
 2023-01-12 10:39:17


[1]James Ward Brown,Ruel V. Churchll 《Complex Variables and Applications》 McGraw-Hill Companies.

[2] Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, George B 《Thomas. Thomasrsquo;calculus : early transcendentals》 Pearson Education.


关键词:构造图形; 具体; 实数;定积分

















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在本节中我们定义了立体的体积利用截面面积。一个截面一个固体的平面区域相交的平面形成的(图6.1)。我们目前获得适当的截面发现三种不同的方法一个特定的固体的体积:纵向截面法,底面法,和垫圈法。如果我们想计算一个如图6.1中的固体的度量。我们开始通过扩展经典几何定义圆柱固体选取圆柱任意底面。如果有一个已知的圆柱体,已知底面积和高度,然后求圆柱形固体的体积有. 我们在该方程形式的基础上定义的体积的许多不规则固体的度量,如图6.1。如果固体在区间各点的横截面,是一个地区的面积,和一个是的连续函数,我们可以定义计算固体的体积为一个定积分。我们现在表明通过纵向截面法得到了该定积分。 图6.1









定义 固体体积由截面区域积分得到将从到是从到的积分,













[1]James Ward Brown,Ruel V. Churchll. Complex Variables and Applications [M].New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008:16-19.

[2] Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, George B. Thomas. Thomasrsquo;calculus : early transcendentals [M] Boston: Pearson Education, 2001:345-346.


《Complex Variables and Applications》[1]


Let and be coordinates of the point that corresponds to a nonzero complex number.Sinceand,the numbercan be written in polar form as

If,the coordinates is undefined ;and so it is understood that whenever polar coordinates are used.

In complex analysis ,the real number is not allowed to be negative and is the length of the radius vector for;that is, .The real number represents the angle, measured in radians ,that makes with the positive real axis when is interpreted as a radius vector(Fig.6).As in calculus , has an infinite number of possible values, including negative ones, that differ by integral multiples of.Those value can be determined from the equation ,where the quadrant containing the point corresponding to must be specified. Each value of is called an argument of ,and the set of all such values is denoted by .The principal value of ,denoted by,is that unique value such that .Evidently, then,

Also, when is a negative real number, has value ,not.


Example 1. The complex number , which lies in the third quadrant, has principal argument . That is,


It must be emphasized that because of the restriction of the principal argument , it is not true that .

According to equation (2),


Note that the term on the right-hand side of equation (2) can be replaced by any particular value of and that one can write, for instance,

The symbol,or ,is defined by means of Eulerrsquo;s formula as


Where is to be measured in radians. It enables one to write the polar form(1) more compactly in exponential form as


The choice of the symbol will be fully motivated later on Sec.29. Its use in Sec.7 will, however, suggest that it is a natural choice.

Example 2.The number in Example 1 has exponential form


With the agreement that , this can also be written . Expression(5) is, of course, only one of an infinite number of possibilities for the exponential form of ;


Note how expression(4) with tells us that the numbers lie on the circle centered at the origin with radius unity, as shown in Fig.7. Values of are, then, immediate from that figure, without reference to Eulerrsquo;s formula. It is, for instance, geometrically obvious that

, , and .

Note, too, that the equation


is a parametric representation of the circle , centered at the origin with radius .As the parameter increases from to , the point starts from the positive real axis and traverses the circle once in the counterclockwise direction. More generally, the circle ,whose center is and whose radius is , has the parametric representation


This can be seen vectorially (Fig.8) by noting that a point traversing the circl




[1]James Ward Brown,Ruel V. Churchll. Complex Variables and Applications [M].New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008.

[2] Maurice D. Weir, Joel Hass, George B. Thomas. Thomasrsquo;calculus : early transcendentals [M] Boston: Pearson Education, 2001.


《Complex Variables and Applications》[1]


Let and be coordinates of the point that corresponds to a nonzero complex number.Sinceand,the numbercan be written in polar form as

If,the coordinates is undefined ;and so it is understood that whenever polar coordinates are used.

In complex analysis ,the real number is not allowed to be negative and is the length of the radius vector for;that is, .The real number represents the angle, measured in radians ,that makes with the positive real axis when is interpreted as a radius vector(Fig.6).As in calculus , has an infinite number of possible values, including negative ones, that differ by integral multiples of.Those value can be determined from the equation ,where the quadrant containing the point corresponding to must be specified. Each value of is called an argument of ,and the set of all such values is denoted by .The principal value of ,denoted by,is that unique value such that .Evidently, then,

Also, when is a negative real number, has value ,not.


Example 1. The complex number , which lies in the third quadrant, has principal argument . That is,


It must be emphasized that because of the restriction of the principal argument , it is not true that .

According to equation (2),


Note that the term on the right-hand side of equation (2) can be replaced by any particular value of and that one can write, for instance,

The symbol,or ,is defined by means of Eulerrsquo;s formula as


Where is to be measured in radians. It enables one to write the polar form(1) more compactly in exponential form as


The choice of the symbol will be fully motivated later on Sec.29. Its use in Sec.7 will, however, suggest that it is a natural choice.

Example 2.The number in Example 1 has exponential form


With the agreement that , this can also be written . Expression(5) is, of course, only one of an infinite number of possibilities for the exponential form of ;


Note how expression(4) with tells us that the numbers lie on the circle centered at the origin with radius unity, as shown in Fig.7. Values of are, then, immediate from that figure, without reference to Eulerrsquo;s formula. It is, for instance, geometrically obvious that

, , and .

Note, too, that the equation


is a parametric representation of the circle , centered at the origin with radius .As the parameter increases from to , the point starts from the positive real axis and traverses the circle once in the counterclockwise direction. More generally, the circle ,whose center is and whose radius is , has the parametric representation


This can be seen vectorially (Fig.8) by noting that a point traversing the circle once in the counterclockwise direction corresponds to the sum of the fixed vector and a vector of length whose angle of inclination varies from to .

《Thomasrsquo;calculus : early transcendentals》[2]


OVERVIEW In Chapter 5 we saw that a continuous function over a closed interval has a

definite integral, which is the limit of any Riemann sum for the function. We proved that

we could evaluate definite integrals using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. We also

found that the area under a curve and the area between two curves could be computed as

definite integrals.

In this chapter we extend the applications of definite integrals to finding volumes,

lengths of plane curves, and areas of surfaces of revolution. We also use integrals to

solve physical problems involving the work done by a force, the fluid force against a

planar wall, and the location of an objectrsquo;s center of mass.

6.1 Volumes Using Cross-Sections

In this section we define volumes of solids using the areas of their cross-sections. A crosssection

of a solid S is the plane region formed by intersecting S with a plane (Figure 6.1).

We present three different methods for obtaining the cross-sections appropriate to finding

the volume of a particular solid: the method of slicing, the disk method, and the washer


Suppose we want to find the volume of a solid S like the one in Figure 6.1. We begin

by extending the definition of a cylinder from classical geometry to cylindrical solids with

arbitrary bases (Figure 6.2). If the cylindrical solid has a known base area A and height h,

then the volume of the cylindrical solid is

This equation forms the basis for defining the volumes of many solids that are not cylinders,

like the one in Figure 6.1. If the cross-section of the solidat each point in the interval

is a region of area, andis a continuous function of , we can define

and calculate the volume of the solid S as the definite integral of . We now show how

this integral is obtained by the method of slicing.

FIGURE 6.1 A cross-section of the

solidformed by intersectingwith a plane

perpendicular to the x-axis through the

pointin the interval .


Slicing by Parallel Planes

We partitioninto subintervals of width (length) and slice the solid, as we would a loaf of bread, by planes perpendicular to the x-axis at the partition points

The planesperpendicular to the x-axis at the partition points, sliceinto thin “sl



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