
 2023-01-10 14:41:56


原文作者 Tan Lu 单位 School of Economics,Yangtze University


关键词:水污染; 外部效应; 产权控制;中国




1.1水质迅速恶化,中国政府历来更注重对环境的污染,并投入了大量的人力,物力和财力资源,解决环境污染,特别是水污染,但环境污染的控制效果并不好。城市功能区与水质达标的比例降低,超过80%的河流受到污染。目前,中国约有3.2亿农村居民饮用不安全的水,35.6%的饮用水源没有规范标准。其中,44%的河流,77%的湖泊,23%的水库没有达到标准。在中国的1073个乡镇监测点中,25%的地表饮用水源水质不能达到标准。其他地下水源遭到严重污染,115个监控点的地下水源35%的水质不能达到标准。在中国,不到11%的居民能够喝上满足中国卫生标准的放心水,地表水富营养化和地下水水质的恶化频繁发生。此外,65%的人饮用了含氟,砷或其它有毒物质的不干净的水。同时,2亿人喝自来水,7000万人饮用了含有高浓度的氟的水; 3000万人饮用了含有高浓度的硝酸盐的水; 1.1亿人饮用了高硬度水。更为严重的是,在中国几乎所有的湖泊都受到了严重污染。此外,七大水系中黄河,长江和松花江水质出现下降的趋势。河流和湖泊的恶性污染事故屡有发生。水体的纳污能力已经达到了极限。


1.3中国是世界上浪费用水情况最为严重的国家之一,在农业生产中浪费了大量的水资源。目前,传统的农业灌溉方法,例如河流运输灌溉方式仍广泛的在中国使用,但是超过一半的灌溉水在运输过程中流失,所以只有40%的灌溉水能够有效地得到利用,利用率还不到发达国家的50%。由于纺织工业技术与设备,中国工业用水量比发达国家高10-20倍。目前,每万元单位产值用水量是中国为103立方米,而美国是8立方米,日本是6立方米。中国工业用水重复利用率仅为55%。而在发达国家达到了75% - 85%。另外,水的浪费也是在日常生活中非常严重的。据统计,北京市清洁车用水量相当于一个昆明湖或六个北海的水储存量。同时,在北京市一年内有36万吨的水被泄露出去。












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外文文献出处:Meteorological and Environmental Research , 气象与环境研究(英文版), 编辑部邮箱, 2014年01期 P66-68



Study on Water Pollution and Control in China

Tan Lu

School of Economics,Yangtze University. Jingzhou 434023,China


In recent years,water pollution has become increasingly serious in China.Meanwhile,decrease of water bodies in quality,frequent pollution incidents,safety of drinking water and water shortage have become prominent day by day.However,water pollution can not be controlled effectively.To clear underlying reasons for increasingly worsening water environment,the external effects of pollution behavior and fictitious property right of pollution control bodies were analyzed using property right theory,and then internal reasons for serious water pollution were discussed. Finally,control measures of water pollution were put forward.

Key words: Water pollution; External effect;Control of property rights; China


With the rapid development of Chinas economy,water shortage has become a key factor limiting sustainable development of Chinas economy at present,but large amounts of water has been polluted in China,so water pollution can not be ignored. According to data provided by the Ministry of Water Resources,water pollution is very serious in China,and the proportion of water superior to Gra




Study on Water Pollution and Control in China

Tan Lu

School of Economics,Yangtze University. Jingzhou 434023,China


In recent years,water pollution has become increasingly serious in China.Meanwhile,decrease of water bodies in quality,frequent pollution incidents,safety of drinking water and water shortage have become prominent day by day.However,water pollution can not be controlled effectively.To clear underlying reasons for increasingly worsening water environment,the external effects of pollution behavior and fictitious property right of pollution control bodies were analyzed using property right theory,and then internal reasons for serious water pollution were discussed. Finally,control measures of water pollution were put forward.

Key words: Water pollution; External effect;Control of property rights; China


With the rapid development of Chinas economy,water shortage has become a key factor limiting sustainable development of Chinas economy at present,but large amounts of water has been polluted in China,so water pollution can not be ignored. According to data provided by the Ministry of Water Resources,water pollution is very serious in China,and the proportion of water superior to Grade III increases from 80% in the 1980s to present 29% .Meanwhile,there has been more and more domestic water exceeding the national standard,because groundwater has become contaminated in over half of cities in China.If this problem can not be solved as quickly as possible,it will greatly affect Urban and rural residents living environment as well as sustainable development of Chinas economy and society.

1 Present situation of water pollution in China

1.1 Rapid deterioration of water quality.The Chinese government always pays more attention to environmental pollution and invests a lot of manpower,material and financial resources in the solution to environmental pollution,especially water contamination,but the control effect of environmental pollution is not good.The proportion of urban functional areas with water quality reaching the standard decreases,and more than 80% of rivers have been polluted.At present,about 0.32 billion rural people drink unsafe water in China,and 35.6% of drinking water sources have no standard functions.Among them,44% ,77% and 23% of rivers,lakes and reservoirs can not reach the standard.Among 1073 monitored towns in China,water quality of 25% of surface drinking water sources can not reach the standard.Other groundwater sources suffer serious pollution,and water quality of 35% of 115 monitored groundwater sources can not reach the standard.In China,less than 11% of peoples drink safe water meeting Chinas health standards,and surface water eutrophication and gradual deterioration of groundwater quality occur frequently.In addition,65% of people drink unclean water containing fluorine,arsenic or other toxic substances.Meanwhile,0.2 billion people drink running water;70 million people drink water containing high concentrations of fluorine;30 million people drink water containing high concentrations of nitrate;0.11 billion people drink high-hardness water.More seriously,almost all lakes in China have been polluted seriously.Moreover,water quality of seven major river systems like the Yellow River,Yangtze River and Songhua River shows a decrease trend.Malignant pollution incidents of rivers and lakes happened frequently.The pollutant carrying capacity of water bodies has reached their limits.

1.2 Ineffective control of water pollution Through the joint efforts of governments at all levels and environmental departments,2003 sewage treatment plants have been built in China by 2010,which can treat more than 90 million m3 of sewage every day,and both specifically-designed cities in the state plan and capital cities have sewage treatment plants.The central government pays more attention to the control of water pollution and make considerable process,but water pollution is still serious.Moreover,only a small area of sewage has been treated,and sewage production is far faster than the increase of treatment capacity,current sewage treatment plants have high operating cost and low efficiency.By the end of 2010,106 administratively designated cities have no sewage treatment plants,mainly distributing in the northeast,middle and west of China.Sewage in about 65% of counties in China has not been treatment,while more than 95% of towns have no sewage treatment measures.

1.3 Serious water waste China,a country using maximum,is one of countries with most serious water waste.Water consumption is large in agriculture which wastes large amounts of water.At present,traditional agricultural irrigation methods like water transportation by an earth canal and broad irrigation are still used in China,and half of irrigation water is lost during the transportation process,so only 40% of irrigation water can be utilized effectively,not accounting for 50% of that of a developed country.Due to legging industrial technologies and facilities,industrial water consumption of China is 10-20 times more than that of a developed country.Presently,water consumption per unit output value of ten thousand yuan is 103 m3 in China,8 m3 in America and 6 m3 in Japan.The ratio of industrial water reuse is only 55% in China,but 75%- 85% in developed countries.In addition,water waste is also serious in daily life.According to statistics,water consumption for cleaning cars in Beijing City during a year is equivalent to water storage of more than one Kunming Lake or six the North Sea.Meanwhile,0.36 million t of water is leaked in Beijing City during a year.

2 Reasons for serious water pollution

2.1 Local governments put one-sided emphasis



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