参照群体对购买意向的影响: 在不同类型的购物者中,他们的参与是有保障的外文翻译资料

 2022-12-26 18:27:01

The effect of reference groups on purchase intention: Evidence in distinct types of shoppers and product involvement

Danupol Hoonsopon, , Wilert Puriwat

Chulalongkorn Business School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok Thailand

Received 11 January 2016, Revised 26 April 2016, Accepted 6 May 2016, Available online 16 May 2016

Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)

Volume 24, Issue 2, May 2016, Pages 157–164


The extant research has investigated the impact of purchase intention by reference groups in different situations. Nonetheless, a few studies have examined the roles of reference groups (private and public) in the purchase intention of distinctive types of shoppers (utilitarian, social value, and hedonic) and the degree of product involvement (high and low). Drawing from social influence theory, using experimental research, and analysing data with ANOVA, the author reveals in Study 1 that private groups may have greater impact on motivation for both high and low product involvement compared to public groups. Studies 2 and 3 reveal that utilitarian shoppers tend to have higher purchase intention when private groups are used for information cues. On the other hand, reference groups do not affect the purchase intention of social value and hedonic shoppers. This research contributes to social influence theory by revealing that reference groups have a diverse impact on purchase intention under different stimuli.


Social influence theory; Reference groups; Product involvement; Type of shoppers;Purchase intention

1 Introduction

Scholars have generally agreed that reference groups affect the purchase intention of certain types of consumer (Bearden and Etzel, 1982). Consumers frequently use reference groups to guide purchasing decisions (Luo, 2005 ; Noguti, Russell, 2014). For example, consumers may ask their friends and family before they make purchase decisions. Sometimes consumers purchase products based on the endorsement of a celebrity or other influencer. In addition, because reference groups affect purchase intention, it is not surprising that previous studies (e.g., Escalas, Bettman, 2003; Kurtensp;et al, 2011 ; Luo, 2005) have focused on the impact types of reference groups on purchase intention.

Reference groups are not the only factors that affect purchase decisions. Other stimuli, such as types of shoppers in the market (Babin etensp;al., 1994) and various types of product involvement (Lin, Chen, 2006 ; Quester, Smart, 1998), have also been shown to have relevant consequences. The extant literature (e.g., Arnold, Reynolds, 2003 ; Rintamauml;kiet al, 2006) has classified types of shoppers into three groups: utilitarian, hedonic value, and social value. Each shopper exhibits diverse behaviours in shopping values that can be reflected in purchase decisions (Voss etensp;al., 2003). In terms of product involvement, when consumers intend to purchase new products, they consider products depending on the degree of their values and interests (Clarke, Belk, 1979; Palazon, Delgado-Ballester, 2013 ; Quester, Smart, 1998). This generally means that consumer purchase behaviour varies based on the degree of product involvement.

At the decision-making stage, these stimuli can interact with information cues from reference groups during the making of consumer purchase decisions. Unfortunately, there




Danupol Hoonsopon, , Wilert Puriwat



第24卷第2期,2016年5月,第157 - 164页




学者们普遍认为,参照群体影响特定类型消费者的购买意向(Bearden and Etzel, 1982).消费者经常使用参考组来指导购买决策(Luo, 2005 ; Noguti, Russell, 2014).例如,消费者在做出购买决定之前可能会问他们的朋友和家人。有时,消费者购买产品是基于名人或其他有影响力的人的认可。此外,因为参照组影响购买意向,所以之前的研究也就不足为奇了。 (e.g., Escalas, Bettman, 2003;Kurtensp;et al, 2011Luo, 2005) 专注于购买意向的参照群体的影响类型。

参照群体并不是影响购买决策的唯一因素。其他刺激,如市场上的购物者 (Babin etensp;al.,1994)各种产品参与(Lin,Chen,2006Quester, Smart,1998),也被证明有相关的影响。现存的文献(e.g.,Arnold,Reynolds,2003Rintamauml;kiet al,2006) 将顾客分为三组:实用主义,享乐价值和社会价值。每个购物者在购物价值中表现出不同的行为,这些行为可以反映在购买中(Voss etensp;al.,2003)。就产品参与而言,当消费者打算购买新产品时,他们考虑的产品取决于他们的价值和兴趣程度(Clarke,Belk,1979;Palazon,delgado - ballester,2013;Quester,Smart,1998)。这通常意味着消费者购买行为因产品参与程度而变化。





社会影响理论解释了一种与社会力量有明显关系的心理现象(e.g., Cialdini, Goldstein, 2004; Deutsch, Gerard, 1955 ; Woodensp;et al, 1994)。社会影响可以被解释为人际关系的模式或形成,它影响群体内成员之间的社会协议或团体共识(Friedkin and Johnsen,1999)。它可以通过调整与他们互动的人的观点或态度来塑造一个人的努力(Bearden, Etzel, 1982 ; Friedkin, Johnsen, 1999)。

个人需要有动力去采取行动来实现他们的目标,比如做出正确的购买决定 (Cialdini and Trost, 1998)。一种方法是遵守或遵守社会规范,与他人建立社会关系。个人基本上是被驱使着去建立和维持与他人的社会关系(Cialdini and Goldstein, 2004)——不仅是家庭或朋友,而且是整个社会的人,例如名人、有影响力的人,甚至是陌生人。个人可能会调整团队成员的态度和行为,作为他们购买决定的线索,以使自己与集团的价值观相一致(Bailey,2007)或获得信誉(Tan,1999)。

在某些情况下,群体可以影响个人的态度和价值观(Childers and Rao, 1992),或者影响个人对特定行为的影响(Scheer and Stern, 1992),这可以反映在个人的购买行为上。例如,父母或朋友具有较高社会地位的个人倾向于购买奢侈品或知名品牌来获得团体认可。这是因为有些人更喜欢集体地表现自己与特定群体之间的相似之处,从而被视为社会的一员,以符合他人的身份,这最终会导致他们的社会身份的发展(Dholakia etensp;al., 2004)。因此,个人可能会遵从他人来维持社会规范。然而,那些关心自己的自我概念、自尊或观点的人,可能不太可能改变自己的行为,以适应他人的行为(Arndtensp;et al, 2002 ; Mourali, Zhiyong, 2013)。


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