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有效的医疗技术维护管理将影响到医疗服务的质量和医疗机构的盈利能力。约旦的医疗设备维修缺乏客观的优先次序制度;因此,系统对设备停机对病人发病率和死亡率的影响不敏感。目前的工作提出了一个新的软件系统(EQUI- MEDCOMP),旨在实现对医疗技术维护管理的有效改进。该工单优先级排序模型通过计算每个请求的不同优先级索引对医疗维护请求进行排序。这个模型利用若干约旦医院的维修需求来评估其绩效。事实证明,该系统在基于提供医疗服务能力和患者结果的设备停机时间最小化方面非常有效。此外,还采用了一个预防性维护优化模块和一个设备质量控制系统。因此,该系统有望提高医疗设备的可靠性,显著提高安全性和成本效益。


在医院内安全、有效和经济地使用医疗设备需要跟踪每一个独立的设备。医院中需要跟踪和管理的医疗设备数量从小型社区医院的1 000个设备到大型学术医疗中心的1万多个[1]。王等人指出,医疗设备停机最常见的原因是缺乏维护、规划和管理。因此,他们对医疗设备纳入标准以及统计技术在医疗设备管理计划中的应用进行了广泛的讨论和审查[2,3]。医疗设备管理在资源和替代品稀缺的发展中国家尤其重要,因此,建立一个精心设计的设备控制和管理系统成为了很重要的一个部分。这可以通过使用计算机维修管理系统(CMMSs)作为基本信息资源来实现,为技术管理人员提供大量的支持性相关信息,并协助管理人员进行决策[1]。






本研究提出了一种智能医疗设备管理系统EQUIMEDCOMP。该系统使用Microsoft Visual Basic (version 6)进行编程,如图1a和b所示为EQUIMEDCOMP的总体流程图,其中显示了系统的各个模块、工具、方程和数据库,以及它们之间的关系。


图1 a: EQUIMEDCOMP系统流程图,演示了设备库存子系统的功能。演示了各种命令(显示为图标)以及它们与数据库或表(显示为柱面)的连接。b: EQUIMEDCOMP系统流程图,演示了工作订单优先排序、PM调度和质量控制子系统










表 1 按功能和位置分配给设备的值

Equipment function (EF)


Numeric value

Therapeutic - Life-support


Therapeutic - Surgical or Intensive Care

Therapeutic - Physical Therapy or Treatment

Diagnostic - Surgical or Intensive Care Monitoring

Diagnostic - Other physiological monitoring





Analytical – Laboratory


Analytical - Computer and related


Miscellaneous - Patient-related


Miscellaneous - Non-patient related


Location of equipment use (L)


Numeric value

Anesthetizing Locations


Critical Care Areas, Operational Rooms


Wet Locations/Labs/Exam Areas


General Patient Care Areas


Non-Patient Care Areas


Table 2 根据医院负荷、请求时间以及到该设备的最近备选设备的距离给


J Med Syst (2012) 36:557–567 DOI 10.1007/s10916-010-9501-4


An Intelligent Healthcare Management System: A New Approach in Work-order Prioritization for Medical Equipment Maintenance Requests

Naser Hamdi amp; Rami Oweis amp; Hamzeh Abu Zraiq amp; Denis Abu Sammour

Received: 16 February 2010 /Accepted: 20 April 2010 /Published online: 4 May 2010 # Springer Science Business Media, LLC 2010

Abstract The effective maintenance management of medical technology influences the quality of care delivered and the profitability of healthcare facilities. Medical equipment maintenance in Jordan lacks an objective prioritization system; consequently, the system is not sensitive to the impact of equipment downtime on patient morbidity and mortality. The current work presents a novel software system (EQUI- MEDCOMP) that is designed to achieve valuable improvements in the maintenance management of medical technology. This work-order prioritization model sorts medical maintenance requests by calculating a priority index for each request. Model performance was assessed by utilizing maintenance requests from several Jordanian hospitals. The system proved highly efficient in minimizing equipment downtime based on healthcare delivery capacity, and, consequently, patient outcome. Additionally, a preventive maintenance optimization module and an equipment quality control system are incorporated. The system is, therefore, expected to improve the reliability of medical equipment and significantly improve safety and cost-efficiency.

Keywords Biomedical technology management . Work-order prioritization . Preventive maintenance . Quality control


Safe, effective, and economic use of medical devices within a hospital requires tracking each individual device. The

N. Hamdi (*) : R. Oweis : H. Abu Zraiq : D. Abu Sammour Biomedical Engineering Department,

Jordan University of Science and Technology,

Irbid, Jordan

e-mail: nhamdi@just.edu.jo

number of medical devices requiring tracking and management in a hospital may range from 1,000 devices for smaller community hospitals to over 10,000 for large, academic, medical centers [1]. Wang et al. have indicated that the most common cause of medical equipment downtime is poor maintenance, planning, and management. Consequently, they have extensively discussed and reviewed medical equipment inclusion criteria, as well as the application of statistical techniques, in medical equipment management plans [2, 3]. Medical equipment management is of particular importance in developing countries, where resources and alternatives are scarce, as such, the creation of a carefully-designed equipment control and management system can be of vital importance. This can be achieved by employing computerized maintenance management systems (CMMSs) as a fundamental information resource, providing the technology management staff with a wealth of support-related information as well as assisting management in decision making [1].

Additionally, as medical equipment becomes increasingly more sophisticated and plays a more crucial role in modern healthcare, maintenance and management issues demand ever-increasing attention. Development of CMMSs is essential for managers and engineers, not only to provide quick management solutions, but also to predict future outcomes based on historical equipment performance data. The most commonly employed methods of work-order prioritization for repair requests in Jordan are variants of the first-come, first-served (FCFS) method. While the FCFS approach might be acceptable for many applications, it is not always appropriate when applied to the healthcare sector, as is the case when a vital, life-support machine undergoes failure and, consequently, is out of service until the service work-order reaches the head of the queue. One approach to address these shortcomings requires that

J Med Syst (2012) 36:557–567


hospitals maintain a full-time equipment oversight committee to prioritize all maintenance requests. Unfortunately this is a time- and cost-intensive approach. Another approach suggests focusing on the risk posed by equipment failure on larger groups of patients, rather than focusing on the equipment with the highest maintenance demand [4]. Some authors have suggested categorizing systems according to their level of complexity as a guide for system management, optimization, and cost reduction, [5] as well as proposing a rule base for real-time equipment replacement prioritization [6]. While various commercial computerized maintenance management systems are available, [7] there is little objective published work available. The model presented herein relies on an intelligent work-order prioritization system. It enables the medical service provider to construct a real-time prioritized equipment service list for submitted maintenance requests based on various predefined factors such as equipment function, location of use, time since request was issued, availability and distance to nearest substitute, and the overall rate of equipment utilization.

Industrial maintenance management information technology systems have been in use for many years. The research has addressed equipment classification systems, preventive maintenance (PM) scheduling models, and work-order systems for prioritizing repair requests for industrial facilities and manufacturing companies, [8–12] but very few of these systems have addressed the specific needs of the healthcare management field. Commonly accepted maintenance policies include age-replacement PM, [13] as well as the periodic PM and sequential PM policies [14]. In the periodic PM policy, devices subject to degradation are maintained in fixed predefined time i



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