
 2023-01-03 11:33:42

School related factors and 1yr change in physical activity amongst 9–11 year old English



Joyce A Mantjes1,2, Andrew P Jones2,4, Kirsten Corder4, Natalia R Jones2,4, Flo Harrison2,4, Simon J Griffin3,4and Esther MF van Sluijs3,4*



Background: Activity levels are known to decline with age and there is growing evidence of associations between

the school environment and physical activity. In this study we investigated how objectively measured one-year

changes in physical activity may be associated with school-related factors in 9- to 10-year-old British children.


背景:活动水平随着年龄增长而下降,越来越多的证据证明体育活动和学校环境之间存在关联。在这项研究中我们调查如何客观地衡量9 - 10岁的英国儿童在一年身体活动的变化可能与学校相关因素存在的联系。

Methods: Data were analysed from 839 children attending 89 schools in the SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity, and Eating behaviours: Environmental Determinants in Young People) study. Outcomes variables were one year changes in objectively measured sedentary, moderate, and vigorous physical activity, with baseline measures taken when the children were 9–10 years old. School characteristics hypothesised to be associated with change in physical activity were identified from questionnaires, grounds audits, and computer mapping. Associations were examined using simple and multivariable multilevel regression models for both school (9 am – 3 pm) and travel (8–9 am and 3–4 pm) time.


数据的分析是基于89所学校里839名参加学校高效运动(体育、物理运动和饮食均衡习惯:年轻人的环境决定因素)研究。测试样本是9-10岁的儿童,结果变量变化客观测量久坐不动的一年,温和和剧烈的身体活动下的变化。依据审计和利用电脑制图,根据学校的特点和身体活动的变化确定了问卷。利用简单检查和多元多层回归模型在学习时间(早上9点-下午3点)和校外时间(8 - 9点和下午3 - 4点)进行调查。

Results: Significant associations during school time included the length of the morning break which was found to be supportive of moderate (beta; coefficient: 0.68 [p: 0.003]) and vigorous (beta; coefficient: 0.52 [p: 0.002]) activities and helps to prevent adverse changes in sedentary time (beta; coefficient: -2.52 [p: 0.001]). During travel time, positive associations were found between the presence of safe places to cross roads around the school and changes in moderate (beta; coefficient: 0.83 [p:0.022]) and vigorous (beta; coefficient: 0.56 [p:0.001]) activity, as well as sedentary time (beta; coefficient: -1.61 [p:0.005]).Significant associations



Conclusion: This study suggests that having longer morning school breaks and providing road safety features such as cycling infrastructure, a crossing guard, and safe places for children to cross the road may have a role to play in supporting the maintenance of moderate and vigorous activity behaviours, and preventing the development of sedentary behaviours in children.


Keywords: Physical activity, School, Change, Children, Determinants



Despite the well-known health benefits of physical activity in children [1-3], activity levels are known to decline with age [4-8]. In the SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity, and Eating behaviours: Environmental Determinants in Young People) study, a longitudinal study of 9 to 10 year old British children which also forms the basis for the present analyses, a significant decrease in physical activity outside school was observed over a period as short as one year [9].



To prevent such declines, it is important to identify potential causal factors that may be driving

them. Social-ecological models of health suggest that the physical and policy environment contexts are likely to be an important driver of general health related behaviours [10] and physical activity specifically [11].


Given that children spend much of their time at school during significant parts of the year, social-ecological models posit that factors relating to the physical and policy environments of schools may be important determinants of their physical activity levels [12].


In two recent studies, features of the school environment have been significantly related to accelerometer counts in adolescent girls [13] and in primary school students [14]. Moreover, variation in physical activity between schools has been reported, with a distinction being apparent between those offering interschool physical activity programs [14]. Furthermore, cross-sectional positive associations have previously been observed between moderate and vigorous activity and the provision of school sports facilities and active travel infrastructure in the sample used for the present analyses (SPEEDY) [15].


Whilst the current evidence suggests that the school may be an important influence on activity levels, the cross-sectional nature of many studies is a limitation. Previous studies found a decline of physical activity as children get older, continuing into adolescence and adulthood [9,16,17]. However it is not known what factors are associated with this decline and hence how to prevent it. Few studies have been undertaken that attempt to identify potential environmental determinants of changes of


School related factors and 1yr change in physical activity amongst 9–11 year old English


Joyce A Mantjes1,2, Andrew P Jones2,4, Kirsten Corder4, Natalia R Jones2,4, Flo Harrison2,4, Simon J Griffin3,4and Esther MF van Sluijs3,4*


Background: Activity levels are known to decline with age and there is growing evidence of associations between

the school environment and physical activity. In this study we investigated how objectively measured one-year

changes in physical activity may be associated with school-related factors in 9- to 10-year-old British children.

Methods: Data were analysed from 839 children attending 89 schools in the SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity, and Eating behaviours: Environmental Determinants in Young People) study. Outcomes variables were one year changes in objectively measured sedentary, moderate, and vigorous physical activity, with baseline measures taken when the children were 9–10 years old. School characteristics hypothesised to be associated with change in physical activity were identified from questionnaires, grounds audits, and computer mapping. Associations were examined using simple and multivariable multilevel regression models for both school (9 am – 3 pm) and travel (8–9 am and 3–4 pm) time.

Results: Significant associations during school time included the length of the morning break which was found to be supportive of moderate (beta; coefficient: 0.68 [p: 0.003]) and vigorous (beta; coefficient: 0.52 [p: 0.002]) activities and helps to prevent adverse changes in sedentary time (beta; coefficient: -2.52 [p: 0.001]). During travel time, positive associations were found between the presence of safe places to cross roads around the school and changes in moderate (beta; coefficient: 0.83 [p:0.022]) and vigorous (beta; coefficient: 0.56 [p:0.001]) activity, as well as sedentary time (beta; coefficient: -1.61 [p:0.005]).Significant associations

Conclusion: This study suggests that having longer morning school breaks and providing road safety features such as cycling infrastructure, a crossing guard, and safe places for children to cross the road may have a role to play in supporting the maintenance of moderate and vigorous activity behaviours, and preventing the development of sedentary behaviours in children.

Keywords: Physical activity, School, Change, Children, Determinants


Despite the well-known health benefits of physical activity in children [1-3], activity levels are known to decline with age [4-8]. In the SPEEDY (Sport, Physical Activity, and Eating behaviours: Environmental Determinants in Young People) study, a longitudinal study of 9 to 10 year old British children which also forms the basis for the present analyses, a significant decrease in physical activity outside school was observed over a period as short as one year [9].

To prevent such declines, it is important to identify potential causal factors that may be driving

them. Social-ecological models of health suggest that the physical and policy environment contexts are likely to be an important driver of general health related behaviours [10] and physical activity specifically [11].

Given that children spend much of their time at school during significant parts of the year, social-ecological models posit that factors relating to the physical and policy environments of schools may be important determinants of their physical activity levels [12].

In two recent studies, features of the school environment have been significantly related to accelerometer counts in adolescent girls [13] and in primary school students [14]. Moreover, variation in physical activity between schools has been reported, with a distinction being apparent between those offering interschool physical activity programs [14]. Furthermore, cross-sectional positive associations have previously been observed between moderate and vigorous activity and the provision of school sports facilities and active travel infrastructure in the sample used for the present analyses (SPEEDY) [15].

Whilst the current evidence suggests that the school may be an important influence on activity levels, the cross-sectional nature of many studies is a limitation. Previous studies found a decline of physical activity as children get older, continuing into adolescence and adulthood [9,16,17]. However it is not known what factors are associated with this decline and hence how to prevent it. Few studies have been undertaken that attempt to identify potential environmental determinants of changes of physical activity in children, and none have had a specific focus on the role of the school [18]. This is despite the fact that there is some evidence of the potential

of school based interventions to increase physical activity in children and adolescents [19]. Successful interventions have included the redesign of school grounds, and the provision of additional play equipment and lessons to promote healthy behaviours [19-21]. These studies highlight the potentially important role schools may play in changing physical activity, as well as their untested potential in preventing declines in the first place.

With the growing evidence for associations between the school environment and physical activity, it is timely to consider how observed changes in physical activity in child cohorts may be associated with school-related factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to build upon our previous cross-sectional work examining the schoollevel correlates of physical activity in SPEEDY [15] by investigating the relationship between school policy and environment-related factors, and 1 year changes in objectively measured school time physical activity in 9- to 10-year-old British children.


Study design amp; sample

SPEEDY was set up to identify determinants of physical activity and dietary habits in 9–10 year ol



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