
 2022-11-19 15:22:53

Analysis of the factors that restrict the development of third party logistics and trend of Small and medium-sized enterprises

Wang Hongwei

Xijing University, Xirsquo;an, 710123, China

Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises; the third party logistics; the strategic alliance

Abstract: The third party logistics is to regulate the relationship between logistics operators and logistics consumers through the form of contract. Small and medium-sized industrial enterprises reform under the guidance of the countrys 'supporting small' policy, the implementation of the financial credit policy to small and medium-sized industrial enterprises, guiding the small and medium enterprises restructuring, reform and development, the development and change of the society will become the external environmental impact factors of small and medium-sized enterprises. According to the current situation of the development of third party logistics in China at present, enterprises should be from the following aspects: to start the training of professional logistics management personnel, update the logistics concept, propaganda and establish modern logistics management concepts, improve the level of logistics services, apply of modern logistics information technology, strengthen the enterprise focus and strategic alliance, focus on service development strategy, the government should strengthen the infrastructure construction, create a favorable market environment for the development of the third party logistics.

1. Introduction

Third party logistics is relative to the 'first party' of the shipper and the 'second party' of the consignee. It is a kind of logistics form that the third party professional enterprises undertake the logistics activities of enterprises. It provides customers logistics agency services with the contract as the constraint, based on the alliance, a series of personalized, information-based. With the development of information technology and the trend of economic globalization, more and more products are circulated, produced, sold and consumed in worldwide, logistics system increasingly large and complex, and the logistics organization and operation mode of the first party and the second party has been unable to fully meet the needs of the society; at the same time, to participate in the world competition, enterprises must establish core competitiveness, strengthen the supply chain management, reduce logistics costs, put out the contract does not belong to the core business of logistics activities. Thus, the third party logistics was born. 3PL does not belong to the first party, does not belong to the second party, but through cooperating with the first or the second party to provide professional logistics services, it has no goods, do not participate in the sale of goods, but to provide series, personalized information logistics service that is based on the contract and alliance as the basis for customers. The most common 3PL services including the design of logistics system, EDI capabilities, report management, cargo container transport, select the carrier, freight forwarding, customs agents, information management, storage, consultation, payment of freight, freight negotiations. Because the service generally signed with the enterprise a certain period of logistics service contract, so some people called the third party logistics as contract logistics.

2. Characteristics of third party logistics

From the development of the logistics industry in developed countries, the third party logistics in the development has gradually formed a distinctive feature, outstanding performance in the following five aspects:

Contractual relationship. First of all, the third party logistics uses contract to regulate the relationship between logistics operators and logistics consumers. According to the requirements of the contract, the logistics operator provides a multi-functional and even integrated logistics service. Secondly, the development of the third party logistics alliance uses contract to clear the rights and responsibilities of the participants in the logistics alliance.

Personalized service. First of all, different consumers have different logistics service requirements, the third party logistics according to the different requirements of different consumers in the logistics enterprise image, business processes, product characteristics, customer characteristics, competition and other aspects, to provide targeted personalized logistics services and value-added services. Secondly, the third party logistics operators need to form the core business because of the impact of market competition, logistics resources and logistics capability, continue to strengthen the personality and characteristics of the logistics services, enhance the city logistics competitiveness.

Professional function. The third party logistics provides professional logistics services. It must reflect the specialized and professional level from the logistics design, logistics operations, logistics technology, facilities and tools to logistics management, which is the needs of logistics of consumers, and also the basic requirements of the third party logistics development.

System management. The third party logistics should have the system function of the logistics, which is the basic requirement of the development and development of the third party logistics, and the establishment of the modern management system should meet the basic requirements of the operation and development of the third party logistics.

Information and networking. Information technology is the foundation of the development of third party logistics. In the process of logistics service, the development of information technology has realized the shari




西京大学 西安 710123

























  1. 政策方针。发展中小企业第三方物流对物流企业有一定的阻碍,各级政府需要制定政策和积极的指导,从信贷,金融,政策等方面鼓励,制定有利的政策真正支持和引导中小企业积极调整和利用资源,启动和促进中小企业第三方物流的发展。
  2. 市场法。随着中小企业的发展,物流需求不断增长,物流企业应该研究中小企业物流发展规律,以需求为导向,快速有效地发展第三方物流。
  3. 经营方针。物流发展可以创造价值和效益,是发展第三方物流的基本动力。
  4. 社会方法。第三方物流的发展需要全社会的积极配合和支持,在社会力量的作用下实现产业联动和全面发展。



  1. 资源战略。发展第三方物流,物流企业需要关注掌握和有效利用业务资源,主要表现在:一是正确认识和深入分析业务资源的基础情况,正确选择第三方物流的发展方向。其次,积极探索企业资源的有效配置,有效促进第三方物流的发展。最后,研究企业资源的可持续发展,保证第三方物流的健康发展。因此,中小企业实施战略资源,通过供应链管理重构业务流程,构建第三方物流发展优势;应该把握资源转化的模式,不断提高资源产出的效率。
  2. 联盟战略。第三方物流物流企业的发展需要“互补优势,利益共享”的原则,通过产权协议实现双方合作共同发展物流市场,降低物流成本,提高物流效率。一是物流资源联盟:通过一定的因素将中小工业企业的零散物流功能结合起来,形成物流一体化的资源优势。二是物流地域联盟和行业范围:根据各行各业中小企业的特点,将物流产业联盟应用在一定地域或一定范围内,形成一个高效的运作体系。最后,发展第三方物流联盟,建立中小企业,通过组建服务协会,协调和指导物流企业与中小工业企业在第三方物流发展中的关系。
  3. 服务策略。物流企业发展第三方物流必须依靠中小工业企业的发展,做到“从中小企业,服务到中小企业”。四要点:一是根据中小型工业企业的实际需求设计和提供个性化的物流服务理念。其次,要注意市场需求的变化,提供服务措施,确保企业产品质量。第三,要深刻理解中小企业物流规律,建立完善的物流运营管理服务效率







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