
 2022-12-31 12:36:33


原文作者:Jee Eun Park ,1,2 Byung-Soo Kim ,3 Ki Woong Kim ,1,4,5 Bong Jin Hahm ,1,2Jee Hoon Sohn ,1,6 Hye Won Suk ,7 Jun-Young Lee ,1,8 and Maeng Je Cho 1









摘要: 背景:目前没有关于韩国痴呆发病时间趋势的研究。我们报告了全因性痴呆和阿尔茨海默病(AD)痴呆的5年发病率及其相关性,并将我们的结果与在同一地区开展的12年前队列研究的结果进行了比较。方法:对751例社区老年人进行随访,平均随访时间为5.4年。全因性痴呆和阿尔茨海默病的年龄、性别和受教育程度的发病率按每1000人/年报告。我们进行了单变量和多变量Cox比例风险回归分析,以确定基线社会人口学、生活方式和临床变量是否与全因和AD痴呆的风险相关。采用12年前的队列研究进行描述性比较,以显示痴呆发病率的时间趋势。结果:全因痴呆和AD痴呆的发病率分别为16.2例/1000人年和13.0例/1000人年。轻度认知障碍的基线诊断使全因痴呆的5年发病率增加了4倍以上。老年人和低基线整体认知功能被认为是全因痴呆和AD痴呆的危险因素。结论:将结果与延川市早期队列研究的结果进行比较,在12年中,全因和AD痴呆的发生率降低了约40%。 这主要是由于老年人受教育程度的提高。为了估计韩国痴呆症的未来患病率,应考虑发病率的下降趋势。

关键字:痴呆; 阿尔茨海默病; 发病率; 时间趋势; 风险因素


到2040年,韩国的痴呆症病例预计将超过200万1。据估计,目前亚洲的痴呆症增长率是发达国家的3倍,这主要是由于亚洲国家老年人口的迅速增加2。韩国是老龄化人口增长最快的国家之一。 从“进展中老龄化社会”转变为“老龄化社会”仅用了17年的时间3


韩国曾开展两项关于痴呆症发病率的研究:一项为全国性研究,另一项为基于社区的研究14-17。后者在韩国农村地区延川市进行,1996年对65岁及以上的成年人(n=1035)进行了基线评估,对受试者进行了为期5.4年的随访。据报道,全因和阿尔茨海默氏病(AD)痴呆的发生率分别为27.2例(95%置信区间,22.3-33.2)/1000人年和21.0例(95%置信区间, 16.5–26.4)/1000人年15,16。延川是韩国的一个小农村地区,目前人口43,990.3,由于延川的所有行政区都因毗邻朝鲜而被指定为军事保护区,因此即使与其他农村地区相比,移民率也很低。




2008年对延川县所有65岁及以上符合条件的居民作为目标人口进行了基线评估。根据2005年的人口普查数据,采用了多阶段,分层的整群抽样方法来选择研究样本18。在1038名符合条件的受试者中,有72.4%(n=751)接受了入户调查,基线调查中被诊断为痴呆(n=50)的受试者被排除在我们的分析之外。因此,共有701名非痴呆受试者被纳入基线研究。后续行动有两个时间表:第一个是2009-2010年,第二个是2013-2014年(图1)。这项为期1年的随访并未将所有参与者包括在内:所有在基线被诊断出患有轻度认知障碍(MCI)的受试者(n = 89)和一半认知正常的成年人(随机选择,n = 236)接受随访。但是,所有基线时无痴呆的受试者(n = 701)均应参加5年随访。在整个随访研究过程,中采用了相同的访谈工具和诊断标准。

图1. 收集、参与和跟进流程图。



认知诊断是通过两个阶段来确定的:1)培训过的调查员使用韩国版的迷你精神状态检查(MMSE-KC)筛选受试者,以建立阿尔茨海默病登记(CERAD-K)评估小组19, 2)精神科医生结合年龄、性别,采用半结构式访谈法对痴呆症患者的MMSE-KC低于-1.5标准差的教育年调整z评分进行评估,临床心理学家进行神经心理学测试;两者均基于CERAD-K.19,20最终诊断基于《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》,第四版(DSM-IV)痴呆症标准21和国家神经和交流障碍及中风研究所(NINCDS)-阿尔茨海默病及相关疾病协会(ADRDA)22。MCI由国际MCI工作组23的共识标准确定:1)自我和/或信息提供者认知能力下降;2)客观认知任务受损,3)日常生活基本活动得以保留,复杂工具功能受损最小,4)未痴呆。





使用Cox比例风险回归模型确定基线社会人口学、生活方式和临床变量是否与全因和AD痴呆的风险相关。在单变量模型中检验各个变量的影响。接下来,对两个多变量模型进行测试:1)包含单变量模型中所有变量的模型(模型1);2)在P值lt;0.10的单变量分析中仅包含重要变量的模型,然后使用后向消除方法依次删除( 模型2)。结果以95%CI的危险比(HRs)表示。所有统计分析均采用SPSS Statistics版本25(IBM,芝加哥,伊利诺伊州,美国)进行。进行双侧试验,Plt;0.05,表明有显著性。


这项研究是根据赫尔辛基宣言进行的,并得到了首尔国立大学医院的机构审查委员会(IRB)的批准(IRB编号1307-109-506)。 在访谈之前,所有参与者均已充分了解研究的目的和方法,并在参与前获得了知情同意。


在基线时无痴呆的701位老年人中,有483位(68.9%)在研究期间至少进行了一次随访;死亡72人(10.3%),失访146人(20.8%)(因严重疾病无法反应、无法接触或拒绝参与)(图1)。 平均随访期为5.4年。 我们根据随访情况比较了参与者的基本社会人口学,生活方式和临床特征(表1)。 接受随访的受试者在基线时的平均年龄为71.7plusmn;5.4岁,其中女性为59.2%。死者的成年人的平均年龄(77.7plusmn;7.4岁)高于随访者和失访者,但三组女性比例无显著差异。 与死者相比,接受随访的参与者的教育水平更高,与失访者和死者相比,基线时的MMSE-KC更高,SGDS-K得分更低。


表1. 按随访情况比较受试者的基线特征



(n = 483)


(n = 146)


(n = 72)





71.7 plusmn; 5.4

71.5 plusmn; 6.3

77.7 plusmn; 7.4

lt; 0.001

a lt; c, b lt; c


360 (74.5)

109 (74.7)

26 (36.1)

lt; 0.001


123 (25.5)

37 (25.3)

46 (63.9)


286 (59.2)

97 (66.4)

37 (51.4)



4.2 plusmn; 3.9

3.9 plusmn; 3.9

2.8 plusmn; 4.1


a gt; c


149 (30.8)

52 (35.6)

43 (59.7)

lt; 0.001



Decline in the Incidence of All-Cause and Alzheimers Disease Dementia: a 12-Year-Later Rural Cohort Study in Korea

Jee Eun Park ,1,2 Byung-Soo Kim ,3 Ki Woong Kim ,1,4,5 Bong Jin Hahm ,1,2

Jee Hoon Sohn ,1,6 Hye Won Suk ,7 Jun-Young Lee ,1,8 and Maeng Je Cho 1

1Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

2Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

3Department of Psychiatry, Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea

4Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea

5Department of Brain and Cognitive Science, Seoul National University College of Natural Sciences, Seoul, Korea

6Department of Public Health Medical Service, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul, Korea

7Department of Psychology, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea

8Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul Metropolitan Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, Korea

ABSTRACT Background: There has been no study on the time trends of dementia incidence in Korea. We report the 5-year incidence and its correlates of all-cause and Alzheimers disease (AD) dementia, and compared our results with those of a 12-year-prior cohort study conducted in the same area. Methods: A total of 751 community-dwelling older adults were followed up for a mean duration of 5.4 years. The age-, gender-, and educational attainment-specific incidence of all-cause and AD dementia were reported as cases per 1,000 person-years. We performed univariate and multivariate cox proportional hazard regression analyses to determine whether baseline sociodemographic, lifestyle, and clinical variables were associated with the risk of all-cause and AD dementia. A 12-year-prior cohort study was used for descriptive comparison to indicate the time trends of dementia incidence. Results: The incidence rates were 16.2 and 13.0 cases per 1,000 person-years for all-cause and AD dementia, respectively. The baseline diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment increased the 5-year incidence of all-cause dementia by more than 4-fold. Old age and low baseline global cognitive function were noted as risk factors for both all-cause and AD dementia. Conclusion: Upon comparing the results with those from the earlier cohort study in Yeoncheon, the incidence of all-cause and AD dementia decreased by approximately 40% over 12 years; it has been mainly driven by the increase in the educational level of older adults. The declining time trends of incidence should be taken into account for estimating the future prevalence of dementia in Korea.

Keywords: Dementia; Alzheimers Disease; Incidence; Time Trends; Risk Factors


In 2040, more than two million dementia cases are expected in Korea.1 The current rates of increase for dementia are estimated to be 3-fold higher in Asia compared to those in developed countries,2 which are mainly due to the rapid increase of the aged population in Asian countries. Korea is one of the countries with the fastest-growing aging population; it has taken only 17 years to move from an lsquo;aging societyrsquo; to an lsquo;aged-society.rsquo;3

Meanwhile, recent studies conducted in Western countries have reported declining trends for dementia incidence and suggested that improvements in living conditions, education, and healthcare may have reduced the risk of dementia.4-10 In contrast, increasing trends of dementia incidence were noted in China and Japan, even though their follow-up intervals and the reported incidence rates were very different. A Chinese study showed a 1.73-fold increase over a decade, with incidence rates of 9.0 cases per 1,000 person-years (PY) in 1999, while a Japanese study reported a 1.68-fold increase over three decades, with incidence rates of 41.6 cases per 1,000 PY in 2012.11,12 No study has investigated the time trends of dementia incidence in Korea. One study reported the trends of dementia prevalence in Korea by comparison of previous epidemiologic studies conducted in different areas. Although it noted only a slight increase after 2005, from 7.3% to 8.7% (without significance), it predicted a large increase of dementia prevalence in Korea due to the enormous aging population.13 The increasing number of older people is the most potent driving factor of the dementia epidemic. However, there have also been recent changes in educational level, lifestyle, and health conditions in older Korean adults that may have influenced the risk of dementia during recent decades. Therefore, we should estimate the future prevalence of dementia based on the changeable incidence over time.

There have been two previous studies on dementia incidence in Korea: a nationwide study and a community-based study.14-17 The latter was conducted in Yeoncheon, a rural area in Korea, in which baseline assessment was conducted in 1996 in adults aged 65 years and older (n = 1,035). Subjects were followed up with a 5.4-year period, and the incidence rates of all-cause and Alzheimers disease (AD) dementia were reported as 27.2 cases (95% confidence interval [CI], 22.3–33.2) and 21.0 cases (95% CI, 16.5–26.4) per 1,000 PY, respectively.15,16 Yeoncheon is a small rural area in Korea with a current population of 43,990.3 Because all administrative areas in Yeoncheon are designated as a military protected zone due to its location adjacent to North Korea, the migration rates have been low, even compared to other rural areas.3

In the current study, we again investigated the incidence of dementia by an independ



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