
 2022-11-12 19:30:45

A wideband polarization reconfigurable antenna array based on mode combination method

Zhuo Mu1, Shen-Yun Wang1, 2* and Wen-Ying Meng1

1 Research Center of Applied Electromagnetics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China

2 Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Observation and Information Processing, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China

* Author Contact: wangsy2006@126.com

Received: date / Accepted: date

Abstract: This paper reports a novel polarization-reconfigurable antenna array based on the theory of mode combination (MC), which can electronically alter its polarization states between left-hand circular polarization (LCP) mode, right-hand circular polarization (RCP) mode, and two combined linear polarization (LP) modes. The antenna element consists of a conventional truncated radiation patch, two L-shaped feeding probes and a switching feeding network. To verify the concept, a prototype of 2times;2 antenna array is manufactured and tested. By properly exciting the feeding probes on/off, four polarization modes can be achieved. Measurement results show that the proposed antenna has an overlapped 10dB impedance bandwidth around 34% for both CP modes and LP(2) mode, and an overlapped 3dB axial-ratio bandwidth around 22.0% of CP modes. The average realized gains are around 12.4dB for CP modes and LP(1) mode, which remain stable in the axial-ratio bandwidth.

Keywords: Polarization reconfigurable antenna, circular polarization, linear polarization, mode combination

1 Introduction

Polarization diversity, due to its capability of shifting the polarization states, has found extensive applications in wireless communications [1-2], RFID [3], imaging radars [4] and some wireless medical systems [5]. Taking polarimetric imaging system as an example, the co- and cross-polarization components are critical to describe the target characteristics [6]. For the human body security check imaging system, smooth human body image or highlighted concealed weapon image can be obtained using antennas with different polarization combinations. Thus polarization reconfigurable antennas have attracted significant attention in very recent years.

There are three typical approaches to realize polarization reconfiguration by applying active RF switches, such as PIN diodes [7-8] and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [9], to different parts of the antenna. The first one is using a reconfigurable feeding network to feed different parts of the antenna [7], [10-17]. The second one is directly introducing controllable perturbation segments on the antennarsquo;s radiating part [9] [18-22]. For examples, in literatures [9] and [21], polarization-reconfigurable E-shaped patch antennas were proposed, which are capable of radiating either right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) or left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) waves by directly introducing perturbation in an E-shaped patch. Recently, a new way is proposed by using an electronically reconfigurable polarizer integrated with a linearly polarized antenna [23-25], which has advantages of complete isolation of the DC circuit of PIN diodes from the RF signals and a gain improvement. However, most reported polarization reconfigurable antennas when switching their polarizations in LP and two CP modes have an overlapped impedance bandwidth less than 10%. This is due to the fact that CP modes are generated by two degenerate orthogonal linear modes with equal amplitude, while the LP modes are usually independently generated [7, 18, 26-28].

In this paper, we take the CP waves as the fundamental modes, and the LP waves are combined with a LCP mode and a RCP one those generated on one antenna element or different adjacent elements in an antenna array. Such a way can make a full overlapped impedance bandwidth of the CP modes and LP modes when the feeding coupling is weak enough. The topological antenna structure and the mode analysis are presented in Section 2. For array applications, a 2times;2 polarization-reconfigurable array is designed with a simple feeding network and tested in Section 3, followed by conclusions in Section 4.

2 Antenna Design

A. Antenna Element Configuration

The topological structure of the proposed polarization reconfigurable antenna element is shown in Fig. 1, which is initially investigated in Ref.[10]. The whole antenna structure is composed of three parts: the radiation part supported on the ground plane by two foam cubes, two L-shaped probes passing through the ground plane and soldered to the feeding network underneath the ground plane, and the feeding network fabricated on the 1.6-mm thickness FR-4 substrate with a permittivity of 4.6 and a loss tangent of 0.02. In this work, the polarization reconfigurable antenna array is optimized to operate at frequency of 2.3GHz, and the dimensions of antenna element are found to be: W=50mm, L=50mm, a=20mm, Lf=21mm, Hp=15.5, Hf=9.4mm, and r=0.6mm, where r represent the radius of L-shaped probes made of copper rods. It has been demonstrated that the LCP mode can be excited by feeding probe-1, while the RCP mode can be generated by feeding probe-2. By using a reconfigurable feeding network, as the bottom view in Fig.1, where a RF PIN diode is inserted each branch. By switching the PIN diodes on and off through DC voltage from the biased line, where a inductor is inserted in each biased line for eliminating RF coupling, probe-1 and probe-2 can be alternately and simultaneously excited. In Ref.[10], probe-1 and probe-2 have b



穆卓1,王身云1, 2* 和孟文营1

1 南京信息科技大学应用电磁学研究中心,南京210044


* 作者联系:wangsy2006@126.com






利用有源射频开关实现天线极化重构的典型方法有三种,分别是PIN二极管[7-8]和微机电系统(MEMS)[9]。第一个是使用可重构馈电网络来馈电天线[7]的不同部分,[10-17]。第二种是直接在天线的辐射部分[9]上引入可控扰动段[18-22]。例如,在文献[9]和[21]中,提出了一种极化可重构的e形贴片天线,该天线可以通过直接在e形贴片中引入扰动来辐射右圆偏振(RHCP)或左圆偏振(LHCP)波。最近,人们提出了一种新的方法,将电子可重构偏振器与线性极化天线集成在一起[23-25],该方法具有将PIN二极管的直流电路与射频信号完全隔离并提高增益的优点。然而,大多数报道的极化可重构天线在LP和CP模式下切换极化时,其重叠阻抗带宽小于10%。这是因为CP模是由两个等幅的退化正交线性模产生的,而LP模通常是独立产生的[7,18,26 -28]。




提出的极化可重构天线单元拓扑结构如图1所示,该拓扑结构在参考文献[10]中进行了初步研究。整个天线结构由三部分组成:地面辐射的部分支持飞机由两个泡沫立方体,两个l型探测器通过地平面和焊接喂养网络在地平面,和喂养网络捏造1.6毫米厚度FR-4衬底介电常数为4.6和0.02的损耗角正切。本文优化极化可重构天线阵,使其工作频率为2.3GHz,天线单元尺寸为:W=50mm, L=50mm, a=20mm, Lf= 21毫米,HpH = 15.5,f=9.4mm, r=0.6mm,其中r为铜棒制成的l形探头半径。结果表明,LCP模式可以由馈电探针-1激发,而RCP模式可以由馈电探针-2产生。通过使用可重构馈电网络,如图1所示,每个支路都插入一个RF PIN二极管。通过从偏置线通过直流电压开关引脚二极管,在每条偏置线中插入一个电感器,消除RF耦合,probe-1和probe-2可以交替并同时激发。在参考文献[10]中,probe-1和probe-2交替被激发,实现了LCP波和RCP波之间的模变。由于几何对称性,LCP和RCP模式具有相同的宽带阻抗匹配带宽和轴比带宽。












图2 (a) LCP、RCP、LP天线单元模拟回波损耗;(b) CP模式与LP模式下天线单元的轴向比与增益

利用全波商用软件ANSYS HFSS对提出的极化可重构天线单元进行了仿真。图2 (a)为所提出的天线单元的模拟回波损耗,其中,|S11|le;-10dB的带宽分别为1.91-2.68GHz, LP模式为1.9 -2.72 ghz, CP模式为1.9 -2.72 ghz。对于单天线单元,通过同时激励probe-1和probe-2得到LP模式。重叠阻抗匹配带宽为1.91-2.68GHz(33.6%),明显大于之前的研究。图2 (b)绘制了CP模式下天线单元的轴比、CP模式下和LP模式下的辐射增益,可以看出,CP模式下天线单元工作在2.2GHz到2.38GHz的重叠轴比带宽范围内。在轴比带宽下,单个CP模式的峰值增益约为9.0 dB,组合LP模式的峰值增益约为7-8 dB。


为了获得高的辐射增益,并激发由LCP模式和相邻天线单元产生的RCP模式组合的LP波,在地面上布置一个2times;2的正方形天线阵,如图3所示。为了验证该设计,制作了样机,照片如图4所示。正方形截短辐射贴片由厚度为0.3mm的铜片制成。l型探头由直径0.6毫米的铜棒制成。相邻天线元素之间的距离在x和y方向上都是110毫米,和一个简单的可重构喂养网络理论的基础上功率分配器和阻抗变压器设计饲料8 l型探测器底部视图所示图3和图4 (b)。在这个实验中,PIN二极管的国家控制的应用提供的直流电压1.5 v锂电池。PIN二极管的等效电路模式参考文献[11],但电路参数在实验室中采用TRL标定方法进行测试。当二极管处于正向偏置时,正向电阻为2.1欧姆,封装寄生电感为0.6nH。在无偏置电压关断状态下,并联电容为0.17pF,反向电阻为3000欧姆,封装寄生电感为0.6nH。


图4制作的天线阵列照片。(a) 3d视图和(b)底视图。


根据模态组合理论,通过在馈电网络各对应支路上适当切换引脚二极管,激励probe-1、probe-3、probe-5、probe-7可以产生LCP波,激励probe-2、probe-4、probe-6、probe-8可以产生RCP波。当所有探头同时受激时,每个天线单元均在LCP模式和RCP模式下工作,从而产生方位角为135°的组合LP波极化。此外,当补丁-1和补丁-4在RCP模式下工作,补丁-2和补丁-3在LCP模式下工作时,可以以类似的方式组合另一个LP波。本文将一个天线单元产生的LP波作为LP(1)模式,相邻天线单元产生的LP波作为LP(2)模式。实测反射系数与模拟结果对比如图5所示。可以看出,测量10分贝回波损耗带宽从1.99到2.78 GHz(33.1%)连结控制协定的模式,从1.96到2.82 GHz的RCP(36.0%)模式,绘制在图5(一个),从2.22到2.54 GHz(13.4%)为LP(1)模式,并从1.98到2.80 GHz(34.5%)为LP(2)模式,如图5所示(b)。所测得的四种状态的阻抗带宽与模拟结果略有不同,这种差异主要是由制造误差和测量误差引起的。可以看出,当所有探针都被激发产生LP(1)模态时,阻抗带宽减小,这是由于一个天线单元内正交l形探针之间的馈电耦合造成的。然而,LP(2)模式的阻抗带宽几乎与CP模式相同。这是由于相邻的天线单元仍然在一个CP模式下工作,并且在一个天线单元内的探头之间没有馈电耦合。需要说明的是,馈电网络的设计目的是通过对CP模式和LP(2)模式使用三个1:1功率分配器,以相同的振幅激励探头同相,如图3和图4(b)所示。当所有引脚二极管都打开时,每个天线单元同时工作在LCP模式和RCP模式下,馈电网络包含7个1:1功率分配器,并向8个端口提供相同的馈电。

图5合成天线阵反射系数实测与仿真(a) LCP和RCP模式。(b) LP(1)和LP(2)模式。

图6 (a)和(b)分别给出了在RCP和LCP模式下所制天线阵的实测和模拟轴向比。从图中可以看出,从2.10 GHz到2.62 GHz(22.0%),两种CP模式的实测轴向比均小于3db,大于模拟结果。RCP模式、LCP模式、LP(1)模式和LP(2)模式的辐射增益随工作频率的变化情况分别如图6 (a)、(b)和(c)所示。从图中可以看出,在CP模式和LP(1)模式下,测量到的增益在2.3 GHz到2.6GHz之间保持在12.3 dB左右的稳定值。然而,在LP(2)模式下,增益在2.3GHz时降低到8.8 dB左右。可以解释为,组成CP模的相位中心位于两个点,导致LP(2)模的交叉极化增加,如下图所示。计算结果表明,所测得的增益与仿真结果吻合较好。

图6实现了(a) RCP和(b) LCP模式的轴向比和增益。(c)实现了LP(1)和LP(2)模式的增益。

最后,比较了CP模式和LP模式在2.3GHz时的模拟和实测辐射增益模式,如图7、图8和图9所示。从图7中可以看出,LCP和RCP模式的实测最大交叉偏振电平均在-4.2dB以下,分别为-6.5dB,两种模式的实测最大共偏振电平均为12.3 dB。在LP(1)模式下,测量到的最大共极化电平为12.1dB,最大交叉极化电平仍保持在4.5dB左右的低值,如图8所示。但是从图9可以看出,测量到的最大共极化电平降低到9.0 dB。这是由于LP(2)模由相邻单元上产生的LCP模和RCP模组合而成,导致交叉极化分量在其他方向有一定的指示干扰。由图9可以看出,xoz平面的最大交叉极化电平达到-1dB, yoz平面的最大交叉极化电平达到-2dB。为了消除交叉偏振,需要设计具有大尺度单元的阵列,使共偏振分量的增益保持在较高水平。需要指出的是,两种LP模式实现的共极化沿方位角=135°,实现的交叉极化沿方位角=45°。偏振方向与模态组合分析结果一致。

图7所提出天线在2.3GHz时的辐射模式(a) xoz平面的RCP模式,(b) xoz平面的LCP模式,(c) yoz平面的RCP模式,(b) yoz平面的LCP模式。

图8拟天线在(a) xoz-plane和(b) yoz-plane下的LP(1)模式2.3GHz处的辐射模式。

图9 (a) xoz平面和(b) yoz平面LP(2)模式下拟建天线2.3GHz处的辐射模式。


基于模态组合理论,提出了一种极化可重构天线阵。通过适当地激励各天线单元的馈电探头,可以得到性能良好的LCP模式、RCP模式和两种LP模式。设计了一种简单的馈电网络,通过开关引脚二极管,将信号注入馈电探头。为验证该设计思想,制作了2times;2天线阵样机并进行了测试。实测结果与模拟结果吻合较好。与大多数报道的设计相比,获得了较宽的重叠阻抗匹配带宽约34%,轴比带宽约22%,平均实现增益约12.4 dB,是未来无线系统的一个有希望的候选方案。






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