儿童图画书中的信息可视化 非凡的视野:九十年代的图画书外文翻译资料

 2023-01-04 10:04:56



原作者: Anderson, Richard 单位:CANADIAN Library Association











Allen, S. and Lindaman, J. (2008). Used Any Numbers Lately? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Appelt, K. (2002). Where, Where Is Swamp Bear? New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Burkhard, R.A. (2005). Knowledge Visualization (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from DISS. ETH No. 15918.

de Saint-Exupeacute;ry, A. (1995). The Little Prince. (I. Testot-Ferry, trans.). London: Wordsworth Classics.

Grossnickle Hines, Anna. (2010). I Am a Backhoe. New York: Tricycle Press.

Large, A. et al. (2009). “Developing a Visual Taxonomy: Childrenrsquo;s Views on Aesthetics.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (90), pp. 1808-22.

Lysaker, J.T. (2006). “Young Childrenrsquo;s Readings of Wordless Picture Books: Whatrsquo;s Self Got to Do with It?” Journal of Childhood Literacy 6 (1), pp. 33-55.

Pantaleo, S.J. (2007). “rsquo;Everything Comes from Seeing Thingsrsquo;: Narrative and Illustrative Play in Black and White.” Childrenrsquo;s Literature in Education 38, pp. 45-58.

Play Bac Publishers (2008). Baby Eye Like Blue. New York: Play Bac Publishing USA, Inc.

Schnotz, W. and Kuuml;rschner, C. (2008). “External and Internal Representations in the Acquisition and Use of Knowledge: Visualization Effects on Mental Model Construction. Intr Sci 36, pp. 175-90.

Wiesner, D. (1991). Tuesday. New York: Clarion.

外文文献出处:Feliciter. 2011, Vol. 57 Issue 4, p138-140. 3p.



原作者:Dilys Evans





这些现代洞穴绘画以街头壁画、雕塑和绘画的形式出现,并装饰着各种日常事物。1986,哈林的裂缝是Wack!壁画,画在东哈莱姆游乐场的墙上,因“行为不检”而从该市罚款二十五美元。然而,它向儿童发出的信息是强有力的,并不断提醒人们注意毒品的危险。他的全色钢铁雕塑站在达格·哈马舍尔德广场(Dag Hammarskjold Plaza),以一种鲜明的嬉戏气氛描绘着他著名的吠犬,他的背上有四个孩子,一个是绿色、红色、蓝色和黄色的。基思·哈林于1990年2月死于艾滋病,但他的形象依然存在。








儿童图书世界也在经历着剪纸和拼贴的复兴,与其他媒体混在一起,有时还与发现的物品结合在一起。由Jeannie Baker创建的窗口(Greenwillow)在视觉上令人惊叹,它的环境信息因贝克对拼贴建筑的非凡使用而变得更加真实。这本无言的图画书以图形的方式描绘了荒野的逐渐毁灭,并以象征性的图像记录并阐明了一个男孩生命的逝去岁月。这本书的背景是澳大利亚的乡村,书的开头是小山姆在母亲怀里看着窗外的荒野和蓝天。灌木丛很茂密,远处有一只袋鼠正往喝东西的地方,树架着一个蓝色的小池塘。后院里有鸟儿在飞翔,还有一只橙色的猫。窗口本身就是一个设计元素,它的特点是放置在窗台上的物体显示了时间的流逝。同时,窗框呈现出景观,其变化速度令人震惊。树木和灌木丛被清除,新房子的房子,当一张生日贺卡,山姆的第四年出现在窗台上,窗框一条铺好的道路与一辆过往的汽车和一所新的房子对面的街道。




Information Visualization in Childrenrsquo;s Picture Books

Abstract The article presents the piece of the Canadian library Associations (CLAs) winner for Student Article Contest which focuses on information visualization in picture books of children. It mentions that visualization encourages the reader to explore bigger amounts of information space. It argues that one can learn much by understanding how information in picture books operates.

Keywords INFORMATION visualization;PICTURE books for children;VISUAL analytics;VISUAL perception;


The childrenrsquo;s classic The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupeacute;ry, begins with the narrator relating his first encounter with the title character. After crash-landing in Africa, the narrator is woken by a strange boy, who demands a drawing of a sheep. The narrator complies and offers

three attempts – all failures. The first looks sickly. The second attempt has horns; rams have horns, not sheep. The shee in the third drawing looks far too old. Finally, in exasperation, the narrator draws a box and explains that the sheep is inside the box, hidden from view. This portrait is perfect.

This brief exchange is a small, but compelling moment involving information visualization and childrenrsquo;s literature. The box is the ideal representation for the little prince. The desired information – this perfect sheep – is contained within the box. This sheep is then realized mentally by the little prince, the user of the information space. In other words, the needed information is embedded within the pictorial representation and then accessed through metaphor and visualization.

As defined by Burkhard (2005), information visualization investigates interactive computer-based methods as a means to facilitate the exploration of large amounts of data. This exploration lies in our innate abilities to process visual representations. The main challenge rests in understanding how traditionally non-visual data can be presented visually. Can data – baseball scores or library catalogue subject tags – be more readily engaged, manipulated and searched by a user if this data is offered in some non-textual, picture form? If so, what non-textual, picture form most appropriately enables this level of exploration?

These questions suggest an active relationship between information and user – a process that also speaks directly to the dialogue between picture books and the very young. Do picture books – a key subset of childrenrsquo;s materials – offer some insight into how we, at an early age, relate, engage and interact with information? Can an understanding of this relationship better inform an approach to the study of information visualization itself? This article discusses this process: how visualization develops visual literacy, exploration and identity – transforming illustrated childrenrsquo;s materials into information.

Visualization and information

Textual – or more traditional – methods for conveying potential information streams are not perfect, particularly for children. Indeed, young students who attempt to use the Internet for their studies often find their research hindered by their lack of sophistication in language manipulation and search-query formulation. These students stumble when complex textual skills and experience are needed (Large et al. 2009). For example, hierarchically arranged categories, where information progresses from the general to the more specific, might provide depths of searchable information. Unfortunately, as hierarchies create hidden quantities of information – students must drill down to find needed information – these solutions impose considerable cognitive load. Students need to possess powers of recall that are often beyond their abilities. Reducing hierarchical depth, offering information immediately accessible through broader lists, presents its own issues. While recall is not as important, students become bored with the time needed to browse long lists. Attention spans are compromised. Would taxonomies represented visually or pictorially, through metaphor, provide learning and information solutions?


Allen, S. and Lindaman, J. (2008). Used Any Numbers Lately? Minneapolis: Millbrook Press.

Appelt, K. (2002). Where, Where Is Swamp Bear? New York: HarperCollins Publishers.

Burkhard, R.A. (2005). Knowledge Visualization (doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from DISS. ETH No. 15918.

de Saint-Exupeacute;ry, A. (1995). The Little Prince. (I. Testot-Ferry, trans.). London: Wordsworth Classics.

Grossnickle Hines, Anna. (2010). I Am a Backhoe. New York: Tricycle Press.

Large, A. et al. (2009). “Developing a Visual Taxonomy: Childrenrsquo;s Views on Aesthetics.” Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 60 (90), pp. 1808-22.

Lysaker, J.T. (2006). “Young Childrenrsquo;s Readings of Wordless Picture Books: Whatrsquo;s Self Got to Do with It?” Journal of Childhood Literacy 6 (1), pp. 33-55.

Pantaleo, S.J. (2007). “rsquo;Everything Comes from Seeing Thingsrsquo;: Narrative and Illustrative Play in Black and White.” Childrenrsquo;s Literature in Education 38, pp. 45-58.

Play Bac Publishers (2008). Baby Eye Like Blue. New York:

Play Bac Publishing USA, Inc.

Schnotz, W. and Kuuml;rschner, C. (2008). “External and Internal Representations in the Acquisition and Use of Knowledge: Visualization Effects on Mental Model Construction. Intr Sci 36, pp. 175-90.

Wiesner, D. (1991). Tuesday. New York: Clarion


An extraordinary vision: Picture books of the nineties

Abstract The article discusses how picture books of the 1990s possess a unique look that is graphically bold and beautiful. The author reports on the many changes taking place in childrens p



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