
 2023-04-13 10:31:19

Data Security System login With MD5 Algorithms in Applications deskresy.com

Iskandar Muda Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia 20154

Abstract -Cryptography is a technique of data security by processing the data (plaintext) using an encryption method so that the the data can not be read directly, especially by unauthorized parties. Confidential Data and information need to get serious attention considering the value of information contained in it so that procedures are needed to hide the messages stored Therein. Data security Becomes very important at this time, Because for every decision or policy making must be based on the data. Md5 is a substitute for MD4, MD5 is one of the most Widely used one-way hash functions, MD5 processes the input into blocks of 512 bits, the output of md5 is 128 bits and has a fixed length. MD5 algorithm is Widely used for various purposes in making security in applications, it is Often used to help login validation on the use of passwords stored in the database system.

Keywords: Cryptography, Data Security, .md5.

1. Introduction

Cryptography is one technique of data security by means of process data and process an encryption method so that the data can not be read directly, especially by unauthorized parties. Encryption process uses an algorithm commonly used in cryptography. There are many cryptographic algorithms that can be implemented for the encryption for data and information that we had a safe.

Computer security is a preventive activity of crimes using as a medium. Security needed include physical security (infrastructure danpendukung server room), access security (human users), data security (viruses and data theft) and the security of the computers operating system. In building a computer security should consider confidentialy, integrity, authentication, non-repudiation and availability.[1] Data and information become the target of attacks by parties who are not responsible so it is necessary to maintain the integrity of data and information.[2]

Deskresy.com is a container or a place used to promote creativity in a village in the form of information - information about the product or the development of a village into the Internet, the website is also useful to be able to build the economy of the village. This website consists of several parts such as the home menu, login menu, and some other villages keratifitas information. weakness that often occurs within a website is the security of user data, password data in place must be guarded or protected and confidential.[3]data security factors are very important and must be considered. MD5 algorithm is a message-digest algorithm invented by Professor Ronald Rivest of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). When the performance of the predecessor MD4 MD5 algorithm which started unsafe, then MD5 was built in 1991 as the MD4 algorithm. MD5 hash along a 128-bit (16-byte), message digest .md5 displayed in 32-digit hexadecimal number.[4]MD5 has been utilized in various security applications and MD5 are also commonly used for testing the integrity of the data. MD5 algorithm is widely used for various purposes dalma create security on applications, it is often used to help falidasi login to the system using the password stored in the database. In order to add value to the security of a system.

2. Theory

2.1 cryptography

Based on the words that form of 'Crypto' which means secret, and 'graphy', meaning writing could mean that cryptography is secret writing or by word Laian post whose secret nature such that only those eligible are able to translate his writings. William Stallings defines cryptography as 'the art and science of keeping messages secure'.[5]

a. Terminology Cryptography

Keripstografi terminology is the process of taking the message into code, through a message, then the sender and recipient, the encryption and description, and others - others, PM is the data or information that can be read and understood its meaning. Another name for the message is called plaintext or clear text (cleartext). So that the message is not understood by the other party in such a way dibat sehinggatidak need not be understood. An encrypted message is called ciphertext or cryptogram. Ciphertext must be transformed back into plainteks. Sender is an entity that sends a message. Receiver (receiver) that receives the message. Entities can be people, machines, credit cards and sebagainya.Proses encrypt the plaintext into chiperteks called encryption (encryption). whereas the process of restoring the ciphertext into plaintext is called decryption (decryption). Also called cipher cryptographic algorithm that rules for enchipering and dechipering, or a mathematical function used for encryption and decryption. Cryptanalysis (cryptanalysis) is the science and art to solve chiperteks into plaintext without knowing the given key. The culprit is called cryptanalyst. Cryptology (cryptology) is the study of cryptography and cryptanalysis.[6]Cryptography is widely used to maintain the aspect of information security. One function of cryptography that can ensure the integrity of data that is downloaded from the Internet MD5 hash function.[7]

2.2 algorithms .md5

MD5 is a one-way hash function, which mengubaharbitrary-length message into a fixed output of 128 bits.

Inputblok divided into several blocks of 512 bits (sixteen 32-bitkata-word, denoted by Xj, where j indicates the number of blocks). Merekadiproses separately with the highest priority X0. Inputpesan required when the length of the message tidakkongruen with 512.[8]

Modifications to any changes to the original data, even if only one byte is modified, will make a significant difference in the value of MD5. Very difficult to find documents that have the same MD5 value.[9]

a. Extra bits booster

The first process is done is add a message wi








Deskresy.com是一个容器或地方,用来促进创意在一个村庄的形式信息-把一个村庄的产品或发展信息放到互联网上,网站对能够建设这个村庄的经济也是有用的。本网站由几个部分组成,如首页菜单、登录菜单,以及一些其他村庄的角化信息。网站内经常发生的弱点是用户数据的安全性,密码数据在适当的地方必须加以保护或保密。[3]数据安全因素非常重要,必须加以考虑。MD5算法是麻省理工学院(MIT)的Ronald Rivest教授发明的一种消息摘要算法。当MD5算法的前身MD4的性能开始不安全时,则MD5在1991年被构建为MD4算法。MD5沿着128位(16字节)的消息摘要。MD5以32位16进制数显示。[4]MD5已被应用于各种安全应用中,MD5也常用于测试数据的完整性。MD5算法被广泛用于各种目的的dalma在应用程序上创建安全,它常被用来帮助falidasi使用密码登录到系统中存储在数据库中。为了增加系统安全性的价值。




密码学是秘密写作或由文字Laian张贴其秘密性质,这样只有合格的人才能翻译他的作品。William Stallings将密码学定义为“保存的艺术和科学”信息安全”。[5]









第一个过程所做的是添加一个消息与数字位助推器,使消息的长度(在对512取模等于448。首先,消息被赋予额外的长度成为k位,diamana k = 512N-64bit.[10]



c .初始化缓冲

md5的例子是A = 01,234,567, B =89ABCDEF, C = FEDCBA98, D = 7654321万。


函数fF, FG, FH和fI是一个用32位大小操作输入a, b, c和d的函数。





记录示例username = grace,然后转换为十六进制,如下所示:



2) Hexa = 72 61 74 61 68 6D

3)明文= 48位长。

4)位长助力器=(模448 512)- 48 = 400

01110010 01100001 01101000 01101101

01100001 01110100 10000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

00000000 00000000 00000000

5)因此,明文(P) =

72 61 68 6d 61 74 31 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00



1) paal (Hexa) = 72 61 74 61 68 6D

2) Pawal(二进制)= 01110010 01100001 01101000 01101101 01100001 01110100

3)原始消息的长度= 48位

4)因此,P = 72 61 68 6 d 31 61 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 00 00 00 00


对于某些版本的MD5,初始化阶段的初始值与某些初始值不同指定,A = 01,234,567, B = 89ABCDEF, C = FEDCBA98, D = 7654321万。

d. md5处理

函数fF, FG, FH和fI是一个用32位大小操作输入a, b, c和d的函数。

则T [i]的值见下表。这些由函数232 x abs (sin (i))组织,i在弧度。


第一轮:a = b ((a F (b, c, d) X [k] T[我])lt; lt; lt;年代)

在输入F (b, c, d) = (b c) (~ b) d时使用的函数

FF (a, b, c, d, x [0], 0xD76AA478)

FF: a = 01234567, b = 89abcdef, c = fedcba98, d = 7654321万,x0 = 6d686172,

s = 7, Ti = d76aa478

F = (89abcdef fedcba98) ((~ 89abcdef) 76543.21万)

= (88888888) (76543210)

= fedcba98

A F (b, c, d) x0 ti = 01,234,567 fedcba98 6d686172 d76aa478

144d305e9 mod = 232

= 44d305e9 = 0100 0100 1101 0011 0000 0101 1110 1001

CLSS (a F (b, c, d) x0 Ti)

CLS7 (44d305e9) = 1101 1001 1111 1000 1101 1100 0001 0010

= 9 d6ba622

= B d9f8dc12

= (89abcdef d9f8dc12) mod 232

= 13 eed568

密文= ABCD = af2a4c9d 9d6ba622 4c4956ec 13eed568。
















要实现安全systemData登录使用算法md5 deskresy.com的应用程序,使用web编程语言构建。Web编辑器所使用的是Dreamweaver、Deramweaver等Adobe系统软件的输出,用于构建和设计网站。这个系统需要运行这个软件,因为它很需要danperangkat。本研究的实施结果如下:












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