireless fingerprint positioning technology. Generally, the RSSI distance method acquires the received signal strength (RSS) from the Bluetooth anchor point to determine the distance-loss model, and then estimates the userrsquo;s position through some algorithms. Neburka investigated the performance of BLE indoor positioning based on RSSI in ideal and real indoor environments. Wang proposed a Bluetooth-based trilateration method employing the Bluetooth transmission model and trilateration positioning, which can only estimate an approximate region of the user. Kotanen adopted an extended Kalman filter to process the Bluetooth signals and estimate the RSSI distance model. This method can obtain an accurate distance with the premise of precise received signal strength. However, in practical tests, the accuracy was still average. Sh proposed a method of estimating the RSSI distance model using the back propagation neural network (BPNN), which improves the estimation accuracy of the distance-loss model but requires a large amount of data to train the neural network model. Zhou employed the Kalman filter to process the collected RSSIs at first. The RSSI-distance model was obtained by curve fitting and the position was determined using the weighted least-squares algorithm. However, the RSSI fluctuation noise is not Gaussian in distribution which implies that the Kalman filter is obviously not optimal. Fingerprint localization is also a RSSI-based method. It first collects all of the RSSIs of receivable Bluetooth beacons at the densest locations possible and then uses neural networks to match the locations with the RSSI. Finally, the userrsquo;s location can be estimated by the trained neural network. Pelant evaluated BLE localization performances based on RSS fingerprinting mapped by propagation modes in an indoor environment. Liu proposed a novel approach to track a user in an indoor environment by integrating a similarity-based sequence and dead reckoning. Zhou proposed the use of a novel, improved, semi-supervised manifold alignment approach to reduce both the number of reference points (RPs) and the sampling time involved in the fingerprint construction. Fingerprint crowdsourcing has recently been promoted to relieve the burden of site surveying. Wang combined the fingerprinting-based and distance-based localization algorithms to improve performance. Rozum proposed a new method to suppress RSSI fluctuation by employing spatial diversity and frequency diversity. Botta proposed and analyzed the static calibration and dynamic calibration of a log-normal shadowing radio propagation model for the estimationof the distance between two wireless nodes. Li proposed a method to adjust


基于改进 RSSI 距离模型的室内定位算法

摘 要


关键词 室内定位;定位蓝牙;RSSI距离模型;卡尔曼滤波器

第1章 绪论

1.1 引言

随着移动互联网技术的飞速发展,对基于位置的服务(LBS)的需求也在增加。但是,在室内环境中,卫星信号很容易被遮挡,并且会产生严重的多径效应。因此,GNSS的定位精度大大降低,无法满足定位要求。随着大量室内应用的出现,例如在地下停车场中快速搜索停车位以及在大型购物中心中搜索电梯,获取室内位置信息尤为重要。人们逐渐将注意力转向室内定位技术,希望解决这一问题并取得新的突破。已经提出了多种室内定位技术,例如蓝牙,超宽带(UWB),射频识别(RFID),微机电系统(MENS),无线局域网(WLAN),计算机视觉 ,磁场,超声波,红外线信号和其他的。

1.2 介绍



1.2.1 贡献




第2章 相关工作

2.1 RSSI错误分布

智能终端测得的RSSI包含复杂的噪声,严重影响定位精度。蓝牙系统难以以固定功率发送信号,这导致RSSI随时间变化。而且,室内电磁环境很复杂,包括多径衰落和其他噪声。我们测试了不同公司生产的两个蓝牙信标的RSSI波动,如图2-1所示。可以看出,由于蓝牙系统的不稳定性,两个RSSI 值都是随时间变化的,最大波动值约为10dB。为了减少RSSI的随机波动并提高定位精度,通常使用滑动滤波器或平均滤波器。但是,为了降低功耗,蓝牙的频率设置通常较低。依靠多个RSSI值来平滑意味着延迟的增加。这给基于RSSI的低延迟,高精度定位系统的实现增加了很大的难度。研究人员试图使用卡尔曼滤波器或改进的卡尔曼滤波器来降低噪声。如图所示2-2,RSSI中的测量误差通常不具有高斯分布,因此即使采用卡尔曼滤波器,也很难获得良好的结果。

图2-1 蓝牙信号强度

图2-2 RSSI错误分布

2.2 RSSI距离模型








第3章 RSSI实时校正算法








假设网关M和蓝牙节点之间的距离(l = 1,2,3,4)为。首先,M收集周围的蓝牙节点的RSSI,并通过有线或无线Internet接口将它们实时上载到服务器。实时RSSI距离模型


其中是RSSI,距离1 m。













第4章 系统型号

4.1 定位步骤








图4-1 定位示意图


用对数距离损失模型很难准确地映射RSSI和距离之间的关系。在本节中,PSO-BPNN算法用于训练RSSI距离模型。PSO-BPNN由三层结构组成,包括一个输入节点,i个隐藏节点,和一个输出节点。训练样本输入值为RSSI= {RSS,hellip;RSS,hellip;RSS}训练样本输出值为D ={,hellip;,hellip;}如图所示4-2。定义为从输入层到隐藏层的权重,定义为隐藏层的阈值层节点定义为从隐藏层到输出层的权重,定义为输出层节点的阈值,O定义为神经网络的输出。






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