
 2022-12-28 15:12:29


原文作者 Dominik Huber; Simon Milne


关键词:研学旅行; 研学课程设置;研学旅行教学方法;研学政策与法规


通过美国最新教育期刊索引,发现与研学旅行相关度最高,且引用次数最多 的学术名词在美国被称为“Outdoor Education”;其次引用较多的是“Field Trip” 与“Experiential Education”,其定义为学校组织的有计划安排的校外活动(与常规校内教学的内容互补),必须有教师指导或父母参与,而且相关活动其宗旨在于提高参与者的技能或者达到学校设定的目标。主要是以学校组织的课程或活动为主,其中包括夏令营(冬令营)课程,实地参观与考察,户外研学活动。实地参观与考察与户外研学活动主要安排在参与者的在校学习时间与周末,例如美国中学组织学生参观当地博物馆,历史名人馆学习本国文化以及历史。夏令营(冬令营)课程主要利用参与者的寒暑假时间,最具代表性的是美国的哈佛大学夏令营课程与西点军校夏令营活动,哈佛大学夏令营课程主要面对的对象是高中生,其它院校大学生,成年人与哈佛在校大学生,根据他们的兴趣与能力培养相关的学术视野,实践技能与相关知识。哈佛大学大部分夏令营课程算作学分,时间为3周到7周不等。与哈佛夏令营课程不同的是,西点军校夏令营活动主要针对5-12岁的学龄前儿童与小学生,主要培养学生的户外生存能力,独立自主能力,吃苦耐劳与团队精神,时间为1周到12周不等。

在英国与澳大利亚,“Field Trip” 作为“Outdoor Education”的一种形式,为学生提供了独一无二的学习体验环境,让学生在导师的指导下,结合课程相关理论与实地实践,并获取新的知识(卡拉amp;尼科尔,2016)。主要是以学校组织的课程或活动为主,利用学生的在校时间,包括实地参观与考察,先进企业体验,户外研学与拓展活动。根据学生的年龄不同而侧重不同(5-25岁),时间一般为期半天到数天不等,例如大学生的葡萄酒庄园之旅,学习该国葡萄酒的历史,通过参观葡萄的生长环境与种植过程,葡萄酒酿酒工艺来了解葡萄酒的种类以及相关产品。中小学生的户外研学与拓展活动,通过参加野外拓展训练营, 培养学生的户外生存能力与独立自主能力。课程考试或考察会涉及到Field Trip(研学旅行)的内容,但不会单独算作学分。

研学旅行在日本起源于明治19年(1886年),lsquo;“修学旅行”(L由方力 〈D 5二3)一词最早出现在1887年发行的《大日本教育杂志54号》期刊上,至此被日本教育界以及民众广泛接受与使用。并在1946年之后发展至今成为日本国民教育,社会实践,自然体验的一部分。修学旅行在日本的定义是作为技能和专业知识学习或扩展视野的一种工具,以学校和班级为组织单位组织学生到其他地区和国家进行的集体研学活动。其主要活动包括传统文化知识学习、国家文化名胜体验、国家公园参观,另外还涉及了职业选择、自然体验、先进企业考察甚至体验商人活动等等,涵盖了政治经济文化等多个领域(杨生、司利amp;张浩,2012)。学校会依据学生的年龄不同而侧重有别,时间一般为期1-5天。小学生主要就近参观名胜景点或是集体泡温泉,目的是为了培养学生的团队合作意识;中学生倾向于异地学习与体验,目的是结合课本的知识进行实践;高中生的参观地点主要定位在自然体验,先进企业参观或了解往日战争的悲惨历史,除了让学生们感受历史、体验自然,还让学生提前熟悉与了解以后的工作场所。








如何有效的提高参与者的技能与知识,大多数西方国家所采用的户外研学活动管理方式不尽相同,多数国家采用的都是各地学校成立户外研学活动委员会,其中以美国为显著代表。美国中小学校长协会公报(1941) 对美国中小学生的户外研学活动组织提供了有效的实施方案,每所学校成立户外研学活动委员会,每个班级选举-位户外研学活动委员会代表,从代表当中选出秘书长与会长。这样,可以让学生积极参与到户外研学活动的组织过程当中来(包括户外研学活动计划,户外研学活动纲要与户外研学活动制度的制定),而且校长拥有户外研学活动的审批权与建议权,这样既保障了学生全程的积极参与,也极大程度上保障了户外研学活动的安全。


关于研学课程的设置,埃克尔斯与泰普里顿(2002)指出了研学受众如何能 从研学课程当中受益取决于六大方面的考虑: 1)相关知识与技能学习必须满足. 研学受众的自身需求; 2)研学受众在参与到研学课程过程当中能灵活地自主地 发出自己的声音; 3)研学受众与研学导师在研学课程当中积极的互动氛围; 4) 研学课程当中的知识与能力与研学受众的日常生活是息息相关的; 5)研学课程 的设置是一系列的完善的框架而不是不相关、碎片化的研学课程与活动; 6)研学课程计划与研学导师,致力于通过有价值的活动与指导,来挖掘研学受众的潜力与提高研学受众的能力。这六大方面的考虑,主要是结合研学受众作为接受思想教育与技能培训的主体应该如何效益最大化。

美国与加拿大等西方国家对于研学课程的评估标准是1)研学课程必须为小 班教学; 2)所有的研学受众参与不得少于百分之八十的研学课程; 3)研学受众 没有参与到研学课程中的原因必须记录; 4)评估研学课程的教育目的是否为所 有参与研学课程的受众设定; 5)根据研学课程必须单独撰写研学课程的设置计 划; 6)每天的研学课程设置必须包括不少于一个半小时的研学课程与不少于一个半小时的体验活动课程(约瑟夫,里德amp;埃克尔斯,2005)。西方国家对于研学课程的安排也有相关的调研与要求,比如说每天的研学课程时间表是否高效?研学课程的每天课程安排是否科学?研学课程与活动之间是否衔接以及研学课程从开始到结束是否按照合理的顺序等相关问题设计。西方国家结合研学受众的实际情况以及教育体系的独特性,来衡量研学课程安排的科学性以及实用性,并且注重研学课程的设计对于研学受众的针对性。


英国2006年发布了鼓励中小学生参加Out-of- School learning(研学旅行)计划,来提高中小学生的学习能力,以及相关技巧能力的培养。英国学者们调查英国范围内222所中小学参加研学旅行和当地相关部门与组织的支持与协助(其中包括当地户外教育设施对中小学生提供的帮助),发现大部分当地政府部门与研学旅行组织提供研学旅行的帮助的力度差距比较大。主要是研学旅行资源(博物馆,档案馆,纪念馆等)的数量差异以及英国国会对于地方政府部门应该如何配合没有更为细致的要求。因此,克里斯与萨里(2010)认为英国国会应该与地方政府一起参与制定研学旅行设施建设统一标准,另外研学旅行不能完全由市场主导,政府、学校、社区、旅行社与研学旅行组织应该全部参与其中。

通过相关数据分析以及信息汇总,发现美国关于研学旅行(outdoor . education)的政策以及法案的相关文献很少,但是美国outdoor education (研 学旅行)与after-school activities (课外活动)概念有部分重叠,且研究其相关政策与法案的文献充足。因此,本文主要参考美国青少年after-schoolactivities相关政策。美国主要通过三个层次相关政策推动青少年教育以及 after-school activities 的质量保障来促进青少年身心均衡发展以及提高青少年的知识与技能,三个层次分别是联邦政府政策,州政府政策,地市级政策。联邦政府政策主要有二十一世纪社会团体学习中心计划与美国青少年法案。2001 年美国国会通过二十一世纪社区学习中心计划(the No child leave behindlegislation),该计划确保全国各地的青少年学生参与after-schoolactivities每年能从国会得到足够的资金资助,2002年财政年美国国会共拨款12.5亿美元分配给各州州政府,每财政年增加2.5亿美元拨款,到2007年财政年总拨款达到了25亿美元。为了确保资金能全部用在正确的地方,青少年课外学习联盟,国家学龄儿童关爱组织与其他青少年关爱组织等实践者通过数据收集与分析,得出三个结论: 1)提供更具挑战性与互动性的研学活动2)鼓励青少年多参与研学活动3)要求学校与社会服务机构合作提供一系列的研学服务与活 动(美国国家青年合作组织,2001a) 。美国国会参照美国成年人法案(已非常完善成熟)的模块来建立的美国青少年法案,则利用美国全国网络服务系统为社会团体.与组织提供动力与奖励来策划与实施课外研学活动。州政府政策层面.上,青少年关爱组织提供支持并且监督州教育厅公务员关于二十一世纪社区学习中心计划拨款的使用。其中支持包括公众对于基金如何使用的提议,青少年校外活动的专家评审建议,为指导老师与顾问提供服务。另外各州政府百分之五的拨款使用在指导老师的培训,专家支持,课程活动评估,在此基础上,专业的校外活 动组织可以提供更高质量的课程活动(美国国家青年合作组织,2001b) 。地市级政策层面,许多地方青少年组织参照联邦政府与州政府的政策与措施来推广青少年课外活动,并且地市级政府从公共收入来源与税收拨款资助青少年课外活动。最成功的案例是灯塔计划,纽约市政府成功的从公共收入来源获得相应资金,并且已经在多个城市推广,包括丹佛,明尼阿波丽斯,奥克兰,费城与旧金山。为了让青少年课外活动可以在多地区推广,各城市都做出了相关的措施包括跨部门协议与预算规定。




Research on the development experience of research travel in developed countries

Dominik Huber; Simon Milne

Abstract: the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan and other developed countries have a history of more than 100 years in research travel, and have made a lot of achievements. Through the discussion and analysis of the development of research and study travel in these developed countries, it is found that the policies and regulations of research and study travel in most developed countries are very detailed for the supervision and management of research and study travel, financial allocation, security risk prevention and the guarantee of research and study curriculum. Most developed countries have special institutions to manage the construction and research of research and study travel. Moreover, most developed countries cooperate with youth organizations, research institutions and com


Research on the development experience of research travel in developed countries

Dominik Huber; Simon Milne

Abstract: the United States, Britain, Australia, Japan and other developed countries have a history of more than 100 years in research travel, and have made a lot of achievements. Through the discussion and analysis of the development of research and study travel in these developed countries, it is found that the policies and regulations of research and study travel in most developed countries are very detailed for the supervision and management of research and study travel, financial allocation, security risk prevention and the guarantee of research and study curriculum. Most developed countries have special institutions to manage the construction and research of research and study travel. Moreover, most developed countries cooperate with youth organizations, research institutions and companies in the research of talent training, research courses and teaching methods, which effectively promote the physical and mental development of teenagers and the cultivation of relevant skills and knowledge.

Key words: research travel; research curriculum; research travel teaching methods; research policies and regulations

(1) Research travel development in major countries

Through the index of the latest educational journals in the United States, it is found that the academic terms with the highest correlation and the most cited times are called 'outdoor education' in the United States, followed by 'field trip' and 'empirical education', It is defined as the planned off campus activities organized by the school (complementary to the contents of conventional on campus teaching), which must be guided by teachers or participated by parents, and the purpose of related activities is to improve the skills of participants or achieve the goals set by the school. It mainly focuses on the courses or activities organized by the school, including summer camp (winter camp) courses, on-site visits and visits, and outdoor research activities. For example, American high schools organize students to visit local museums, and museums of fame to learn about their own culture and history. Summer camp (winter camp) courses mainly use the winter and summer vacation time of participants. The most representative are the summer camp courses of Harvard University and the summer camp activities of West Point in the United States. The summer camp courses of Harvard University are mainly for high school students, Other college students, adults and Harvard students, according to their interests and abilities to develop relevant academic vision, practical skills and related knowledge. Most of Harvards summer camp courses count as credits, ranging from three to seven weeks. Different from the Harvard Summer Camp course, the summer camp activities of west point are mainly aimed at preschool children and primary school students aged 5-12, mainly cultivating students outdoor survival ability, independent ability, hard work and team spirit, ranging from 1 week to 12 weeks.

In the UK and Australia, 'field trip', as a form of 'outdoor education', provides students with a unique learning experience environment, allowing them to acquire new knowledge under the guidance of tutors, combining curriculum related theory and field practice (Kara amp; Nicol, 2016). It mainly focuses on the courses or activities organized by the school, making use of students school time, including on-the-spot visit and investigation, advanced enterprise experience, outdoor research and development activities. According to the age of the students, the emphasis is different (5-25 years old), and the time usually lasts from half a day to several days. For example, the college students trip to the Wine Manor, learning the history of the countrys wine, and understanding the types of wine and related products by visiting the grape growing environment, planting process and wine making technology. Primary and secondary school students outdoor research and development activities, through participating in the field development training camp, cultivate students outdoor survival ability and independent ability. The content of field trip will be involved in the course examination or investigation, but it will not be counted as credits alone.

Research travel originated in Japan in the 19th year of Meiji (1886). The term 'study travel' (L by Fang Li) first appeared in the journal 'Greater Japan Education Journal No. 54' published in 1887, and has been widely accepted and used by the Japanese educational circles and the public. After 1946, it has become a part of Japanese national education, social practice and natural experience. In Japan, study travel is defined as a kind of tool for learning skills and professional knowledge or expanding horizons. It takes schools and classes as organizational units to organize students to carry out collective research activities in other regions and countries. Its main activities include learning traditional cultural knowledge, experiencing national cultural attractions and visiting national parks. In addition, it also involves career choice, natural experience, advanced enterprise inspection and even experiencing businessmens activities, covering many fields such as politics, economy and culture (Yang Sheng, Si Li amp; Zhang Hao, 2012). Schools will focus on different aspects according to the age of students, and the duration is generally 1-5 days. Primary school students mainly visit scenic spots nearby or take a group bath in hot springs, the purpose of which is to cultivate students sense of teamwork; secondary school students tend to study and experience in different places, the purpose of which is to practice with the knowledge of textbooks; Senior high school students mainly visit the natural experience. Advanced enterprises visit or learn about the tragic history of the war



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