
 2022-12-24 16:05:35

Design and Implementation of personal Information Management System in Internet

Liu Chengxia 1,2 Zhu Min Ling

1.Beijing Information and Technology University

2.Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Now people want to access their own personal information from different places and in different ways. So a system which can provide users the method to manage personal information with a Rich Interactive Application is put forward. In this system user can manage his/her address book, mails, individual assets and expenditure of family, or check related accounts, statistics, schedules and attachments. The system is designed as a distributed architecture based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) model, and developed by Microsoft Silver light. At last a complete system which can provide users convenient remote access and innovative

user experience is given.

Key words: Rich Interactive Application;

WCF; Distributed architecture; Silver-light;

1. Introduction

As the development of Internet, people always hope that he/she can get all what he/she needed by internet. The personal information is needed everywhere and we hope that we can find it and access it anytime and anywhere. So a personal information management system is brought forward.

User can manage the address book, this can help you to find who you want contact with. Also you can send or

receive mails, make individual schedules and manage the expenditure of family. An attach function of this system is to check related user accounts, of course the person that the account belongs to is your family or friends. The statistics of the data is provided as the reference to make decisions.

Fig. 1 System Function Module

2. Design of the System

2.1 Silver light and WCF

Silver light is a powerful development tool for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications. Silver light is a free plug-in, powered by the .NET framework and compatible with multiple browsers, devices and operating systems, bringing a new level of interactivity wherever the Web works. But by using Silver light a lot of traditional function of communication, such as ADO, canrsquo;t be used. To solve this Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is used in this system.

WCF is Microsoftrsquo;s unified programming model for building service-oriented

applications. It enables developers to build secure, reliable, transacted solutions that integrate across platforms and inter operate with existing investments. WCF simplifies development of connected applications through a new service-oriented programming model. WCF supports many styles of distributed application development by providing a layered architecture.

Fig.2 WCF in Distributed Architecture

In this figure, the trust boundary is divided again and by this way the distributed application can be combined together.

2.2 Data Base Design

In order to manage the personal data a personal database is needed and the database can be arranged in a database server. The personal data include userrsquo;s information, Address book, Mail, Schedule, and Account. Although the Mailrsquo;s attachment can be saved individually and some log information be saved in a table.

Fig.3 Data Relations

2.3 User Interface Design

Using the Window7 theme template as the base we design our own pages.

Fig.4. Windows7 theme template

There are many pages in the system. The main page is typical and be brought out as an example page. In the main page a brief review of the users personal information is shown. Also the most interested information is revealed for further processing.

Fig.5. Main Page Design

3. Implement of the System

3.1 Cross Domain Data Service of

WCF To use the cross domain service we should start the Silver light of WCF service and set the attributes. For example, the settings of navigation attribute (Accounts):

internal sealed class Accounts Metadata

{ private Accounts Metadata(){ }

public string Bank { get; set; }


[Association('FK_Credit', 'Id', 'Account ID')]

public Entity Collectionlt;Creditgt; Credit { get;

set; }

public long Id { get; set; }


public string Owner { get; set; }

public bool Type { get; set; }

public Nullablelt;decimalgt; Value { get; set; }

public Nullablelt;bytegt; Month { get; set; }


In the example, [Association ('FK_Credit','Id','Account ID')] means that associating the foreign key to the primary key. So the relations of data can be mapped in the service.

3.2 WCF Service

As service-oriented applications, WCF use the publish/subscribe mode. Use the

Post Mail in AlterService.svc as an instance we can find how WCF works.

[Operation Contract]

public void Post Mail(string to, string content)


Mail Sender mail = new Mail Sender(to);

mail.on Error = new Error Event Handler(Error Log);

mail.message.Subject = 'Message forwarded by Fensalir System';

mail.message.Body = content;



In this instance the parameters are the receiver and the content of the mail. And

after t



刘成霞 朱敏灵

北京信息技术大学 北京邮电大学


现在人们想要访问自己的来自不同地方的个人信息并以不同的方式。 所以一个系统可以为用户提供管理的方法个人信息与Rich Interac-提出申请。 在这个系统用户可以管理他/她的地址书籍,邮件,个人资产和家庭支出或支票相关帐户,统计,时间表和附件。 系统设为基于分布式架构Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)模型,由Microsoft Silverlight。最后一个完整系统可以为用户提供方便远程访问和创新给出用户体验。

关键词:丰富的互动应用;WCF; 分布式架构; 银光;


随着互联网的发展,人们总是希望他/她可以通过互联网获得他/她需要的一切。 个人信息需要到处,我们希望我们可以随时随地找到它并进行访问。 因此,提出了个人信息管理系统。

用户可以管理通讯录,这可以帮助您找到想要联系的人。 您也可以发送或接收邮件,制作个人时间表并管理家庭支出。 该系统的附件功能是检查相关的用户帐户,当然该帐户所属的人是您的家人或朋友。 提供数据统计资料作为决策参考。


2.1 Silverlight和WCF

Silverlight是一款功能强大的开发工具,用于为Web和移动应用程序创建有吸引力的互动式应用程序。 Silverlight是一个免费的插件,由.NET框架提供支持,与多个浏览器,设备和操作系统兼容,可以在Web工作的任何地方带来新的交互性。但是通过使用Silverlight很多传统的通信功能,如ADO,不能使用。解决这个Windows Communication Foundation(WCF)在这个系统中使用。 WCF是构建面向服务的应用程序的Microsoft统一编程模型。它使开发人员能够构建安全可靠的交易解决方案,整合在各个平台之间,并与现有投资进行互操作。 WCF通过新的面向服务的编程模型简化了连接应用程序的开发。 WCF通过提供分层架构来支持许多样式的分布式应用程序开发。



为了管理个人数据,需要一个个人数据库,数据库可以安排在数据库服务器中。 个人数据包括用户信息,通讯录,邮件,时间表和帐户。 虽然可以单独保存邮件的附件,并将某些日志信息保存在表中。



系统中有很多页面。 主页是典型的,被带入作为示例页面。 在主页上,显示了用户个人信息的简要回顾。 此外,最感兴趣的信息也被揭示用于进一步处理。


3.1 WCF跨域数据服务

要使用跨域服务,我们应该启动WCF服务器的Silverlight并设置属性。 例如,导航属性(Accounts)的设置:

internal sealed class Accounts Metadata

{ private Accounts Metadata(){ }

public string Bank { get; set; }


[Association('FK_Credit', 'Id', 'Account ID')]

public Entity Collectionlt;Creditgt; Credit { get;

set; }

public long Id { get; set; }

public string Owner { get; set; }

public bool Type { get; set; }

public Nullablelt;decimalgt; Value { get; set; }

public Nullablelt;bytegt; Month { get; set; }


在该示例中,[Association(“FK_Credit”,“Id”,“Account ID”)]表示将外键与主键相关联。 所以可以在服务中映射数据的关系。

3.2 WCF服务

作为面向服务的应用程序,WCF使用发布/订阅模式。 使用Post Mail in Alter Service.svc作为一个实例,我们可以找到WCF的工作原理。


public void Post Mail(string to, string content)


Mail Sender mail = new Mail Sender(to);

mail.on Error = new Error Ev-

-ent Handler(Error Log);

mail.message.Subject = 'Message for-

-warded by Fensalir System';

mail.message.Body = content;



在这种情况下,参数是邮件的接收者和内容。 并且服务器的服务应用程序创建后,客户端应将其导入并调用该服务。


为了实现个人信息的管理,页面后面的代码是实现不同功能逻辑的必要条件。 地址簿可以修改,删除按钮的功能代码作为例子:

private void btn Delete_Click(object sender,

Routed Event Args e)


if (Message Box.Show('Delete User'

(data Grid1.Selected Item as User).Username,

'Delete', Message Box Button.OKCancel) ==

Message Box Result.OK)



(data Grid1.Selected Item as User);

client.Submit Changes(new Action

lt;Submit Operationgt; (refresh), null);



在上述代码中,“提交更改”方法用于删除数据。 所有待处理的更改都将在此操作中提交。 当有异步操作完成后必须执行的代码时,可以提供回调方法。 在该程序中,调用名为“refresh”的回调方法,用于检查错误并根据需要更新用户界面。 另外一个例子可以在排程管理中看到。 我们可以按日期过滤日程表。

private bool enable(Schedule val)


switch (cmb View.Selected Index)


case 0: // filter by today

if (val.Deadline == Date Time.Now.Date

amp; !val.Active)

return true;

return false;

case 1: // filter by this week

if (val.Deadline lt;= Date Time.Now.Date.

Add Days(7) amp; !val.Active)

return true;

return false;

case 2: // all schedules

if (!val.Active)

return true;

return false;

case 3: // finish

if (val.Deadline gt;= Date Time.Now.Date.

Add Months(-3) amp; val.Active)

return true;

return false;


return false;




该系统专为个人使用而设计。 所以用户总是在自己的房子里使用电脑进行工作。 当然也可以使用不同的客户端类型,如PC,笔记本电脑,手机等。


该系统用于个人信息管理。 所以我们登录并做一些日常工作。 整个系统中有很多处理页面,但是我们

不能传播他们。 我们将以系统的一些典型用法为例来说明。



在这个页面中,可以对家庭帐户进行审查,收入和费用以饼图或线形图显示。 您可以添加新项目并对某些项目做一些限制。 限制用于提醒您注意该项目。

虽然系统有很多缺点,如账号管理应该更全面,系统提供了新的思路,可以轻松使用。 它可以帮助人们更有效地管理自己的信息。


[1] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/ WPF/E. Microsoft Silverlight [DB/OL]. 2011. 12.27.

[2] http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIA

[3] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ li-brary/ms731082(v=vs.90).aspx.

[4] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/ li-brary/ff423067(v=VS.91).aspx



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