
 2022-12-29 10:42:08


原文作者:SR Parkar

摘要:本文着重阐述了老年人的精神健康需求。它处理的是制度化和社区照顾的问题。印度社会的快速城市化给老年人护理带来了特殊问题。有大量证据显示, 老年患者的发病率、死亡率、住院率和功能状态丧失与常见精神障碍有关。抑郁症和焦虑的重叠是很常见的,报告中几乎一半的老年患者有严重的抑郁和焦虑症状。此外,抑郁症在晚年是最常见的精神疾病。老年人口的增长意味着与年龄有关的疾病的直接增加,如老年痴呆症和精神健康状况不佳,如老年人的抑郁、焦虑、自杀和严重的生活质量限制。



老龄化是一个世界性的现象,一般伴随着许多老年人不得不面对和适应的问题。有大量证据表明老年患者的发病率、死亡率、住院率和功能状态丧失与常见精神障碍有关。抑郁症和焦虑的重叠在老年人中很常见, 有多达半数的老年患者报告中有明显的抑郁和焦虑症状。

随着我国人口老龄化的增加, 许多传统的生活维系和养育观念也在不断受到侵蚀。社会的变化似乎使他们在家庭或社区中没有任何有意义的社会角色。通常,老年人在社会上是被孤立的,许多人生活在养老院或机构,他们的主要社会关系只与其他同样生活在这些地方和被疏远的老年人有关。


在希腊-罗马文化中,80%的人口在达到普遍被确定为中年的生活阶段之前就已经死亡。对于埃斯库罗斯来说,年龄会带来智慧,特别是关于正义和谨慎。虽然埃斯库罗斯指的年龄负面经验,主要是体力的损失,但他坚持认为,体质下降对老年人的心灵或精神没有影响。与此相反, 索福克勒斯将年老描述为令人反感的, 这是身体和精神机能恶化的时期。

在第十七和十八世纪的美国, 老年受到尊敬, 因为它是非常罕见的。老人占领了最高的公职, 以及在家庭中的权力地位, 直到他们死了;父亲等到60多岁才把土地交给长子。教堂的座位是给老人的。在殖民时代, 老年人享有的权力的主要基础是对土地财产的控制, 特别是对农田的生产性财产。在这样一个农业社会中, 这种控制相当于主宰所有关键机构——家庭、教会、经济和政体。


在大多数老年文学中,60岁以上的人被视为“老”,并构成了 '老年人' 阶层的人口。在传统的印度文化中,人的寿命是100年。摩奴,古代的立法者,在他的Dharmashastra中,将生命跨度分为四个生命阶段。第一,“禁欲”(学生的生活),将被花在教师(专家)的房子。这是一个独身的生活,在教育和培训中筋疲力尽。一旦教育完成了,男孩(长大成年了)就准备进入'grihastha 修行者', 即户主的生活。这是一个男人满足基本欲望、爱情、婚姻、父母身份、地位、财富、威望以及其他身体和社会需要的阶段。他是通过执行瑞娜 (仪式),履行他欠父母和祖先的债务。当一个人的头发变成了灰色和出现皱纹时,他是放弃了这种户主的生活,并转向老年人,老年人逐渐放弃世俗的追求,远离住户的日常和精神成长的生活。最后,当他在精神上准备好了,他会放弃世界完全进入“sanyasa”或“禁欲主义”的阶段。


Tapo-vraddha: 谁是先进的忏悔。

卡拉-vraddha: 谁是先进的年龄。

智者-vraddha: 谁是先进的知识。

杰布达纳-vraddha: 谁是先进的财富。


在现代印度, 大多数政府工作中, 退休年龄固定在58岁, 而大学则为60年。然而,中产阶级印度人强烈地倾向于保持他们的自主权。在印度, 父母们更愿意把他们的钱和努力投资于孩子, 而不是很多西方国家的标准。照顾父母的需要是儿子的一项正常义务。因此,社会依赖是印度的一个共同特点。


人们总是对老年人和老龄化过程有一些误解。作为一个以青年为本的社会的产物,我们都学会了对老龄化的消极态度,因此,老年人可能会遇到许多陈规定型观念。然而, 尽管哲学态度和文化价值, 不同的人进行的调查表明, 抑郁症在晚年生活是最常见的精神疾病。

在过去的几十年里,关于制度化和社区照顾问题的辩论已变得相当重要。然而, 对老年人替代性照料的需求增加, 提出了100万美元的问题:正规保健系统在保健质量和数量能力方面都不够。这在低收入国家更能反映出来,例如,在中国,1200万老年人在日常生活中需要援助,而只有0.05% 的人在机构护理中得到照顾。相比之下,在高收入国家,4-6%的老年人正在进行某种机构护理。然而,由于文化、经济、环境和人口等因素,许多国家在提供或接受机构护理方面存在较大差异。目前尚不清楚的是,社会的变化,如日益城市化,联合家庭体系的崩溃,妇女获得更大的职业导向, 将迫使传统社会遵循老年人的制度化体系。然而, 在目前的医疗政策和社会政策中, 这种考虑是不能排除的。问题的关键是: 这些服务是否有效地维持老人的心理健康?

据指出,机构的老年人一般保健的规定有时很差,甚至不存在。精神卫生保健设施在这些机构的老年人护理方案中明显缺席。对他们来说,基本的需要,如饮食和住所比健康护理更重要。老年人显得孤独而沮丧。老年人无用和士气消沉在这些机构中相当明显。社区老年人比机构中的老年人获得更好的社会支持。在社区人群中,对自尊和心理健康的感知会更好。与此相比, 在制度化的老年人中发现隐性抑郁症更多。应该指出,社区护理为老年人提供更多的社会融合,减少孤独感和排斥感。当然, 与家人在一起并不能保证感情和社会保障, 因为有很多个案报告称, 老人虐待和剥削来自社区。


因此, 老年带来了许多问题。随着老年人口的增加,老年人的健康状况越来越受到重视。然而,无论是机构还是社区护理都没有为老年问题提供适当的解决办法。虽然社区保健是首选的制度化,资金作为一个主要的障碍:缺乏。因此,本世纪的需要是整合机构和社区提供的服务,以改善老年人的生活质量。需要更多的研究来开发服务接受模型满足长期护理设施,这包括制度化。我们仍然需要学习像印度这样的传统社会中的正规护理系统的有效模式及其成本效益,然后用同样的视角来决定非正式护理系统,因为文化适应对于老年人感觉良好和健康是必不可少的。


随着传统的联合家庭结构的崩溃, 无论是青年还是老年人都在相互和谐中被吸收, 印度家庭结构正稳步地经历着解体。此外, 老年人也没有得到他们以前得到的同样的尊重、关注和照顾。上述变化可能是由于有限的资产和现代生活中“个人主义”的增长。因此, 所有这些方面都导致了老人与家庭和社会生活的隔绝。虽然长老们觉得有能力工作和贡献家庭资源, 但没有任何渠道可以吸收它们。


老龄化是该年龄段人口中的一个直接问题。老年人遭受身体和情感上的一切后果,是由于家庭或社会的真实或被感知的疏远导致的。老年人的存在对整个社会来说是一个社会问题, 他们的问题对社会的结构、功能和经济产生了深远的影响。

因此, 老龄化带来了一些生理和精神问题。例如, 老年人使用一般医生服务比年轻人略多。然而, 与之相反的是, 精神卫生服务虽然有限, 但却被老年人严重地利用不足。家庭结构和经济压力的现代化威胁着社会老年人的安全。如果没有家庭以外的社区有效的基础设施, 越来越多的老年人已经处于无家可归的地步。


因此,机构照顾的需要不能低估。制度化是严重依赖的情况下的最后手段,家庭不足以照顾一个生病的老年人口的情况越来越多。由于经济、社会和文化以及医疗负担等问题,这种情况正在发生而且将继续发生。事实上, 从研究得出的结论表明, 老年人和没有社会支持的建立是制度化的关键预测因素, 而不是与健康相关的社会经济变量。



有大量证据显示, 老年患者的发病率、死亡率、住院率和功能状态的丧失与常见精神障碍有关, 因为我们人口中的老年人数量正在增加, 许多传统的生活维持和培养对老年人的影响一直在侵蚀。社会的变化似乎使老年人在家庭或社区中没有任何有意义的社会角色。

在印度文学中, 老年人一般被称为 'Vriddha' (高级)。四种类型的vriddhas被描述在古印度文学:

Tapo-vraddha: 谁是先进的忏悔。

卡拉-vraddha: 谁是先进的年龄。

智者-vraddha: 谁是先进的知识。

杰布达纳-vraddha: 谁是先进的财富。


在过去的几十年里,关于制度化和社区照顾问题的辩论已变得相当重要。然而, 对老年人替代性照料的需求增加, 提出了100万美元的问题:正规保健系统在保健质量和数量能力方面都不够。据指出,机构的老年人一般保健的规定有时很差,甚至不存在。精神卫生保健设施在这些机构的老年人护理方案中明显缺席。




外文文献出处:Mens Sana Monogr. 2015 Jan-Dec: 13(1): 91–99.


Elderly Mental Health: Needs


This paper highlights the mental health needs of the elderly. It tackles the issues of their institutionalisation and community care. Rapid urbanisation in Indian society throws up special problems in elderly care. There is great evidence of a raise in morbidity, mortality, hospitalisation and loss of functional status related to common mental disorders in the elderly patients. Overlap of depression and anxiety is very common with up to almost half of the elderly patients reporting significant depressive and anxiety symptoms. Also, depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in late life. Growth in the elderly population means a direct increase in age related diseases such as dementia and poor mental


Elderly Mental Health: Needs


This paper highlights the mental health needs of the elderly. It tackles the issues of their institutionalisation and community care. Rapid urbanisation in Indian society throws up special problems in elderly care. There is great evidence of a raise in morbidity, mortality, hospitalisation and loss of functional status related to common mental disorders in the elderly patients. Overlap of depression and anxiety is very common with up to almost half of the elderly patients reporting significant depressive and anxiety symptoms. Also, depression is the most common psychiatric disorder in late life. Growth in the elderly population means a direct increase in age related diseases such as dementia and poor mental health outcomes such as depression, anxiety, suicide and serious constraints on the quality of life among elderly individuals.

The need to identify new and unmet problem areas and develop efficient therapeutic outcomes for this special population is stressed.

Keywords: Age-related diseases, Alienation, Institutionalisation and community care, Misconceptions about elderly and ageing, Overlap of depression and anxiety, Poor mental health outcomes, Social isolation, Traditional Indian culture, Urbanisation,


Old age is a worldwide phenomenon, generally accompanied by a number of problems that the aged have to face and get attuned to. There is a great body of evidence of a rise in morbidity, mortality, hospitalisation and loss of functional status related to common mental disorders in the elderly patients. Overlap of depression and anxiety is very common in older adults, with up to almost half of the elderly patients reporting significant depressive and anxiety symptoms.

As the number of aged in our population is increasing, many of their traditional life sustaining and fostering influences have been eroding. Changes in society seem to leave them no meaningful social role either within the family or in the community. Often, the elderly are socially isolated, and many exist within the confines of a nursing home or an institution, where their main social links are only with other inmates and equally alienated old people.

Greco-Roman and American Cultures Views on Aged and Ageing

In Greek and Roman cultures, 80% of the population perished before reaching the stage of life commonly identified as middle age today. For Aeschylus, age brought with it wisdom, especially about justice and prudence. Although Aeschylus refers to the negative experience of age, mainly loss of physical strength, he insists that physical decline has no impact on the older persons mind or spirit. In contrast, Sophocles portrays old age as distasteful, as a time of deterioration in physical and mental functioning.

In 17th and 18th century America, old age was considered with respect, as it was so rare. Old men occupied the highest public offices, as well as positions of authority within the family until they died; fathers waited until their sixties before giving their land to their eldest son. Church seats were given to the old. The primary basis of the power enjoyed by the elderly in colonial times was their control of the property, especially productive property in farmland. In such an agricultural society, such control amounted to the ability to dominate all key institutions - the family, the church, the economy and the polity.

Traditional Indian View of Life and Ageing

In most gerontological literature, people above 60 years of age are considered as lsquo;oldrsquo; and as constituting the lsquo;elderlyrsquo; segment of the population. In traditional Indian culture, a human life-span is 100 years. Manu, the ancient lawgiver, in his Dharmashastra divided this span of life into four lsquo;ashramasrsquo; or life stages. The first, lsquo;brahmacharyarsquo; (life of a student) was to be spent at the teachers (gurus) house. This is the life of a celibate, to be exhausted in education and training. Once the education was complete, the boy (grown into adulthood by now) would be ready to enter the lsquo;grihastha ashramrsquo;, the life of a householder. This was the stage when a man would fulfil his basic desires, for love, marriage, for parenthood, for status, wealth, prestige and other such physical and social needs. He was to discharge the debts he owed to the parents and ancestors (pitr-rina) by begetting sons and to the gods (deva-rina) by performing Yajnas (rituals). When a mans noteworthy head turned grey and wrinkles appeared, he was to give up this life of a householder and turn to lsquo;vanaprastharsquo; by which an older and ageing man would steadily give up worldly pursuits, move away from the ordinary routine of the householder and spend life in search of spiritual growth. Finally, when he was spiritually ready, he would renounce the world completely and enter the stage of lsquo;sanyasarsquo; or lsquo;asceticismrsquo;.

In Indian literature, the aged is generally termed the “Vriddha” (advanced). Four types of vriddhas are described in ancient Indian literature:

Tapo-vraddha: Who is advanced in penance.

Kala-vraddha: Who is advanced in age.

Jnana-vraddha: Who is advanced in knowledge; and

Dhana-vraddha: Who is advanced in wealth.

The old are respected in India as parents or lsquo;pitrasrsquo;. The Upanishads advise people to respect the father, the mother, the teacher, and the guest as God. In the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, the two great epics of India, there are many lively and moving episodes showing the reverence of the young for the old. Even today, in India, old parents live with son/s and their families. Living with the eldest son and his family is the most familiar phenomenon. This tradition ensures that old people have younger in-laws and grandchildren to care for them. Furthermore, caste and kin groups exert pressure on younger members to obey and respect elders.

In modern India, retirement age is fixed at 58 in most Gov



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