Evaluating Human Resource and Financial
Management Responsibilities of Clinical
Nutrition Managers
INSIGHT ABOUT CLINICAL NUTRI-tion management is important given that the health care envi-ronment has changed dramatically within the last 20 years, and many of these changes may have impacted the role and responsibilities of health care managers. Clinical nutrition managers (CNMs) serve in a unique role in which they provide clinical, management, and leadership expertise. Although CNMs are generally understood to administer clinical nutrition programs,1 no current research has delineated their specific responsibilities and tasks. The vagueness of the CNM role limits our understanding about educational opportunities for CNMs and their suc-cess in this important role.
From a functional perspective, clin-ical nurse managersrsquo; roles are concep-tually similar to those of CNMs, givenhat they oversee human, financial, and other resources; develop staff; ensure compliance with regulatory and professional standards; and perform other responsibilities associated with a managerial role.2 Research suggests that nurse managers express clinical competence but lack confidence in their managerial responsibilities3,4 and desire continuing education to im-prove their managerial and leadership skills.5,6 Therefore, research about nurse managers was used to guide the conceptual framework for the current study.
The most current insight about CNMs dates back to research by Witte and Messersmith,7 who conducted a job analysis of CNMs to determine a core position description. In this research, 46 job responsibilities were identified and validated.7 While providing a suitable foundation for CNM practice, these job responsibilities have likely changed significantly since their publication.
Management practice encompasses a variety of responsibilities. Individuals who work in community or clinical nutrition practice may not recognize the necessity of management skills.8 How-ever, opportunities often arise that require managerial skills. Individuals often have not planned for these man-agement opportunities and find them-selves transitioning into different roles and performing managerial responsi-bilities without preparation.8In dietetics, the management of hu-man, financial, and other resources is historically and frequently presented as a primary responsibility.9,10 Human and financial resource management spans dietetic practice, directly and indirectly impacting all practitioners and their careers. Individuals who possess these skills often experience career advancement,11 and these re-sponsibilities have been associated with higher wages.12 Employers often seek individuals who can supervise
others and have the ability to manage finances responsibly.13
Conceptually, to best interpret new findings related to CNMs, data related to managing human and financial re-sources serve as an appropriate refer-ence point. In addition, the Commission on Dietetics Registration (CDR) regu-larly performs practice audits to deter-mine core activities of entry-level registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered (NDTRs).14 Although the previous audits have not focused on CNMs, these validated methods and measures are instrumental in deter-mining clinical nutrition management practice. Audits have also focused on subgroups within the profession, such as advanced-level practitioners, but have not concentrated on specific areas of practice. The CDRrsquo;s 2005-2007 levels of practice study executive summary reiterated that future studies should focus on specific practice segments.15 Therefore, this research sought to enhance our understanding about clin-ical nutrition management practice.
The overall purposes of this explor-atory study were to identify and vali-date responsibilities of CNMs and determine educational needs, which yielded a substantial amount of data. This particular article describes find-ings related to CNM job responsibilities specifically in managing human and financial resources and differences in frequency of involvement of activities among selected demographic variables. In addition, this article identifies a demographic profile for practicing CNMs. Findings about additional re-sponsibilities and educational needs of CNMs will be presented in future manuscripts.
Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study. The research
protocol was reviewed and approved by Kansas State Universityrsquo;s institu-tional review board for human sub-jectsrsquo; research. Initially, focus groups and cognitive interviews were con-ducted with a convenience sample of CNMs to identify and validate job duties of CNMs. The objective of the focus groups and cognitive interviews was to develop and validate the prac-tice audit tool. The focus groups and cognitive interviews yielded 84 job task statements categorized into eight domains titled general, ensuring compliance with regulations and accreditation standards, communi-cating, monitoring quality assurance/ performance improvement, providing clinical expertise, managing human resources, managing financial re-sources, and managing information technology. Given that the purpose of this study was to assess the CNM role based on fundamental management tasks, these results focused on three of the eight categories, including (1) managing human resources, (2) man-aging financial resources, and (3) gen-eral, which includes broad-level management and leadership tasks.
An online survey was developed, pi-lot tested, and administered to a larger group of CNMs for data collection. The survey consisted of two parts: (1) 84 job task statements categorized into the eight domains (practice audit) and
(2) demographic section. A screening question—“Do you currently supervise clinical staff?”—was asked
Table 1. Clinical nutrition managersrsquo; ratings for way(s) involved and frequency of involvement for management job tasks
Way(s) Involvedb |
Frequency of |
involvement |
% Assist |
% Perform |
% Supervise/ |
% Involved |
(days/month)c |
Category/activity (n, a)a |
others |
myself |
manage |
in any way |
Meand–SD |
General (nfrac14;314, afrac14;.61) |
Manage all or some clinical operations |
9.3 |
59.0 |
62.5 |
100.0 |
18.85 4.26 |
Provide leadership for clinical nutrition services |
7.4 |
66.9 |
55.0 |
100.0 |
18.60 4.64 |
Develop clinical standards and procedures to apply |
27.7 |
64.6 |
58.6 |
99.4 |
4.63 6.70 |
current evidence-based nutrition knowledge |
Develop strategic plans |
46.2 |
57.0 |
31.2 |
94.9 |
2.53 4.93 |
Provide medical nutrition therapy to clients/patients |
18.4 |
53.3 |
71.1 |
91.1 |
12.42 9.93 |
Collaborate with others to develop and implement a |
45.7 |
42.8 |
24.3 |
85.0 |
2.33 4.73 |
marketing plan for nutrition services |
Manage all or some functional operations within |
49.8 |
27.2 |
32.3 |
81.2 |
11.40 8.84 |
foodservice operations |
Provide leadership for clinical programs across |
27.2 |
47.6 |
33.2 |
80.0 |
7.28 8.45 |
multiple organizational units |
Identify market trends to implement and provide |
38.9 |
44.9 |
21.3 |
79.6 |
2.53 4.86 |
competitive services |
Provide leadership for functional areas within |
43.7 |
31.8 |
31.2 |
79.0 |
11.11 8.89 |
foodservice operations |
Manage all or some functional areas within other |
26.5 |
17.9 |
17.6 |
49.8 |
6.42 8.25 |
organizational departments |
Managing human resources (nfrac14;216, afrac14;.84) |
Motivate staff to perform at highest level |
35.3 |
88.4 |
43.7 |
100.0 |
13.08 8.80 |
Identify noncompliant behavior of staff |
35.3 |
83.3 |
40.9 |
99.5 |
8.55 9.15 |
Conduct ongoing and annual performance appraisals |
11.4 |
88.6 |
30.1 |
99.1 |
0.88 1.54 |
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