
 2022-11-03 21:04:59

A single lithium-ion battery protection circuit with high reliability and low power consumption

Jiang Jinguang(江金光)and LiSen(李森)

1InternationalSchoolofSoftware,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,China

2SuzhouInstitute,Wuhan University,Suzhou215123,China

3SchoolofPhysicsandTechnology,Wuhan University,Wuhan430072,China

Abstract: A single lithium-ion battery protection circuit with high reliability and low power consumption is proposed. The protection circuit has high reliability because the voltage and current of the battery are controlled in a safe range. The protection circuit can immediately activate a protective function when the voltage and current of the battery are beyond the safe range. In order to reduce the circuitrsquo;s power consumption, a sleep state control circuit is developed. Additionally, the output frequency of the ring oscillation can be adjusted continuously and precisely by the charging capacitors and the constant-current source.The proposed protection circuit is fabricated ina0.5 mixed-signal CMOS process.The measured reference voltage is 1.19V,the over voltage is 4.2V and the under voltage is 2.2V.The total power is about 9.

Keywords: lithium-ion battery;OV;UV;reference voltage;over current(OC);short circuit(SC)

  1. Introduction

Since lithium-ion batteries have high energy density,high cell voltage,no memory effect,low self-discharge rate and long service life compared to their main rival, NiMH batteries, Li-ion batteries have already been applied as power sources for many 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics)products,especially in portable electronics devices Additionally, many countries are taking steps to cut their nationsrsquo; greenhouse gas emissions. In particular, auto emission standards are getting stricter and will force vehicles to become more fuel efficient.Because of these demands,the electric vehicle(EV) and the hybrid electric vehicle(HEV) have attracted moreandmoreattentionforfueleconomyandeco-friendliness from automakers, governments, and customers. However, due to the fragility and sensitivity to voltage and current (for example an overcharge has a high risk of explosion and an over discharge of the battery cell reduces the life cycle of the battery cell, lithium-ion batteries are not considered for wide applications.So,the design and realization of a lithium-ion battery protection circuit with high reliability is a challenge and a difficult task for designers.Moreover,owing to the high demand for the length of time the battery is used,low consumption is another key factor f or the protection circuit. In order to realize the protection circuit, many methods have been proposed.The methods all have their advantages in protecting batteries from harm.However,most of these methods have been complex to understand and realize.Toimprovethereliabilityandlowerthepowerconsumption,thispaperfocusesonnewandsimplearchitecturesfortheprotection circuit. The voltage band gap reference (VBG) and produce a stable reference voltage with low temperature coefficient.The current detection circuits monitor the current of the battery to avoid short circuit (SC) and over current (OC). The voltage of the battery is detected by the over voltage detection (OVD) and under voltage detection(UVD) circuits to make the battery work in the range of the normal voltage.The controller is the brain of the whole circuit; it can deal with all the information from other blocks and give appropriate orders to protect the battery from harm.OSC in the controller provides the clock for the circuit.Additionally,a sleep state control(SSC) circuit is developed to reduce the power consumption of the circuit.

  1. The structure of the single lithium-ion battery protection circuit

A block diagram of the proposed single lithium-ion battery protection circuit is shown in Fig.1.There are eight main blocks in the diagram: VBG, , voltage detection (VD), OVD, UVD, over current detection (OCD), short circuit protection(SCP)and controller.VBG and are band gap reference circuits which could generate reference voltage to meet the circuitrsquo;s application stability needs.VD monitors the voltage of the single lithium-ion battery and then sends the voltage to OVD and UVD in real time.is monitored and protected by OCD and SCP. According to the monitoring information above,the controller decides whether it is necessary to perform OV,UV,OC or SC protection schemes.If the lithium-ion battery is OV, DO is low so that the charging switch NMOS2 is turned off,then the circuit stops charging.Simultaneously,the circuit forbids discharging when the lithium-ion battery is UV, OC and SC.The power source for each component of the protection circuit is obtained from the battery itself.


  1. Detailed description of the circuit

3.1. VBG and circuit

A schematic diagram of the proposed VBG is shown in Fig.2.The VBG is a band gap reference circuit relative to VDD. The negative temperature coefficient bipolar transistors npn1, npn2 and npn3 lower the temperature coefficient of the changeable power source circuit.The differential amplifier with active current mirror Mn4 constituted by Mn2, Mn3, Mp3 and Mp4 transforms differential input signals to a single-ended output signal Vo1. Then Vo1 is sent to some other blocks of the circuit through the common source stage amplifier made up of Mn5 and Mp6. The common source stage amplifier can enhance the efficiency and enlarge the output voltage swing. In order to solve the stability problem of the band gap reference circuit,a Miller compensation circuit consisting of R1 and Mp5 is developed. Mp1, Mp2 and Mn1 constitute a start-up circuit to guarantee that the amplifier works regularly when t



  1. 介绍



  1. 单个锂离子电池保护电路的结构

提出的单个锂离子电池保护电路的框图如图1所示。图中有八个主要方块:VBG,,电压检测(VD),OVD,UVD,过电流检测(OCD),短路保护(SCP)和控制器.VBG和是带隙参考电路,可以产生参考电压 满足电路的应用可靠性需求。VD监视单个锂离子电池的电压,然后实时将电压发送到OVD和UVD。受到OCD和SCP的监控和保护。根据上述监控信息,控制器决定是否需要执行OV,UV,OC或SC保护方案。如果锂离子电池为0V,则DO为低电平,使充电开关NMOS2断开,电路停止充电。同时,当锂离子电池为UV,OC,SC时,电路不允许放电。保护电路的每个部件的电源是从电池本身获得的。

图1 单锂离子电池保护电路

  1. 电路详细说明

3.1、 VBG和电路

所提出的VBG的示意图如图2所示。VBG是相对于VDD的带隙参考电路。 负温度系数双极晶体管npn1,npn2和npn3降低可变电源电路的温度系数。由Mn2,Mn3,Mp3和Mp4构成的有源电流镜Mn4的差分放大器将差分输入信号转换为单端输出信号Vo1。然后通过由Mn5和Mp6组成的公共源级放大器将Vo1发送到电路的其他模块。公共源级放大器可以提高效率并扩大输出电压的摆幅。为了解决带隙参考电路的稳定性问题,开发了由R1和Mp5组成的米勒补偿电路。 Mp1,Mp2和Mn1构成启动电路,以确保放大器上电时其能够工作正常。由于两个近似相等的输入电压差分放大器,等式(1)可以写成










在等式(5)中,具有负温度系数,具有正温度系数,所以R3,R4,R5和n的适当值可以产生低温度系数VBG。 当R3,R4,R5和n被确定为显式值时,VVBG是相对于VDD的固定值。

为了将转换为,开发电路,如图3所示。 在输出端,使用低通滤波器净化,然后将作为OCD的参考电压进行保存.

图2 VBG的示意图

图3 所提出的电路的示意图

3.2、 电流检测电路


图4 电流检测电路示意图



图5 VD、OVD和UVD电路示意图


控制器电路是整个系统的关键部分。 所有检测到的信号都会聚合到该模块中,然后该部分输出信号来控制整个电路。图6中有七个主要方块:状态检测(SD),SSC,OSC,分频器,优先级判定(JOP),输出控制和禁止充放电(PCAD)。SD接收并处理检测到的信号,从而可以获得电池的工作状态。JOP判断来自SD的信号的优先级,然后将最高优先级信号输出到输出控制电路。 输出控制电路控制充电信号CO和放电信号DO以决定电池的工作状态.OSC和分频器为SD提供时钟信号。 为了降低功耗,当电池电压低于UV时,SSC使OSC和分频器进入空闲状态。

SSC电路如图7所示。 、、、和AMP构成减法器,所以可以写为




然后比较器COMP_2比较和来判断空闲状态。为了提高空闲状态信号的驱动能力,开发了由Mp28,Mp29,Mn23和Mn24组成的转换器的负电阻。 最后,使能信号EN由短路负载信号Short_De,UV信号和空闲状态信号决定。 如表1所示,可以通过改变Short_De,和来获得八种EN信号。

从表1可以看出,如果和为0且Short_De为1,则EN仅为0。因此,仅当负载未短路时,电池才进入空闲状态,同时电池电压处于UV且 lt;。

OSC提供时钟电路。 如图8所示,OSC的主要结构是环形振荡器。 时钟周期由电容器的充电和放电时间决定。方程可以写为


其中U是容量上的电压差。 C和I分别为电容值和恒流源。 所以时钟周期可以大致写为






图6 控制器电路示意图

图7 SSC电路示意图

图8 OSC电路示意图

  1. 建议的电池保护电路的仿真和测量

所提出的电池保护电路已经在具有3V电源的0.5混合信号CMOS工艺中实现。 芯片的总面积约为1.05〜0.73。图9显示了电池保护电路的显微照片,由Cadence Spectre进行了仿真,并由示波器测量。在正常工作环境下,提出的保护电路的总功率 约9W。 此外,当电路进入空闲状态时,功耗为0.3W。

首先,的仿真特性如图10所示,从图10(a)可以看出,与成正比,相对于VDD的参考电压为1.19V,如图10(b)所示, 为了获得稳定的参考电压,电路的最低工作电压为1.5V。图10(c)显示当温度从-40℃升至120℃时,电压波动仅为约4mV,因此温度系数 约为21ppm /℃。

图11显示了的仿真结果。 相对于GND的参考电压为1.19 V,电路最低工作电压为1.8V,因此整个电路的正常工作电压必须高于1.8V。

第二,电流检测电路的仿真特性如图12所示。当电流或短路电流升高到100mV时,电路停止放电,保护电池不受损害。当降至 79mV。

第三,OVD和UVD电路的模拟输出如图13所示。从图13(a)可以看出,当电压高于4.25V时,电池被禁止充电。因此电池的最高电压为4.25 V.电池恢复充电能力 当电压低于4.15V时,另请注意,图13(b)电池不能放电至0V; 它具有2.3V的最低电压。因此,电池的电压从2.3到4.25V的范围。图14显示了OSC的仿真结果。 输出频率为3.5kHz。

图15显示了电池保护电路的测量结果。图15(a)显示了OV的测试结果,图15(b)显示了UV的测量结果。 测量结果均符合有关责任要求.




它们之间的关系和图13所示的仿真结果主要是由电容器的寄生效应和过程和温度的变化产生的。 触发保护方案和电路工作条件的保护标准如表2所示。 所提出的锂离子电池保护电路与其他相关的锂离子电池保护电路之间的性能比较列于表3。


图10 的仿真特性

图11 的仿真特性

图12 电流检测电路的特征

图13 (a)OVD电路的仿真结果(b)UVD电路的仿真结果

图14 OSC的仿真特性


表2 保护标准和工作条件

表3 本工作相关的锂离子电池保护电路之间的比较

  1. 结论

单锂离子电池保护电路具有高可靠性和低功耗消耗量。防护电路采用了保护电路的可靠性。首先,和采用差分放大器和负温度系数双极晶体管的结构,获得稳定和较低的温度系数参考电压。第二,通过检测电流进行充电和放电电流保护电池从电池中保存。同时,OVD和UVD电路避免了电池被OV和UV损坏。此外,控制器还处理其他方面的信号,并保护电池。最后,通过充电电容器连续精确地调整OSC,恒流源为控制器提供时钟信号,开发SSC电路以降低电路的功耗。所提出的保护电路采用具有3 V电源的0.5m混合信号CMOS工艺制造。测量结果表明,参考电压为1.19V,OV为4.2V,UV为2.2V。在正常工作环境下,所提出的保护电路消耗3在3V供电电压下。


  1. 引言


  1. 每单位电压低(平均电压lt;1.2v)
  2. 功率密度低
  3. 使用寿命短
  4. 由于浪费造成环境污染
  5. 自放电量高(每月20%〜35%)


  1. 每单位电压低(1.2v)
  2. 功率密度低。
  3. 使用寿命短
  4. 记忆效应。
  5. 自放电量高(每月15%〜30%)


  1. 每单位电压高(3.6v)
  2. 高功率密度
  3. 使用寿命更长
  4. 没有记忆效应
  5. 自放电率低(每月2%〜5%)
  6. 无环境污染。




  1. 对其电压敏感:过电压和低电压可能导致其损坏;
  2. 对其电流敏感:高电流充放电可能导致其损坏;
  3. 对周围温度敏感:高温可能导致爆炸;

鉴于这些事实,大多数制造工厂开始开发自己的锂电池保护芯片, 图1示出了基于芯片FS312的一种保护电路拓扑。



但是在许多情况下,由于电压低,电流不足,电源不能提供足够的能量来加载。 为了提高电力系统的电压和电流额定值,电池需要串联并联。 但经过一段时间的充放电后,上述电力系统开始暴露其缺点:


2)放电MOSFET V1经常在低电压下导通,导致很多热量不能消除。

3)当系统电压未达到其预期的充电电压额定值时,充电MOSFET V2关闭。

4)在很多情况下,高放电电流不能正常工作。 为了解决上述问题,开发出新的保护电路。




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