
 2023-01-10 14:41:36


原文作者 HAO Jiming , WANG Shuxiao , LU Yongqi , HE Kebin


关键词: 二氧化硫、烟气脱硫、火电厂




表1 中国发电装机容量(1949-1998)



表2 火电厂二氧化硫和粉尘的排放








表3 全国各燃料发电厂的所占的比例


在中国,大量小规模的工厂使用落后工艺和排放出大量的污染物。1995,全国燃煤发电机组中有81.5%是那些单机容量超过100兆瓦,图4。1998年底,总装机容量单位,容量小于50兆瓦大于44 吉瓦,其中包括约15 吉瓦单位供热[ 4 ]。平均煤耗供电的这些小单位约500 -666克/千瓦时,超过200克/千瓦时的标准。这些小功率单向的可使用的以下问题:




表4 火力发电厂的容量组合


在1980,煤炭使用率在中国(448克/千瓦时)的电力供应比相比于在日本(339克/千瓦时),多消耗煤炭约1/ 4。虽然这些年中国在提高能源效率和供电煤耗率降低做了很大的努力,但是仍比其他国家高得多[ 5 ]。





该法规贯穿第九个五年计划和国家环境保护提交国家碳排放总量控制计划。主要污染物的控制目标,其中电力行业要求建设至少10千瓦脱硫设施,使得从1995年的耗率409克/千瓦时 降低到2000年的365克/千瓦时。














4.1 脱硫工艺选择








4. 2烟气脱硫的可能性和经济性










[1 ] State Environmental Protection Administration ( SEPA). Bulletin of environmental quality in China 1998 [ Z]. SEPA, Beijing , China. (in Chinese)

[2 ] Electricity Ministry of People s Republic of China. Development of China s Electricity Industry and Environmental Protection 1997 [M ]. China Electricity Press, Beijing , 1998. ( in Chinese)

[3 ] Wang Zhixuan. Stat us and prospect of environment protection of China s electric pow er [ J]. China Electric Pow er, 1999, 32( 10): 46 51. ( in Chinese)

[4 ] Jiang Zhesheng . Implement the policy of optimizing thermal power mix , promote sustainable power development [ J]. China Pow er , 1999, 32( 10): 15 20. ( in Chinese)

[5 ] Fan Weitang . Decrease of energy consumption and energy conservation [ J]. Shanxi Energy and Energy Conservation, 1999, 12( 1): 7 12. (in Chinese)


Tsinghua Science and Technology 2000 03 P252-261.




Study on SO2 Emission Mitigation of

Thermal Power Plants in China

HAO Jiming (郝吉明) , WANG Shuxiao (王书肖) , LUYongqi (陆永琪) , HE Kebin (贺克斌)

Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


With the rapid development of electricity production , SO2 from coal -fired power stations causes severe air pollution problem. In 1997, the SO2 emitted from thermal power plants reached

7. 0Mt , accounting for about 33% of the national emissions . At present and in the future , thermal power stations will still be the primary pollution sources . The Chinese government and power departments accord considerable importance to the SO2 emissions from thermal power plants . New sets of environmentally friendly policies have been formulated. But , enforcement of laws and regulations needs to be further improved and broadened , especially those responding to market conditions . This paper focuses particular attention on the analysis of strategy ,policies , and measures that have been or should be taken against SO2emissions from thermal power plants so as to achieve the environmental protection targets , on the basis of which the technical options for the future are given.

Key words:  SO2reduction; thermal power plants ; flue gas desulfurization


With the development of economics, China faces the challenge of severe air pollution. As one of the largest coal consumers in the world, coal accounts for over 70% in China s energy production and consumption mix , which has caused serious SO2 and acid rain pollution inurban a reas. In 1998, national SO2 emission was about 20. 87 Mt in China , of which 87% came from coal combustion[1] .In over 70% cities nation wide,urban atmospheric quality violated the third class of national air quality standard, which seriously threatened public health. Severe acid depositions appear in wide areas south ward to Yangtze River and eastward to Tibet Plateau. China has became the third acid precipitation area following North America and Europe.

As the largest coal consumer, the electricity power industry in China developed rapidly in the past fifty y ears. The total installed capacity and annual generation increased respectively from 1850 MW and 4. 3 billion kWh in 1949 to 277 GW and 1157 TWh in 1998[2] , Fig. 1. In China, it is determined by natural resources that thermal power plant s, of which over 95% are coal-fired units, account for 75. 6% of the total unit capacity. Therefore, with the rapid development of electricity production, the flue gas from coal fired power stations causes the severe air pollution problem.

Fig . 1  Install ed capacity and generation in China ( 1950—1998 )

1 Current Situation and Forecast of SO2 Emissions from Thermal Power Stations

Since the 1980s, China s power department had been emphasizing the control of particulate matters so that the number of electro static preci pitators ( ESP) increased continuously. The emissions of particles were effectively cont rolled and decreased from 3. 99 Mt in 1980 to 3. 30 Mt in 1998 while installed power capacity increased about3 times[3] . But , the emissions of SO2 increased rapidly with the growth of installed capacity, as shown in Fig. 2. In 1995, the SO2 emissions from thermal power plants reached 6. 4 Mt , accounting for about 35% of the national industry emissions. It can be seen that thermal power plant s have been one o f the largest SO2 emission sources.

Fig. 2 SO2 and dust emissions from thermal power plant

In 1995, the SO2 emissions from thermal power plants were 6. 4 Mt, of which 2. 74 Mt was from East China, 2. 25 Mt from Central China, and the other 1. 29 Mt from West China. Figure 3 displays the distribution of SO2 emissions from thermal pow er plant s in China. It is show n that ,most power plants are concentrated in East China and Central China and SO2 emissions are high, while in West China there are few er pow er plants and SO2 emissions are much lower.

It can be concluded that thermal power plant s would become the largest SO2 emission source in the future in China and badly affect the air environment. Obviously, the power sector is the principal air pollution source in China. In order to control air pollution in the whole country, i t is imperative to control the SO2 emissions from the electric power sector. The study on the control of SO2 pollution from thermal power stations is of great importance and practical significance.

2 Analysis of Reasons for the Large SO2 Emissions

2. 1 Coal-dominated fuel mix for generation

China s power industry is based on low-cost, plentiful domestic energy resources and low-cost, locally made power generation technologies. Coal has been historically view ed as plentiful and cheap, and China has been able to produce some o f the world s least expensive coal-fired power plants.Therefore, coal now supplies the vast majority of China s power production.

Thermal power plant s, almost all of them coal-fired, accounted for over three-quarters of Chinas installed capacity in 1998, Fig. 3. Hydro-and nuclear power provided about 24% and 3% of the capacity, respectively. Coal consumption for thermal pow er stations constituted 39% of total coal consumption, which is one major reason for large SO2 emissions.

Fig. 3  Fuel mi x f or electricity production i n 1998

2. 2 Unreasonable capacity mix

In China , large amounts o f small-scale plants use the laggard process and emit a great deal of pollutants. In 1995, there w ere 2910 coal-fired power unit s nation wide, of which 81. 5% were those with unit capacity less than 100 MW, Fig



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